Thursday, 20 November 2014

BONO -the danger and protection

Musician Bono was born with significant accident energy –whilst also having the guardian angel effect.

This does not mean he avoids accidents, but that he has lucky escapes, things could have been a lot worse

November 2014 saw Bono facing 2 reported threatening situations in a short time

November 12: Report that Bono cheated death report

November 16
: Bono suffers multiple fractures as a result of a biking incident  report      Accident & Injury report

These events happened in November when risk factors were elevated for him.

The period 9-13 November every year carries risks [along with 3 other months – Feb 5-9, May 6-11, August 8-13 –with even a day extra either end] 

But what made November 2014 even riskier was the activation of a further risk factor in his birth energy template.
 Born May 10 1960

Sun is at 19 Taurus

Uranus is at 17 Leo

The midpoint of these hi-intensity energies is 18 degrees in any fixed sign.

The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

Months with the days covering 16-20 degrees in those fixed signs are risky for him.

Protection comes from Jupiter

Bono has Jupiter at 3 Capricorn

3 Capricorn is at exact 45 degree angle to 18 Aquarius

All fixed positions at/close to 18 degrees are therefore protected

Sun and Uranus are protected

With the Sun-Uranus midpoint at 4 Cancer, Jupiter is opposite that position.

The further aggravating factor comes from Saturn in Capricorn.

Saturn is at 18 degrees when Bono was born 

The birth chart has Saturn right at the left horizontal axis -pre-birth- position. The ascendant is virtually 23 Capricorn so the range from 16-25 Capricorn is activated by transits.

The mathematical exactitude of the 18 degree theme is very relevant.

All positions at 18 degrees are strongly connected in the birth template of planetary energies affecting Bono

Clearly then there is a Sun-Uranus-Saturn string

Saturn famously features in periods of great adversity as well as challenges, struggles as well as major achievements [which usually involve grinding, difficult periods.]

Saturn in Capricorn is very powerful –capable of providing a person with the type of grit needed to go right to the top in their chosen field.

Usually associated with managerial supremacy, business magnates and top level politicians, Bono is a high achiever using Saturn energy in diverse contexts.
He is a creative with strong political [Saturn] activism [Uranus] as well as business involvements. [WIKI]

Nov 2014 the transiting lunar node positions –north and south - at 18 Libra-Aries delivered the extra-ordinary threatening blow to Bono

Here is 18 degrees again in action the nodes activating his 18 Saturn by a stressful 90 degree angle –as well as activating the Sun-Uranus-Jupiter mix.

Uranus is accident energy

Saturn in stress angle causes disability, restriction, problems

Uranus expresses as the nerve network and electrical functions in the body

Saturn corresponds to the bones of the body in general, as well as the skin, knees, and spine.

The Aries-Libra lunar nodes reflect a karmic encounter – perhaps an old battle score unfolding.

The accident report suggests Bono tried to take defensive action to avoid an oncoming rider who seems to have been travelling at speed.

All these aspects are symbolic of battle-relationship dynamics

After his long slow recovery [Saturn] Bono needs to guard against further challenging influences intensifying during 2015-2019

find Bono's full chart here 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Earth forecast for November 2014

Imbalances in the natural environment
Extremes affecting biological systems
Noting the combining effects of Mars and Pluto in Capricorn adversely angled to Uranus in mid November producing much heat, volatility, pressure and structural strain affecting environmental, terrrestrial and biological systems.
Heat in some areas offset by opposite extreme temperature.
Weaknesses, fractures and undermining effects will in some cases be readily overt, but in others, silent and secretive -so in the context of seismic shifts may become evident with the application of further terrestrial strain with the waxing New Moon of November, from the 19th: the Mars-Pluto combination is adversely angled to the Sun-Moon. 
[update Nov 17 M6.5 earthquake offshore New Zealand]
The added complication is Mars-Pluto at 90 degrees offset to the lunar nodes which is likely to be profound in effects as a result of the contacts made in the period from Nov 19-Nov till the end of the month.
The Mars-Pluto-Nodes situation has Cardinal group energy and therefore is defined by the issue of BALANCE /IMBALANCE.
This issue underlies extreme weather events and is also very relevant in human personal, interpersonal and collective affairs.
Personal relationship dynamics, use/abuse of power in all contexts; political extremism, ruthless ambition

Mars also adversely contacts Neptune which indicates water-related effects -dissolving, flooding, soaking and swelling structures.
Mars-Neptune elevates trickery, deceit, fraud, illusion, magic, dirty tricks

All combined, the second half of November 2014 has much intensity in human affairs as well as the environmental issues noted

The influences of Scorpio and Pluto during November are accentuated by Saturn also in Scorpio, increasing the depth of challenges related to literal death, loss and transformational experiences

Effects can be initiated under a particular energetic influence and remain silent or latent until a secondary influence triggers the manifestation - so dates of exact planetary interactions do not automatically show the event described. It depends what prior building conditions were in effect.

see the full 2014 report here


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