Tuesday, 29 April 2014


These are the key energies and expressions
 linked to the sign TAURUS
In the six month time frame until the October solar eclipse in Scorpio, the state of people's physical and material security will be emphasised -and important red alerts are involved

This solar eclipse operates in the same time frame of the April 15 total lunar eclipse [a Full Moon with Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra] and so many of the activations explained in that analysis remain emphasised by this solar event [ a New Moon, with both Sun and Moon in Taurus]

Both of the energies related to money - Libra and Taurus therefore remain strongly emphasised but the forecast involves warnings.
On a bodily level Taurus is the energy of food, the substances we consume for energy. But how much do we need?

Read first the full April 15 report
Important sections from that forecast include:
Each of us has to assess where we are investing too much and where we are investing too little in our capacity for relating.
Libra also has a connection to economics and finance so the issue of imbalances in the global economy must also be highlighted in this eclipse time-frame as well as in respect to the separate state of the books run by the government and individual personal and family budgets. 
The global financial crisis is far from being a distant memory. It lingers on in many places and in many lives.
This is still a period of high risk in terms of financial returns.

In financial matters the risk is deals that fail to pay off, or scams and schemes that are increasingly preying on the unwary.
More caution than usual is advised under these deceiving influences regarding people and money.

Earth itself being a tiny fragment of the massive solar system, experiences the strain of the energy tensions of strong planetary alignments - as we are experiencing continually 2011-2016 and so extreme events have become almost daily news in this extended time frame.In New Zealand, Christchurch is a real life social laboratory revealing what happens to a place and its people when the lives of the majority are significantly usurped and turned upside down by extreme natural forces. But this is just one example across the world. For some it is flooding, or fire, or landslides. 
Political eruptions and war affect even more of the world's population

The April 29 Solar Eclipse forecast
The cardinal cross remains strongly in effect with Mars and Uranus in opposition and Jupiter and Pluto in opposition -each planet being also at right angles to the other pair.
Essentially this is how these planets are presently positioned in the solar system 
Historical evidence shows that very dynamic forces are activated when four planets are arranged in this cross arrangement, with the current four being arguably the most potent combination in the catalogue of solar system forces.
Pluto and Uranus have been at right angles since 2011 and remain in effect till 2016.
The present addition of Mars and Jupiter amplifies the extent of pressure affecting all species and our environment regarding evolutionary change -whether that is change by transformation, destruction or regeneration
The cardinal cross effect is primarily involved in the restoration of BALANCE
This affects how we relate to ourselves, others, other species, our resources, our environment = everything

Imbalances in any system whether that is biological or environmental/atmospheric cause malfunctions, disease, disturbance.
With the association of Taurus with food -asking questions about our level of consumption is relevant -is it too little or too much?

Persistent extreme weather events and major climate change, are indicators of imbalance in the natural environment and atmosphere.

Stress, disease, violence, degenerate behaviour are all signs of imbalance in the individual and societal systems.

The process of rebalancing is often enforced by outer events: ask the people of Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, ask the people of Christchurch NZ after their earthquakes, ask the people of Sendai Japan after the tsunami. Once your world is turned upside down or annihilated, your balance is lost and must be refound.

This eclipse has a big sign reading BIG LOSSES
More tragic events involving water, literally as an element of change. 
The sea and severe rainfall are the most likely scenarios.

Extreme natural forces out of balance frequently express as wind -including hurricane and tornado events. The building phase of this April eclipse saw a trail of tornado-generated destruction across Arkansas and other central southern states. The more than 50 separate tornadoes documented, the half-mile-wide twister near Little Rock and winds up to 150mph [240kph]make these events a significant manifestation of the extreme stress of cardinal cross energies.
In real terms, like lightning earthed to a ground point, the full force of solar system derived planetary energies in extreme combination are funneled into earth's atmosphere and earthed with resulting destruction.

