Sunday, 31 January 2021

Jupiter Neptune and Being Godlike

Listening to a radio interview today with Professor Jurgen Martschukat author of The Age of Fitness the issues raised had some standout astrological relevance concerning the interplay of Jupiter and Neptune regarding contemporary expressions of identity that are prominent in this millennium in the sport/fitness/exercise communities.

Martschukat points out the equivalent of a spiritual awakening in those who have achieved the transition from a lifestyle of junk eating deterioration to that of a body-sculpted calorie counter.

Amongst the communities driven by these dedications to physical exceptionalism the themes/goals include staying forever young  being immortal   becoming gods and that through sport/exercise the true inner self can be revealed.

Sport and fitness culture has become so pervasive as a business model that active wear and sports brands have globally become a uniform of acceptance - worn by both the truly committed and those who just want to fit in.

The ideology of fitness and optimum body function and appearance has led to the development of what may be subconscious as well as conscious disciminatory practices in diverse contexts  -  against those who are not following a lifestyle of fitness sport or self improvement - especially in respect of bodily appearance.

Sport, jogging, gym work have extended far beyond the simple goals of past decades - exercise fitness and achievement -  into at worst an addiction and associated with an idealogy that intends to transcend human limitations -to truly be equated with the Gods of the classic world.


Astrologically we know Jupiter is the planet of extending boundaries - exploring far beyond what is known and for this reason sport exercise and fitness are a clear fit as an outlet for this type of drive.

What stands out regarding the ttrajectory of sport/fitness culture is that the global spread has been achieved with significant assistance from branded fashion marketing - covering items from head to foot that declare you are part of the team.


Jupiter’s original connection to Pisces and therefore to the later era discovery of Neptune creates an energy flow that is impossible to keep separate.

When Jupiter extends so far that it reaches into Neptune’s territory issues can arise. 

Excessive Jupiter becomes overtly Neptunian -clear signs of addiction to the body chemistry [and often substances consumed] that fuel the notions of being immortal and godlike. These are delusions of the ego enabled and reinforced by Neptune

Jupiter + Neptune

A healthy blend of Jupiter and Neptune is not impossible.

A healthy blend of these energies has nothing to do with the body the ego sculpted abs and immortality. It is a state of mind. But not the everyday mind of racing thoughts worries and problems.

The Jupiter-Neptune mind is the consciousness of our true origin state. 

The peace joy and stillness that glows within - embedded in the energy that gave us life.

The bright light of consciousness that worldly life covers and conceals until we   slow   down    pause   stop   look   and   listen - actions that are usually ignored until necessity comes calling. 

Something inner or outer raises a sign for you to read.

It says:  This is Not the Life…

And you can complete the words that fit.


Global cultural mythologies surrounding the capacities and behaviours of gods show a human fascination with beings or people with extraordinary powers or abilities and the worshipping of gods shows a respect and authority attributed to such people or beings.

But despite the resurgence of highly physically competitive television series called Titans and Ninja Warrior and the sustained popularity of combat sports boxing martial arts MMA wrestling -this is evidence of the "last gasp" phenomenon: those endowed with superhuman physical strength belong to a bygone age.


The teacher gods of now and tomorrow had a far different emphasis: they role-model amazing wisdom and compassion and are inspired by spiritual gods who walked this earth long ago.

These gods left their documented legacies as a guidebook for transforming the mind.

This challenge remains our biggest hurdle but most profound salvation.


The freshly emerging Aquarian Age represents the opportunity for a major collective shift in consciousness due to the subsidence of one world based on the thing the object the form and the rising up of the world based on the idea the experience the concept the intangible.

 [promoted by the 2 centuries long cyle of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Air, beginning December 2020 with Aquarius - supported by Uranus in any fixed sign - and followed in a few years by Pluto in Aquarius]


When Jupiter and Neptune blend in the level of consciousness that transcends the physical the ideals of both are experienced as a type of reverence for life - living a simple benevolent existence in balance with the true nature of reality

 - without any need for exceptional ambition driven by delusion

Friday, 15 January 2021

Astrological signatures: Gender Fluidity & Transformational Imperatives

Some astrological thoughts on

gender fluidity & fluid sexuality

Caroline Cossey

The sexual revolution of the 20th century can be seen to have utilised the sequential energies of several of the outer planets - not limited to a single decade but spread over a lengthy period. And it wasn't simply a matter of more sex.

