Thursday, 13 January 2011

The Galactic Centre -2012 - and extreme weather

In January 2011, Jupiter and Uranus meet for their final conjunct in this cycle, at 27 Pisces.
Keep that position in mind: 27PIS
My own recent research has pointed me to exactly this aspect of planetary indicators aligning to the galactic axis
 which, to me,explain the intensity of contemporary
 global environmental conditions.

The Galactic Centre (GC) is the centre of our part of the universe and on a daily basis few people would be aware of this or even interested in it.

A number of people have been gearing up to the upcoming event in 2012 involving the alignment of the sun at the December solstice with the galactic centre.

History shows in terms of astrological documentation, that the solstice points in December and June are very powerful, along with the spring and autumn/fall equinox points. If solar-lunar events happen around these points, the effects are extra powerful due to the amount of magnetic and gravitational forces in combined push and pull - like hi voltage, mammoth magnets
John Major Jenkins, with full details here of the astronomical aspects says the timing of the 2012 event actually covers a broad period from 1980-2016, being 36 years during which the sun moves through the zone of the GC so there is a long slow buildup and an aftermath, in his depiction.

Selecting December 21 2012 as a focal date relates to the famous Mayan calendar and this has entered popular culture as an appointment with global armageddon. Basic 2012 information is available on various internet sites, this galactic astrology page is quite detailed for those with astrology knowledge.
One quote from this astrology site is a good place to start to get a handle on whether this truly does seem to be an extraordinary period on earth that we are moving through:
Jupiter will move to conjunct Uranus in the next couple of months [ in 2011]  and all these bodies are aligning to the galactic axis, which is aligned with the solstice axis.

In January 2011, Jupiter and Uranus meet for their final conjunct in this cycle, at 27 Pisces. Keep that position in mind: 27PIS
My own recent research has pointed me to exactly this aspect of planetary indicators aligning to the galactic axis which, to me,explain the intensity of contemporary global environmental conditions.

Intuitions I have had re the importance of the solstice and equinox points and trying to work out the zodiac sign indicators of climate change events, have been beginning to focus down on the starting point of the current position of the GC which is 27 Sagittarius (27SAG). So now remember, 27PIS and 27 SAG - and specifically that these two positions are in 90 degree square and a stress-inducing relationship

Any planetary body connecting by any major angle -including the semi-square (45 degrees) to the GC point of 27SAG is likely to be amplified, in my opinion, by the current status of the sun being in the galactic centre zone.

Using the principles of cosmobiology, it seems quite clear that there are situations when the zodiac signs can be reduced to their modality groups when looking at particular aspects such as the semi-square -basically all the midpoint positions  between the main four angles of the chart - so we then just look at cardinal, fixed mutable interactions. To explain:
27SAG is exact square to 27PIS and they are both (being MUTABLE) aspecting ( semi-square or sesqui-quadrate) any FIXED sign at 12 degree position -so 27 SAG, PIS, GEM and VIR all link by hard angle to 12 LEO, TAU, SCOR & AQU

More progressive research-oriented schools like Cosmobiology or Uranian astrology (Hamburg School of Astrology) consider the semisquare and sesquiquadrate to be relatively "major" aspects while the traditional sextile (60°) and trine (120°) are thought to be relatively "minor" in influence — this based on current research rather than historical documents or beliefs. Astrologers using Cosmobiology and Uranian/Hamburg Astrology work with many more minor aspects than were used prior to 1970, i.e. multiples of 15° (15°, 75°, 105°, & 165°) and multiples of 22.5° (22.5°, 67.5°, 112.5°, & 157.5°).
 - source Wikipedia Astrology Aspects

Contemporary astrophysics continues to reveal, as intuited by the ancients, that the sun has a massive magnetic field interacting with and extending well beyond our known solar system. Planet earth is totally embedded in the magnetic field of the solar system and therefore what the sun does is critical to earth.

In January 2011 with floods being big news in diverse global locations - Australia, Sri Lanka, southern Brazil, South Africa and snow big news in the Northern hemisphere, many people must be wondering -if they can see the big picture -what is going on. Clearly most people usually focus on their own back yard, and even if they hear global news like this, their first instinct is to pass it off as a passing tragedy and not worthy of further investigation. Humans have a powerful capacity for denial and disbelief - made worse by those who rely heavily on manufactured realities -TV, movies, games (Pisces)- because when a large scale event occurs, the only frame of reference is the movie or game version. Maybe that is better than nothing -but life has a way of showing that it does not follow a script and only sometimes creates the expected magical ending after a period of suffering. Certainly if life doesn't imitate art exactly as expected, shock is the likely psychological response, with confusion and inertia. Not much help if you need to respond fast.

