Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Shark Attack Feb 27 2013 - astro analysis

Here is the chart for 1.24pm local time in New Zealand when a person reported a shark attack to emergency services Auckland, witnessing an event at Muriwai Beach, on the city's west coast.
click to enlarge
Though separated by many hours and a large space -the energies of this chart have a lot in common with the Luxor hot balloon tragedy in Egypt on Feb 25 2013.

Both events are in the wake of a potent full moon on Feb 25 which promised lots of action due to two particularly influential planetary connections to the lunar event -Uranus and Jupiter both tightly linked by mathematics to the 7.24 degree full moon [Uranus 6.46 and Jupiter 7.28 degrees & minutes].
This chart for the shark attack shows the tighly linked connections from left [Jupiter] and right [Saturn and the lunar north node] all converging on the tight alignment of planets at the top of the chart.
When such a pattern is present strong energy is the immediate impression and found to commonly occur in high profile events.

The death and fatality aspect comes from the Saturn-node positions in Scorpio.
This event took place in the sea -and so involves the collection of 5 factors in Pisces -plus the MC point also in Pisces gives a very high public profile to the event.
With Mars in Pisces tightly linked in since Mon Feb 25, [aided by Mercury extremely close to Mars] he exact link to the karma or destiny activation of the Scorpio lunar node. A violent death is easily understood by this combination.
Accident related Uranus is also tightly linked in and in Mars' birth sign Aries adds heat/aggression into the mix.

Since energy is capable of morphing and transitioning into various contexts  [time, place an destiny all play a role in the manifestation] the Luxor balloon tragedy involved not water but gas - another Pisces substance. Instead of an aggressive predator, the balloon event involved fire - both are Aries expressions. Jupiter was the excursion in a big balloon but at Muriwai Beach it represented a seemingly enjoyable recreational activity in a large body of water.  Tragic and fatal and karmic aspects apply to both.

Update March 4 2013:
The deceased Adam Strange, whose funeral was held today at the beach that claimed him, was an award-winning NZ film-maker - this occupation is a Pisces career [ film, photography, any camera-work & all water-related, chemical/gas/oil/petroleum industries] showing his connection to the strong Pisces planets bunched together when he died in the water. No birth data is available at this time.

further reading:
Shark attack news report
Luxor Balloon crash astro-analysis

Friday, 15 February 2013

Oscar Pistorius: Scorpio signatures of Death & Transformation

LATEST:  JUNE 2016 - Pistorius returns to court for sentencing..SCROLL TO END FOR UPDATES
Oscar Pistorius, South African sporting marvel
 stands accused of the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at his home
 on February 14 2013.
Astro-analysis reveals strong signifiers related to death
 and transformational experiences in the personal profile
 of Pistorius.
His success as an athlete utilising prosthetic limbs
 is reflective of the life changing issues
Pistorius is destined to face in this lifetime

scroll down for 2013-2014 updates
Profile of Pistorius
Astrotheme provides birth data and a chart for Oscar Pistorius as follows

Born: November 22, 1986, 10:30 AM
Sandton, Johannesburg (South Africa)
Sun: 29°44' Scorpio
Moon: 3°32' Léo
Asc: 12°44' Aquarius
MC: 8°55' Scorpio  calculation  click to enlarge in gallery view

Here 3 of the 4 fixed signs are emphasised -these signs share determination, stamina, strong will, perseverence.
  • Scorpio gives significant capacity for re-moulding & transforming oneself many times within one lifetime 
  • Leo provides the strength of ego to desire public prominence 
  • Aquarius gives an unconventional and/or rebelliousness dimension to the personality and being the sign prominent at birth Aquarian qualities associated with his visible characteristics -the unusual appearance of having artificial limbs especially the blades he uses in professional athletics.
Sport is associated with Sagittarius and Pistorius has Saturn in this sign - karmicly related restrictions & difficulties. He uses his strong Scorpio elements & other related fixed sign energies to push through the limitations he has faced from birth.

With 5 factors in Scorpio [ Venus, Mercury, Pluto, MC, Sun]  the positives and negatives of this energy will be prominent and unescapable. The inclusion of the MC - the most elevated point in the chart - and being the indicator the type of most public expression and the aspirational drive, Pistorius is both capable of massive transformational and healing acts as well as the most destructive.
Pluto the planetary expression of the sign Scorpio was in its own sign from 1984-early Nov 1995 - a lengthy period giving many Scorpios in particular ( along with the other fixed signs) a supercharged Scorpionic capacity -for good or evil.
In Pistorius' chart Pluto is exact on the highest point, the MC, thus defining his life. Positioned very close to Venus & close to Mercury, this Plutonic/Scorpionic disposition is infused into his relationships and his thinking.
The dark side of Pluto is the need for dominance and control so possessiveness and jealousy are a big issue requiring resolution.
In the worst case scenarios Scorpionic/Plutonic energy can be used used to disempower and abuse others through use of emotional wounding, physical overpowering as in assault or rape or ongoing threats of violence.
Death is a signature Scorpio theme, so features prominently in the lives of Scorpionic people. [OP's mother died when he was 15]

Mars in Aquarius is in a stress position with the Sun in Scorpio. Issues with parental [father] authority leading to rebellion. Mars is likely to express negatively in attempt to prove himself, feel more secure in his masculinity. The sense of self is compromised. Guns, fast cars, danger all present opportunity for excitement to marsy people.

Venus being somewhat wounded by association as well with Chiron in his chart, makes Pistorius vulnerable to feeling extremely insecure in relationships.

