Monday, 22 January 2024

The Disclosure Paradigm Shift - timeline 1947-2037


This summary provides brief points that have been found to be of significance related to 

the topic of interest:

pointing to the ebb and flow of Disclosure of evidence related to non-human beings and their technologies increasingly present or evident in the terrestrial environment

2019 video -one of several released by US Pentagon


Using astro-analysis data multiple repeat signifiers have been uncovered that are already showing high reliability and can assist in tracking a Disclosure Timeline in the 1947-2037 timeframe related to unfolding Disclosure and non-disclosure episodes since 1947 in the United States where multiple resources are being deployed to engage with the reality of the phenomena

Landmark New York Times story by Helene Cooper Ralph Blumenthal & Leslie Kean
Referenced here

The Big Factors

  • Paradigm Shift
  • Cycle indicators
  • Aquarius
  • Fixed Signs
  • Specific Event Timing
  • Specific Planetary Factors
  • Repeat Themes Uncovered
  • Activator Factors
  • Specific Eclipses
  • The Existential Issue
  • Resistance & Release
  • Detailed Steps towards Disclosure 
  • Detailed Timeline of Factors in Transit

Although this research focuses specifically on the relevant US historical record since 1947 there are undeniably events of a similar nature occurring globally.

On posting this document I soon afterwards saw references on Twitter X re the 1996 Varginha Incident in Brazil

As this is a global phenomenon but most documented and focussed in the United States other global events are considered consistent with the timeline

Key factors on Jan 20 1996 are not only consistent with those found in the full research document but also reflect planetary factors today as I write on Jan 22 2024. 

Remember: truth is stranger than fiction

And from the US: likely posted on X late evening Jan 21 2024 also with factors in transit present that match significant factors identified in research

The fully detailed in depth PDF Document is available for purchase 

Request access through

Profiler Astro-Analysis

Enquiries welcome

Also see the video on Existential Survivalist eras identified - past and upcoming
here are promo details and video link in a related Profiler post

Sunday, 7 January 2024

Cultural Patterns in the Cycle of Mutable Neptune

 The Mutable Neptune Cycle

credit: Profilerastro

At late stage Neptune in Pisces we ought to have some grasp of another slippery era in a mutable sign for this powerfully confusing planet

The most recent mutable periods for Neptune

Gemini         1889-1902 - 13 years

Virgo           1928-1943 - 15 years

Sagittarius   1970-1984 - 14 years

Pisces          2011-2025 - 14 years

A rule of thumb to keep in mind: 

that Fixed signs precede the Mutable and Cardinal signs follow Mutables - and on that basis expect to see the flow from a Fixed sign Neptune era flow into the expressions that arise in the Mutable - and that key themes arising in the Mutable period will merge with what emerges in the Cardinal transit

An example: Neptune in Taurus prior to the last Neptune in Gemini saw occult  [Scorpio-Taurus ] interests merge with the mysticism and magic era under Gemini.

credit: Profilerastro

Neptune in Gemini 1889-1902

The 1890s serve as an excellent snapshot for mutable Neptune.

Aside from social issues like crime and drug use and creative signifiers like the mainstreaming of photography through wider public access and the development of the moving picture camera - very Neptune in Gemini - we can expect some weird ideas to have floated around -and yes they did - but not as weird as in the 2020s

Ideas under Gemini led to the influential Rider Waite Tarot being released in 1909 following the more occult-oriented Neptune in Taurus era which stimulated fixed sign expressions through Neptune

Outpourings of what arises under a particular sign

 extend in a flow beyond the exact dating of the transit

 -creating an overlap and seeding of ideas into the subsequent period

Blogger Tene Hreno loves to post about the 1890s - and along with period illustrations she has listed some of what fits the weird tag: these tend to reveal Neptune in Taurus activating the Aquarian obsession with electric things and the drug and chemistry focus under Mutable Neptune

Cocaine and Heroin sold as everyday medicines

Coca Cola "brain tonic"

Tapeworm weight loss plan

The chin-reducer gadget

The cure-all electric corset

The electric hair restorer

Wafers laced with arsenic

credit: Profilerastro

Neptune in Virgo 1928-1943 following on from earlier Fixed Leo that held sway as dark forces seeking dominance -the zeitgeist became attached to eugenics and racial purity along with building a super-race through healthy physical exercise. Most of that Nazi ideology was weird and evil - even the exercise activities were very regimented.

Naomi Klein in Doppelganger [2023] has unintentionally provided such a case study of Neptune that I have been able to reference some examples here as well as writing a dedicated Neptune post.

Klein says there was also a push to promote healthy exercise in the US during the Depression era -the creation of National Parks for hiking and general health benefits and building of swimming pools reflect the Sagittarian and Pisces aspects of Neptune while in Virgo

Purity of thought demanded by wartime totalitarian ideology tends to put people under the scrutiny of everyday spies pressured to work for the regime

Modest and plain scrimping and saving re-use and recycling as well as home-made would have been encouraged in many parts of the world during the early 1930s Great Depression and extending into the late 1930s outbreak of World War 2 and enduring during the war period up to the mid 1940s.

