Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Royal Babies : Prince George Princess Charlotte astrology

Latest: Prince George has a baby sister born May 2 2015... scroll to end for more
Cancer or Leo ?
On July 22 2013 the baby boy born to William and Kate was delivered literally on the cusp between the two signs - but in mathematical terms based on a presumed exact birth time,  the new Prince is a Cancerian - sharing the sign of William and his mother Diana.
Leo is the signature sign of Royalty and many in the child's lineage have that sign prominently.
Other interesting aspects of the birth period:
  • the 0 degree Leo-Aquarius Supermoon of July 22 2013 is exactly square the Queen's 0 Taurus Sun and exactly square Prince Charles' [grandad] 0 Taurus Moon.
  • the July 2013 Supermoon is exactly square Prince William's Jupiter at 0 Scorpio and exactly square Prince Harry's Pluto at 0 Scorpio
  • Mars and Jupiter, both in Cancer go into close conjunction on July 20 2013
Queen Elizabeth when a three year old Princess
  • Mars and Jupiter are exact conjunct at 5'50 Cancer on July 22. This highly energetic link between Mars and Jupiter is a Royal family tree signature passed down from the Queen
  • The Queen has Mars and Jupiter in tight conjunction in Aquarius -being 20'52 and 22'30 respectively
  • Prince Charles has Mars and Jupiter in conjunction in Sagittarius -being 20'57 and 29'53 respectively
  • Princess Anne has Mars and Jupiter trined in Pisces and Scorpio -2'53 and 3'53 respectively
  • Lower profile Princes Andrew and Edward do not have this trait.
  • Prince William does not share this pattern. Nor did his mother Princess Diana and nor does Prince Harry
  • Both William and Diana share the Sun sign Cancer
  • The Royal sign Leo and or corresponding symbol the Sun tend to be prominent in those born into Royalty [William, Charles, Queen, Anne, Queen Mother, King George VI, Princess Margaret]
  • The Sun moves from Cancer to Leo in July every year and in 2013 will do so on the day of the Supermoon, the 22nd.
  • Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, formerly Kate Middleton - is likely to have Moon in Cancer [no verified birth-time located]
  • A child born before July 23 will have a Cancer-Leo mix giving much sensitivity and strong family ties as well as the love of public profile and the very relevant highly energetic Mars-Jupiter trait - fitting in very nicely into the Royal personality -more to come once the arrival is specifically timed.
  • If born even within day or two of the Supermoon - the personality factors outlined will reflect in the personality of the new Royal 
  •  July 22  right on the Supermoon, Duchess of Cambridge goes into labour and was admitted to St Mary's Hospital London.  Supermoon is exact at 18.17 UT July 22 which equates to London time 19.17 or 7.17pm
  • The baby being born at 16.24 or 4.24 pm London time brings the full strength of the Supermoon in the energies and personality of the new Prince
  • The individualised chart based on the exact birth time and place shows additional significant qualities.
  • With the baby Prince having the clear energetic link to the Queen and Charles - [Mars-Jupiter conjunction other connections are now clear:
  • Born virtually at 0 Leo this position is in exact square to the Queen's Sun 0 Taurus, Charles Moon - 0 Taurus, William's Jupiter 0 Scorpio, Harry's Pluto 0 Scorpio -  which is an indicator of a positive connection to William but more challenging interactions with the other family mentioned
  • This child has very strong Scorpio elements in the personality. Scorpio is the sign of grandfather Prince Charles and it is clear that fixed energies of the signs Scorpio, Taurus and Leo in particular but also Aquarius - stubborness, ego, pride, bossiness, dominance, controlling are a trait in the family line. Not surprising if you are Royal Born
  • The Scorpio indicators for the Prince come from a mixture of sign placements and related locations on the chart wheel:
  • Scorpio rising sign plus lunar nodes in Scorpio-Taurus; Saturn in Scorpio; Sun-Mercury-Mars-Jupiter all in the 8th house which expresses Scorpio energy through all those planets; Pluto and the Moon being in the 2nd have an additional Taurus energy which is in opposite polarity with Scorpio thereby likely to express similarly
  • Scorpio dominant people have many associations with death and related ceremonies and this child will experience many family deaths
  • Scorpio energy is rather keen on the physical, material and sexual aspects of  existence - but beyond that they also love the metaphysical - the hidden, unseen, mysterious energies.
  • Scorpios can express much deep insight to the extent of being aware of much more than the average person: heightened senses and extra-sensory capacities are shown in this chart with Pluto activating a very active and penetrating awareness - and the same sort of cutting humour as Prince Philip displays is likely to be evident.
  • The dominance of planets in Cancer: Sun-Mercury-Mars-Jupiter and Capricorn: Moon and Pluto, plus Uranus in Aries means that the cardinal signs  which bear relationship to the structural elements of society: the individual, the partnership, the family unit and society as a whole; all these dimensions of life will feature strongly in the life of the new Prince
  • The Prince will be an unusual thinker [ grandfather Charles demonstrates this] and may rebel against the family and traditional demands of a Royal but being born with a Cancer-Capricorn Sun-Moon opposition at near exact full moon - exaggerated by the Moon's closer than usual orbit [Supermoon] means that home, family, tradition and responsibility will feature extremely prominently in the life
  • Intense and serious are aspects of personality which are likely to be clear.  Tantrums can't be ruled out with the strong will expressed as irritation if opposition is encountered. 
  • Mars conjunct Jupiter  Extremely active and energetic and will enjoy humorous pranks
  • The arrangement of Sun-Mercury-Mars-Jupiter opposite Pluto-Moon integrates that large collection of planets in a very powerful way promising a very prominent and privileged life full of strong emotional depth
With the amount of Scorpio emphasis, the Royal Baby is likely to have Charles as one of his names:
-how about James William Charles?

