Thursday, 1 May 2014

Zombie Apocalypse March of the Pisces

A kind of zombie apocalypse is happening in New Zealand
The zombies are 3 right wing politicians all born under the zodiac sign Pisces and they all seem to be asleep at the wheel or more importantly, reconfigured.

Which is of concern if they are Members of Parliament running the country and looking for re-election in September 2014
                   Peter Dunne                             Judith Collins               Maurice Williamson

Pisces are known to be sleepy, dreamy, impractical and escapist and not at all suitable for politics -so it takes a bit of grunt amongst their other planetary line-up to steer them away from mysticism, addiction and the Peter Pan syndrome
This year:
Peter Dunne [17 March 1954] is out of favour over a rather Piscean drugs issue: for failing to act decisively regarding the ravages resulting from the sale of legal high chemical cocktails. The fact that his lawyer son acts as for the synthetic cannabis sector raised a conflict of interest query. OUCH

Judith Collins [24 Feb 1959]came close to being sacked for failing to disclose and forgetting and telling possible porkies whilst cosying up a little too closely for many, with the Chinese company Oravida -which happens to have her husband as a director.
Oravida had made significant donations to the National Party of New Zealand in which Collins is a member and an MP
Claims of conflict of interest arose loudly. AAHH
Full Profile

Maurice Williamson [ 6 March 1951] has lost his portfolios on May 1 after phoning police to request a review of charges against a wealthy businessman from China who is facing domestic assault charges in NZ. Mr Donghua Liu has made a significant donation to the National Party. OH DEAR

Pisceans [Feb 19-March 20 ] are very prone to having "loose boundaries" which in psychobabble means "not knowing where to draw the line"..where one thing stops and another starts, when this becomes that.
It all gets a bit blurry in their minds when the issue arises of what is appropriate? what are the clear relationship restraints ?
This achilles heel is exactly one of the main weaknesses that trips up the Pisces who risks being under the political spotlight.
Being creative with the truth is also another vulnerability waiting to arise.

If these three are anything to go by the influence of Neptune in Pisces [2011-2025] is already having a narcotic effect on its offspring.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...