austerity and market contagion.
Both of these dysfunctions remain
deeply embedded in the global economics of 2015.
February 2016: Austerity politics in Ireland set to upset the power base
February 2016: Brutal Austerity in New Zealand The southern city of Christchurch has suffered over 15,000 earthquakes since the initial M7.1 in September 2010 and the people of the region are still suffering greatly.
Feb 21
Hundreds protest in Christchurch, New Zealand on the eve of the 5 year anniversary of the powerful, destructive 2011 earthquake that upended the lives of so many.
Seemingly unending delays in resolving insurance claims with the government's quake commission are a symptom of not only a broken system, but also an underlying ideology that gives little value to human suffering when compared with dollar driven agendas.
Feb 17 In a broader context of widespread cuts across the heath sector in New Zealand, including mental health support, hundreds of Christchurch children have been assessed as suffering from post traumatic stress disorder in respect of the ongoing earthquakes since September 2010 but only 8% have received counselling. A university study of a sample of 320 children tracked since 2013 showed 64% had negative mental health indicators -report
The 16th highest quake, a M5.75 occurred in February 2016, just days ago, on the 14th.
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data from QuakeLive |
The right wing NZ government under John Key has overseen the harshest treatment of any community, perhaps in NZ history. Ranging from major problems for people facing loss or damage of their home and property - and their entitlement to fair compensation, to the way in which personal mental and psychological trauma has been catered for.
- Many still have outstanding property claims unresolved. report
- government funding for counselling and related services in the region has been decimated since 2015 -despite increases in suicide callouts and children with trauma related behaviours.
The Ministry of Social Development response in full facsimile is available
Multiple news items re the Feb 16 2016 quake have spoken of the psychological impact, even in the face of limited degrees of damage to assets.The government agenda places no value on human life.
It is nonsensical to expect people with major trauma to be healed as quickly as broken bones.They are broken people and may need life long support.
Multiple news items re the Feb 16 2016 quake have spoken of the psychological impact, even in the face of limited degrees of damage to assets.The government agenda places no value on human life.
It is nonsensical to expect people with major trauma to be healed as quickly as broken bones.They are broken people and may need life long support.
On February 16 2016 a further example of NZ government extreme austerity arises in the form of a plan to slash over $138 milllion in hospital operating costs
Brutalism is a term commonly applied to a stark architectural style but a sector of humanity was not satisfied with their widespread imposition of dehumanising structures to service commercial, civic as well as domestic needs.
The dysfunctional ethos of brutalism is clearly widespread in the management of national economies across the globe.
What was once simply austerity has morphed into brutal austerity in the global context and brutalist economics have a lot in common with brutalist architecture.
The tower block accommodation for low income renters has not a shred of humanity infused into its style or construction.
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UK, Europe are known for brutalist housing |
Brutal austerity has led to public dissent in nations including Greece, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Ireland the United Kingdom, the US, Canada, Australia, New well as many more unlisted here
Not surprising then, that global humanitarian organisation OXFAM, whose motto is the power of people against poverty, issued a 2013 briefing paper entitled
A CAUTIONARY TALE The true cost of austerity and inequality in Europe.
Take the time to hear the counter argument to brutal austerity: the humane, humanitarian, compassionate view
This organisation is unafraid of placing political challenges to those wielding economic power.
If it were only Europe...but it is not...and before Europe was another failed austerity experiment: Latin America...and before that....yes this disease has deep roots.
Quoting Joseph Stiglitz:
Greece could be blamed for its troubles if it were the only country where the troika’s [the IMF, European Commission,& the European Central Bank] medicine failed miserably. But Spain had a surplus and a low debt ratio before the crisis, and it, too, is in depression. What is needed is not structural reform within Greece and Spain so much as structural reform of the eurozone’s design and a fundamental rethinking of the policy frameworks that have resulted in the monetary union’s spectacularly bad performance.