A tragic event has resulted in Pistorius being charged on February 14 2013 with the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp [ born August 19 1983], by multiple gunshots.
Why did this happen now? It is reported the couple started dating only months ago.  In December 2012 the transit of Saturn appears to have set the scene for what has unfolded: it reached 8.59 at Christmas, the exact point of Pistorius' MC.
Two further exact contacts of Saturn-MC will occur in April & September 2013, since Saturn is due to loop into retrograde on Feb 18 and will therefore reverse over that point [ 8.59 Scorpio] then proceed directly over it again.
This factor emphasising the negative, difficult and destructive combination of the Saturn-Pluto forces sets the scene for a major turning point in the life of Oscar Pistorius.
Not just our own death, but also the death of others close to us are both capable of being very transformational experiences.

Whether this event is proved to be intentional or accidental, either option in this particular situation involved the will to commit violence and ultimately that is the most significant aspect karmicly. 
If Pistorius mistook his girlfriend for an intruder he still had the intent to use fatal force against another being.

Was this out of the blue? A Feb 14 report in the Independant UK asserts:
" It turns out he was a crack shot with a pistol, had threatened potential rivals for his girlfriends’ affections, and stories began tumbling out about his treatment of former girlfriends. I suspect that worse is to come."
Also from that paper :
"However, back home in South Africa there were further signs of his combustible character when he hit the headlines in December after allegedly threatening to break the legs of businessman Quinton van der Burgh, whom he reportedly accused of an illicit tryst with a girl he had also been seeing.

Deeply religious, Pistorius has a verse from Corinthians tattooed on his left shoulder: "I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. I execute each strike with intent. I beat my body and make it my slave..." -

Described as 'sweet and kind', Reeva Steenkamp was a Leo, recently working as a model with promising high profile work on her agenda. Her full planetary chart is not available at this time, but on her day of birth the karmic pairing of Saturn and Pluto in Libra is a warning signature of difficulties and power struggles in relationships. 
Unfortunately exactly this factor brought her into Pistorius' realm since his Saturn-Uranus pairing is mathematically locked into Steenkamp's Saturn-Pluto. Trouble Trouble Trouble. A titanic battle of wills. 
This was all the consequence of his Venus in tight square to her Mars - the sexual hook that started the whole catastrophic chain of events that makes sense when you look at the energy patterns, even if at this point only a charge has been laid, no plea entered [Feb 16 2013].
[Update Feb 18 2013:
 A pal said Pistorius had become increasingly possessive in recent weeks.
The friend said: “Reeva mentioned that Oscar was quite possessive and insecure.
"When she was at events he’d call her incessantly. I think she was starting to get annoyed with it." -
source ]

Pistorius in prosthetics for competition
Nike's "I am the bullet in the chamber" ad featuring Pistorius now becomes extremely controversial and adds to the company's association with sports figures who have fallen from grace in recent years

Updates Section
Feb 16 2013
Consideration of Pistorius being a suicide risk definitely comes to mind during the extended period of stress he now faces as outlined in the forecast for him in 2013 . A news report from Daily Mail says authorities have taken steps to have a precautionary approach regarding Pistorius' state of mind.
Despite the apparently strong circumstantial evidence and the prosecution's immediate laying of a charge of premeditated murder, Pistorius "disputes the charges in the strongest terms".
The chart below gives an insight into Pistorius' potential for emotional meltdown: the Moon is under seige and beset by seething pain & trauma, courtesy of Pluto and Chiron in particular.
Eruptive under relevant circumstances while generally in control - but seeking outlet through his most masculine planets Sun & on

Where does the energy for fast cars, danger and guns show in Pistorius' chart?
See the full chart and zoom view below: see how Mars 27 Aquarius  is in the first house and closely at right angle to the Sun in the 10th @ 29 Scorpio
click to enlarge          chart of Oscar Pistorius
Both Mars' position and it's angle to the sun give together a double-whammy Mars effect: high energy, hi excitement & the term applied to him "adrenalin junkie" all are explained here. Mars is competitive, aggressive, pushy, and in the extreme a testosterone demon. Mars is the warrior archetype which in a modern context often translates into the battlefields of sport as well as a fascination with weapons, cars and speed.

February 7 2013
This fascinating case has much more to play out in the courtroom and via the media.
On Valentines Day Feb 14 2013 the Moon was in Mars' sign, Aries, making it more likely for actions of an aggressive nature to occur, in general, in those predisposed towards this energy.
It will be interesting to know the blood alcohol test results on Pistorius as Mars was in Pisces on the day of the shooting, a signature of male energy channeled through drugs, alcohol, escapist, addictive or fantasy expressions. [Pistorius on trial in April 2014 said he thought there was an intruder. He then shot 4 times. The shooting is Mars energy, the illusion/imagined burglars represent a Pisces element]

More importantly, on Feb 14 2013, Mars was approaching 10 Pisces thereby activating Saturn [ 10.45 Sagittarius] in Pistorius birth chart

This table of his planetary midpoints is very relevant here: trace along from the top line from the circular Sun symbol until you reach the archer's arrow at 10.28 Sagittarius. Search down that column and the planet symbol Uranus at Sag 21 is reached: the chart displays the midpoint or energy meeting point of Sun and Uranus in Pistorius' chart is virtually exactly the position where his Saturn sits. Any of the potential of that energy mix were ripe for expression once Mars gave the activation code.
  [Ebertin describes this pattern as: "Rebellion against limitation of freedom; inhibitions and difficulties are overcome through extraordinary efforts. Sudden separation, sudden loss, a separation from another person, carried out in haste"]  Pistorius looks to be the absolute reflection of this pattern manifest over a lifetime to date, as different aspects of the pattern manifest at different times or stages in the life  [when/where/how is karmically determined]
click to enlarge
If reports are correct that the couple started dating in November 2012, then the total solar eclipse that month, falling at 22 Scorpio is of major significance.  [ Eclipses can re-activate many times in at least a 6 month forward time frame if a suitable factor passes over the same point, directly or by angle]  
It still remains relevant either way because a seed was sown then in the energy pattern of Pistorius whose groupings of Sun-Mercury and Venus-Saturn synergise at 22 Scorpio, spelling death and separation on the cards at the passing of an activating point. 
The north node of the Moon traversed 22 Scorpio in February 2013, a week before the death event separating Pistorius from Steenkamp. 
This activator grew that seed into fruition only days later. In terms of global impact  the New Moon on Feb 10 2013 at 21.43 Aquarius - the sun and moon formed a stress pattern with the lunar north [Scorpio and south [Taurus] nodes. This type of event forebodes a hi profile event encapsulating the energies of the 3 signs involved - read my February 2013 forecast for fuller notes