For many, water will also dissolve and dematerialize money, possessions and security.
This can occur through water damage ruining possessions and affecting financial status
But will also occur through the Neptunian arts of theft, fraud, deceit: many will be the victims of loss of money through devious exploitation.
The warning is to personally avoid fraudulent or dishonest practices under these influences -and to avoid people of that character - as any tricky schemes are likely to backfire

The energy of drugs, alcohol, addictive substances and addictive-compulsive behaviours are also associated with these warnings.
People's material and financial wellbeing and security are extra prone to being undermined by conduct related to substance abuse or addictive behaviour.
Aside from the drain from drug addiction or alcoholism on a person's bank balance, this is also most commonly expressed in big losses as a result of gambling -whether that is in casinos or in investments or sharemarket trading -or supposed get-rich-quick schemes.

Food addictions are also on the agenda for consideration. Too much of anything, even water, can kill.

Whatever your vices, now is not the time to let them get way out of control. The failure to show restraint will not be a pretty picture on account of the extreme annihilating forces in effect.

This forecast is written at a time when New Zealand battles with the ravages of synthetic cannabinoids aka legal highs
The present National government failed to protect the society of NZ, in particular vulnerable youth and imbalanced adults, from the toxic cocktails contained in these chemical formulae.
Large numbers of mentally disturbed users have flooded emergency clinics and local communities have launched vocal protests in response.
Despite saying a ban was impossible, the government announced on April 27, in the context of political pressure from the Labour Party, that within 2 weeks the products would be banned rom sale until proven low risk.
The risk of blackmarket activity and stockpiling is evident -along with a surge in withdrawal crises overloading medical services.
This issue of the effect of an addictive substance in radically altering the mind and body is very relevant in the time frame of this eclipse. - news report

People born on or close to the eclipse date April 29 are strongly affected, along with those having significant planets close to 9 Taurus.
The cardinal cross affects all planets at 12-15 degrees especially if in Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn.
Well-known people born April 29 include Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis, Uma Thurman, Jerry Seinfeld, Andre Agassi.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

April 2014 Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

April 15 2014 sees not only a full moon that is a total lunar eclipse, but also a strong emphasis on the cardinal points of the zodiac: Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn have relevance to earth's seasonal markers and when these energies are strongly activated there tends to be sudden weather changes, increased intensity, signs of disturbances and imbalances
April's big emphasis on all four of the seasonal signs is revealed in
Aries:  Sun conjunct South Node, Mercury conjunct Uranus
Libra: Moon conjunct North Node, Mars
Cancer: Jupiter
Capricorn: Pluto

A cardinal cross features planets in all four signs in the Cardinal group in exact or near exact positions, arranged in a cross pattern of oppositions and squared angles [180 and 90 degrees]Here the range is very tight: from 13-16 degrees 
The Moon is in Full opposition to the Sun
Mercury and Uranus in exact conjunction and in very close opposition to Mars
Pluto in Capricorn is at 90 degrees to Mercury, Uranus and Mars
Jupiter in Cancer is very closely opposite Pluto -so also is at 90 degrees to Mercury, Uranus and Mars

Eclipses occur when the solar-lunar alignment is in close proximity to the Moon's crossing points of the ecliptic, points called the Moon's node

In astronomical terms the earth is titled 5 degrees to the Sun's orbital path [ecliptic]
The moon dips above and below the ecliptic at two points -ascending above and descending below that pathway.
In astrology the nodes are termed North and South.
The positions are in constant change through the backdrop of the zodiac sectors of the solar system

The implications of Cardinal signs emphasised
Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn are the four signs that describe the act of relating to others & to the self.
Aries is the type of relationship you have with yourself
Libra is behaviour in partnerships, co-operative arrangements,marriage, dating, one-to-one professional dynamics, alliances between two entities
Cancer is the act of nurturing others, the mothering instinct, concerned for the welfare of dependents through emotional support and home comforts
Capricorn is the guidance and support of others in a paternal manner via governance, regulations -or in a family discipline, rules
Astrology clearly describes the psycho-social developmental pathway beginning with Aries.
A healthy person is created in family circumstances that promote the development of all 4 relating abilities:

  • a strong, positive sense of self and capacity for independence
  • a capacity for mutually supportive partnerships
  • the capacity to emotionally support others in need
  • the capacity to guide, counsel and provide a supportive structure for assisting others in their social development

Regrettably we are witnessing a breakdown in these critical fundamentals due to fractured families, inadequacy of role-modelling by elders and parents and so the natural sequence cannot be achieved if the first [Aries] milestone of a healthy sense of self is not achieved.

