Thursday, 9 April 2015

Aries profile: Paula Bennett

As Aries as you can get could be a descriptor for NZ MP and leadership aspirant Paula Bennett.
What would she enjoy on her birthday? 
Red meat, lots of blood, some bling, a nice argument and the promise of a few heads to roll

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With a birthdate of April 9 1969 Ms Bennett has Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Chiron  -a good chunk of the solar system -all positioned in the fire sign Aries, the first zodiac sign, whose mission is fundamentally self preservation - and the goal of fearless independence is inherent. [Lunar nodes also in Aries-Libra]

However, as with all zodiac signs, the tendency to flip into the polarity sign's modus operandi is common.
Aries polar opposite is Libra.
Where Aries is War, Libra is Peace.
One part wants to fight, the other mediate.
Go it alone or go in tandem?
These extremes are addressed on the pathway to the type of balance sought by Aries-Libra people.

Having so much Aries makes it a bit harder to clothe the iron fist in a velvet glove.
The smiles are betrayed by a clenched jaw and steely eyes.
Extremely combative and competitive. Her most famous one-liner may be the abrupt Westie call to "Zip it, sweetie" -addressed to the rather genteel Jacinda Ardern in NZ Parliament. Perhaps the leopard prints and edgy style of West Auckland's Outrageous Fortune had become embedded.

The Libra side indulges in the classic feminized artefacts - make-overs, makeup, hair and fashion -but it's not easy to fool many with the amount of military grade machinery that lies beneath.

From a humanitarian perspective there is little to nothing to recommend Paula Bennett as a welfare minister -as she was for a considerable period and unsurprisingly overseeing some cut-throat [Aries speciality] policies. She does have the ability to promote heartless austerity [Saturn-Neptune] - and so was a suitable political choice.

With Mars in Sagittarius -more fire! -a lot of energy goes into travel and a lot of extra fuel to boost the typical Aries confidence levels.

People have perceived fellow minister Judith Collins as Thatcherite - but Bennett has much more in common when astro profiling is done [Collins profile; Thatcher profile]
Having said that, the horrors New Zealand will face can be imagined if Wellington University's computer prediction system continues to place Bennett as next in line to John Key and if the NATs resume power.

But it's not all smooth sailing for Paula Bennett
It never has been - according to the signifiers.
Issues around getting on with people.
Sudden changes and upsets in relationships, alliances, partnerships.

2015 into 2016
Neptune: A growing sense of weakness, exhaustion affecting energy and confidence. This lingers till late 2016, but this is partly in tandem with:
Uranus: from mid 2016 a big change could advance or undermine Bennett's political fortunes. The odds are on advance because the weakening effect is subdued when the potential advancement surge arises repeatedly into mid 2017.
Yes it is possible that this does coincide with promotion within the party ranks.
Her political animal genes are flooding the bloodstream in this period.
Pluto: transits across at 90 degrees from Bennett's Sun in April 2017 at the same time as the Uranus boost and help from Saturn: opposing political forces at work; a battle scene envisaged
2018 more of the same flows over into 2018, with even more intense battling in 2019, 2020

Armour up now Paula, whether it's House of Cards or Game of Thrones, it won't be pretty whether in power or out of power.

update January 2018

Rumblings reported in the media at the end of January indicating that Bennet's position as Deputy Leader is under threat
With Sun-Mercury-Venus at 18-19 Aries at her birth -the prevailing energy of Pluto at 18-19 Capricorn in January 2018 is a hugely adverse force to contend with [expressed literally as a power challenge underway ] This energy will be more underground for some months in 2018 but will reactivate in Aug-Sept-Oct-Nov - so the die is set. Even if no outcome occurs early in the year...the challenge will be relaunched much more intensely in the second round.

update October 2017
The National Government is out of power

update early December 2016
PB's political stocks rose dramatically with the sudden/unexpected [Uranian event signature] resignation of Prime Minister John Key, leading to a shuffle up the party ranking for Deputy PM Bill English...eventually achieving a sleepwalk into the job after Key's anointment.
Deputy PM then is sought by Bennett and Simon Bridges with Bennett looking early on to gain this foothold on the prize.
Having said that, seems little incentive to explore the profile of Mr Bridges
update Dec 10 2016 - Simon Bridges lacked the numbers [and the destiny cards] to be a challenge for Paula Bennett: she will be named Deputy Prime Minister in days

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  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...