Monday, 16 April 2012

2010-2016 Water issues -too little, too much = imbalance, extremes

In the 21st Century -a Summary of aspects Repeating the 1930's:

1.  We are again in an era of dominant Cardinal sign placements held by the powerfully influential Pluto, Uranus and Saturn in 2011-2012. Plus, the mutable energies (primarily Sagittarius & Pisces) follow that group, as in the 1930's.

From July 2010 Saturn's drying and blocking influence has held sway in the cardinal sign Libra, relating to issues of  balance/imbalance in the environment . Saturn remains in Libra until October 6 2012, after which the sign of Scorpio follows for almost 3 years. The effects of Saturn now bring endings, transformation and new beginnings, commonly marked by the symbolism and actuality of death. 
( land, crops, pasture, stock die or are radically transformed)

2.  Saturn in mutable Sagittarius will square Neptune in mutable Pisces from December 2015-October 2016 - a significant drought indicator but most likely also in this timeframe to indicate environmental emergencies in places subjected to excess water
(Clear signs are building regarding very vulnerable places, nations, islands concerning flooding )

The imbalance is now set in place for such extremes.

3.  2011 sees the start of a long-term 90 degree square-off involving Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries (2011-2016). (in terms of elements: hot wind vs deep changes in lunar, tidal, fluid levels & earth structural conditions)

Essentially, the Pluto-Uranus cycle is being witnessed again as in the thirties, USA, dust bowl drought and the effects of Saturn on water are repeated in vulnerable places

update August 1 2015
The El Nino atmospheric pattern has been weak in the recent period:
The strongest event in recent decades was the 1997-98 El Nino.
Weak El Ninos occurred 2004-2007, Moderate in 2009-10.
The return of El Nino for 2015-2016 is potentially strong to very strong & if a run of El Nino years occurs as in 1930-1933 or 1939-1942 then the flow on economic effect will also be sustained.
A sustained El Nino is highly consistent with the forecasting outlined above using contemporary and upcoming planetary indicators along with the historic record -see 2015 post on China and El Nino and the post on drought in the US

Further Reading with regular updates:
Dust Bowl Drought the Return of Cycles
also read a special report on Saturn including reference to the drought deluge issues


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...