Tuesday, 17 March 2020

2020 crisis

Writing in mid-March it is clear how events already in 2020 have many connections to the World War 2 era of Uranus in Taurus. A dedicated post is located on this site with expectations indicated for the current era of Uranus in Taurus.
More than this the dominant energy of Capricorn in effect due to not only the heavy weights Pluto and Saturn in that sign - added to with Jupiter and Mars in Capricorn during March 2020. The way in which Capricorn would express - given that all energies are multi-faceted - took a while to unfold - but the essence was there with the mass organisational response of the Chinese government to the newly discovered coronavirus in January not long after the first 2020 eclipse on January 10 which directly activated the Capricorn planets.
At the eclipse the signature of the virus and it's economic effects were signalled by Uranus in Taurus beginning a connection to Neptune in Pisces over a 10 week period through into March.

Taurus is everything financial monetary and everything of the  earth,everything in physical form. When Uranus influences Taurus this planet brings sudden changes.
Neptune is the Pisces planet which not only relates the everything about the sea and water but to the concept of ultimate connectiveness just as the oceans and seas of the world flow into and affect each other so too this effect occurs unseen between people and this connectivity can also express as contagion. Viral diseases are therefore signified by Neptune.
And this has unfolded out of China into our highly globalised connected world aided by fast transport. When the carrier mechanism Jupiter linked in with Neptune on Feb 20 the global spread was advancing rapidly: 48 countries by Feb 25 ( it was 26 countries by Feb 10)
By mid March with pandemic status recently declared the spread continues with significant hotspots while earliest outbreaks : China, South Korea are said to be in decline. The global involvement has led to many strong Capricorn style government bans restrictions closures support programs to slow and mitigate social and economic chaos. Despite best efforts there are clearly major impacts unfolding on both of those fronts.
The outlook remains serious with clear potential for worsening conditions in many locations for a considerable period ahead due to the long term consequences of such a major transformational global event.
The standout energy shift ahead is in Dec 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn sit together in the cosmos at zero degrees Aquarius marking the true transition into a 200 year era where we majorly move away from our reliance on old world formats and pillaging of resources for the intentions of sheer greed and mass consumerism. Pondering how such a shift could be ushered in did not cover a global pandemic setting off recession but here in early 2020 that is what has been delivered as a supersized nudge towards getting people to stop excessive wasteful consumption. See how things work on the cosmic level?
So given the current state of affairs it is now clearer how the Aquarian Age is set to be based upon the vastly different values that the songs of the seventies hoped for.
We've wrecked a lot of this planet. We've ruined so many lives. We've annihilated family life and enslaved so many in miserable suffering.
This year 2020 is a huge wake-up call for humanity to reset it's relationship to each other to the planet that is our only home and to our personal responsibility to share this world as fairly as we can with all beings all species. Those lessons will be accompanied by knee jerk emotions of discomfort frustration anger in many before the light switch illuminates a much clearer view.
2021 is likely to be a significant collective year of adjustment to new norms and values that represent our 21st century objectives.

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