If the timing for this chart sourced via Astrotheme is correct, then Pistorius is set for a lengthy time of retreat from the world when Pluto in transit enters his 12th house, beginning 13 degrees 21mins [13.21] Capricorn. this position begins to be activated in March 2014, followed by some backtracking of the planet (retrograde phase) delaying full entry until Nov 2015. Potential issues prior to this could logically relate to extended judicial delays [the trial commenced as planned on March 4 2014 but has extended beyond the expected timeframe]

Before then, Saturn has much more work on offer for him, of a deep and suffering kind. Currently emphasising his planet of the mind, Mercury with serious thoughts, grief regarding death, Saturn is in slow almost imperceptible reversing mode, from the point of 11.30 Scorpio, through the latter half of February 2013 which will be a nightmarish groundhog day time for Pistorius. There is little letup in the pressure due to the collection of planetary flashpoints in Scorpio about to be activated and reactivated as Saturn passes back to the MC point 8.55 Scorpio, then Pluto 8.10, Venus 5.11 - all between April-mid June 2013. After a brief hiatus from the intense psychological heat, the process resumes in late July with Saturn then moving forward again over those very same points as well as Mercury in the period late July to late October 2013.

In addition during late July 2013-early January 2014 as if enough karmic ripening wasn't already in the picture, the north node of the Moon passes over, one by one, the afore-mentioned Scorpio grouping.
The karmic issues for him related to death and transformation remain strongly on the agenda.

February 18 2013
Globally reports are being recirculated that a bloodied cricket bat was located by Police attending the Pistorius dwelling on Feb 14 and that Steenkamp's skull was crushed. Pistorius is maintaining a position of it being a tragic accident, his partner mistaken for an intruder.
Steenkamp is reported to have been wearing nightwear at the time and to have been carried whilst still breathing, from the scene of the shooting, the bathroom, to an entry foyer downstairs. A call was made by Pistorius to his father around 3.20 a.m on Thurs Feb 14. -source

If the event timing of just prior to 3.20a.m is selected for examination confirmation of a strong Aries pattern linking Pistorius to circumstances of sudden anger/violence/weapons
This chart set at for the Pretoria region a theoretical 3.15 a.m and shows the general energy pattern in that location in that general time frame

and this zoom is the relevant Aries portion:

The bottom point [IC] shows Uranus at 6.11 Aries and the Moon exact on the vertical structure of the chart, at Aries 12.44.
What we can see from Pistorius birth chart is that he has a critical factor in Aries at 20 degrees in the 3rd house - the destiny or karmic signpost, the north node of the Moon at the time of his birth:

Midpoint analysis ( finding the point midway between any other two points - which has an activating capacity re the surrounding pair ) shows that from Uranus at 6 Aries to the node at 20 is a gap of 14 degrees; divide that by 2 = 7; add 7 to the position of Uranus - 7+6 gives 13 Aries. So, slow-moving Uranus [ currently moving 2-3 mins of a degree per 24hrs] was presented with an activator for it's link to Pistorius karmic north node, by virtue of the fast moving Moon [ averages one degree movement in 2hrs ] which was closing in on 13 Aries at 3.15am in Pretoria.

Shots were apparently heard around 3a.m as in this report  and the same Aries pattern was prevailing then in Pretoria -and Pluto, the death/transformation planet lingering on the left, at 10.45 Capricorn near the horizontal axis places great stress, coming from a 90 degree angle to the Aries group at 6.11, 8.03, 12.36. Again a midpoint activation occurs with the Aries 9 degree point being close enough to create a domino effect. The IC-Moon midpoint 10.19 in particular gets a strong impact from Pluto:
Aries alone indicates anger, arguments but the intensity stakes are raised here, way beyond words.
What sort of reading does Pluto square Uranus-IC-Moon in Aries give?
Sudden violent force against a female in a domestic environment

February 19 2013
City Press South Africa has provided ongoing reports on the case including this "Case Against Oscar"
They have also made this graphic available though some omissions and disputed timings are apparent:
                                                      click to enlarge or view source
The graphic is of course a proposed scenario, as yet unproven. The time of Reeva's arrival at the house could have been inserted -variously stated as 6 or 7 pm on the 13th.  Neighbours reported shots around 3am -not 3.20am as stated here.