Keywords regarding these issues of developments are likely to be highlighted in national debate and news in the 6 month time frame of this eclipse effect.
selfishness, partnership and marital issues, the roles of parents and government in their separate ways of supporting and guidance.
Government acts in loco parentis - in a parental-type role for people on mass, society, the network of kinship groups

BALANCE is a critical keyword that permeates all 4 relating contexts. Such questions are relevant as:
How much time alone versus with a partner?
How much time being a parent versus having a personal life?
What role the state has versus the role of parents to guide, educate and support?
Each of us has to assess where we are investing too much and where we are investing too little in our capacity for relating.
Libra also has a connection to economics and finance so the issue of imbalances in the global economy must also be highlighted in this eclipse time-frame as well as in respect to the separate state of the books run by the government and individual personal and family budgets. 
The global financial crisis is far from being a distant memory. It lingers on in many places and in many lives.
This is still a period of high risk in terms of financial returns.

Cancer expresses its energy strongly in the domestic and private home and family lives of citizens, so expect this eclipse period to have many implications for matters involving families and their actual dwelling undergoing massive changes -which can involve by choice substantial renovation or a destructive event, what insurers call an act of god.
Long-term patterns which began in 2011 have seen many homes destroyed by extreme events ranging from earthquakes to flooding and subsidence. This risk factor is emphasised further in this 6 month eclipse period and the longer term pattern is still in effect into 2016

Capricorn in its association with its parental governance role has been also a long-term hot-bed of turmoil. Many revolutionary and anarchic streams have erupted globally in diverse locations, most recently in the Ukraine via Russia's effective land-grabbing.
Governments across the world are under pressure to evolve and serve their citizenry in exactly the supportive, guiding and regulatory role that befits a benign parent.
When governments diverge into extremes of control, arrogance and repression they have lost sight of their nurturing brief and transformed into Plutonic despots and feudal overlords, serving an ever more avaricious plutocracy.
We are seeing much of this across the globe as the Left seems knee-capped by a resurgence of right wing governments
This too must change but more turmoil is expected before a resolution and greater balance is achieved.

The remaining picture to note in this eclipse period is the Pisces themes coming via Neptune, Venus and Chiron.
The positives involve love and romantic fantasy.
The Royal Tour of New Zealand by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge -Will and Kate and baby Prince George has served to reflect many positive aspects of the eclipse themes.
Large crowds of happy well wishers have been delighted by up close contact with the royals and thereby exposed to a happy union and joyous family representing the best of Aries-Libra and Capricorn-Cancer through the couple's solo and joint engagements and their happy parenting on display.
For many though it is the Pisces romantic fantasy of their Knight in Shining Armour, or Princess Bride cultivated by the Royal role models and at many events with the Royals many girl children dressed in princess clothes with a tiara.
The downside to Pisces dreams and fantasies is the harsh reality of partners who fail to make the grade.
Of course, in contrast, the world is watching Oscar Pistorius being grilled in cross-examination during trial over the death of his partner Reeva Steenkamp. Though born under Scorpio, Oscar expresses his Mars energy in a manner that reflects negative Aries -a weak sense of self with resulting relationship issues...read more on Oscar & the trial
In financial matters the risk is deals that fail to pay off, or scams and schemes that are increasingly preying on the unwary.
More caution than usual is advised under these deceiving influences regarding people and money.