  • Neptune in Scorpio  1956-1970 including the Uranus-Pluto conjunction during the 1960s
  • Uranus in Scorpio from the end of 1974-end of 1981
  • Pluto in Scorpio 1984-1995 including  the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in the early 1990s

After that 40 year period the subsequent 25 years  have been flavoured by Uranus and Neptune’s passage through Aquarius [Uranus 1996-2003] [Neptune 1998 to January 2012] - energies that have ushered in not only the age of global digital connectivity but also the use of digital technology to host video content dedicated to the sort of sexual fantasies and immersive sexual content [Neptune in Scorpio] resonating for those born in the 1956-1970 era. 

The Uranus in Scorpio cohort is also very activated by the Aquarian phase of Uranus & Neptune - reinforcing the online environment for sexual experiences and connections to be made.

In addition to that digital sexual arena the Aquarian effect from the latter 1990s into the second decade of the 2000s has seen a lot of social media available online for group identification and association around sex sexuality identity and gender. 

Out of this a new vocabulary and grammatical practices have emerged to fit new distinctions within the spectrum of expression in these areas of behaviour and identity.

The most high profile collective shift has involved people who have a desire to transition to the alternative sex and or gender identity - transsexuals and those identifying as transgender.

Though writings as far back as the Greek Classical era provided enough hints about sexual diversity - greater clarity in this new millennium about the spectrum of gender identity and of sexual orientation have further permeated social consciousness after a long slow arising in the twentieth century.

Comparative studies placing us humans in company with the diversity found across the range of animal species allows finally a conclusion that variability and transition are a normal/natural part of the range of biological potentials.

From an astrological perspective there are many energetic stimuli that could play a role in the assertion of behaviours such as same sex sexuality transgender or transsexuality and any type of rule-breaking or boundary-stretching choices.

Looking initially at various high profile people with known birthdates  - who chose to either fully transition from their apparent genetic sex at birth and/or to express in behaviours clothing and assert identity in the ways of the other sex - an initial observation is the presence of several of the personal planets (Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars) in mutable signs. This signifies fluid changeable energies.

Only some have full birth-timed chart availability but from information available mutable planets are recurrently found to be part of the story.

These examples include total known mutable personal planets mutable outer planets including Chiron,Nodes, + ASC if known:

Transition type also noted.

Chelsea Manning  M to F   [4] including Sun Mercury

Lana Wachowski   M to F   [7] including Mars

Lilly Wachowski     M to F   [5] including Moon

Caitlyn Jenner       M to F    [3] including Venus Mars

Georgie Stone       M to F    [4] including Mercury Mars

Chas Bono            F to M   [4] incl Sun Mars

Ian Harvie              F to M   [7] incl Sun Moon Mercury Venus? Mars

Patrick Califia        F to M   [5] incl Sun Mercury Venus Mars

But single factor analysis is not enough.

Ian Harvie

The next category of interest is the outer planets

 Pluto Neptune Uranus.

Pluto is a prime candidate for those who want to significantly transform themselves in any way. For Pluto to be relevant in this context it is the fixed signs especially Scorpio that blend the phrase sex change or transformed sexuality  [though that outcome may be produced hormonally surgically or symbolically using clothing ]

Pluto connected to :

personal planets Sun Mercury Venus Mars  Lunar Nodes ASC MC

For example

Caitlyn Jenner       Pluto trine Venus

Lilly Wachowski     Pluto quincunx Mars & sextile Venus

Lana Wachowski   Pluto sextile Mercury

Jan Morris             Pluto conjunct North Node

Georgie Stone       Pluto opposite Mercury & Mars

Chelsea Manning  Pluto conjunct Mars

Georgie Stone

Neptune is also relevant in the fixed signs especially Scorpio [fluid sexuality, sexual fantasies] and in the mutables especially Pisces [loose boundaries]

Neptune was in Scorpio 1956-1970 

The Wachowski sisters [Capricorn & Cancer ] were born 1965 1967

Ian Harvie  [Sun Gemini] 1968

Chas Bono [Sun Pisces] 1969

Mutable sign Neptune eras

Neptune in Sagittarius 1970-1984 open expansive all-embracing

Neptune in Pisces 2012-to Jan 2026 escapism fantasies changeable

Lily & Lana Wachowski

Neptune aspecting personal planets is relevant: Venus & Mars stand out in these examples

Lilly Wachowski       Neptune conjunct Venus

Lana Wachowski     Neptune trine Venus

Caitlyn Jenner         Neptune semisquare Mars

Georgie Stone         Neptune trine Mercury-Mars

Patrick Califia          Neptune quincunx Venus

Chas Bono              Neptune conjunct Mars

Uranus the rule breaker is a prime candidate in Scorpio [end of 1974-end of 1981]

Also note Uranus in transit - especially in any sign linked to a Neptune or Pluto disposed to transformation or fluidity regarding sex/identity/gender.

1960s had a Uranus Pluto conjunction in mutable Virgo.