For those interested in the power of numbers consider this: Reeva Steenkamp made her last visit to Pistorius house on the 13th [1+3 = 4 ].
She was killed on the 14th Feb 2013 = 14/02/2013  [ 1+4+2+2+0+1+3 = 13 = 4 ]
The number 4 ( along with 13, 22, 31)  carries the vibration of Saturn which has associations with difficult experiences, suffering - as well as high achievement.
Oscar Pistorius was born on the 22nd - a Master Number which does not reduce to a 4 but carries a high vibration demanding totally ethical, responsible conduct

February 20 2013
The bail hearing on Feb 19 extended over several hours with Magistrate Nair finding a charge of pre-meditatated murder was his intention unless the defence could provide sufficient evidence to downgrade the charge. Prosecutor is Mr Nel and defence Mr Roux
Tweets from on the spot correspondents included:

The hearing is due to resume at 9am Pretoria time on Feb 20 2013 with the prosecution set to unravel Pistorius' affadavit.  Many points in his statement, read to the court by Roux, appear fanciful and open to analysis because they seem implausible and raise more questions than providing answers.
Was the room really so pitch dark as stated that Pistorius did not know Steenkamp was out of the bedroom as he claims?
Why would a fearful, vulnerable man, as testified, go to confront a supposed intruder, minus his main accessory, his prosthetic legs?
When he called to the person in the toilet, a small 1.4x1.14 room, how is it that Reeva did not respond: "It's me" ?
Why was Reeva locked inside a toilet in the middle of the night, when only in the presence, supposedly, of her sleeping boyfriend?
The cricket bat, he says, was used to smash through the toilet door once he realised it was Reeva inside.
No further mention yet of reported blood on the bat and a head injury sustained by Reeva.

With blood tests awaited re alcohol and or drugs in Pistorius' system it is useful to look at the energy signatures of substances, illusion, confusion, image, pretence and lies because Neptune and Pisces are the planet and sign pairing operating in those related departments.
We know Mars was in Pisces ( and remains so until March 12 2013) on the fateful day - giving rise to more than the usual degree of males reacting through any of the outlets of Neptune/Pisces - especially if predisposed to do so. Mercury, which influences thinking and states of mind is and was then also in Pisces and slow-moving Neptune itself remains in Pisces for a lengthy period - these 3 are not bunched together in their respective transits, but ranged from 2 to 9 to 13 degrees Pisces on Feb 14 - with Mars in the middle having passed a midpoint activation position two days prior, when the Moon was also in Pisces ( effectively all of the 11th & 12th of Feb 2013) 
So a background of very Pisces energy, with some remnants when the tragic events unfolded does give rise to considerations of substances in the blood and brain, confusion, illusion,imagination and deceit.
Pistorius has one planet in Pisces: Jupiter - the planet of excess and extremes. This pairing can incline a person to a very religious disposition but the strong links to Saturn cause conflict with his commitment to sport. Jupiter in Pisces also places one at risk of big dreams or big fantasies - as well as big indulgences or addictions since Jupiter is positioned in the zone of the physical body. 
With the controlling force of Saturn applying the brakes on these tendencies, Pistorius is likely to have avoided the worst case scenarios Jupiter can deliver when so strongly linked to other planets as in his chart. 
This does not mean however that he has entirely escaped a vulnerability to alcohol, substance or drug abuse or other food addictions.
With Jupiter linked to Mercury exactly ( and Pluto-Venus by association) sexual jealousy due to out of proportion imaginings is highly likely.

Washington Post reportsPistorius has had troubles in the past in his personal life. In February 2009, he crashed a speedboat on South Africa’s Vaal River, breaking his nose, jaw and several ribs and damaging an eye socket. He required some 180 stitches to his face. Witnesses said he had been drinking, and officers found alcoholic beverages in the wreckage, though they did not do blood tests. In November, Pistorius was involved in an altercation over a woman with a local coal mining millionaire, South African media reported. The South African Police Service’s elite Hawks investigative unit became involved before the two settled the matter. [Feb19]
Other reports indicating reckless behaviour associated with alcohol have also been seen online.
If mind altering substances [drugs, medicines, alcohol] are detected in Pistorius blood sample from Feb 14 then much of his highly questionable written testimony presented on Feb 20, will make more sense and will lay bare an achilles heel that for too long has largely gone under the radar.

If any sort of anabolic steroid dependency is a factor in Pistorius' behaviour on Feb 14 and subsequently a consideration of withdrawal symptoms is warranted: depression or sadness is a key element and his apparent unstoppable grief in the courtroom may have a chemical cause, just as the crime under investigation may have.
Strong prosecution evidence is submitted in 2nd hearing Feb 20: click to enlarge

What seems like an overwhelming case for the prosecution has unfolded.

...but Pistororius' defence has attacked the prosecution case mercilessly, leaving Detective Botha somewhat destroyed.
February 21 2013
Any adversarial court system relies on two sides presenting compelling alternate evidence. After Round Two in the hearing the defence appears to have cleaned up through a series of rebuttals and flaws exposed in the evidence of the investigating officer Botha.
The prosecution could not have performed any worse than what was witnessed at the hearing on Feb 20 - almost beyond belief that such an ill prepared, sloppy collection of statements were made by Botha - eg. claiming testosterone was found when the substance had not been tested; no checking for other phones or phone calls made as claimed by defence.

The defence case against prosecution evidence is covered in detail by The Telegraph
It seems now Botha is under the influence of the prevailing Neptune-Pisces energies inducing vagueness, confusion, lack of clarity and imprecision.

This is a floor plan of the bedroom and ensuite plus balcony. The bed has been said to be in the centre space, with the head of the bed where the measure 5030 is given. to the right side is where items of Reeva's were found, along with the empty gun holster - apparently Pistorius normally slept there and the gun was stashed under the bed there. The sliding door to the balcony opened at the points marked W2

February 21 2013 Pretoria courtroom Day 3

As the hearing is about to resume; the bizarre situation arises of the Investigating Officer Hilton Botha from the Police being stood down and replaced, due to his own case of facing 7 murder charges.

