Monday, 20 March 2017

2017 outlook - karma effect on relating and money

Saturn is one of the main astrological energies that indicate the involvement of significant karma in certain aspects of life. Your personal astrological profile will specify the focal issues.
When Saturn has its annual retrograde period the area of karma that needs resolution will be under the spotlight for several months.
For many people 2017 will be a continuation of 2016 with very similar issues needing attention.
Karma is not a quick fix it seems - the misuse of energy in the past, especially if perpetrated over many prior lifetimes - is due to fixed mental patterns that resist change.
Karma and Saturn are always fundamentally about right action, right speech, right thoughts - basically behaving properly in every context, being a responsible person in your own self management and behaving responsibly towards others.
But these qualities are usually undeveloped due to adverse conditions such as inadequate or dysfunctional parenting, poor role models, or lack of education and guidance.
Without these support systems we are all vulnerable to being uncivilised brutish and selfish people until Life begins to teach us otherwise -through gentle support or through harsh lessons.
When the energy of Saturn is configured with another planetary energy in a stressful mixture [this happened in 2016 and repeats in 2017] the flavour of this combination has an extended period of influence.

In 2017 it is again Saturn in conflict with the energy of Venus.
Look back to April-Sept 2016 to get a big clue as to the issues that are likely to arise again.
Venus is the energy of both money, assets, finance, possessions and the energy of relationships.

Past misuse of energy in these 2 areas of life are likely to be revisited because even more effort is needed to modify instinctual behaviours, responses, reactions when handling money, assets, finance, possessions and when relating in every context - to self, to partners, to children, to others where you have more power than them and to others in general.

If energy has been previously misused the antidote has to be to change behaviour and act responsibly, with restraint, self discipline, balance, fairness.

In effect this is a maturing process, reining in loose or abusive behaviour regarding interactions with others and in the management of money or assets.
Focus, commitment and hard work are usually involved to change the quality of an area of life needing karmic re-balancing.

The key time frame in 2017 is from the start of April to the end of August [ specifically April 6-August 25 ]

but the energy this year is strong enough to generate an early warning: the period March 17-19 had a Saturn-Sun combination forewarning of the themes arising.
2016 and 2017 continue to see Saturn in the mutable sign Sagittarius so all born under this sign and its mutable group [Pisces, Virgo, Gemini] will experience more Saturn effects than usual sometime in the approximately 3 year period of effect.
This highlights the need to change MENTAL patterns in order to change behaviour.
When mixed with Venus, aspects of survival and relating are the specific mental patterns that need to change.
With Saturn in Sagittarius and Venus in Pisces there is a conflict between freedom and addiction.

  • Excessive behaviours have to be curtailed regarding money or personal interactions.

If restraint is not applied or irresponsible behaviour not terminated various consequences can arise -relevant to personal contexts eg:

  • legal problems will arise due to fraud or theft 
  • debt arising due to too loose spending.
  • regarding health: problems based in the [liver] due to excess alcohol or drugs.
  •  loss of freedom due to crime involving money or drugs
  •  feeling restricted in immersive relationships
  • breakups involving dishonesty or cheating

The good news is:
If you achieve the karmic growth in the focal areas of money management and relating to others you will emerge stronger in April

This brief overview serves as an introduction to further recommended reading.
Also see extreme energies forecast for month of April 2017 
Astrology King on Saturn Retrograde 2017

Your guide to Saturn -extended insight into the meaning of this energy

Friday, 10 March 2017

Astrology for Babies: getting to know this little mystery

You've just given birth to this new citizen, this new life created by two people, cocooned until this most significant birth day.

You expect the baby will share physical characteristics with one or both parents and similar personality traits with one or more blood relatives are also assumed to become obvious over time - but even in those early weeks of wondering about this little person, this little mystery, a lot can already be known

Modern-day record-keeping
 provides the first vital ingredient:
 the time of birth 

This in combination with the place and date gives the co-ordinates for constructing the baby's birth map - a plan of the cosmic sky above that location - showing where the significant indicators were - starting with the positions of the Sun and Moon, then adding in as many other features of our own solar system as preferred by the astrologer, to gain a picture of what type of personality, energy, body type, disposition, interests etc are likely to be characteristic of the child.
Enduring, life-long traits can also be identified.
Knowing what comes naturally to a child before they themselves can vocalise and communicate allows for the provision of a supportive environment, customised for each child, in recognition of their individual needs and personal ways of self expression.
Identifying strengths and talents as well as areas of challenge or needing support are also facilitated by the analysis done in an astrological report.
Physical weaknesses, sensitivities, digestive issues can also be identified, assisting parents before choices are made regarding feeding.

Case Study: 
Prince George at one day old

My blog post on Royal Babies George and Charlotte
 - from the Written in the Stars 2013 archive with a 2015 update added for Princess Charlotte - is provided as an example of the sort of things that can be uncovered as soon as a birth time is known.

Feedback given at 6 weeks for baby chart done soon after birth

Does sound spot on in some ways already. with the loving water, he was born in the water and is very calm in the bath. And the food allergies too, I have had to cut dairy out as that was making him sick. A lot of it sounds like his dad who was born on the .... lots of things to look forward to and keep in mind so thanks for doing this for me, I find it all very interesting as does [husband]

and then an update when baby was 12 months old:

I have found the chart very interesting, he really does love the water, with his first swim in the pool he was in his happy place and kicking his legs like a swimmer does. Dairy gives him a bit of an upset stomach so have had to avoid it for the most part, you also mention something about being social - which he definitely is, always happy to crawl up to strangers and sit on their laps for a chat, and always smiling and waving at people as we go for walks.
I'm sure there will be more sides of his personality to develop in the coming years, hopefully I can be prepared with the help of the chart you did!

Feedback re baby "S"

S.... is now 8 months old, and I have recently reflected back on the analysis I received. I was happily surprised to learn that the details I read about her personality are soo accurate. I also thoroughly enjoyed reading the small tips on how to deal with some of the small hiccups we may encounter along the way, as she gets older.

The baby astrology reading is available worldwide
Contact via direct message on Twitter: Profiler Astrology  or @astroprofiles

How does astrology work?
Quantum physics has established that everything is energy and that beneath the visual world that we perceive exists the sub-atomic realm of totally interconnected fields of waves and patterns. In the everyday world, the Moon provides us with the simplest demonstration of a force operating at a large distance -by working in tandem with the Sun these forces interact with Earth to create tidal pull that affects not only water but also the atmosphere, winds, weather.
The Sun is the driver of the solar system and it is in feedback with everything in that system. Observations over millennia have recorded not only solar and lunar activity but also correspondences between events on Earth and the positioning of particular planetary forces.
These observations evolved into a language identifying the characteristics of planetary forces - decoding the energy expressions commonly found with the distinct wave patterns generated by each of these forces. Being a complex dynamic system creates different energy patterns depending upon the interface that is made between one planet and any other/others. 
By understanding the way the interactions occur, astrologers can identify the positive, easy flowing patterns and those that are difficult or very challenging.
If we could all see energy waves, patterns and harmonics we would have no doubt about our connection to everything...irrespective of distance. 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...