Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Portishead Beth Gibbons Capricorn profile

Glory Box -5 mins 55 secs of bliss.

Beth Gibbons, lead singer of Bristol UK band Portishead since 1991.
Born under the sign of Capricorn on January 4 1965 in Exeter, UK

Capricorns belong to the Cancer-Capricorn, Libra-Aries quartet of signs - and so they share qualities of all those signs -which are all about ways of relating.
Beth Gibbons' subdued, angsty performance persona is very reflective of Capricorn, under the influence of its carrier planet, Saturn.
Beth has Saturn in Pisces so she adds the hypnotic Piscean, sleepy, dreamy, druggy layer to her personality.
Portishead is known as a highly experimental trip hop electronic band

An unknown birth time means limited analysis, but what is revealed from the birthday alone provides a lot of information.

Beth is regarded as "a true artist" - and with the unconventional themes of Uranus linked directly to her Capricorn energy - she is far more unusual than the typical career oriented, managerial Capricorn.
Uranus gives quirky, creative, rebellious traits. These qualities are enhanced if the Moon is determined to be in Aquarius, the zodiac energy representative of Uranus. So being in a band that is electronic and experimental is a Uranian choice
Venus and the sign Libra are commonly associated with musical attunement.
Venus sits conjunct with Mercury [an artist's mind] and these two link back to the Uranus-Pluto-Mars stellium in Virgo, all amplifying and energising Beth's creative talents
Pluto positioned close to Uranus and also linked to the Capricorn Sun adds a Scorpionic flavour, deep, meaningful, analytical [in Virgo].
No surprise then with the Mercury-Venus-Pluto combination in mutable Sagittarius and Virgo, that Beth is the songwriter for Portishead - and that there is a lot about relationships and intensity in those songs.
All Mine has been described as a stalker's song - as it has a possessive theme. [Scorpio/Pluto]
Glory Box is about submitting to enduring love. [Venus] The sound is trippy [Neptune] and described as pure porn [Scorpio]
Voters placed it high on a list of songs to make love to.

The Scorpionic themes in Beth's energy are further reinforced by the transcendant opposition of Jupiter in Taurus opposite Neptune in Scorpio - two planets which also connect to Sun, Uranus and Pluto.
Energy really flows with such a quantity of interconnectivity.

Jupiter in Taurus is abundantly sensual, hedonistic.
Neptune in Scorpio is pure energy.
The two in dynamic polarity create an intoxicating flow that oozes into the sound of Portishead and the vocal delivery of Beth Gibbons.
She was born on a farm [Taurus] where life, death and survival [Scorpio] are very much embedded themes.

Beth often appears on stage in subdued casual clothing, no rock star flashiness -an unconventional take [Uranus] and downplayed version [Capricorn] of being the centrepiece

She tends to sing with eyes closed -immersed, other-wordly [Neptune] - and often seen with a fag onstage [Neptune]

With a complex mix of interlinked planets Beth Gibbons is a much more multifaceted Capricorn than the fundamental persona associated with that sign.
This basic layout chart is cast for a hypothetical middle of the day time.
Fellow Capricorn Elvis Presley was a January 8 example. His motto was the Capricornian theme "Taking Care of Business" He also had a lot of Aquarian and Scorpionic energy
Whether Beth Gibbons can also be said to be good at taking care of the practical management of her career, comes down to the factors evident in a fuller analysis enabled by an exact birth time

Glory Box lyrics from azlyrics
I'm so tired of playing
Playing with this bow and arrow
Gonna give my heart away
Leave it to the other girls to play
For I've been a temptress too long


Give me a reason to love you
Give me a reason to be a woman
I just wanna be a woman

From this time, unchained
We're all looking at a different picture
Through this new frame of mind
A thousand flowers could bloom
Move over and give us some room

Give me a reason to love you
Give me a reason to be a woman
I just wanna be a woman


So don't you stop being a man
Just take a little look from outside when you can
Show a little tenderness
No matter if you cry

Give me a reason to love you
Give me a reason to be a woman
It's all I wanna be is all woman

For this is the beginning of forever and ever

It's time to move over...