Seldom do democratic elections give as clear a message as that in Greece. If Europe says no to Greek voters’ demand for a change of course, it is saying that democracy is of no importance, at least when it comes to economics. Why not just shut down democracy, as Newfoundland effectively did when it entered into receivership before World War II?
One hopes that those who understand the economics of debt and austerity, and who believe in democracy and humane values, will prevail. Whether they will remains to be seen.
No surprises then when austerity can be proposed as a defective and dysfunctional systemic approach, that market contagion also references disease.
The disease rests in the human mind and in particular in the beliefs of those who erroneously believe they can disconnect themselves from their natural condition: we are all collectively embedded in an energetic feedback loop, inseparable from each other's discomfort and suffering.
In the bigger picture, the human collective is a super-organism and the Land of the Broken Foot is equally sensed in the super-organism's consciousness as the Blinded Eye-Lands and the eruptions of Mount Appendix.
this is an astrology blog so it is useful to look
at past, present and future indicators that cycles related to the planets can deliver.
at past, present and future indicators that cycles related to the planets can deliver.
No single factor determines particular cycles, but certain factors can be seen to recur.
Cycles are based on energy -and various permutations can deliver equivalent forces.
Cycles are based on energy -and various permutations can deliver equivalent forces.
Saturn is the planet and Capricorn is the zodiac sign relating to austerity.
When combined -Saturn in Capricorn - the positive conservative, cautious energy balance can tip into severe restraint, failed practices and policies.
Jupiter is the planet and Sagittarius is the sign related to prosperity and growth.
When combined the energy balance can tip into excess, over-production.
When Saturn is in Sagittarius or Jupiter is in Capricorn we potentially have a mismatch if these contra-forces are not well balanced eg under-growth or over-growth.
When each planet is in its own sign it has free reign to be a peak positive expression -unless another planet is in conflict or contradiction at that time, altering the energy balance.
When Saturn is in conflict - at a stress angle like 45, 90 or 180 degrees in respect of Jupiter -then growth is curtailed, over-supply is a problem.
Jupiter when in Cancer is likely to inflate housing values.
New Zealand experienced a property boom starting
2001 when Jupiter was in Cancer. The 12 year cycle
returned in 2013 and house prices rose by 9.8%
The momentum from 2001 lasted till 2008 in New Zealand but housing values did not rise significantly until the return of Jupiter to Cancer in 2013.
Pluto is transformative energy.
Conditions can change fundamentally and extremely.
Pluto in Sagittarius [1995-2008]has an influence on growth.
Pluto in Capricorn [2008-2024] has an influence re austerity
So what can be shown from the past is that:
Jupiter in Capricorn 1925-1926 US boom years
Saturn in Sagittarius Dec 1926-Dec 1929 -decline led into Great Depression
Saturn in Capricorn Dec 1929-Nov 1932 - events created worst years of Great Depression
Saturn in Sagittarius Nov 1985-Nov 1988 - period re the 1987 market crash
Saturn in Capricorn Nov 1988-Feb 1991 worsening effects from '87
Saturn at 90 degrees to Jupiter Dec 2005 flaws that led into 2007 GFC
Jupiter in Sagittarius Nov 2006-Dec 2007 -excesses leading to GFC
Jupiter in Capricorn Dec 2007-Jan 2009 -excesses curtailed.
The omens were bad when Pluto and the Sun conjuncted in Sagittarius as Jupiter entered Capricorn on Dec 18 2007.
The capacity of Plutonic energy to destroy much of the excesses in the system is well documented here.
Pluto entered Sagittarius in Nov 1995 - a period lasting till January 2008.Then began the Plutonic focus on Capricorn territory -business, government, austerity [2008-2024]
Saturn again in Sagittarius from Sept 2015-Dec 2017 is likely again to signify issues related to excess and imbalance as in past cycles [1920's, 1980's]
Saturn in Capricorn Dec 2017-Dec 2020 has the
2019 is a year to watch in this regard in the build up to the exact Sun-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn conjunction [22 degrees] of January 13 2020.