Earth itself being a tiny fragment of the massive solar system, experiences the strain of the energy tensions of strong planetary alignments - as we are experiencing continually 2011-2016 and so extreme events have become almost daily news in this extended time frame.
In New Zealand, Christchurch is a real life social laboratory revealing what happens to a place and its people when the lives of the majority are significantly usurped and turned upside down by extreme natural forces. But this is just one example across the world. For some it is flooding, or fire, or landslides. 
Political eruptions and war affect even more of the world's population.
Each of us must come to comprehend the bigger picture facing humanity
Collectively as a species we are once again in a sorry state of degeneration in this new millennium and a return to the basics of a meaningful life is called for.
Until the human imbalance makes a shift back to our core humanity the problem energy reigns.
We need to act with consciousness to help our collective network get back home. 

update April 16

The Blood Moon
This phenomenon of red light refracted onto the moon's surface give's this eclipse it's Blood Moon reference.
This is not a unique event, but the sequence of 4 Total Lunar eclipses in succession is less than normal.Termed a tetrad even NASA considers the situation remarkable:
"During the 21st century, there are 8 sets of tetrads, so I would describe tetrads as a frequent occurrence in the current pattern of lunar eclipses," says Espenak. "But this has not always been the case. During the three hundred year interval from 1600 to 1900, for instance, there were no tetrads at all."
"The total eclipse of April 15, 2014, will be followed by another on Oct. 8, 2014, and another on April 4, 2015, and another on Sept. 28 2015".
Questions about the significance of the Blood Moon effect have resulted in some end times declarations including
a Christian Blood Moon Prophesy
From an astrological perspective the greater frequency of total eclipses gives more likelihood of intense energy patterns being activated, particularly when the eclipse occurs along with strong alignments of other planets capable of dynamic movements of the elements, atmosphere and structures - Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter are especially important to consider. 

The first big test of the Blood Moon effect may be stongly reinforced in the period April 19-26 2014 due to energy potentials evident on the day of the total eclipse
In the period April 19-26 first the sun aligns exactly with the lunar nodes [a mass destiny indicator -large numbers of people affected by an event]* see update
In addition a significant collection of planets connected at 13-14 degrees: Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto -a pattern evident on April 15 but intensified due to Mars retrograding its position to 14 degrees on April 22.
The emphasis on the Cardinal sign issues [explained above] is intensified with risk factors increased in terms of angry aggressive and violent effects.
The April 15 abduction of 100 schoolgirls from their school in Nigeria by armed anti Western militants has the hallmarks of aggressive power abuse potentials generated by the Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto quartet at its worst.
Similar acts on a larger scale as well as one-to-one are high risk for this period April 15-26 2014

The potency of the lunar eclipse is already on record.
The sinking of the South Korean Ferry on April 16 is very consistent with the energy potentials of this eclipse.
The cardinal emphasis reflected in: 
Loss of balance, world turned upside down for many and their families, mass destiny implications with several hundred of the total passengers and crew still unaccounted for.
The Pisces element is issues involving water, maritime environments  BBC report and pictures
The number of mass or group destiny events has grown in days since the eclipse: the Korean ferry sinking, the abduction of 100 schoolgirls, south Sudan cattle wars, the avalanche on Mt Everest.

April 21 ethnic massacre in South Sudan

April 26 news report on Russia & Ukraine
The crisis in Ukraine has clear hallmarks of the conflicted energies generated by the planets of the cardinal cross, in particular the long-term Pluto-Uranus element, in effect from 2011 to 2016. 
Political and power abuses in various nation states, including the activities of neo-fascist elements are rising up during this time frame as they seek renewed domination and control. 
It is of great concern if the outcome of this period sees power abusers - whether they are organsied groups or individuals - take away the rights and freedoms of others.
Humanity is in a perilous condition of degeneration. 
The alternative is regeneration, a renewed vision of relating to each other, to other species and to the planet we inhabit.
These are the ultimate goals of the cardinal revolution in consciousness.
This requires a collective change of awareness.