Uranus-Neptune conjunctions are rare but the last [repeat of 3] in 1993 was in Capricorn -quite conflicted.

Uranus-Neptune square also rare last occurred in 1954 1955 & 1956 in Cardinal [affecting relationship choices] and Fixed - the Uranus in Leo square Neptune in Scorpio in 1956 at 0 degrees even more relevant.

Few people alive were born with the Uranus-Neptune opposition. The last was 1910.

Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning Uranus conjunct Sun & Mercury in Sagittarius

Wachowski sisters born during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction

Lana Wachowski Uranus square north Node

Jan Morris Uranus opposite Venus; Uranus in Pisces quincunx Neptune

Caitlyn Jenner Uranus trine Sun

Ian Harvie Uranus square Mercury, sextile Neptune, conjunct Pluto

Georgie Stone Uranus in Aquarius, Uranus squ Jupiter-Saturn-Venus-Sun in Taurus

Chas Bono Uranus conjunct Jupiter - both on south Node -all sextile Mars

Patrick Califia Uranus trine Sun

The Gemini-Sagittarius Mutable Factor


The Sagittarius factor is frequent in the small sample and could promote the need to be free to expand and explore in the context of gender/sexuality/sex

The Gemini factor is also frequent -along with Mercury conjunct Sun. This is the capacity to inhabit the inner and or outer Twin.

Caitlyn Jenner Venus in Sagittarius

Georgie Stone Pluto in Sagittarius opposite Mercury Mars in Gemini

Ian Harvie Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars in Gemini

Chas Bono Mars in Sagittarius sextile Jupiter-Uranus

Chelsea Manning Chiron in Gemini; Sun Mercury Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius


Many of the same natal factors will apply to people who express themselves in primarily same sex attractions and perhaps to a lesser degree in those who function in a bisexual lifestyle.

Amongst high profile people  - generally who have not disclosed gender fluidity or same sex atractions in their private life there are example of those who are happy to express themselves through their chosen creative field - in ways that place them more centrally on the spectrum of gender/sexuality.

Examples would include  David Bowie Elton John Grace Jones Ellen DeGeneres Michael Jackson Cate Blanchett

David Bowie

Elton John  singer/songwriter Nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius, Uranus in Gemini; Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Pisces, Jupiter in Scorpio; Uranus square Mars

Michael Jackson singer/songwriter quite loose sexuality. Transformed his face through surgery.  Neptune in Scorpio; Pluto conjunct Virgo Sun

Sinead O’Connor singer/songwriter has been back & forth in her sexuality identity. 5 mutables include Uranus-Pluto conjunction [but opposed by Saturn in Pisces bringing religious restraint & conflict] Sun-Venus in Sagittarius.

Cate Blanchett actor who has inhabited male persona & a lesbian character . Neptune in Scorpio; 5 mutables. Jupiter-Pluto conjunction on south node.  Sun trine Jupiter-Pluto. North node Pisces. Mercury in Gemini. Mars in Sagittarius  A mix of loose & transformational.

David Bowie singer songwriter actor with some androgynous/fluid sexuality phases. Nodes Gemini Sagittarius. Uranus in Gemini. Venus in Sagittarius. Jupiter in Scorpio. Uranus quincunx Sun-Mars.  Sun-Mars semisquare Venus.

Grace Jones singer/songwiter actor Marsy & androgynous possibly 5 mutables with Sagittarius ascendant & Gemini Moon. Pluto trine Venus. Mars trine Sun-Mercury.

 "I like dressing like a guy. I love it," she told Interview magazine in 1984. "The future is no sex. You can be a boy, a girl, whatever you want.”

Grace Jones

Gianni Versace fashion designer. Known to be Gay. 5 known mutables. Sagittarius Sun and Mars. North Node & Uranus in Gemini. Venus-Jupiter in Scorpio. Uranus opposite Mars.

Ellen DeGeneres performer/comedian. Known to be Gay. Scorpio Jupiter-Neptune-North Node all square Aquarius Sun. 3 mutables.  Mars in Sagittarius. Neptune in Scorpio expresses through Pisces ascendant. Uranus opposes Aquarius Sun & Venus

Variations on a Theme

The non-binary option:  Kate Bornstein Born March 15 1948

Kate is a self-described "gender non-conformist " born male feels neither male/female. Attracted to women. Sex reassignment 1986. 

Part of lesbian community and living with female partner

Sun Jupiter Uranus in mutable T-square in Pisces Sagittarius Gemini

Multiple chromosome variants exist beyond the  XX  XY standard for female and male. But anyone born with a Y chromosome is biologically male at birth.

Most variants result in developmental and a variety of health issues.