Beth images on tumblr

Friday, 15 April 2016

Japan Quake April 14 2016 -written in the stars astroblog

Latest: Ecuador suffers M7.8 quake in the same high stressor environment as two high magnitude quakes in Japan - scroll down for links

Reported quake in southern Japan on April 14 2016
via BBC
M6.4 at 21.26 local time, Kyushu Island.
Large aftershocks.
Many injured and initial low death toll will climb
Violent shaking was felt as strongly as the 2011 disaster but no tsunami and much less damage due to protective building practices.

This is very consistent with prevailing powerful forces - fuller  astrological detail follows....

New Zealand recorded a M5.2 quake on April 12 just two days earlier  [a non lethal event]- but indicative also of the strong forces in current effect
USGS map shows the quake situation globally at 0hrs UT Friday April 15
clearly most activity is in the Pacific ring of Fire, including Asia and the Americas

April 16

Astrological detail
Earthquakes from seismic movement are very consistent with prevailing powerful forces - in particular the positioning of the strong earthquake indicator Uranus -  interacting with the timing indicators Sun and Moon, as trigger forces - Uranus 21 Aries, Sun 25 Aries, Moon 29 Cancer.
Also important: Pluto remains close to 90 degrees square from Uranus and this signifies a transformational force operating on the Uranian shattering or sudden movement force
The highest rising planet at the time was Jupiter - close to the destiny indicating lunar nodal axis

What is of most importance -and is so commonly seen in major events - is a collection of planets occupying the same or similar degree point. This includes midpoints of course between any closely positioned pairs.

The chart shows:
Jupiter-lunar nodal axis midpoint at 17 degrees
Neptune-lunar nodal axis midpoint at 16 degrees
Pluto at 17 degrees
Mercury at 14 degrees
Venus-Uranus at 16 degrees
Saturn at 16 degrees
Moon is semisquare Jupiter
Moon connects exactly to the Scorpio rising 29 degrees
An Earth trine adds to the flow of energy
The Jupiter-Neptune opposition can be a tsunami indicator if other forces add to this effect.These two planets remain in this relationship in April-May 2016 and so pose a potential.

Many other midpoint energies [compare any pair to locate midpoint - eg Mercury-Jupiter =14 Cancer] in the range 13-18 degrees seen in the grid will also be relevant to the mix of forces generated.

The 2011 Sendai Japan quake & tsunami chart

March 2011 Sun and Uranus also in the same sign -this time 20-29 Pisces and in a major angle to the lunar nodal axis at 28 Gemini.
Neptune at 29 degrees linked strongly to Uranus and the nodal axis.
Pluto and Jupiter-Mercury had a stress pattern
Pisces and Neptune are indicators of water
Jupiter is indicative of major size or scale
Pluto represents destruction
Nodal axis with multiple triggers = an event of global significance
So just a few standout factors are needed to get a sense of the 2011 event

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Astrology of Art and Image-making

In the new millennium, image making by digital means has become the dominant format due to the sheer volume of still and moving images that can quickly be created and shared.

Pisces energy, through it's carrier planet, Neptune is the astrological signifier of image making though film, video and photography -as well as illusion, magic, fantasy, night dreams, daydreams, hallucination, sleep, intoxication, hypnosis, escapism, immersion... no surprise then that there is considerable power behind a single visual image frozen in time, or the captivating potential of movies which transport us away from our own reality temporarily and into some other world, some other persona we can inhabit.
The Piscean forms of image making have gained dominance over hand-crafted techniques of painting and printing, due to a shift in human development from the material to the immaterial.

Digital formats represent the shift [represented by the Saturn-Jupiter cycle] from the material formats into the realm of data. This is consistent with a cycle shift from the element of Earth to the element of Air -which has a global impact on human technological development. This constitutes the current shift away from the object towards the conceptual as well as the increasing miniaturization of devices, the increase in wireless connectivity, and of course the role of data superseding the physical format.