Further Reading in Cosmology:
The paleolithic origins of stargazing are covered in this journal article

Sunday, 13 April 2014

ARIES Profile: Winston Peters Political Pugilist

He's an Aries born April 11 1945, the perfect zodiac sign for a fighter and danger man, someone skilled at ducking and diving - but his name means "joy-stone" so there are two sides to this wily old campaigner

Latest: July 2023

Winston Peters fully intends to be part of the 2023 NZ General Election -almost a decade after the last coverage here - confirming both his stamina and determination -as well as the potential he still holds to be impactful on NZ politics. 
You don't get named "Winston" for nothing.
Looking at October-November 2023 transits for Winston there is potential for him to have a spanner in the works role in resolving a tightly competed election.
Winston has the strategic vision of a Chess Master and politics is the perfect theatre for his game plan

Winston Peters has been a part of the New Zealand political fabric since 1975 which will give him the gong for 40 years service if he can sustain his edge into 2015.

scroll to end for latest updates & Election 2014, Northland 2015

Mars is the generator of Aries' driving force and it operates best when in the fire signs -Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - but in Winston's case his Mars is channeled into covert mode -he has Mars in Pisces, the least marsy position versus typical impulsive impetuous activity. Pisces makes Mars want to do a lot of behind the scenes stuff and to be somewhat tricky.

So Winston is getting his obvious marsy personality from a different source - along with the Sun in Aries, he has Mercury in Aries positioned close enough to the Sun on the day of his birth to endow him with a sharpness of mind and somewhat cutting speech - a lot goes on inside that head -and considerably more than he outwardly expresses.
Mercury was in retrograde phase on his birthday which creates a lot of internalising of the mental functioning -a lot of cogitating, reviewing and rehearsing.
Venus too is in this Aries mix, near to Mercury and also retrograde. Venus is what you get pleasure from and how you relate to others. Winston loves a good stoush and he refuses to play by the normal relating rules.

[Sun 21, Mercury 25, Venus 28 = all conjunct in Aries -and Mercury -his mind - being central is the conduit for the Mars stuff rather than through Mars itself]
A generic layout and hypothetical Moon position due to lack of birth time
Planets otherwise reflect actual positions for Winston Peters

These two positions also explain why Winston is such a puzzle -he thinks and relates in a manner that is more internal than external and the signals and wires get rather crossed when others try to probe his mind - he falls prey to the Aries irritability and impatience when pressed to explain himself to bewildered media.
Winston thinks he is being clear and obvious but he's broadcasting mostly to himself.
Having the unconventionally oriented Uranus in Gemini makes his thought processes and communication style rather unusual as well
His capacity for detailed legal analysis and argument comes from Jupiter in Virgo.

Without a time and place for his birth a fuller personalised analysis is not possible but it is easy to wonder what potential Winston has to rise up again in the context of the 2014 NZ elections.

The common political indicators include Saturn and its related sign Capricorn.
What is known about Winston's birth energy is that he has Saturn at 5 Cancer giving him a more nurturing intention as a politician -eg his looking after the elderly reputation and the SuperGold card for seniors
If the election proceeds on September 20 2014 Winston is enjoying a considerable number of engagements based on analysis of finer points on Sun 21 and over the fornight afterwards the Sun, Moon and Venus in Libra will all activate his political [Saturn] positioning as the nuts and bolts of political marriages, engagements, alliances and betrothals are thrashed out
Being touted as the Kingmaker necessitates many encounters.

Other NZ political Aries: the standout is Paula Bennett. Her ambitions are high, & further opportunity to climb has been delivered nicely by the mis-steps made by Pisces-under-Pressure Judith Collins
More on Paula Bennett to come.......in July outlook for a range of candidates

Further Reading
Political Report on Winston Peters

Updates and addendum:
Election 2014
Winston could take a knock and a blow to confidence due to prevailing adverse effects.
By-Election 2015
Winston knows how to revive his political capital.
Standing in the Northland seat vacated by National's Mike Sabin, he is set to give the apparent shoe-in Mark Osborne a cracking race.
Peters has some significant activations around the voting date of March 28 but without any comparative data for Mark Osborne it is not possible to say who has the edge.
March 28 2015 saw a resounding, historic upset to the delight of many, with Peters taking a 4,000 vote lead over Osborne.

Winston turned 70 in April 2015  the oldest MP in the NZ parliament and reaching a 40 year career

Peters remains in the fray yet again for another round - decided on september 23 2017


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...