This chromosome variant example - male to female.

Caroline born Barry Cossey born 31/8/1954 with a published birth time.

The link provided allows you to read an online excerpt from Caroline's own account of her life.

XXXY chromsome - a rare variant of Klinefelter's Syndrome. 

Transitioned chemically and surgically by age 20.

Caroline's story is a great read,

Caroline aged 60

Caroline alternate cover pic for 1991 book

Caroline Cossey Birth Chart

Mutable sign axes with 'twin identity" Gemini at the MC

Essentially the key to the chart is the mutliple aspects to Venus -and Venus-Neptune.

Pluto Neptune Uranus - as well as Jupiter & Chiron - all aspect Venus.

Mutable Sun Mercury in mutable 12th.

Liberation urges (Uranus-Jupiter) express via the female energy Cancer.

South Node [past consciousness] in Cancer.

Moon receives intense pressure in addition from semisquare to Pluto.

There's always a big story of pressured growth/development in the life of people with multiple factors positioned in a narrow band of degrees.

Caroline has planets at 21-23-24-25 degrees all synergising

Loren Cameron photographer

Female to male

5 mutables

Sun Moon Venus Mars Pluto

Sun conjunct Pluto in Virgo Both sextile Neptune

Uranus conjunct Mercury

Mars in Virgo sextile Jupiter in Scorpio

Loren Cameron

Author's Statement

This post raises some points of investigation re gender fluidity and transition in the context of a range of behaviours that can be seen as fitting a profile of normality when considering the broader spectrum of human behaviour.

While this is not presented as a long-term study there are factors identified that can explain the type of energy profile [as identified by astrology] that gives a higher potential drive to change from one gender or sex to another -to whatever degree is demanded by those energy drives.

It is clear that the options are latent or blatant - overt or covert - and that some must follow the inner pressures to make a 100% transition -while others - most likely a very high majority in any cultural context that enables diversity of expression - will embody a physical presentation life-long that does not truly match their self perception and inner life.

Addendum April 2024: By 2024 with the upsurge in transitioning both of youth and adult age persons across the Western world in particular it can be seen that powerfully influential forces are funding and benefitting financially from the outflow of this phenomenon.

Multifactorial contributors are always in the mix in such a significant societal event.

One further influence in the bigger picture framework is based in the past life lineage of those currently incarnated. It is worth considering why predominantly males seek to transition. Was their past life lineage repeatedly female and therefore an enduring identity attachment? Or are these men of long lineage who need to experience life from the perspective of being a female in male dominated society? Answers to questions like these are elusive while interesting to ponder.

In the selection of factors regarded as relevant tight angles within 3 degrees seem significant in “forcing” the expression of change to manifest. 

In general I don't place much emphasis on connections that are over 5 degrees apart though wider than 3 degree connections may be apparent in those who feel much less pressure to change.

The Profiler [very endowed with Mutable energy & several relevant factors] while acknowledging gender fluidity & having been primarily drawn towards same sex attractions -sees the potential  - but often unclarified -roles played by chromosome variants, hormonal balance and social conditioning in modifying behavioural choices. 

Most people will never know the primary factors driving their position on the gender fluidity spectrum but astrology can provides insights into factors that acknowledge the psychological  pressures that underlie asserting a particular place on that spectrum.

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Insurgence 2021 - the Aquarian Factor in context- past Present and Future

Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius

Jan 6 2021 a snapshot 2.30pm at Capitol Hill: Aquarius at the midheaven
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius most elevated

Following unprecedented events at Capitol Hill Washington DC USA on January 6 2021 understanding where America is at in January 2021 requires a long look at history -but even a panorama taken of key points in the 20th century provide relevant clues to the astrological patterns underlying insurrection and fascism.

In 2021 similarly themed events are likely in many global locations.

To understand 2021 - as a manifestation of the December 21 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius we need not only to understand Aquarius but also the conflict arising between Jupiter and Saturn co-existent in Aquarius - including their midpoint activation periods. This factor extends paired synergy - so the Jupiter and Saturn fusion doesn’t move fully away from Aquarius until mid February 2022 - even though Jupiter by then is in early Pisces.

In their unmodified expression:

Jupiter in Aquarius: supports freedom, enlarges groups & networks, includes diversity, encourages progress

Saturn in Aquarius : restricts freedoms, controls/structures groups, limits inclusion, excludes “Aliens”/The Other, resists progress.

A degree of conflict is likely both within individuals as well as in outer society in 2021 regarding the Aquarian principles - how to blend both and find balance - or find a polarized position or practise clear contradiction “one rule for me- another rule for you” or “you have to follow the rules, I don’t  -which appeals to those already resonating with non-conformist potentials of Uranus or Aquarius.

