Tuesday, 30 May 2017

When Earth Gets Zapped

Electrical storms exploded in South-East England, Moscow Russia, northern France Monday May 29 in the wake of an event on the sun reaching earth's magnetic field.
The sun discharged a CME -coronal mass ejection -on May 23, easily enveloping our planet as the shockwave arrived on May 27 with strong magnetic connection to earth.
The impact seemed at first to be weak but then the geomagnetic readings showed a significant disturbance of the magnetic energies of our planet -most easily evidenced by much more widely visible auroras in the northern and southern latitudes.
Spaceweather.com reported on the effects in the US.
New Zealand and Australian skywatchers were also suitably impressed
@iangriffin tweeted a swag of glorious views from the dark skies near southern city of Dunedin NZ

and Dr Tamitha Skov @TamithaSkov has arguably one of the best aurora feeds on Twitter
Halo CME gave data for the shockwave on May 27..the vertical blue line at 14.43 UT showing multiple parameters jumping -and the critical Bz connectivity in the appropriate negative readings for strong magnetic connection to us.

All this electrical activity generated from the sun has flow on effects on earth -not just in pretty auroras which make the effects visible - but also in the violent electrical storms when lightning is discharging by striking earth or terrestrial objects/people -so it is no coincidence that violent electrical storms were recorded in locations where atmospheric conditions enabled the charged particles to have full expression.

It is also highly probable that the massive British Airways power outage is connected to this shockwave event -even though the loss of power -now identified more accurately as a power surge - was indicated at 
The timing of this British Airways power surge event is too co-incidental to dismiss it as unrelated because the shockwave and the power surge have very similar energetic properties. It seems our detection devices are missing something.
A CME impacts earth immediately on the dayside -the locations on earth in day time at the time of the event and at the time of the magnetosphere being compressed.
Given the surprising strength of the magnetic storm, it is possible that strong magnetosphere compression on the morning of May 27 as a result of the incoming shockwave and preceding it - and before the shockwave was recorded - caused the power surge affecting British Airways operations based at Heathrow.

Strong solar generated effects on earth have been noted to coincide with transport crashes, outbreaks of violence, disturbed human and animal behaviours -as well as violent or extreme weather events. Background blog entries in recent years document some of these events


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