Tuesday, 29 April 2014


These are the key energies and expressions
 linked to the sign TAURUS
In the six month time frame until the October solar eclipse in Scorpio, the state of people's physical and material security will be emphasised -and important red alerts are involved

This solar eclipse operates in the same time frame of the April 15 total lunar eclipse [a Full Moon with Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra] and so many of the activations explained in that analysis remain emphasised by this solar event [ a New Moon, with both Sun and Moon in Taurus]

Both of the energies related to money - Libra and Taurus therefore remain strongly emphasised but the forecast involves warnings.
On a bodily level Taurus is the energy of food, the substances we consume for energy. But how much do we need?

Read first the full April 15 report
Important sections from that forecast include:
Each of us has to assess where we are investing too much and where we are investing too little in our capacity for relating.
Libra also has a connection to economics and finance so the issue of imbalances in the global economy must also be highlighted in this eclipse time-frame as well as in respect to the separate state of the books run by the government and individual personal and family budgets. 
The global financial crisis is far from being a distant memory. It lingers on in many places and in many lives.
This is still a period of high risk in terms of financial returns.

In financial matters the risk is deals that fail to pay off, or scams and schemes that are increasingly preying on the unwary.
More caution than usual is advised under these deceiving influences regarding people and money.

Earth itself being a tiny fragment of the massive solar system, experiences the strain of the energy tensions of strong planetary alignments - as we are experiencing continually 2011-2016 and so extreme events have become almost daily news in this extended time frame.In New Zealand, Christchurch is a real life social laboratory revealing what happens to a place and its people when the lives of the majority are significantly usurped and turned upside down by extreme natural forces. But this is just one example across the world. For some it is flooding, or fire, or landslides. 
Political eruptions and war affect even more of the world's population

The April 29 Solar Eclipse forecast
The cardinal cross remains strongly in effect with Mars and Uranus in opposition and Jupiter and Pluto in opposition -each planet being also at right angles to the other pair.
Essentially this is how these planets are presently positioned in the solar system 
Historical evidence shows that very dynamic forces are activated when four planets are arranged in this cross arrangement, with the current four being arguably the most potent combination in the catalogue of solar system forces.
Pluto and Uranus have been at right angles since 2011 and remain in effect till 2016.
The present addition of Mars and Jupiter amplifies the extent of pressure affecting all species and our environment regarding evolutionary change -whether that is change by transformation, destruction or regeneration
The cardinal cross effect is primarily involved in the restoration of BALANCE
This affects how we relate to ourselves, others, other species, our resources, our environment = everything

Imbalances in any system whether that is biological or environmental/atmospheric cause malfunctions, disease, disturbance.
With the association of Taurus with food -asking questions about our level of consumption is relevant -is it too little or too much?

Persistent extreme weather events and major climate change, are indicators of imbalance in the natural environment and atmosphere.

Stress, disease, violence, degenerate behaviour are all signs of imbalance in the individual and societal systems.

The process of rebalancing is often enforced by outer events: ask the people of Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, ask the people of Christchurch NZ after their earthquakes, ask the people of Sendai Japan after the tsunami. Once your world is turned upside down or annihilated, your balance is lost and must be refound.

This eclipse has a big sign reading BIG LOSSES
More tragic events involving water, literally as an element of change. 
The sea and severe rainfall are the most likely scenarios.

Extreme natural forces out of balance frequently express as wind -including hurricane and tornado events. The building phase of this April eclipse saw a trail of tornado-generated destruction across Arkansas and other central southern states. The more than 50 separate tornadoes documented, the half-mile-wide twister near Little Rock and winds up to 150mph [240kph]make these events a significant manifestation of the extreme stress of cardinal cross energies.
In real terms, like lightning earthed to a ground point, the full force of solar system derived planetary energies in extreme combination are funneled into earth's atmosphere and earthed with resulting destruction.

For many, water will also dissolve and dematerialize money, possessions and security.
This can occur through water damage ruining possessions and affecting financial status
But will also occur through the Neptunian arts of theft, fraud, deceit: many will be the victims of loss of money through devious exploitation.
The warning is to personally avoid fraudulent or dishonest practices under these influences -and to avoid people of that character - as any tricky schemes are likely to backfire

The energy of drugs, alcohol, addictive substances and addictive-compulsive behaviours are also associated with these warnings.
People's material and financial wellbeing and security are extra prone to being undermined by conduct related to substance abuse or addictive behaviour.
Aside from the drain from drug addiction or alcoholism on a person's bank balance, this is also most commonly expressed in big losses as a result of gambling -whether that is in casinos or in investments or sharemarket trading -or supposed get-rich-quick schemes.

Food addictions are also on the agenda for consideration. Too much of anything, even water, can kill.

Whatever your vices, now is not the time to let them get way out of control. The failure to show restraint will not be a pretty picture on account of the extreme annihilating forces in effect.

This forecast is written at a time when New Zealand battles with the ravages of synthetic cannabinoids aka legal highs
The present National government failed to protect the society of NZ, in particular vulnerable youth and imbalanced adults, from the toxic cocktails contained in these chemical formulae.
Large numbers of mentally disturbed users have flooded emergency clinics and local communities have launched vocal protests in response.
Despite saying a ban was impossible, the government announced on April 27, in the context of political pressure from the Labour Party, that within 2 weeks the products would be banned rom sale until proven low risk.
The risk of blackmarket activity and stockpiling is evident -along with a surge in withdrawal crises overloading medical services.
This issue of the effect of an addictive substance in radically altering the mind and body is very relevant in the time frame of this eclipse. - news report

People born on or close to the eclipse date April 29 are strongly affected, along with those having significant planets close to 9 Taurus.
The cardinal cross affects all planets at 12-15 degrees especially if in Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn.
Well-known people born April 29 include Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis, Uma Thurman, Jerry Seinfeld, Andre Agassi.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...