Further expansion on these placements in the latter part of the post

Understanding fascism/extremism involves understanding the potentials of 5 standout planetary indicators

PLUTO power  NEPTUNE mission  URANUS entitlement  SATURN control MARS aggression

Especially when channeled through Aries Gemini Sagittarius Leo Scorpio Aquarius

Fixed signs appear significant in event timing and in key figures.

Pluto is a factor in many sign expressions with Gemini Leo Scorpio - and Aquarius worth noting  -as well as tight aspects.

Neptunian Mission when a significant Neptune is made antisocial by Saturn /Uranus /Pluto

Mars adds fuel in support of other factors & in fire/fixed signs

Uranus is a strong signifier when non-conformity is primarily derived from a sense of entitlement [Royal titles inherited or nobility titles granted & ranks achieved [Military] are the groups who have been traditionally officially “entitled”. The Sun with a Uranus connection blends the Royal/Noble “special” with “beyond rules”.

 Leo & Aquarius enter into the frame in this respect.

Saturn in fixed signs expresses control in many ways.

[Jupiter will feature as an amplifying factor when connected to other planets and especially in high risk signs such as Aries Scorpio]

Key figures and Events - Background Influences

Adolf Hitler January 30 1933 after a decade of leading his Nazi party to dominance became the German Chancellor - authoritarian dictator of the Third Reich having beaten the democratic parliament of the Weimar Republic

Mercury Saturn and Sun were conjunct in Aquarius on that day.

Hitler himself has Uranus in the Ascendant zone of the 12th house

Sun Saturn and Venus in fixed signs

Saturn in Leo -the dipole of Aquarius

Hitler’s authoritarian “twin” Mussolini leading the instalment of fascism in Italy in the inter-war period has Uranus most elevated & semisquare Sun-Mercury in Leo.

The success of these two dictators filtered through to Americans: the power, the uniforms - to the extent that a copycat organisation with high political aspirations was formed on January 31 1933 - the day after Hiltler’s big rise on January  30 1933 - by William D. Pelley

1933-1936 the Silver Shirts  [Silver Legion of America} organisation was in the public arena. 

A uniformed organization influenced by Italian fascism of the 1920s then Nazism this racist anti-communist paramilitary group believed in a Christian militia. 

Leader William Pelley [March 12 1890 ] was also drawn to occult power [as was Hitler]. 

He planned a position as fascist dictator of America  - contesting for the Christian Party - but lost the 1936 election to FDR

Jailed for sedition & high treason. Died 1965.

His mix of mutable & fixed signs and planets tells the story in 2 threads

1.  Sun Pisces-Neptune Gemini-Mercury Aquarius-Uranus trine Mercury.

2. Neptune conjunct Pluto-both opposite Mars. Jupiter trine/sextile this group. 

Analysis: Mutables are signs of mind - His Pisces & Neptune both strongly flavoured by Gemini & the Gemini is intensified by Pluto. Connected to Mars in SAG  gives assertive/aggressive ideology. Mercury & Jupiter in Aquarius and their links to Uranus & Pluto Neptune bring out significant power-seeking non-conformity -all framed within a spiritual mission.

Pelley strongly matches the key astrological markers

1969 to present :  Sherrif’s Posse Comitatus

 an ideology combining archaic & old world rationales to create an alternative justice and control system run by Sheriffs independent of official government at every level. Set up own jury system.

Manifesting as vigilantism survivalism anti-taxation anti government, ignoring laws wherever possible, obstructing officialdom in any context -“paper terrorism” -flooding courts with frivilous legal actions [sound familiar?]

Key figure William Potter Gale headed a paramilitary chapter and a racist “Church” flying a Confederate flag.

Promoted 2nd Amendment “Right to Bear Arms . Influenced NRA.

Violence weapons intimidation -death threats - harassment, all involved.

Gale [ Nov 20 1916 ]

Sun Scorpio quincunx Jupiter in Aries -describes his military/aggressive power-by-force aproach. [he was a WW2 army colonel]

Yet he was an outwardly very handsome man - a likely charmer [Venus in Libra] but the Scorpio Sun plus Jupiter in Aries trine Mars in Sagittarius meant he needed  & achieved a means of delivering hateful propaganda to the masses. Gale styled himself as a Reverend who made radio broadcasts.

He was driven by a tribalist type of survivalism [Pluto in Cancer generation]

Uranus in Aquarius added in the rule-breaker element

Saturn in Leo signifies a cold-heartedness.


Here again multiple pointers when in combination creating a rogue personality: Scorpio Sun & Mercury: driven by power. 

