Friday, 1 January 2016

Drama & extremes: JANUARY 2016 Alert

Three significant patterns cluster around the January 2016 time frame from 6-10th.
The Sun, Moon, Pluto, Uranus, Chiron synergised energy could be activated as early as Jan 6 in advance of the New Moon on the 10th.
This violent, destructive combo is contemporary with Jupiter aligned tightly with the lunar nodal axis which delivers big and extreme events
In terms of natural forces, weather effects will continue to show alarming & possibly unprecedented effects, particularly involving massive amounts of water as well as its absence - drought.

In human terms, this period witnesses extreme religious dogma is the basis of extreme behaviour once again.
Venus and Saturn aligned will deepen relationships for some and destroy them for others.
Many separations and deprivations.
These effects are high-level potentials in the time frame noted and are preceded by over a week of Mars-Mercury angry mind energy. The thoughts behind the actions.

Note that New and Full Moon periods have usually a 3 day window either side of exactitude and have also a lunar month period ahead of exactitude, when potentials can also be repeatedly activated.

Einstein recognised on contemplating a compass for the first time: "something deeply hidden had to be behind things"
The study of universal forces and how they manifest on our planet is consistent with that awareness.
So much is "deeply hidden" to human physical perception but the mind can grasp that there is much much more.
Those who instantly dismiss astrology as a meaningless non-science are simply incapable of the type of thinking that Einstein portrays.

Updates added January 6 2016 NZST:
Elevated seismic/volcanic activity is also within the realm of potentials covered by the Sun-Moon-Pluto-Uranus combined forces.

The Saudi execution of Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr as part of a mass execution event on January 2 has set the scene for mass protests as well as a political firestorm between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The intensity of this situation reflects the powerful destructive forces building first through Mars energy, then amplified by the combined planetary energies of the New Moon escalating from January 6.
Sunni Muslim dominated Saudi is in a heightened power struggle in the Middle East with Shia territory Iran and their respective allies in Syria and Yemen

Pluto is the planetary force that generates issues related to power, its use and abuse.
With Pluto in the sign Capricorn [2008-2023], it is political power that is under intense scrutiny and is the context for fierce struggles.

The 2016 Middle East crisis has been termed the most dangerous in the region for several decades

The prevailing energies impacting globally are the early point of what could very easily be a range of destructive outcomes.

Also keeping the intensity high are January 4 reports showing an IS video portraying the execution of 5 men declared to be spying for Britain.

January 14 2016
Further terrorist activity arises. This time in Jakarta Indonesia near UN offices


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...