After a surprise attempt by a local female lawyer to have Pistorius psychiatrically examined, saying she knows him and believes he was medically insane on Feb 14, the Magistrate Mr Nair said such an application was inappropriate, requiring proper presentation.
Defender Roux basically declared no case to answer, no murder, no flight risk.
Prosecutor Nel reaffirmed state's case & intent on a premeditated murder charge

...and not surprisingly the final ( and 4th) day of hearing is the 22nd, master Number, same day of the month as Oscar Pistorius' birthday. This is a day when he faces full responsibility so I would be very surprised if bail is granted -but expect the unexpected in this case, it seems. The number 4 even connected to the shooting itself - 4 bullets fired from the gun.

Thanks to my American readers, in particular - this post proving to interest a vast majority from the US and a sprinkling from South Africa over the past week, with several other nationalities also showing interest

Guardian UK summary of Day 3

February 22 2013
As yet as this day dawns in Pretoria with 4 hours till resumption of the bail hearing, it is undetermined how long this will take but clear enough that a powerful pattern is in place today:
As a representative example look at the energy in Pretoria at 2pm on this day -

It is clear even to the untrained observer that a collection of energies are bunched or focussed in the top sector - we call this a stellium - a big momentum of chain reaction energy passing from one planet to the next. In this geo-location this group happens to be in the are connected to legal matters, the territory of Sagittarius, the 9th House of the chart. Look at how integrated the planets are, forming string-like patterns to the focal group.
This type of intensity is observed in events with significant global impact.
The bulk of planets in Pisces give rise to compassion - but also confusion, mistakes, imaginings -the sort of odd stuff already associated with this case. But reality vs fiction is also strongly under the microscope with Jupiter's legal insight strongly engaged and responsibility for death being the weight carried by Saturn in Scorpio - both planets knitted tightly into the web of planets most elevated.

The Prosecutor expressed on Feb 21 that Pistorius remained detached from the implications of his actions ( Pisces) and that Pistorius even had some doubt that the matter would go to trial.
This distancing may have been a defence tactic - or the state of mind of someone unaccepting of the responsibility faced for a fatal act. At the very least, a confrontation with reality is the likely outcome for Pistorius at the hearing.
With this time of 2pm taken as representative of the flavour of the day as well as the specifics at that time, it is interesting to note that Pistorius has his Chiron at 19.42 Gemini and that at 2pm, 19.47 Gemini is the ascendant or rising energy point: wounded by words or thoughts.

Make no mistake. At this time [including January, February, March 2013] this is in general quite a difficult time for Scorpios - unless they take the choice offered to them to address their responsibilities.  Saturn in Scorpio is linked in to Pluto in Capricorn, which in turn, is in phase with Uranus in Aries.

This is both an evolutionary and a revolutionary period for humanity which will be realised in hindsight.
One hallmark is 'world turned upside down' as people who are in the range of these effects experience life changing circumstances - death and loss and annihilation of material circumstances or lifestyle are common - as humanity is urged towards different values, different codes of behaviour, greater equality and fundamentally a bare-faced confrontation with the use and abuse of power. Scorpios are the group feeling the heat now if they have lagged behind in this change program.

The ruling: it appears to have been given close to 4.30pm local time
Compassion and fairness ruled on the day as Magistrate deems no flight risk. Bail set at R one million and strict conditions apply.

 Guardian UK timeline report ( UK time  - so add 2 hours for SA time) -giving UK time for bail declaration at 14.24 = 16.24 in Pretoria

The chart for the time of granting bail shows the planetary group now focussed on the 8th (Scorpio) sector of the chart and the Moon in Cancer right on the ascendant point in Cancer -  so by the time the magistrate was moving towards his final opinion and when delivered especially, all 3 water signs (emotion) were emphasised - Scorpio emotional intensity, Pisces sensitivity and compassion, Cancer a protective mothering instinct. In other words, Magistrate Nair felt sorry for Pistorius and possibly made a decision based more on emotion than purely points of law.
click to enlarge

Number 4 continues its effects when the next court date is June 4 2013 - a start date of 10am is assumed
Here on June 4 2013 in Pretoria we see the bottom right sector under the control of Saturn and Pluto with the karmic north node again prominent, sitting close to the right of Saturn and on the IC point, positions are;
5.43, 11.33, 16.43 - all in Scorpio - the mathematical midpoint 11.33 near exact on the vertical axis point. Then Pluto at 10.57 Capricorn - almost 11 degrees and therefore in very tight connection to the Scorpio grouping's activating midpoint. So the pressure returns in full strength upon Pistorius as phase two of this legal procedure begins - because his own Saturn at  10.45 Sagittarius - sits -you guessed it -exactly central enough to the Scorpio-Pluto scenario to mean he (and anyone born with Saturn or other planets at around 11 Sagittarius) is in the crucible for serious transformational experience of accountability around their use of power. 
This is further reinforced knowing that he has Scorpio planets ranging from 5.11 to 13.05 activated then, shining the spotlight on issues of death and transformation

Saturn - as a significant principle to understand in this case, as prior notes indicate covers a range of difficult situations, often involving loss, separation, deprivation or restriction or any such keywords reflecting those conditions - so for example of Pistorius remained in custody he would suffer separation form his normal lifestyle, friends, family and contacts, loss of freedom and privilege.
By getting bail he still faces Saturn because the energy is present and unavoidable so must manifest in one form or another - so while free to some extent, he still faces rules or controls which restrict his everyday freedoms - eg abstain from alcohol; surrender passport; must not leave Pretoria without permission; cannot go to residence, surrender weapons, report to Police 2x weekly.
He is also likely to face the grief, depression and serious thinking, worries or anxieties and fears also associated with Saturn.
Loss in general could involve financial loss due to the reaction of sponsors
Loss of reputation and status in the eyes of many
Overall, many experience a Saturn phase as a difficult time. 
Fundamentally it is a maturing principle and as such, a lot of the problems are growing pains - the resistance and resentment felt about having to stop acting like a child tends to make things worse.
A Saturn period is the big wake-up call to face reality, act responsibly.
These are just some of the issues that arise during a period of Saturn being emphasised in a person's life. When that person is very hi-profile many aspects of their experience become public.