Uranus significant in Aquarius = power by any means when accompanied by Scorpio

Aries very amplified by Jupiter preferencing aggressive/ weaponised options and serving the Scorpio drives.

Pluto in Cancer affected Gale in the most extreme way.

With war memories and fascism underway during Pluto in Cancer the potential was high for the most survivalist personalities to become very tribal: my type my race my country.  Everyone else was the enemy - the outsider - which allows atrocities.

Pluto was early in Cancer when WW1 started and stayed there until during 1939 -just before WW2.

Gale was not the only influential source of Posse propaganda. Henry Beach - a follower of Gale’s had in earlier times belonged to the Silver Shirts. He promoted the ideologies from both sources and republished them including Gale’s ideas in his own locale.

Henry Lamont Beach [June 17 1903]  supported Nazi ideology. By the mid 1970s -aged 70 - his activities declined. He had been a dedicated distributor of manifestoes in his retirement years.

Beach has significant patterns that match the profile outlined:

Saturn in Aquarius - can be seen as seeking “societal control” and or rebelling against control by outside forces -typifying the blatant contradictions that co-exist in the minds of people who want to make the rules but not abide by rules.

Saturn is aspecting Sun-Pluto in Gemini, and mutable Jupiter & Uranus by sesquiquadrate/semisquare aspects.

3 mutable indicators Gemini Sagittarius and Pisces  show a very active mind driven by multiple planetary placements;

The Sun-Pluto midpoint 22 Gemini opposite Uranus 23 Sagittarius - both being square Jupiter 22 Pisces.


Henry Beach looks to be driven by a need to regulate or control society due to

thoughts full of non-conformist repressive ideas driven by a power-seeking “spiritual” philosophy or mission. Driven to spread these ideas.


Why are these figures and their organisations relevant in 2021?

A clear pathway exists from the extreme personalities who are driven to seize power and their modus operandi in past eras to the outcomes in standoffs and sieges in the latter part of last century [Waco 1993 re stockpiling of illegal weapons; Montana Freemen 1996] as well as domestic terrorism -the biggest event being the high ly destructive & fatal Mcveigh bombing of the Oklahoma Federal building 1995. A Gulf War vet, he sympathised with prior standoffs against authorities and chose the bombing date to honour the fallen at Waco.

Aquarius Factors Relevant to 2021:

  • Waco 1993 and an earlier standoff  [Ruby Ridge 1992] occurred when Saturn was in Aquarius
  • [ when Saturn ingressed to Aquarius in Feb 1991 Pluto 20 Scorpio was square Sun 18 Aquarius]
  • Oklahoma bombing April 19 1995 occurred with Uranus in Aquarius.
[ When Uranus ingressed into Aquarius on 1 April 1995 it was
 sextile Pluto 0 Sagittarius - ideologically driven destruction]

Several other factors on those dates of ingress and manifestation
 can be seen to have supported the fatal & destructive outcomes

  • The Montana Freemen standoff March 25 1996 began an 81 day power struggle with enforcement agents. The group self declared as an anti government Christian Patriot movement. Uranus was in Aquarius on that date and sextile Pluto in Sagittarius - both in the 3-4 degree range.  Again multiple factors added to the tension
  • Ruby Ridge and Waco standoffs gave impetus to the ideologically driven militia movement in the US -peaking in 1996 [858 groups] then declining until 2008 aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis  followed by the election of Democrat Obama.

  • Also noting that the ingress chart of Saturn into Aquarius in April 1814 which was influential in the period of the August 1814 burning of the Capitol  - features:
Uranus on ASC square Jupiter. Sun Aries trine Neptune in Sagittarius -with Pluto square Neptune,  Saturn itself at 0 aquarius was semiquare Venus in Pisces. All very tight orbs.
The 1812 war -of which this was a pa - was a power struggle US versus Britain and allies -  over territory and trade. The peace treaty was signed in December 1814 under Saturn finally leaving Capricorn -"after decades of bitter partisan infighting in government" [under Saturn in Capricorn] but not until February 1815 was the Treaty ratified under Sun Saturn in Aquarius.

Though paramilitary activity is illegal in 50 states the emergence has been reinvigorated since the 1990s and illegality  has not curtailed the return to a peak of 334 groups in 2011 and likely more in 2021.

Ijeoma Oluo in her book Mediocre examines the origins of white male supremacy in America.

Looking at Buffalo Bill [William Cody]  she aligns him with the culture of triumph by white men over land and other races - as an expresion of hyper masculinity.

Buffalo Bill she says profited enormously from the entitlement agenda that expressed in the killling of man and beast in large numbers.

