Friday, 9 April 2010

whoops look at URANUS

To the left at 5.15 am local time for Medan Sumatra sits the AC rising in Pisces 27 degrees 13. Sitting right on this point is the glyph for Uranus at 27 degrees 44. With the main structure of this chart having the prime meridian at 27 degrees 43, Uranus is the primary driver of the local energies manifesting as a significant earthquake here. ( Any reference on the role Uranus plays on physical structures will place earthquakes and electro-magnetism at the top of the list) In April-May as Saturn makes a retrograde pass to exactly oppose Uranus, an intense destructive pressure discharges on physical/material structures ( i.e earth, things,people). WHERE the forces discharge depends on local energetic resonance. Currently Baja, Sumatra showing this resonance.
So this Uranus-Saturn element is an added factor to build into the complex picture of what I regard as space weather involving a chain reaction of already known players and the role played by planet X


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