Friday, 24 June 2016

BREXIT astrology - the world has changed

June 2016 saw the UK deliver a LEAVE vote in terms of membership of the European Union
Most of the debate has been immigration focussed -but it is the political, economic and financial causes and consequences which are possibly more significant.
Astrological cycles are a powerful guide to historical events and in 2016 the essence of the current Saturn-Jupiter cycle has been awakened.
[May 2000 the last Saturn-Jupiter conjunction at 22'43 Taurus
Note also: Pluto in that chart was 11'38 Sagittarius]
Fast forward to 2016
June 23
Saturn -the classic signifier of separation being by this stage at 11'40 Sagittarius triggers a transformational freedom [Pluto in Sagittarius] foreshadowed in the conjunction chart of May 2000
this quickly released image from the Leave sector
[Mars at 23'23 Scorpio on 23/6/2016 activates the original conjunction - Saturn and Jupiter play out the classic tug-of-war - Saturn = separating, versus Jupiter = being part of a big socio-political territory.]
But Saturn in Sagittarius requires a blending of the two motivations - and freedom through leaving seems to have captured a few more million people in the UK referendum

Pluto energy signifies that much has has to break down and burn to the core in order for a new version to arise out of the ashes.
This is transformation, this is healing and renewal - exactly the intense change that most people dread and fear right through to the cellular level, when it affects any aspect of life - but when a whole nation is collectively put on the bonfire, it's a powerful rebirth that's on offer.

Faith and trust are called upon more than ever that something better could arise -better than propping up dysfunctional plutocratic governments, the privileged and comfortable sectors who have been the clearly identified beneficiaries of neoliberal politics across the world, the architects of austerity, the engineers of inequality.  
[ The June New Moon with the mutable grand cross -Gemini Sagittarius Virgo Pisces served as a significant trigger for this momentous change -with Saturn, [leave] Jupiter, [stay combined] Neptune,[faith] Venus,[financial issues] Sun and Moon all in a battle for resolution: the Brexit vote has displayed what the majority wanted in the UK]
So June 2016 marks a very significant stake in the ground in the European and global arena.

In terms of energy shifts -which are essentially the role of astrology to identify and explain - we, globally and collectively are sitting, in 2016, on the fringes of the biggest shift in 200 years
excerpt from Saturn-Jupiter analysis*
So, in the most recent cycle, aside from 1980-81, our global humanity has been locked increasingly and highly dysfunctionally, into a very materialistic, money-oriented mindset since 1802.

In 2016, the world is again being put on notice, given a forewarning, a wake-up call, courtesy of Brexit and the obvious financial ripples, shudders and crashes.
A bright light is illuminating the coming transition towards the end of 2020 - the beginning of 200 years shift in focus - focus away from money, possessions, mass indulgence in greed, accumulating, collecting, storing. THINGS, objects, stuff, clutter.
And because nothing happens in a vacuum - global effects with mass consequences are the expected conduit through which humanity's relationship to money, possessions, accumulation is in many ways forcibly changed.
People en masse are simply not going to wake up in this transition period and beyond 2020, and say words to the effect I'm over this materialist shit - though a few already are and people in the 1960's hippy era did embrace this philosophy 
-[Saturn and Jupiter conjuncted in 1961]
So global events are the obvious precursor crisis that enforces less materiality -and yes, less money,- due to conditions of deprivation for many-rather than a pre-selected personal philosophical choice.

The hard way is enforced change.
The easier way is working out in advance where the flow is going and making personal decisions that create a shift away from so much extreme dependence on a materialistic existence - eg renting versus owning property, public transport versus personal vehicle, reducing the quantity of consumer goods purchased in favour of using just what you need or sharing/borrowing/hiring appliances/tools/equipment.
Being prepared to live on a lower income.
Getting rid of clutter, stored possessions. [The minimalist style is an early flavour of what is to be much more prevalent]
Downsizing -literally reducing the scale of the things you choose to keep - housing, transport - house to apartment; from car to a scooter.

Because we have already entered the transition period there are many indicators of these shifts in consciousness about materialism.
More is to come because it is a collective shift that will capture the essential mindset of humanity -and many will not be interested in making a change. But the flow cannot be resisted. Standing in a growing flood is simply the sign of a delusional ego.
Global financial crises have been continually anticipated again in the years after the 2007 GFC and the odds have arguably been increased with the Brexit Leave vote.
Brexit itself is not the world changer, Brexit happened because the world is in transition for even more change.

Some opinions:

References and Other Reading
Glen Greenwald sums up Brexit as anti neoliberalism
A call for transformative politics
 Why Working class voters headed for Brexit
*Cycle analysis : Saturn-Jupiter
The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Finding Liberation - Saturn Neptune 2015-2016

Finding liberation through the integration of two principles Saturn and Neptune is a key process on offer in the period 2015-2016
We are bathed in the cosmic soup, an ever-changing combination of vibratory energies which alter us on every level. Being able to mentally comprehend the meaning of any prevailing influence gives us opportunities to heal and develop our personal expression.