Many sacrifices happened in the Virgo period -lives lifestyles livelihood -immense suffering -a very cruel period

credit: Profilerastro

Neptune in Sagittarius 1970-1984

Many born under this transit will be featuring in protest and alternative networks that have come to the fore under Neptune in Pisces 2011-2025 

Escapist beliefs and philosophies as well as the freedom flag flew highest in this period -travel adventure expansion beyond known boundaries. Drugs alcohol and gurus - "turn on tune in drop out" was a famous slogan adopted in pursuit of a way of being that wasn't attached to the system -along with the pursuit of nirvana through higher consciousness in far off lands like India [no guarantees offered]

The Beatles in the late 1960s while Neptune transited Scorpio [metaphysical-mystical themes] led the way with stoner songs like Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds and their Yellow Submarine album -several of the album songs used a Neptunian keyword -sea or sub

The fitness craze of the 1980s also acquired a beauty factor says Klein in Doppelganger. This is when mutable Neptune flowed into Cardinal Neptune - under Capricorn the Libran body beautiful urge came to the fore as a very viable business compatible with Sagittarian body fitness.

Klein explains in a referenced* explanation that our idealistic dreams and philosophies for society were dashed by neoliberalism  - and so people - firstly women then men - responded by utilising their most personal of assets - their looks -to gain a survivalist edge. The vision then [under Neptune in Cardinal Capricorn] became about controlling what you can control - things involving your body and its appearance. 

*The referenced source was authored by Barbara Ehrenreich

It's important to note that Neptunian freedom differs from Jupiterian freedom: Neptune in Sagittarius is at risk of being delusional or illusory. 

The essence of freedom has far more of an actual basis when expressed through Jupiter

credit: Profilerastro

Neptune in Pisces 2011-2025 occurs in a different millennium as well as a different century but still carries through the strands and themes of prior mutable periods infused with the fixed sign that preceded each.

As noted under Sagittarius -the arrival of Neptune in Pisces has taken many of that Neptunian generation to a new level of wacko -reminding us that the mutable cycle especially the squares will produce some significant resistance from people who reject the current program -whatever is mandated or mainstreamed or government policy that appears to threaten mutable values [freedom choice ] or is suspected of being malign/dictatorial becomes a target for minds with a big imagination and already carrying a loss of trust of  Big Brother [Daddy basically] All of this came to a head of course during the 2020+ Covid pandemic and has become itself firmly structured within online communities [thankyou Aquarius] and the structure does not look likely to dissolve quickly...the main focus though will shift to other hotbeds of conspiracy that some will insist upon until they arrive at their grave.

The early new millennium has absorbed Neptune in Aquarius 1998-2011 [addiction to technology] as a lead into how Pisces manifests in roughly one eighth of this century -flowing into Neptune's Cardinal period signified under Aries from 2025.

Has life on planet Earth ever been this bad? 

Morally ethically in terms of godlessness probably no

Such is our tech-focussed Earth-abusive global culture

War Economy Stalled Growth Poverty Tight Budgeting are a reality for many globally in contrast to the lives of the wealthy class.

Behaviour within the human collective is riddled with dysfunction despair and discord: we aren't doing well following outdated past century models. Clearly the demands of Pluto in Capricorn require significant accountability and refashioning of societal structures - as will arise as Pluto in Aquarius increasingly rolls out over 2 more decades - but Neptune's role - soon in Aries - 2025 - until the mid 2030s and while in tight sextile to Pluto -functions in necessary support of Pluto's transformative agenda

But first we need to learn well from Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn which was tight for several months in 2023: the ultimate lesson being applying the maturity principle to all of Pisces' wayward behaviours - ideally many would have received the message of restraint  withdrawal detox limits to the point of professional help if needed.

Our devices are extremely addictive -Aquarius meets Pisces under the rays of Neptune. Apps social media gaming and pornography are in many ways a toxic recipe arguably designed to use control and data-mine us whatever the collateral damage -deterioration in mental health body issues like obesity eating disorders bodily self hatred and social dysfunctions like loss of direct connection with people and diminished communication skills are distress signals. 

We weren't designed for the digital life. Early adopters are guinea pigs in a plan unfolded that apparently wants to rush us into some degree of transhumanism - a modern species with digital implants. This plan also involves the eradication of gender as purely a status at birth. Chosen gender with surgical and pharmaceutical alterations is also an Aquarian notion devised under a Neptunian in Aquarius vision and the momentum has flowed into Neptune in Pisces.

Humanity is riddled with addiction and escapism of multiple kinds in the Pisces period. No ideal society - a Neptune in Aquarius concept - has come through - in fact more the reverse due to the formation of groups with very intense agendas doing battle with each other -socially and politically.

Humanity has not -2 years away from the end of Neptune's Pisces transit - found peace harmony compassion empathy to any globally impactful degree. Should there be further degeneration instead of awakening the Cardinal period ahead will merge with much accumulated distress and dysfunction.

Some light is evident in small communities where natural disasters have devastated lives and lifestyles. The old saying applies -such events can bring out the best in people and the worst in people.

Is is major devastation that will save humans from ourselves? Will we need to be shocked out of our ignorance and selfish competitive individualism?

The odds in respect of that seem high.

credit: Profilerastro

In 2025

Neptune in Aries bringing Cardinal emphasis from 2025 while closely aspected to Pluto in Aquarius is capable of instilling much more collective responsibility graciousness shared support and a dissolving of the separate selfish ego - not suddenly and overwhelmingly but eventually - as a recognised necessity.

Expect a sustained period of events that demand collective cooperation at grassroots and small community levels -due to the collapse of various forms of infrastructure -both built and societal/managerial systems that have reached their terminal date under Pluto in Capricorn -demanding a mountain of restoration to be addressed but no fast fixes on offer.


Be good or be damned

may be a good insurance policy

as the world's insurer's fail us


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...