Monday 28 December 2020

Jupiter Saturn Pluto and the Capricorn reign

 Although the calendar year 2020 ends at the finish of December the astrological calendar sustains the Capricorn influences courtesy of the Sun - from 21 December to 19 January. Although this is the normal state of affairs the situation is enhanced in the 2020-2021 crossover period due to persistent Capricorn energy in effect.

The midpoint of multiple planetary pairs sustain the influence of Capricorn even after the relief of Jupiter and Saturn entering  Aquarius...the ancients too attributed Aquarius to Saturn influence so this energy shift comes with bargaining: you play your part and the universe obliges.

Most of January 2021 does have Capricorn residue - as clear from these key points (which are timed for UK London)

1. Pluto remains in Capricorn for another 3 years

2. At the start of January 2021 Pluto has Capricorn midpoints with Sun Mercury Venus Jupiter and Saturn.

3. Start of New Year Jupiter and Saturn have Capricorn midpoints with Sun Mercury and Venus.

4. Jupiter and Saturn maintain their Capricorn midpoints with Pluto well into January  2021

5.  The Pluto-Jupiter midpoint remains in Capricorn until 1pm January 12 UK. The imprint of Pluto blended with Jupiter at an Aquarian midpoint is now underway.

6. At mid January Jupiter and Saturn still sustain their midpoints in Capricorn  with Sun and Venus

7. By late January in week 4 the Capricorn midpoints are almost completed

8. The Saturn Pluto midpoint  leaves Capricorn at 0hrs January 29 UK. Now the imprint of Saturn blended with Pluto has an Aquarian meeting point.

9. At 29 January Pluto Venus have a Capricorn midpoint but the Aquarian midpoints now rule - Pluto has 5. Neptune has 4 . Saturn 4. Jupiter 3. 

10. The most repeated Aquarius midpoint on that date is 2° which has 4 activations ( equivalent birthday Sun 21 or 22 January) where 2 activations occur at 5 other degree points.

It is clear that Capricorn like a damp fog will linger and cling on almost until the last day of January 2021 and then a stronger Aquarian feeling will be able to emerge bearing hopefully the best of lessons from a demanding year.


Wednesday 9 December 2020

Whakaari White Island - 2019 Mass Fatality Eruption - astrological analysis of key factors


of December 2019

December 9 2019 was one of those
 out of the blue days in New Zealand. 
The month of Christmas and vacations - 
endings confronted and new beginnings envisaged.

updates 2023: a specific chart for Whakaari has been inserted 
along with a midpoint grid referenced at the end of the post

At 2.11 pm a sulphury steamy offshore island with an unsettled history erupted hot burning steam and caustic volcanic gases from its volcanic core. It had happened before but not in recent memory.

This time a group of adventurous travellers -mostly from other lands - were in the middle of a sightseeing tour. The consequences were horrendous for them and for the tour company staff.

This analysis is written for a general audience - with an easily readable rendition of astrological language representing what forces were in play when the eruption occurred  - and the factors explaining consequences for one of those affected.

 The astrological chart for the official timing of the eruption highlights key points considered and will be directly informative to those who can interpret the data contained

The transiting Sun Moon planets and other notable factors in the cosmos on that day were not offering a pleasant day out - despite the Sun being blessed by the Sagittarian urge for adventure we know full well how many meet their fate having followed that hopeful promise.

The issue in hand is that none of the factors prevailing in the heavens - even the all powerful Sun -was free to function in isolation.

The Sagittarian Sun at 16 degrees being synchronous with Neptune in Pisces at 16 degrees is where ungrounded faith arose. The perfect adventure imagined. Complete trust.

That clash of energies would also deliver miscalculations, confusion panic.

Everything else in the picture included the Fixed energy signs Taurus and Scorpio and the Cardinals - Aries Cancer plus a huge amount of Capricorn.

Taurus relates not only to the nature of planet Earth but also to our physical form -the body.

Scorpio is what exists beyond form beyond the body and therefore is associated with extreme transformation while alive - as well as physical death itself.

Fixed energies tend towards extreme & dramatic collective outcomes and expressions. The full range of fixed signs gets evoked when several planets are in fixed signs - here there were 4 including the Moon - so Leo  high drama and Aquarius a group situation.

Neptune in the water sign Pisces joined with Mars in the water sign Scorpio on December 9 2019 to bring about the hot burning steam and caustic volcanic gases. 

The Cardinal energy quartet being Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn was also fully evoked - these are all relating signs - Aries - relationship with Self, Libra with partner, Cancer with family & nurturing roles Capricorn with a more paternal or parental managerial style of relating.

These prevailing signs at that time can also be applied to aspects of bodily condition -or where injury/disease may strike -

Aries the head & face Libra the lumbar region kidneys and overall physical appearance, Cancer the chest breasts stomach, Capricorn - the skin bones skeleton.