March 4 2013    Pistorius cell phone seen as critical evidence

March 10 2013
Pistorius said to be a broken man, potentially suicidal - Guardian UK report

March 28 2013 - At a bail appeal hearing, Pistorius was granted a relaxation in terms deemed overly strict by his lawyer, with international travel now permitted pre-trial - report

April 13 2013
Opinion piece on gated communities in South Africa and the Pistorius case - Ron Irwin CNN

June 4 2013
A brief appearance by Pistorius with a subsequent further date August 19 set down for trial, due to ongoing evidence gathering by the prosecution
An initial brief appraisal of planetary influences in play at trial commencement show strong emphasis on legal accountability for the death of Reeva Steenkamp.
Compassionate energies are still evident but in a waning phase as the trial progresses.

August 19 2013
Oscar Pistorius attended court for a formal indictment on the charge of murder.
He is again bailed to appear for the next court sitting -a trial held from March 3 to March 20 2014

An examination of the astrological factors relating to the March 2014 trial period and to Pistorius
Looking at the energetic influences for the trial period as they correspond to Pistorius' energy blueprint:
  • Accountability for a death is the key issue here & deeply impacting Pistorius' mind
  • A karmic relationship matter is under the spotlight
  • A key issue for Pistorius is the way he operates in relationships
  • The time frame of the trial resonates with the energy of an act of brutal violence clothed in deceit or confusion
  • Communications issues arise in the court March 10-11-12
  • The current era globally is focussed on power issues being redressed – the rights of the individual & liberty vs the system & its figureheads.
  • In March 2014 protective instincts are heightened amongst many, challenging the domineering control coming from governments, administrations, big corporations – and powerful individuals who are part of the controlling system.
  • In this trial family sentiments and protective survivalism is here offset against a high-achieving sportsman with powerful backers, who presents as a devout Christian

The trial occurs at a time of life when Pistorius is entering a lengthy period of around 17 years of intense confrontation with his behavioural responsibilities and accountabilities & will require a deep commitment to his faith and beliefs in order to redeem himself.
This may easily coincide, even for some part, with a period of incarceration.
At the very least it is a very powerful period of inner change, with all the challenges that entails and at the very least a much more sober and psychologically withdrawn Pistorius will prevail in the period 2014-2031 as a prelude to the opportunity for rebirth as a different sort of person.

Astrology notes:

Sun in pisces for first period of trial

Period preceded by new moon in pisces

Moon in aries on March 3rd

Moon in scorpio on  March 20th

Lunar north node in Libra with Mars close conjunct

Mercury is direct

Saturn stat retro from March 1

Jupiter opp pluto with Uranus square & midpoint  10-11-13

Saturn square transit Mercury march 10-11-12 and on the natal sun-mercury midpoint thru trial

Pisces energy in March = compassion but also confusion, deceit
Trial opens with conjunct of nat Jupiter to transit sun in pisces which triggers Saturn in sag
Transit nodes exact to pistorius sun
Trial has an aura of an act of brutal violence clothed in deceit = Neptune on mars-pluto midpoint
Transitting Sun pisces = neptune in pisces = 20 degree Cardinal activation = nodal axis of pistorius 20 aries-libra – relationship to self & other
Jupiter is exact quincunx natal Saturn – both linked to natal Jupiter in Pisces through trial, but transit Jupiter is complicated by the t square with uranus-pluto

Uranus-Pluto is about power issues being redressed – individual & liberty vs the system & its figureheads.

Jupiter in Cancer involves the family or kinship unit, tribalism versus the overbearing systemic forces.

Protective instincts kick in, challenging the domineering control coming from governments, administrations, big corporations – and powerful individuals who are part of the controlling system.

Family sentiments and protective survivalism is here offset against a high-achieving sportsman with powerful backers, who presents as a devout Christian
Further analysis requires knowledge of the full trial period - still incomplete by mid-April 2014

Update March 4 2014
The trial has commenced with delays, & local witnesses have been cross-examined.

Update March 9
Defender Roux has approached his task with a fine-toothed comb in dealing with witnesses during Week One.
Questions I feel remain unanswered though include:
What evidence is there that Reeva was already locked in the toilet with a closed window when her alleged first scream was heard?
Why did Oscar carry Reeva out of the apartment?
Oscar claims events took place in pitch darkness but the witness in an adjacent dwelling saw a light on in the bathroom area and a moving figure. Is this being pursued?
Testimony from former girlfriend has not helped Oscar's image when it comes to use of firearms and his anger issues.
Guardian's Day 5 summary covers many of these aspects

Update March 13
The discrediting of evidence from witnesses has been the ongoing theme as both sides jockey for dominance.
Oscar Pistorius has displayed a significant of emotional disturbance in the form of weeping, retching and vomiting as well as blocking out his ears and vision. This may be seen as genuine distress or an attempt to gain sympathy.
If he is so wracked with anxiety it seems odd that medical assistance has not been offered.

Defence counsel Roux and Oldwage have painstakingly worked detail by detail to challenge evidence in order to weaken the prosecution's case - Day 14 report featured neighbour Annette Stipp who was resolute in maintaining her recall of events -despite a somewhat badgering approach by Oldwage, attempting to tell the witness what her evidence was.
Cell-phone text messages from Reeva to Oscar showed the dark side of their relationship -with aggressive, controlling and seemingly jealous motivations from Oscar becoming a stress for Reeva. These disturbing qualities are consistent with the negative expression of Scorpio potentials.

