Friday, 17 May 2019


There's no mistake that 2019 is a pivotal year - especially as we approach the midyear and enter the second half.
Read further commentary on this blog to get the collective or global overview.To start simply search these numbers: 2019.
To personalise that further requires a birth chart based on an accurate time of birth.
My own approach to 2019 is to have more emphasis on private and personal needs and comfort. I will not be publishing long form reports in 2019...preferring to refer back to highly relevant material that has already been posted here or from selected writers contained on my Twitter pages @astroprofiles & the twin account @Sub_Strata - both of which are used to continue to promote astrology & to provide ongoing pointers to the opportunities for personal growth that are continually indicated by the planetary energies in transit to our own.
Best wishes to all in your personal unfoldment.


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