Though travel energy is associated with Sagittarius and its associated planetary force Jupiter the status of a collection of travellers can be identified further:

A solo traveller represents Aries

A couple travelling together = Libra

A family or just mum and kids = Cancer

An older man/father = Capricorn

A pair or group of friends = Aquarius

Personnel operating as individuals would be identified as Aries factors

The total group

Where Jupiter’s significance is consistent with the Sagittarian desire for travel and adventure - is to seek out learn more see more through that impulse - expand yourself in an arena larger than the everyday and where freedom & risk-taking are often part of the thrill.

Jupiter can deliver well when transiting through Sagittarius - but a year later it has to express through Capricorn then 10 more signs….every 12 years in a perpetual cycle.

Jupiter is very much not at home in Capricorn.

Limits restrictions delays and difficulties will arise.

[not all bodies were retrieved, rescue efforts were delayed or withheld]

On December 2 2019 Jupiter had just finished a year in Sagittarius and immediately entered a Capricorn year.

We know Capricorn is associated with all types of skin issues -whether just dryness or damage or diseases.

When Jupiter is in Capricorn skin issues are more widespread.

The thing with late 2019 is now there was not only Jupiter in Capricorn - - this sector of the cosmic zodiac already contained Saturn Pluto the lunar South Node and Venus.

With so much energy being delivered through Capricorn skin would not be its only bodily or general experiental expression during the longer time frame and in any of the global GPS locations where the energy might be earthed - but on 9 December 2019 and over subsequent days the expression that got extensive Breaking New coverage in New Zealand was the fact that the faces heads and general body surfaces of multiple people had been scalded and burnt by the emissions of a volcano.

The force of Pluto is associated with death the underworld hidden things - and volcanoes.

Capricorn being expressed by the heavy hitting trio of Jupiter Saturn and Pluto was undeniably an overwhelming force delivering massive skin damage - both in individuals and across the affected group - resulting quickly in a global request for transplantable skin to be despatched - the quantity needed was mid-boggling.

Where can the burning energy be detected? Two factors:

1. Chiron in transit through Aries was at one degree just as Jupiter was also at one degree - the two forces and their expressions colluding in a damaging way - injury due to hot burnt skin

2. Mars -associated with heat & burning - and being the carrier force for Aries was in the transformation/death indicator Scorpio.

For many the wounding by melting heat was too extreme.

For the living: their faces/body parts/appearance transformed.

One young man had the misfortune to be called into work at short notice - over-riding his plan to celebrate his 19th birthday with a day off tour duties. His birthday came with a shock - over 80% skin burnt.

Wrong place wrong time will be evident in every individual whose details are known in comparison with the prevailing energies.

Regarding this event the tragedy of this young man became a news story.

Even without a fully timed astrological layout to view the ways in which his energy was majorly challenged on the fateful day are clear

Sagittarius - his birth sign/sun sign brought him into the adventurous tourism sector -but with Sun Mercury Pluto and Chiron all in that sign - the latter two factors are the alert signal: both indicate high potential for harm in Sagittarian contexts -travel adventure risk-taking - at specific times - and it is clear his 19th birthday was one of those days.

Pluto and Chiron
in the young man’s energy had a shared position at 11 Sagittarius.

The Capricorn transits
on the day for the pairing of Jupiter and Pluto and Jupiter and Saturn were 11.5 and 10 degrees.

This capturing of energy alone spells out the big story but as typical in major events multiple factors play a role.

The pairing of transit Saturn and Pluto met at 20.5 degrees Capricorn

The young man has his Mars at 21 Libra.

A severely destructive encounter. As if that wasn’t enough

transit Mercury-Mars met at 21 Scorpio

His appearance transformed.

Transit Neptune at 16 Pisces
did his 17 Sagittarius Sun no favours - the trust and ungrounded faith was very accentuated in him.

That transit of Neptune had only just moved from near standstill at late November into early December. Its slow laboured movements in December - sleepy Neptune at odds with the vibrant Sagittarian drives saw the young man hospitalised in a coma for more than two weeks.

At birth his Chiron [indicator of a deeply wounding mark on the psyche] was at 19 Sagittarius. The risk to physical wellbeing associated with adventurous activities.

To bring this pattern into manifestation a similarly problematic planet came in range:

Saturn was 19 Capricorn on Dec 9 2019 - introducing the issue of skin as a type of deformity that could pose enduring psychological issues for a young man whose appearance was very pleasant..or at the very least a mountainous challenge to recover his inherent positivity.

The midpoint grid for all chart positions above

This grid is needed to reference the following additional material

Using my own methodology developed since 2019 re extreme natural events it is important to extend the analysis in reference to strong indicative factors that were not included in the original post. Further study of such events reinforces the importance of outer planets [from Jupiter to Pluto ] which are in extremely slow orbit and in near approach to a significant natural event. more detail is added here

 The slow speed of the planet means its intensity of impact
 in the terrestrial environment is magnified 
during the weeks of slow orbit

Neptune [water signifier] was very slow being in an apparent retrograde loop from mid November 2019 at 16 Pisces [water sign ]. By 27 November Neptune was at Station -near motionless when at 15'55" being the end the loop & considered to be resuming Direct motion 

Neptune maintained slow pace until passing again over 16 Pisces on December 13  - this means that on the date of Whakaari's eruption 9 December Neptune was very slow very intense in terms of the implications of the water element - including steam the maritime adventure and the psychological states of mind already referenced

