Tuesday, 6 May 2014

You are The Change

Since February 2010 I have written an astrology blog under the professional name Tamzin Kay. The audience is global, with all-time visitors from the US outnumbering any other nation by 4:1.
New Zealand is second in visitor stats
The content includes topical events, high profile people, what's happening environmentally, local & global political issues, our place in the larger solar system -along with a beginner 101 guide to the nuts and bolts of astrology.

What is strikingly evident is that few people who visit the site want to leave their footprints. Bizarrely, ancient knowledge and practices have become the most taboo of subjects in a world awash with many flavours of degradation

Astrology remains in the stranglehold of suffocation that began with the rise of power in the Christian church and was then perpetuated by the rise in power of the scientific community.
late paleolithic cave art: a shaman in stag antlers and hide

But people have an unbroken link to the ancient world, when star-gazing developed into an art: indicators and consequences were noted and aggregated into a significant body of knowledge that remains in development over the 2 million years to the current time.

The seers, mystics, shamans and healers still walk amongst us and arguably are the repositories of more wisdom, knowledge and transformational abilities than the cultures of repression that remain dominant in the Western mind.

From a Buddhist perspective, it is the karma of humans to be so lost in ignorance, so our evolution beyond the degenerate condition to a more enlightened state will take a very long time.

What is real is that the mindstream of the ancients lives on in many guises.
The West is in the process of being subverted by Eastern dominance.
The minds of differing cultures are being altered
Change is constant.

The West Declines -Niall Ferguson
Paleolithic Cosmology


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...