At the same time, Mercury is very close at 24 Capricorn; Jupiter will also be in Capricorn then, but at 9 degrees -not close enough to the other 3.
This momentous month January 2020 could see a
Instead governments have styled themselves as primarily a source of power and control and as a corporate business. This is not their critical role. This is a distortion based on human inadequacy.
It may be too much to expect an enlightened leap within the space of a mere 5 years.
If extreme imbalances as evident in 2015 like in recent prior years, regarding all manner of inequality and injustices affecting fundamental human dignity, show no definitive practical signs of being corrected by 2020, we face a grim, dystopic era of greater dissent and adversity, and by sheer force of numbers, greater collective inhumanity, all magnified by globalization, than ever in our history.
Pluto is transformative energy.
Conditions can change fundamentally and extremely.
Pluto in Sagittarius [1995-2008]has an influence on growth.
Pluto in Capricorn [2008-2024] has an influence re austerity
So what can be shown from the past is that:
Jupiter in Capricorn 1925-1926 US boom years
Saturn in Sagittarius Dec 1926-Dec 1929 -decline led into Great Depression
Saturn in Capricorn Dec 1929-Nov 1932 - events created worst years of Great Depression
Saturn in Sagittarius Nov 1985-Nov 1988 - period re the 1987 market crash
Saturn in Capricorn Nov 1988-Feb 1991 worsening effects from '87
Saturn at 90 degrees to Jupiter Dec 2005 flaws that led into 2007 GFC
Jupiter in Sagittarius Nov 2006-Dec 2007 -excesses leading to GFC
Jupiter in Capricorn Dec 2007-Jan 2009 -excesses curtailed.
The capacity of Plutonic energy to destroy much of the excesses in the system is well documented here.
Pluto entered Sagittarius in Nov 1995 - a period lasting till January 2008.Then began the Plutonic focus on Capricorn territory -business, government, austerity [2008-2024]
Saturn again in Sagittarius from Sept 2015-Dec 2017 is likely again to signify issues related to excess and imbalance as in past cycles [1920's, 1980's]
Saturn in Capricorn Dec 2017-Dec 2020 has the
potential to run to extremes
before any relief from
the potential psychopathic brutality of Saturn
combining with Pluto [yes, real psychopaths have this pattern]
2019 is a year to watch in this regard in the build up to the exact Sun-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn conjunction [22 degrees] of January 13 2020.
At the same time, Mercury is very close at 24 Capricorn; Jupiter will also be in Capricorn then, but at 9 degrees -not close enough to the other 3.
This momentous month January 2020 could see a
socio-economic transformational point that signif
ies the emergence
over time of restructured governments and governance, reforms in
housing policies, business practices, taxation, and a new
consciousness re how governments are essentially elected to nurture,
guide and mentor citizens towards their capacity for positive
collective contributions.
Instead governments have styled themselves as primarily a source of power and control and as a corporate business. This is not their critical role. This is a distortion based on human inadequacy.
It may be too much to expect an enlightened leap within the space of a mere 5 years.
If extreme imbalances as evident in 2015 like in recent prior years, regarding all manner of inequality and injustices affecting fundamental human dignity, show no definitive practical signs of being corrected by 2020, we face a grim, dystopic era of greater dissent and adversity, and by sheer force of numbers, greater collective inhumanity, all magnified by globalization, than ever in our history.
update June 20 2015
Thousands march in anti-austerity protests across Britain
Updates and further material will be added
due to the sustained prevalence of this issue
July 2015 sees the forces of austerity arise again in determining a path forward for Greece.
Market contagion displayed in the context of the Chinese sharemarket crisis.
Both of these effects correspond to forecasts published for the July period, extending further... read more in July 2015 forecast and Astrology for China & World Economy