New insights related to the grid
The grid aligns all planetary and chart factors including solar lunar lunar nodal points and 2 chart axis points and compares each with all others to determine the degree and sign where each pairing synergises -creating a new signature of 2 factors

On the surface it is clear that not enough of significance for an event of this nature was evident in 9 December's chart factors alone and that the contributing factors lay both earlier and later than December 2019 - the factors now detected are typically involved but typically arise much closer in time to the strong expression of a related event

The factors are the eclipses of July 2019 and Late December 2019-January 2020

July 2019 total solar eclipse 10'38 Cancer
July 2019 lunar eclipse 24'04 Capricorn

The July Solar Eclipse is most closely seen in the 9 December event grid at the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn - 10'06 Capricorn - which is an opposition match for the eclipse position at 10'38 -very tight 32 minutes variation. This signifies that  the July 2019 total solar eclipse had a major regulating function in respect of the forces of expansion [Jupiter] and contraction [Saturn] in the volcanic system that erupted in December 2019 -effectively potentising those processes at the date when Jupiter and Saturn were synergised at a position tightly enough aligned to the July solar eclipse -and that date was 9 December. The Jupiter-Pluto midpoint also has to be included here as these two factors are extreme high energy in combination -being 11'32 in the grid this was under a degree offset therefore very tightly aligned with the solar eclipse. considering Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto all 3 converged at 10'49 Capricorn even closer collectively to the 10'38 eclipse. This adds further identification of the level and intensity of force displayed on 9 December.

This is readily understood at the quantum level of simultaneity
 the present -no past no future -simply singular points converging all relevant factors 
- non-locality entanglement

Regarding the lunar eclipse of July 2019: the Tropics are very relevant to the declination and range of movement of the Sun and Moon in relationship to Earth 

 QUORA Map explained

The lower map shows the latitudes of the tropics -North and South both at 23.5º Cancer and Capricorn

The upper map shows New Zealand in reference to the Tropic of Capricorn line
The July 2019 lunar eclipse at 24'04 Capricorn was at a slightly lower declination than the relevant tropic latitude going from South from the 0º equator between the 9th-23rd of July and the eclipse timing in NZ being the 17th of July

Why is this relevant? An eclipse carries multiple signatures of sensitive points in addition to the positions of the Sun and Moon. These can be activated any time a resonance occurs within the period between eclipses. The Moon was 24'04 Capricorn in the July eclipse.

The event grid for 9 December shows 24 Capricorn was sensitised enough to impact the midpoint of Mercury and Neptune - 22'43 Capricorn -nearly 23º and close enough to be very impacted. Capricorn represents factors including management and responsibility/accountability. Mercury is the state of mind and all types of communication -oral written published and digital. Neptune is a confused unclear influence affecting the communications related to Mercury. Basically a system failure occurred under those influences enhanced by the lunar eclipse intensifies a connected pattern.

A related outcome can commonly be linked back to Eclipse events that have occurred prior -earlier in linear time -but events can also be linked to eclipses that arise in what is in everyday concepts termed the future when applying the quantum lens. Abandoning the antiquated concept of linear time allows us to see how all time is pulled into the present - as understood to be valid at the quantum level of reality. Planetary analysis  - including eclipse events - demonstrates this remarkably well.

Eclipses after the Whakaari eruption occurred 26 December then 11 January 2020 NZ time.

The solar eclipse was 4'07 Capricorn
The lunar eclipse was 20'00 Cancer

Relevance to the December solar eclipse: Looking again at the 9 December grid to see what relevance these have:
The Sun-Pluto midpoint was 4'09 Capricorn a near 100% perfect alignment by conjunction. Sun-Pluto together converge the 2 most potent energy sources in our solar system in terms of observed expressions in terrestrial life

Relevance the January Lunar Eclipse : Venus-Pluto was 18'54 Capricorn on 9 December in tight opposition to the lunar eclipse with just 1'06 separation - Venus is the relating-relationship planet subjected to the transformational and often fatal force of Pluto -intensified under this eclipse; death and severe loss are signified  and reinforced by Saturn-Pluto meeting at 20'14 Capricorn -with only 14 mins of angular separtion from direct opposition to the lunar eclipse - an insignificant difference at the scale involved -but the tightness of alignments is also very typical in powerful events as it is in people with very intense energy expressions

It is hoped that these further aspects of analysis -even if at a more advanced level - can be of value to those who are intrigued by the ways in which planetary analysis can both pinpoint relevant factors that are commonplace in powerful natural events as well as assisting in timing/dating the expressions. 
Those unfamiliar with quantum concepts may struggle to accept the non-linear timing model and the notion of time being very compressed into the moment but with perseverance it may prove to be as rewarding to you as it is to me.
The updates added reflect the current period as the world watches Grindavik Iceland re an expected major eruptive period and inspires me to put more work into analysing that event

the Profiler
November 2023

Further Reading for technical and incident details

LAST GASP: Pluto in Capricorn

  PLUTO’S WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY We are currently in a brief window of opportunity to clear old toxic imprints from our consciousness Plu...