Looking at January 2011, with JUP and URA in PIS in exact square to the GC. The water sign Pisces seems incredibly amplified when making a tally of the extent and spread of the flooding globally.
Interestingly, Neptune, the planet of Pisces energy remains joined with Chiron at 27 Aquarius ( Wind element) through most of January. AQU =collective PIS=water/spiritual CHI= evolutionary turning point. Together this mixture speaks deeply of collective human experience at a juncture of major consciousness change. The medium of water in its many forms,has arrived en masse and it is set to be a dominant theme for over a decade, along with all the other keywords for Pisces-Neptune ( compassion, humanitarianism, service, spiritual consciousness along with the shadow side: drugs, alcohol, escapism, delusion, ungroundedness. The ultimate direction is for humanity to engage both dimensions, earthly and spiritual - being in the world and in physical awareness whilst knowing of the larger realm of energies, unseen, spiritual. Humanity is currently detached from this aspect of nature.

The Full Moon on Jan 19 is in late degrees CAP-CAN, amplifying JUP_URA in Pisces, and with Pluto right on Mercury. The weather effects likely to persevere in many places preceding and following exact full moon. Pluto-Mercury brings serious thoughts, communications, messages, warnings

Neptune hangs around the end of AQU all 2011 keeping the sextile to the GC, before entering it's power position in Pisces properly by early 2012

12 degrees fixed arises through the Sun and Mars at the start of February 2011. Watch and see if there is a surge of extreme environmental activity around then. Venus conjuncts the GC on Feb 2 2011 and squares Uranus around the same time. More indicators grouping together -as you would expect. Plus Jupiter, by then, in Aries is exactly square the nodes. More momentum for the Jupiter keywords - large, enormous in a fire sign square an earth sign - is this volcanic, or at the very least, an angry earth energy?

During Feb 2011 the Sun, Mercury, Mars will all conjunct Neptune and Chiron late in Aquarius, all 5 continuing the sextile to the GC.

In March 2011 the north node conjuncts the GC right on the 19th, full moon in PIS-VIR at 28 degrees which square both the nodes and the GC. Earlier Mercury conjuncts Uranus in late Pisces, again square the GC. Uranus remains close enough to square the nodes and though into zero Aries is still conjunct the sun at the full moon
Next Venus in AQU reaches the 12 degree activation of the GC on 16th then conjuncts Neptune on the  27th
On the 29th Jupiter and Saturn are in exact opposition. Tug of war stuff with Aries-Libra in play
By March 31st Mars reaches late Pisces, squaring the Nodes and the GC

Enough for now. Let's see how things unfold January-Feb-March in terms of global turbulence and extreme weather to see how much of a player the GC points of 27 mutable and 12 fixed turn out to be trigger points

Update Jun 9 2011
Well we all know that Christchchurch (Feb 22) and Japan (March 11) had globally reported earthquakes of major significance. We know that extreme and unusual weather events have been prolific across the world. 

Update Dec 15 2011
We are approaching the December solstice - exact on Dec 22 which is preceded by the Sun at 27 degrees SAG on Dec 19. At that time, the 27 degree position is also held by Saturn at 27 Libra, and Venus at 28 Capricorn plus Neptune, 28 degree Aquarius, in close proximity. The Sun, Moon (repeatedly), Mercury, Venus and Mars have also gone through the triggering 12 degree point during Dec 2011 and of these the Moon will be at 12 Libra on Dec 19.

With so much activation of the Galactic Centre (27 SAG) during Dec and likely continuing into January 2012 with Saturn-Neptune still close, extreme weather on a global scale, as seems to be prevalent this month, may reflect the involvement of planetary links to the energy field of the galactic centre.

Update June 9 2012
 Watch the New Moon in Gemini, June 19 2012, at 28.43 Gemini - this is a prime candidate for manifesting extreme weather, including flooding. The Moon will be in high north declination = always a stress point for earth changes - plus Jupiter closes in tightly on a square to Neptune = Big Water in the last week of June 2012, especially. Mars and the Moon conjunct in late Virgo on June 26 will aggravate  the late mutable potentials.
 Extreme flooding including tsunami tidal wave levels cannot be dismissed
.Further aggravating factors involving the Sun-Moon-Uranus-Pluto are also in the mix from 20th-30th June. This amounts to stresses which can result in significant earth movement -seismic & volcanic - due to major structural readjustments

2013 update
Extreme weather continues to be a feature across diverse locations
Factors to include in 2013 are
June 21    Jupiter-Sun conjunction at 29 Gemini
August 7   Lunar nodes at 12 Scorpio-Taurus
September 19 -Full Moon at 27 Virgo-Pisces 
October 18 Saturn at 12 Scorpio
November 3 total solar eclipse at 11 Scorpio
December 17 Full Moon 25 Sagittarius-Gemini

With Jupiter's connection to the sign Sagittarius -its role should be significant - and any strong interaction with the high-profile Uranus-Pluto transit [several 90 degree squares over several years] could be indicative of release points of powerful energy
In 2013 Jupiter aspects to Uranus and Pluto in Jan, Feb, March, August

Check back for updates added to this post



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