The current Saturn-Neptune cycle began in 1989. 2015-2016 sees these planets at the final phase of the cycle.

Look back to 1989 for significant life experiences which signify the qualities of Saturn and Neptune in your own life.
Further stages in the resolution of this dynamic pair occurred in 1998 and 2006 -so refer to these periods also.
a controlled release of water from a dam
To identify the way Saturn energy is different from Neptune energy - 

Saturn is the dam. Neptune is the water being contained
Saturn is structure, form, states of separation and protection
Neptune is formless, fluid, spirit energy, no boundaries, total connectedness, oneness
Saturn is the structured Earthly life
Neptune is the Spiritual Journey
Saturn expects commitment, discipline, stability
Neptune delivers compassion, service, unconditional love

Liberation comes from being able to resolve the polarity between these two very different energies within each of us.
Some people will identify as being more a Saturn personality. Others will see themselves as more Neptune.

But both are incomplete. Both require the integration of other energies to be resolved.
The Saturn-Neptune cycle marks a period in everyone's life when the time is right to find that balance.
In this end phase of the current Saturn-Neptune cycle, Saturn is in Sagittarius and Neptune is in Pisces
In 2016 Saturn creates challenges for Sagittarians born in the first week of December any year [also Pisces, Gemini, Virgo - the other mutable signs - born first week of March, June and September]
read the post on mutable signs of the mind
The potentials of Saturn in Sagittarius range from supreme achievement to extreme failure - and can occur in the realms of recreational or sporting activity, advanced education or study, overseas travel, or in the development of a mature, wise or profound spiritual framework for a person's place in the world.

In 2016 Neptune in Pisces is most strongly resonant for those born in the first week of March any year [but also very relevant for the other mutable signs as noted above]
Neptune plus Pisces is a double whammy situation because Neptune is the planetary force that carries the energy of Pisces [in the total time frame 2012-2025]
This combination enables Pisces in particular, but also its mutable sign team-mates, to become much more spiritualised - initially evidenced by becoming much softer, more sensitised, including more allergic and food sensitivity issues, ultimately more compassionate, humanitarian and sensing the connectednesss of all that exists.

The blending of Saturn and Neptune in 2016
For each individual the outcomes depend on personal potentials evident at birth and seen in the personal birth energy astrological picture - this determines which emphasis will dominate - whether it is time for Saturn to have more influence over the unfolding personality, or for Neptune.
Some of those people identified as being in the most influenced group will have extremely positive personal development in 2016 -though not achieved without hard personal growth work. Others who are not at the level for that will experience varying degrees of crisis, pain, tragedy, loss - all giving the opportunity to grow - but may not identify their gains and may fail to recognise the significance of a change in thought, philosophy, belief or faith which can initiate a new level of personal growth.
In other words, the reality of the situation as always is that different people will benefit in different ways and to different degrees as a result of their life challenges regarding integrating Saturn and Neptune for self development in 2016.

water has the capacity to destroy everything in its path
Questions that can arise include
How can I function in the everyday world [Saturn] and incorporate my sense of being a spirit in a body ?[Neptune] 

How can I connect with people [Neptune] and still keep my boundaries ? [Saturn] 

What sort of lifestyle [Saturn] will allow me to show my compassion and spiritual consciousness ? [Neptune]  

How much structure [Saturn] do I need for my sense of security - versus being able to flow freely ? [Neptune] 

How can I put into practice my beliefs about humanity, goodness, kindness, tolerance and the spiritual realms of existence [Neptune] while still needing to meet practical needs for work, income, shelter, food ? [Saturn]

How much escapism, fantasy, addictive behaviour, avoidance can my life sustain [Neptune] if I want to achieve stability in my personal and professional lifestyle ? [Saturn] 

How much separation, self protection, blocking, controlling can I maintain [Saturn] if I truly want to feel spiritually connected to humanity and to relate deeply to others ? [Neptune] 

How much serious, pragmatic, security-based thought is needed in making decisions [Saturn] versus the input from imaginative, idealistic dreams? [Neptune] 
the breach of a dam occurs when one force overcomes another
Each of us is urged by these planetary vibrations to reconfigure our thought processes, our decisions, our choices to find a form of liberation from the negatives that arise when any one of the energies is expressing too extremely in your life - too much Saturn, or too much Neptune.

some Saturn versus Neptune polarities that need to be integrated as a balance of the two extremes
Saturnian people are at risk of being too shut off, too blocked, too insecure despite extreme self protective measures because separation is not the pathway to the true state of connection.
The way through these negative survival choices is to identify the essential potential of Saturnian people as mentors, guides and nurturers of others - both in parental and professional roles. Truly accepting this type of adult societal position allows Saturnian people to recognise their true worth.

