Tuesday, 8 January 2013

January 2013 destructive Pluto rages

                                         Jan 4 2013, smoke seen from above Hobart airport, Tasmania

The Australian wild fires, destructive winds, and rape are all big news in early January 2013 and the annihilating, murderous Pluto is highly activated. In transit at close to 10 degrees Capricorn, Pluto has conjuncted the sun since late December 2012 whilst also triggering the lunar nodes at close to 25 degrees Scorpio-Taurus.  Saturn also in Scorpio -but out of range of the nodes was fuelled by an exact square from Mars in Scorpio, plus a lunar conjunction in Scorpio in the middle of the day period (New Zealand D/L time (13hrs ahead of London) I certainly felt this intensity, in a rather irrational fashion at that time of the day.

But back to Pluto - in range of the nodes by semisquare ( powerful, not minor) for the whole first half of January 2013 = transformational, destructive & extreme forces of nature along with brutal, dominating human energies. These themes have connection to the zodiac sign Scorpio, which has an imperative of death & rebirth, with associated transformational life experiences, but also an underbelly of control & domination.

No wonder rape is in the global mindstream ( the accused in a New Dehli , India gang-rape are brought to court. The victim having died. Widespread national and international protests are likely to pressure the Indian government to enter the age of accountability and protect their female citizens from this most primitive of controls used by men. More cases of this kind of abuse are currently being exposed in India along with a very similar case from Fiji. In New Zealand a woman was raped and violently assaulted in an extreme manner, in a community garden, daytime on January 1 2013.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...