update July 24
A vintage nursery rhyme comes to mind...

Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie, 
Kissed the girls and made them cry,
When the boys came out to play
Georgie Porgie ran away..

The baby Prince is named GEORGE ALEXANDER LOUIS and officially His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.
Of the 3 names, George and Alexander each resolve to the number 3 = Gemini mental energy.
Louis contains several mind energy numbers -3,6,9 but resolves to master number 22 -the same as his birthday
the full numerology of the birthdate 22-7-2013 = 17 = 8
8 is a powerful management number associated with top level administrators, CEO's

Baby Prince a bouncing 8 pound 6 ounces
Read the astro-analysis of the Supermoon of July and what factors also apply to the new Baby
Family tree of new Prince 

October 23 2013
Prince George christened pix & article 
Prince George Alexander Louis full name explained

update April 9 2014
The royal couple and baby Prince are in New Zealand on a brief tour.
Prince George and mother the Duchess of Cambridge attended a Plunket Society playdate with a selected group of parents and similarly aged babies in Wellington New Zealand during the Royal Tour -report
Video and reports on George reflect his "extremely active and energetic" disposition as identified by Mars conjunct Jupiter in the above analysis. As soon as the family arrived on the tarmac in Wellington, George was seen in a galloping pose with his upper torso rocking and arms jiggling aloft

2015 Princess of Cambridge
 born on May 2
Having been born on May 2 the Princess is a Taurus with the Moon in Libra - two signs ruled by Venus - giving promise of great attractiveness, in the manner shown by her mother Catherine.
Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana was born as follows:
Hints of her great-grandmother's genes were apparent in the face of the newborn: both are Taurus Sun.
Her mother Catherine is a Capricorn (Sun at 19 degrees)
Charlotte's combination of Taurus Sun and Uranus in Aries provide a capacity for stubborn rebellion - and with Uranus at 18 degrees - the princess is especially likely to rail against orthodoxy and tradition when Catherine attempts to be her guide -even if Catherine is a modern Royal and somewhat modern mother.

Cancer as the rising sign at the point of birth gives much significance to family but the Uranus position opposite the Moon points to very changeable family conditions, changes of residence, experiences felt as upheavals.
This may manifest as mood issues, temper tantrums, due to the effects of unbalancing the fundamental need of a Taurus to have fixed conditions and a stable environment.
Creativity and strongly imaginative traits are evident due to the Moon in Libra in the 5th house - fine arts and or music -with unconventional styles preferred.
Though being centre of attention has its benefits it won't always be a stress-free experience for the Princess. (Jupiter in Leo square Sun-Mars; aspects from Uranus and Pluto).

Saturn is opposite Mercury which offsets the jolly and humorous benefits of Jupiter. This is the serious side which will be at least equally prominent if not often overshadowing the sunny side.
"A bit liverish" might have been a traditional diagnosis with Saturn in Sagittarius, due to sluggish liver function & buildup of toxicity (Neptune), even if subclinical, impacting on moods. This is a general issue for attention at later stages eg may arise as a health issue arising at age 12. Saturn in Sagittarius also indicates health conditions arising from sports activities. Saturn opposite Mercury in Gemini -hands, wrists or fingers vulnerable to fractures sustained in sport or exercise contexts.
Avoiding drugs & alcohol excess in her wayward teens & adulthood is highly recommended due to the Neptune-Saturn connection making alcohol/drugs quite toxic to her system - with health effects.
The teen Princess needs to avoid too much of a fantasy love life & to be aware of an attraction towards powerful, flirtatious older men

more thoughts may be added to this quick analysis


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...