Neptunian people are at risk of being too sensitive to the harsh realities of practical existence -and so seek many forms of addictive escape through substances or behaviours which create an alternate world or an intoxicated or drugged state of mind. 
The way through these negative survival choices is to use the most positive Neptunian qualities of compassion, service to others, everyday kindness to establish a spiritual connection to humanity and all sentient beings.
when a container holds a liquid Saturn is working with Neptune in balance
If you are too rigid, too uptight, too serious, too fearful, too security conscious, too tied up with work, career, ambition or commitments -your Saturn needs to be chilled out with some of Neptune's positive, uplifting qualities.

If you are too loose, too undisciplined, too irresponsible, too 
uncommitted to humanity or society - your Neptune is needing some Saturnian structure, focus and sense of contribution to the everyday world.
when humanity places structures in the way of natural cyclic processes, Saturn falls to Neptune
In confronting the need to rebalance these two principles many will be aware of difficult or crisis situations where the two polar energies of Saturn-Neptune are contrasted:
The facts versus the lies
Reality versus fantasy/deceit/delusion/fiction/imagination
Pragmatism versus idealism
Resistance versus going with the flow
But the process really is about a merging of the best of both.

The resolution of Saturn-Neptune in general society would express as compassionate governments, and philanthropic corporates - organisations and businesses with a humanity-based agenda instead of the soul destroying extreme business and profit models which have created such wealth disparity and income equality across the world.

Is is no surprise that issues of homelessness, the cost of real estate, poverty are some of the related social issues very much emphasised in this Saturn-Neptune cycle.

Data: courtesy Astropro
The current cycle began in 1989 with 3 Saturn-Neptune conjunctions in Capricorn - from 10-12 degrees.

The next cycle begins in 2026 at virtually 1 degree Aries

Between 2016-2026 is a decade during which humanity needs to resolve the societal and personal issues surrounding negative Saturn, negative Neptune and how to integrate these two energies in their finest expressions.
The new cycle in Aries from 2026 will give rise to much consideration about the development of inner personal strength, a well structured sense of self, as well as questions about the nature of courage and of strength; questions/confusion about personal identity "who am I ?", loss of self, [the end of the "selfie"? ], the promotion of greater personal spiritual consciousness, compassion, kindness, humanitarianism.

Monday, 13 June 2016

LGBT hate crime in Orlando Florida

A mass shooting at the LGBT nightclub Pulse in central Orlando, Florida on June 12 has been claimed as an act of Islamic terror.
It also falls within the definition of a hate crime.
This worst US mass shooting event occurred within the potent lunar period activated by the complex New Moon of June 5 - the following extract is taken from the forecast  posted on May 24 based on analysis of the prevailing energies of the mind accentuated for the lunar month:

The role of Neptune as a secret or disguised or hidden energy and when in connection to the amplifying force,Jupiter,the Pisces-Virgo combination can also morph into a mission driven by religious extremism – an ideology of faith [Neptune] taken to an excessive level [Jupiter]
So if there is a prevailing force in early June accentuating behaviour motivated by the dogma of fundamentalist faith [Neptune in Pisces opposed by Jupiter in Virgo] the remaining mutable signs Gemini and Sagittarius are implicated by being significantly tenanted at the same time by the building energies of the New Moon...

read the full analysis for June 2016 

Around 300 patrons had been attending a "Latin Flavor" event -part of Gay Pride month -  at the club when shooter Omar Mateen began the carnage at around 2am local time.
Many patrons managed to escape or seek shelter inside toilets.
The shooter was killed by SWAT personnel at around 5am and around 30 remaining live hostages freed but over 100 people suffered either fatal or injurious wounds during Mateen's hate-filled rampage.
The shooter's father had direct experience of Mateen's intense anger towards homosexuality after witnessing men kissing in public.
Mateen's father's statement
He had been under the FBI radar for expressions of Islamic fundamentalist ideology but no longer considered a risk.

With no birth data currently available for Mateen it is not possible to analyse his astrological profile and see why he earthed the prevailing energy of early June 2016 and brought out its worst potentials.

Former FBI Special Agent Coleen Rowley has stated that the FBI have amassed a huge amount of potential suspect data but have no way of knowing who the real threats are. To an astrologer this is a perfect situation where profiling can be used to see whose energy is being amplified, aggravated, triggered by the prevailing extreme energies that regularly bombard our planet, courtesy of us being part of the cosmic soup. 
For a significant example click the link below to the analysis of the Tsarnaev Brothers that shows how high risk they clearly were of carrying out a mass annihilation activity.
The world is awash with highly professional energy analysts in the field of astrology and the FBI are accordingly ignoring a form of profiling that could save lives.

UPI  Was Mateen in turmoil over being gay? 

NBC Backgrounder on Mateen's hatred
CNN Pulse massacre timeline
            Massacre report
Boston Bombers - The Tsarnaev Brothers analysis April 2013
Boston Bombing analysis April 2013
Photo Gallery of the Orlando aftermath -Daily Mail


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...