The main signs and planets that connect to art and aesthetics are

  • Taurus - due to the sensual/sensory kinaesthetic aspects, craft - - constructed by hand, manual art
  • Libra - aesthetics and fine art
  • Leo - expressionist gesture and dramatic colour
  • Pisces - imaginative, other wordly, illusionist, dreamlike
  • Sun - the energy of light, expresses through Leo
  • Venus - has the qualities of Taurus and Libra
  • Jupiter -the artistic sublime. The representation of awe-inspiring scale or magnitude
  • Neptune -dematerialised abstractionimmersive, hypnotic experiences through Pisces image formats or styles.
If you have the noted signs strong when you were born -especially Sun or Moon, Venus, Mars in Taurus or Libra, Leo, Pisces
If one or more of those 4 planets were at the sunrise or noon position when you were born [1st and 10th house positions] - you will receive some degree of creative urge - made stronger if the appropriate signs are featured as well eg Moon in Leo, Venus in Pisces, Sun in Leo, Mars in Libra
Highly recommended: sample lesson
offered August 2016 - FREE enrolment in a short online class in Abstract Photography.
This sample lesson includes one of 6 themes 
Aquarian and Uranian energy are the signifiers of electricity and electronics, new inventions, futuristic developments. Yes. We truly are now in the Age of Aquarius - but not exclusively - because other forces are always active.
In the current period, 2016-2019 there remains 3 more years -less than half of the cycle - of Uranus - being in Aries [a period when people feel compelled to go solo -or at lease meet their own distinct needs when in a partnership] This Aries energy also affects the development of pioneering technologies as more people are prepared to be bold, fearless in taking risks.
From early 2019-mid 2026 Uranus energy affects all things connected to Taurus -which is a huge array - the earth itself - our planet - is symbolic of Taurus and all things physical, material - so in the period of effect there will be very significant shifts towards digitalisation, data, miniaturization, people feeling less materialistic, greater trends involving mimimalism, decluttering etc - so the influence on art is likely to also be significant:
Uranus is a signifier of revolution and so the potential is there for artists to arise with fresh, unusual and progressive art forms or subjects, very different or new media - even a new artistic movement [long overdue]

Neptune -the distant slow moving carrier of Pisces energy has once more moved into its own true mode - transiting Pisces in the period 2012-2025 - a part of the cycle not seen for over 150 years - the last period of Neptune in Pisces began in 1848.
The period 2012-2025 will see an abundance of moving and still image-making, hopefully a new era in immersive film-making -not simply the gimmicky 3D - but story-telling with highly romantic or entrancing, hypnotic qualities. 
A highly significant indicator of this Piscean-Neptunian era is the 2015 Todd Haynes directed Carol - based on the romantic novel originally issued as The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith in 1952 under the pseudonym Claire Morgan

Everything from the story, the direction, the cinematography, the soundtrack, the costuming and the lead actors has completely entranced a broad range of movie-goers - not simply the justifiably besotted women who love women, but a significant number of  people in general who have responded to the sheer hypnotic portrayal of a romantic engagement which builds in intensity towards the promise of a blissful outcome. 
This movie had sex -but not in the current style of totally in your face, carnal desire - but as fitting the late 1940's era -with much restraint, modesty, tenderness -and this has struck a chord with a huge audience wanting this style of intimacy - a love-heart-romance connection much more than the physical encounter.
The totally smitten fanbase for everything Carol has resulted in an avalanche of tribute material, copious updates, artworks and fan fiction -  on YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter as well as chat sites
FB quote notes the photographic references - which deepen the Piscean stylisation of Carol 
The fact that the biggest awards OSCARS and BAFTAS dismissed the movie is highly indicative of a totally out-of-touch power base. 
It would be very appropriate for the movie industry in this era to be investing in meaningful romance movies because there is a hunger out there and it will endure.

Image-Making: Examples
From my personal archives, utilising my Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus & Neptune creative energies.

Neptunian themes: 

Uranian -space, technology, digital media

Jupiter -natural sublime, awesome scale

Venus -design, craft & fine art aesthetics

This post is likely to be updated with further content


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...