This fascinating case and case study continues with regular updates added....
Update April 7
In his first defence statement Oscar Pistorius presented himself as a shattered, emotionally drained, vulnerable man haunted by his shooting of Reeva Steenkamp.
His carefully stage-managed self portrait is essential in his defence so the onus rests with the prosecution team to challenge and unpick the picture of goodness and regret to determine the nature of this crime and the form of the accountability that will ensue.
Highly questionable and emotionally manipulative [Scorpio's trademark] statements he made include:

“There hasn’t been a moment since this tragedy that I haven’t thought about your family,”

"you’re the first people I think of, the first people I pray for"

"I promise that when she went to bed that night, she felt loved."

"I was trying to protect Reeva."

Recap of the day's testimony

Update April 11
Day 20 of the trial against Pistorius sees him face a third day of intense cross-examination. The tears & manifest distress have largely gone, with Pistorius taking a more aggressive approach to Prosecutor Nel's needling questions. Irritation, sarcasm & petty point-scoring have surfaced, reflecting the other side of the man, consistent with texts sent by Reeva Steenkamp re his moods and comments towards her.
By Friday's close the Prosecution seems to be very successfully exposing the many holes, inconsistencies and improbabilities in OP's testimony
Update April 16 2014
The conclusion of the cross-examination of OP saw Mr Nel repeat his assessment of an improbable account of the events of Valentine's Day 2013
Easter Break will further delay remaining testimony but a final day of May 16 is anticipated
Prosecutor Gerrie Nel tried to cast doubt on Mr Dixon's credibility and qualifications as a forensics witness during his cross examination.
Critical aspects which differ in the opposing arguments include the degree of light in the bedroom, whether Pistorius would have communicated with Reeva and she with him; the question of whether cricket bat strikes sound like gunshots, whether the shots were fired in rapid succession or with an interval, whether witnesses heard a female scream or just high pitched words and screams from Oscar.
No particular emphasis seems to have been placed on why Reeva locked herself in the toilet: fear of Oscar or fear of Oscar's imagined intruders?
And why did she have her cellphone with her if only there for the purpose of using the toilet? This aspect gives more weight to the state's proposition of an argument 

Update April 17 2014
Witness Mr Dixon challenged further re his evidence and deemed to be presenting a raft of improbable scenarios
Court is now in recess until May 5 and a final day of May 16 anticipated.
Beyond that, the sentencing day may be as late as July.

visit youtube for day by day video

update May 14 2014
The issue of Pistorius' psychological profile has now been traversed extensively through relevant professional witnesses
The portrait presented emphasises the ongoing issues related to OP's disability and the effect of the loss of his mother in his teenage years. 
He is determined by those witnesses to have an anxiety disorder, expressing as hyper-vigilant, always on alert for threats, yet prosecutor Nel pointed out various inconsistencies related to the level of security at the dwelling, apparently contradicting the traits outlined.
Prosecutor Gerrie Nel has played an interesting strategy by seeking and being granted an order to have Pistorius undergo a 30 day period of psychiatric evaluation.
This move is regarded as pre-empting any later appeal-upon-conviction, which might raise psychological issues as having been inadequately weighed in the determination of culpability.
Also should OP's psych assessment place a lesser emphasis on the anxiety dimension of his personality or determine that his mental state poses no mitigation of the seriousness of his actions, Pistorius would face full accountability in sentencing.
Should the 30 day assessment period commence late May, then the resumption of the trial will proceed from late June, early July, causing a further delay in conclusion and sentencing.

Astro-analysis: three factors arise in regard to fear or anxiety. Looking at the conditions of Neptune, Saturn and Pluto is worthwhile.
The role each of these plays in respect of other planets in the chart - specifically if there are stressed or conflicted energies
Neptune under stress tends towards irrationality and over-blown imaginings, easily spooked, fear of the unknown. A trembling, incapacitating nervousness.
Saturn under stress is concerned about loss, about self protection, about security and seeks practical defences like walls, gates, locks, barriers. Specific worries and fears lead to defensive actions.
Pluto under stress can undermine the functioning of the mind and manifest as psychosis or other mental pathology with associated fears. Actions reflect immersion in a reality that is outside of that commonly shared. Paranoia and hyper-vigilance are possible under this influence
Saturn and Sun
Mars and Jupiter

In Pistorius' case it seems he is affected strongly by Saturn with some aspects of Neptune and Pluto.
Look at Saturn and the Sun -their combined energy meets at the midpoint of 5 Sagittarius so his limitations in freedom of movement are a major source of worry, anxiety about self protection -a situation accentuated and aggravated further by the two planets of confidence,energy,movement and freedom -Mars and Jupiter conjoining at 5 Pisces.
Pisces is a very weak position for male confidence and with the Mars Jupiter combination at exact 90 degrees to the Sun-Saturn combo his efforts to overcome his vulnerabilities are constantly undermined by the Saturn sense of disadvantage.
Mars though - taken alone - is very closely at 90 degrees from the Sun = a stressful square effect, giving him periods of great confidence, competitiveness and aggression.
Accordingly he has both contrasting dimensions to his personality -strength and weakness.
Pistorius obviously was able to funnel his drives into supreme sporting achievements -which is the pinnacle of Saturn in Sagittarius operating in a positive manner.
However an achilles heel remains constantly open to exposure if the psychological weaknesses are not resolved.
Pluto-Venus-Moon all link up in OP's chart - which enhances the likelihood of paranoid or unhealthy emotional responses in relating to women: need to dominate, control. This potential would have been strongly activated upon the death of his mother.
On Feb 27 2013 the Full Moon in Leo triggered this response potential and on Feb 12 2013 the Moon again triggered this pattern. 
These factors give rise to consideration of a burning issue coming to a head in the period up to 2 weeks before the shooting and may give more weight to a "jealous/insecure rage" scenario erupting on Valentine's Day.

