Friday, 29 October 2021

2021 TikTok Anxiety Covid and Neptune


The Suffering

The confluence of internet sensation TikTok with the global COVID pandemic has been noted by paediatric neurologists at the Starship Hospital Auckland NZ as the background to a significant increase of tic behaviours amongst minors – to the degree that this development constitutes a mass or collective psychogenic illness – and one which in the internet era is likely to have manifestations in diverse geographic locations.

Tic behaviours of this type are seen as a functional disorder –not a mental disorder – but do represent a collective stress condition. 

The UK NHS definition: Tics are fast, repetitive muscle movements that result in sudden and difficult to control body jolts or sounds.

Accumulated anxiety seeking expression is the basis of the behaviour observed by the Auckland neuologists. Commonly observed lifestyle traits observed in the minors include excessive engagement with TikTok, loss of sleep, limited socialisation, lack of exercise, not communicating their anxieties – instead turning to unusual behaviour to gain attention.

The internet era exacerbates a phenomenon that has been known before in human history –in the past the behaviour was limited to small groupings.

Sensory channels — especially seeing and hearing an “index case” displaying the tic behaviour  - are strong sources of imprinting the behaviour in others – smell also has been a factor in real life environments where that sensory channel is available and where an index case is encountered in association with a powerful ambient odour – whether natural/organic/chemical – a sensory signalling which seems to amplify the threat perception and therefore anxiety symptoms.

Some astrological observations can be applied.

August 2 2018 is a key date for TikTok due to the establishment then of global reach.

The Sun & rMercury in Leo [attention] midpoint 15.5 Leo was quincunx Neptune [ 16 Pisces [addiction impressionability delusion] 

Jupiter 14 Scorpio tightly square Sun-Mercury 15.5 Leo  [ expansion & empowerment of ego]

Jupiter 14 Scorpio tightly trine Neptune 16 Pisces [ expansion of  power through Oneness/connection – but also a signifier of viral or contagious spread – the same pattern repetitive during the Covid pandemic]

rMars 2.5 Aquarius exact square Uranus 2.5 Taurus [ unusual bodily processes involving nervous control of muscles -matching the NHS definition: fast repetitive movements with sudden jolts]

rSaturn 3 Capricorn tightly trine Uranus 2.5 Taurus [ the structuring or patterning of unusual bodily processes]

During the pandemic era flowing into 2021 the Jupiter-Neptune synergy has shifted from the sextile in 2020, to a semisquare and then semisextile from Aquarius [Jupiter] to Neptune [Pisces] then a stronger synergy [midpoint] with both briefly in Pisces. 

October 2021 saw another [near exact] semisextile which proved to be very potent [in generating Covid infections and spread] while energised by Mars in Libra.

The end of November 2021 sees Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces before Mars exactly squares Jupiter in Aquarius in early December. These combined influences not only have relevance for the Covid pandemic but also the capacity to generate more intense outbreaks of contagious anxiety – what is termed psychogenic illness – not only in the context of the TikTok situation outlined – but also in real life sensory environments – and the prevalence of vaccine suspicion and resistance is likely to predispose a person to psychogenic anxiety behaviours where groups form around a perceived threat and engage in activities such as protests which give collective reinforcement to the notion that vaccination is a major threat –which is a delusion if a person does not have a valid health concern [anaphylaxis] versus the true threat –COVID-19.

It is worth noting that this confluence of Covid and Anxiety remains extant – with both subject to amplification in various global locations – but not all – during the upcoming transit of Jupiter in Pisces which had a brief entry in mid May to late July 2021 then fully resumes December 29 2021 [UK time] and runs for a total of 6 months in 2022 up till late December 2022 [interspersed with entry into Aries] 

Jupiter will have ongoing Pisces midpoints and one conjunction [April] with Neptune in Pisces – as well as Aries midpoints [when the anxiety/infection has more potential for angry aggressive behaviour and inflammatory bodily reactions.

The Way Through

The only way to comprehend Covid and mass anxiety outbreaks is on the bigger picture level.

Neptune in Pisces – as a wave of energy - is not intended to enslave humanity in drug addiction or any behavioural addiction or in perpetual escapism cheating fraud misinformation and a degenerate existence –a drowning in delusion – though all those negative hallmarks of this era are viral and contagious due to the collective loss of consciousness regarding our true essence -often overshadowing the compassionate empathetic spiritual consciousness that Neptune is essentially seeking to permeate through humanity.

Covid being a highly infectious virus that is connecting most of the world in a shared experience of alarm and suffering has to be seen as a metaphor for our awakening.

To understand the opportunity offered by Neptune in Pisces involves an acceptance that we are not in essence physical beings. That we are given birth in order to utilise the material world and all types of attachment to realise we are connected to everyone and every thing – not just one family one tribe one nation one species one form - a realisation when achieved that automatically generates respect for every encounter – that every person animal tree or thing met is a meeting of the self in another form - one of multiple expressions that exist in the world -even in a virus.  

The essence of what appears to be the separate individual self is permeated through everything

From this recognition the deep knowing of unbreakable connection is able to be acquired and from this comes peace.

Not knowing this is the eternal suffering identified by all faiths.

By August 2020 TikTok had over 50million daily users in the US alone. In 2 years the increase had jumped by 800%.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...