Though later regretful of that era, it seems, William Cody [February 26 1846 at Noon. No actual birth-time ] has factors in his energy that are consistent with the themes of this post:

Most obvious is Saturn in Aquarius - an energy asserted in this post that is consistent with the rejection/repression of The Other - man and beast alike.

His abundance of Pisces was expressed in the falsehoods/lies/myths he personally spun to create his own legendary status - then in a desire for redemption.

With Neptune also in Aquarius closely conjunct Saturn it was Saturn that first dominated his mind ahead of Neptune - but over time Neptune allowed him to feel a connection with the Native Americans he once dehumanised and saw as the enemy to slaughter. 

So too was there a reversal regarding his view of Bison/Buffalo - which led to his reputation as a conservationist [conservation is a Saturnian concept]

Pluto in Aries. North Node in Scorpio Mars conjunct Jupiter all promoted a strongly aggressive murderous quality in him before he gave way to the showman sub personality.

He had been regarded as a poseur in his early exploits and the power of public attention and acclaim allowed him to craft a life story for public consumption based on minimal facts - quite probably a Leo midheaven feeding off all that Pisces!

The issue here is the place Buffalo Bill fills in the American mythology.

This role model of American manhood has been sustained over the past century and plays a part in legitimising violence racism and toxic masculinity within American culture - based on notions of white supremacy over all domains, all lands, people and species.

All colonisation enacted by the white race over indigenous people has repeated the same story [Africa, Australia, New Zealand Canada showing clear examples of indigenous suppression] because the same mentality or consciousness has been in control - but this is not simply a white problem. Overall it is perpetrated by male power and witnessed in many non-white cultures where there has been scope for authoritarian power to overwhelm other ethnicities or belief systems. [China playing a significant role in this era]

It can be seen that when historic sources of control ideology converge

- colonialism racism fascism

 as they have in the 20th-21st centuries 

with economic alienation and feelings of disempowerment

 that an even more potent hybrid version is part of the mix.

America demonstrates this clearly as we watch 2021 unfold

When Aquarius resumed as a significant societal factor on Dec 21 2020

 it brought Saturn as well as Jupiter back into an effective position -

 expressed through that sign’s indicators

as well as planetary expressions entangled to the ingress in that chart.

The unfolding of those potentials relies on subsequent transits

If you wanted revolution and/or phenomenal political transformation -could you ask for more than this? With Uranus & Mars surrounding the "birth" and Jupiter Saturn very elevated, Pluto most elevated at the position of powerful Solar influence WOW. January 2021 comes as just part of a very big protracted story.

Saturn in Aquarius gives rise to people who want a rule based society - so long as it is their rules - it is in many ways a very restricted society - most are cast out or designated “enemy” - a special sector of same-thinking non-conformists are included.

They do not accept the rule based-society that the majority have sanctioned.

Only they are right, everyone else -  no matter how many - is wrong.

Jupiter in Aquarius at best stimulates increased freedom but can also result in widespread non-conformity.

 Freedom is not a singular entity -it comes with responsibility - and the natural counterforce to Jupiter is Saturn - so there are two drives that have to be balanced both within individuals alive in 2021 - and those born with that pattern for the duration their lives. 

Other Jupiter in Aquarius concepts are large gatherings, big groups large protests.

Depending upon the context there could be a need for containment or management - Saturn in Aquarius.

After 2021 Saturn is alone without Jupiter - for 14 months into early 2023 - when groups/communities networks face a context of controls

Jupiter in Aquarius will have various contextual expressions but in the context of political matters -American and global - 

the cries of Liberty! And Freedom!  And Rights! have to be carefully examined to see whose liberty whose freedom whose rights are being demanded.

If the scenario expects freedom without controls or responsibility then there’s a problem.

Jupiter and Saturn synergise in Aquarius midpoints though 2021

 and until the mid February Full Moon 2022

Aquarius energy permeates the online world courtesy of the electronic infrastructure provided by Uranus.

Any significant planet in Aquarius will have related consequences online.

Since extremism has proliferated due to the nature of online media, Saturn in Aquarius is likely to see more online controls and Jupiter in Aquarius a spread or enlargement of online communities.

With these planets significant in Aquarius in 2021 it is clear that online communities of people will continue to be a major factor in enlarging those groups with very determined plans and agendas

With Aquarius’ key planet Uranus still in Taurus in 2021 -and for 5 more years - the issues of financial wellbeing wealth and poverty are the drivers behind a lot of activism protest - as Covid-19 has worsened the poverty levels and the number of everyday citizens working for low and moderate incomes whose job has been lost. Taurus is also about security therefore many more will experience material/ financial irregularity and insecurity in 2021.