With the planets in constant passage over the points in the chart inhabited by planets [and their potential psychological dimensions] imprinted at birth, conditions may be re-activated many times in the life.

In February 2013 transiting Neptune at 2 Pisces was in range of transiting Chiron at 7 Pisces. The meeting point of 4.5 degrees of Pisces activated the fearful psychological complex within Oscar Pistorius, outlined above, involving Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Sun making him more likely than usual to react in a heightened fearful, self-protective manner made more irrational by the Pisces [expression of Neptune] confusion/panic regarding an unknown perceived threat.
For these reasons it is plausible he reacted in a manner of extreme irrationality and extreme self-defence.
The extreme irrationality was a response to a matter involving Reeva which threatened him, undermined his confidence and he responded with extreme aggression

It is also highly irresponsible for a person with volatile, unstable tendencies to have firearms accessible.

Was Pistorius' panic about an imagined imminent threat 
a panic about insecurity in his relationship with Reeva?
We know the outcome, either way, was violent aggression, the intent to terminate the threat
The Court must determine the degree of culpability if a person's life is taken in the course of another's panic attack

update June 30
Oscar Pistorius is back in court and the psychiatric panel has concluded he did not suffer rom a mental illness when he shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp - news report

update July 7 2014
Trial continues
Leaked footage intended for defence, has been widely broadcast showing Pistorius running on stumps, re-enacting the crime scene.

Update July 8 2014

The evidence period now concluded, the trial will resume for the final stage on August 7 for 2 days of closing arguments. The verdict may be expected to be delivered in due course, in August.

Update August 2014
Closing arguments were presented starting August 7
Judge Masipa has determined that court will resume for sentencing on September 11: 
CNN reports:
Judge Masipa and the assessors will consider the evidence and testimony presented in court, which may cover up to 4,000 pages of court transcripts.

If the judge believes beyond a reasonable doubt that Pistorius knew he was shooting at Steenkamp, then she will find him guilty of murder. If she rules it was premeditated, Pistorius would face a life sentence. In South Africa, he would be required to serve at least 25 years. If it is not premeditated, he would serve a minimum of 15 years.

If Masipa sees any reasonable doubt that Pistorius knew Steenkamp was behind the bathroom door, she won't convict him of murder.

Still, if she determines that Pistorius was unreasonable in his actions that led to Steenkamp's killing, she would find him guilty of culpable homicide. In that case, she would have to decide upon a sentence herself.

If she believes there is a reasonable chance that Pistorius made a mistake and responded in a reasonable fashion, she will find him not guilty, which means the athlete could go free.

If Pistorius is sentenced on September 11
Planetary analysis, gives strong indicators of imprisonment 
[in particular transiting Saturn on the Sun-Pluto midpoint; transiting nodes activating natal nodes in Aries-Libra; transiting nodes square natal Mars-Saturn midpoint]
October 21 2014
Sentencing occurred later than anticipated but the writing was already on the wall.
A sentence of 5 years imposed will not see Pistorius face literally 5 years in a cell.
The symbolic nature of the sentence is the more profound impact.
Guardian report
Heated response in South Africa -locals unhappy with light sentence

2015 updates

Pistorius spent one year in custody regarding his 5 year sentence for culpable homicide imposed in 2014, followed by house arrest.The Supreme Court of Appeal determined that the lower court had not correctly applied the rule of dolus eventualis -as to whether Pistorius knew that his actions would result in death.
more details on the December 3 2015 decision

Pistorius must now be re-sentenced -again by Judge Masipa, on a date as yet undetermined


March 2016 - Pistorius loses appeal against conviction, remains on electronic bail, awaits sentencing April 2016

Early in March 2016 Tennis's high ranking star Maria Sharapova faced a career-destroying backlash, censure and loss of earnings for continuing to use a banned prescribed medication meldonium. 

Sharapova shares a major astrological achilles heel with Pistorius -they both have Saturn in Sagittarius - the biggest challenge a sports achiever can ask for - and both have fallen from grace for failing to modify their conduct -read Sharapova's story and how it connects to Pistorius

June 2016
Pistorius now faces a second sentencing for the killing of Reeva Steenkamp -
Guardian report from Day One
The astrological picture as the sentencing hearing begins on June 13 has Saturn in Sagittarius at 12 degrees 20.
Pistorius was born with Saturn at 10.45 Sagittarius as shown in this segment of his chart [full chart near top of post]

In June 2016, Saturn is in retrograde movement, meaning a backwards transit, and in less than 4 weeks, by July 9 reaches the exact position of Pistorius' Saturn. This represents a conjunction of the transiting Saturn energy to the Saturn energy point at Pistorius' birth and is called the Saturn Return - the single most significant accountability situation in a person's life - some people are ready for the most significant positive responsibilities at this point - around the age of 30 - such as partnership/marriage/parenthood; others face a cold, hard reality check regarding how they have related to others.
The writing is clearly on the wall for Oscar Pistorius to lose his liberty. His lifelong struggle to experience freedom despite the restrictions caused by his disability is a classic Saturn-Jupiter conflict as shown in his birth energy chart. Nobody can deny that Pistorius showed immense determination to overcome Saturn through his sporting excellence - but Saturn is not simply about a person's challenges: Saturn is the requirement that we integrate into our personality a sense of responsibility towards our fellow humans. This was the essential challenge Pistorius had to learn in the first 26 years of his life. Because he failed to achieve this awareness, now 3 years after the death of Reeva Steenkamp, he now faces the level of accountability that his South African society deems appropriate.

Other References:
Daily Mail extensive summary
Legal issues in Pistorius case


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...