Thursday, 12 September 2019

Cancer Capricorn and The Cardinal Crucible

A crisis of neglect has characterised the current cardinal era where Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn have been assisted by Jupiter Saturn Uranus Chiron the lunar nodes and a series of eclipses transiting cardinal signs. Capricorn alone is not the solution to resolving our collective dysfunctions: Aries Libra and Cancer along with Capricorn form the cardinal crucible within which our world and our individual lives of necessity must be regenerated.
The cardinal sign energies when positively expressed by the human collective form the bedrock of societal functionality and wellbeing. All of us in every life context need to use the best potentials of Aries assuredness Libra's co-operative spirit Cancer's awareness of nurturing and Capricorn's careful management skills. Without these dispositions guiding society we have collectively fallen into major imbalance where selfish competitive neglectful and individual ambitious drives are the overriding threads in global society. This cannot succeed for humanity and cannot benefit our life on this planet but first we are confronted with our worst behaviours in the Pluto period in Capricorn since 2008. Then with Saturn in Capricorn 2018-2020 we will encounter the responsibilities we're avoiding and will be pressured to act upon them. The Moon's nodes in Cancer-Capricorn have added further emphasis since November 2018-May 2020. The pressure to change is sustained and essential - which means to mature and evolve and update our individual and collective operating systems and choose growth over degeneration and regression into overwhelming dystopia.

All energies have potential negative expressions and when the bedrock signs of our planet ( Think about the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn on the earth map which mark the sun's passage in summer and winter and that Aries and Libra mark the onset of Spring and Autumn. These signs are consistent with life on our planet)
The dysfunctions arising under negative cardinal energies traverse a wide spectrum along which sit matters such as the functions and powers of government, the fundamental needs of humans for health and wellbeing, our interaction with our planet and other species. Fundamental to these and related issues are the elements of responsibility and relationship. These are the bottom lines for creating functionality: when responsibility is denied ignored rejected avoided then neglect is left to spread.
Failure to support failure to nurture failure to protect are all signs of the Cancer Capricorn archetypes being in retreat when they ought to be primary
These two signs are the intended parental energies that structure societies both through families, communities and through government's role in loco parentis.
Business models and pressure to consume have infected both government and families with social wellbeing and human values being sacrificed in the process.

Cancer and Capricorn cannot function at their best without sound fundamentals learnt in the Aries and Libra stages of development. When supported by solid parenting (where parents have internalised the Cancer & Capricorn archetypes) a child develops a strong core self (the Aries stage). This strength enables the child to form successful relationships in general as well as life partnerships (the Libra stage) When these 2 stages are not produced in a family environment the consequences are societal: the children of those families repeat the weakness and dysfunctions through their relationships and their attempts to parent the next generation: their children cannot parent in the way intended through the Cancer Capricorn archetypes and so all of society at every level in every context suffers dysfunctions in how we treat and relate to others - which includes how we relate to other species, other races, to the planet in general, to our local other words it becomes a global crisis..which is where in this new millennium we are now.
The cycle has to be broken and amidst the extremes being witnessed in homelessness or housing crises, in environmental threats, in human nastiness....this is the best era of opportunity to turn things around
Since 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn an extreme era began to unfold. Pluto will be on the job of transforming society from the bottom upwards over a 16 year period, joined more briefly by Saturn Jupiter Uranus, the nodal points of the Moon, and a series of eclipses. Jupiter will transit all 4 cardinals in the 15 gear focal period. Uranus will focus on Aries during 2010-2017.The nodes cover all Cardinals.
 Capricorn and Cancer in everyone and every context will be very strongly under renovation during the period till 2024 but Aries and Libra energies in all of us are also being automatically pressured to keep in step and undergo an upgrade.
People born under those signs will undeniably face strong pressures to grow and improve all relating roles and accept all responsibilities associated with their life roles...but none of us escape this process as our full astrological makeup incorporates each of the zodiac signs having an area of expression in some life context.

Graphics below include the layout of the 4 cardinal signs in their related energies creating core self and relationships based on parenting input.
Plus a timeline of strong cardinal sign emphasis and clearly reveal how significant 2019 and 2020 are in turning things around. High pressure high drama failures defeats and eventually redemptions resolutions and successes will be clear during 2019-2020 once people reach their point of change through crisis and are heavily pressured to live life differently.

Some related summary tweets via @astroprofiles and @Sub_Strata are also included.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...