These issues generate a sense of being disempowered - not included in the system - which increasingly sees the wealthy become gluttonously over-rewarded. The power issues around money evoke Uranus to embrace Taurus’ polar sign Scorpio as well as Leo and Aquarius -the energy spreads into multiple expressions. This quadrupolar activity has been seen before and is an important “bigger picture” factor to include.

 [ The physics of solar magnetic activity acknowledges a quadrupolar phase dominant in part of the solar cycle compared to the dipolar phase]

Poverty [Great Depression, Global Financial Crisis, & soon to manifest clearly in the Covid Era] is a huge driver of anti-government non-conformity. 

At the extreme end this evokes the desire of dissaffected groups to seize power take control then begin disenfranching the “enemies” who might threaten their control.

The past era of Uranus in Taurus arose during the Great Depression and the Nazi Third Reich until 1942.

The current period of Uranus in Taurus is 2019-2026


2021 is a year with historic precedents both imported and domestically-generated in terms of uprisings and social conflict. 

Two key drivers in 2021 are Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius with long-term consequences.

Underlying that surge of energy is economic adversity in the Covid/post Covid context. [Uranus in Taurus]  both Jupiter and Saturn interact with Uranus in January/February but Uranus stresses/is stressed by Saturn multiple times in 2021.

Pluto is also of high significance while remaining in Capricorn until 2024 and having midpoints in Aquarius -shared with Jupiter until the end of 2022. 

within months Pluto then enters the first ingress into Aquarius.

Pluto also has Aquarius midpoints with Saturn -  in Aquarius and Pisces - until early April 2025.

This makes Aquarius/Uranus - and how society manages extremes of such - the big story of many years to come.    

After Jan 2021 four further years of networking & organisation for purposes benign or adverse to determine what type of power is managing or controlling communities.

Failure is not an option.


Donald Trump is significantly driven by Uranus in Gemini  conjunct Gemini Sun and with North Node at the midpoint - all opposite Moon in Sagittarius. This says almost everything about his documented behaviour but there’s more.. Pluto - power - and -assertion -Mars both in fixed sign Leo -and Mars rising at the ascendant.

Like Mussolini his Uranus is most elevated.

Pompeo has Saturn in Aquarius square Neptune in Scorpio plus Uranus conjunct Pluto.  - a very hawkish Capricorn and with quite a lot in resonance with the groups he claims to want to suppress.

This big publication has been researched analysed and published in a 3 day period in the context of Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius -in particular with Jupiter exact trine the author’s Gemini ascendant

Aries expression for Uranus regarding large number of people [Jupiter in Libra]
Saturn restricting people from other countries. Fuelled by the opposite of compassion.
Trump himself being born with Saturn closely conjunct Venus produces a cold unsympathetic emotional  disposition

Astrological shorthand

Events of Jan 6 2021 in the US put further into context the implications of the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint in Capricorn.

The synergy of these two forces in this context & witnessed through Covid 2020 has been increased govt powers & controls. 

Where necessary this legacy endures.

The midpoint in CAP shifts to AQU on Jan 12 2021 1pm UK time & this begins the synergy of JUP-PLU in AQU

This new theme is the increased powers of networks/groups/communities.

Uranus - the Aquarian planet -now has a connection to the JUP-PLU synergy where before it was Saturn.

Online activism will increase significantly whether for constructive or destructive purposes. Flashpoints relate to Uranus stressing the JUP-PLU midpoint or Jupiter alone as well as Mars alignments to JUP & PLU at the same time - eg Sept & Dec 2021.

JUP & PLU maintain an AQU midpoint till the end of 2022 even when JUP enters Pisces. Many more points of interaction are on offer but not detailed here.

The US social-political environment already stands out as being highly vulnerable to the proliferation of groups & networks intent of challenging legitimate authority. A sustained challenging adversarial environment has high potential.

Saturn & Pluto also exit from their Capricorn midpoint in January 2021 - on the 29th at 0hrs UK time.

 In CAP this synergy has expressed as an infrastructure of extreme or significant restrictions limitations controls regulations rules under Covid conditions. The legacy of that endures where necessary.

SAT-PLU synergised in Aquarius puts the focus both on the way networks groups communities are managed/controlled by govts & corporates - & sees an empowered infrastructure for groups networks communities.

Saturn keeps an AQU midpoint with Pluto not just through 2021 - for around 4 years - even with SAT in Pisces & PLU in AQU. 

Again if Uranus stresses the midpoint eg Jan 2025 URA23TAU squ 23AQU in time for the Inauguration with PLU AQU conjunct Sun -this is a flashpoint to note.

Jupiter too in Taurus stresses any AQU midpoint in range & with a combination like with Mars Jup PLU at 0 fixed May 2023

The Profiler



  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...