Thursday, 14 February 2013

Lady Gaga under pressure 2012-2013-2014

Lady Gaga remains beset by health issues related to injuries whilst performing -first a head injury in June 2012 and now a hip injury from strenuous use during her shows.

Lady Gaga is an Aries ( data sourced from Astrotheme)

Born: March 28, 1986, 9:53 AM
in: New York, Lenox Hill Hospital (NY) (United States)
Sun: 7°38' Aries Asc: 27°12' Gemini

The 7 Aries position has been affected by the transits of Uranus & Pluto since May 2012 and Feb 2011 respectively, so these body stress issues are deep-seated and have been in development for some time. 
Saturn  the teacher of harsh reality is right on Gaga's Moon through Feb 2013 and lingering during March - hard not to feel heavy, depressed, serious, emotionally withdrawn even guilty under that weight. The positive side of Saturn here is about making emotionally mature and transformational choices now. remember Aries is one of the big kids of the zodiac & it takes something big to jolt those who mature more slowly into the sort of responses that are more sensible.
The good news is the current cycle ( which represents a karmic issue for her) is coming to an end soon.
Since June 2012 Gaga's spirit has been more in retreat mode. This continues through Feb, March & April 2013. It is Jupiter activating the zone of retreat and withdrawal, and in  mid March 2013 Jupiter will contact Gaga's birth position for Saturn. Saturn in Gaga's chart brings karmic & often chronic health problems, but Jupiter coming in opposition to Saturn in March could easily be the turning point she needs as the last exact contact of Uranus ( major change) passes over her sun position at 7 Aries also in March.
By mid June 2013 with Jupiter on her birth point -the ascendant at 27 Gemini a whole new positive cycle, like a rebirth, begins.

Neptune in transit at 3 Pisces, right at the top of Gaga's chart will make her extra sensitive and more spiritually open. Avoiding harsh, intense substances is advised as this is a time of significant fragility around all forms of drugs, medicines or addictive intake. This advisory is in affect from Feb 2013-Feb 2014.

Gaga needed to go through this to make inner changes. Best advice for her while having time out - reflect, meditate, get in touch with your spiritual needs & make those beneficial choices related to your health and lifestyle. That will really pay off.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...