September 2015 is an Eclipse month
with the end of month event being
the strongest Supermoon for the year.
Latest: scroll to end for Supermoon analysis
The first big celestial event of September bearing significant terrestrial impacts is the partial solar eclipse at the Virgo New Moon which builds up from September 10, reaches exactitude on September 13 and has a 6 month period of effect.
Extreme states of mind arise
in vulnerable people – noticeable in news reports from as early as Sept 8 but remaining in
effect during the 6 month eclipse timeframe. The aggravating effect of Pluto at
90 degree angle to Mercury is involved.
Minds losing balance over
issues of disempowerment.
This does not augur well for
people caught up in the globally significant refugee crisis, feeling stressed,
displaced, harassed.
It is not good for people in
any context who are ready to explode
update October 1
A mass shooting at an Oregon community college. Killer committed suicide
The Virgo issues
in public
consciousness and arising in news reports will relate to
employment/unemployment as well as health matters, especially related to
dietary choices and nutrition -what you are consuming and what effects you are experiencing.
update: September 14: A pattern of transport related tragedies -sea, air, road crashes surrounding the Virgo eclipse in mid September reflect a Saturn-Pluto-Mercury combo which signifies destructive and often fatal events [Saturn-Pluto] associated with all forms of transport [Gemini-Sagittarius]
update: September 14: A pattern of transport related tragedies -sea, air, road crashes surrounding the Virgo eclipse in mid September reflect a Saturn-Pluto-Mercury combo which signifies destructive and often fatal events [Saturn-Pluto] associated with all forms of transport [Gemini-Sagittarius]
update: Sept 24
Fonterra and Agresearch are two NZ companies which announced in mid Sept big job cuts -230 from Fonterra in its continuing downsizing and Agresearch tipped to shed up to 90 positions
Sporting Achievement figures prominently in September with one example being The Rugby World Cup opening on September 18
with a killer instinct energy. Expect this to be a volatile, intense competition with some poor performances and surprising or unexpected outcomes over the course of the 6 week event.
update: Japan beat South Africa on Sept 20 in the first shock outcome of the RWC
update: Wales beat England in RWC shock #2
update: Australia beat England -hosts leave = RWC shock #3
update: Killer instinct was also in effect when a tiger fatally mauled its keeper at a NZ zoo on Sept 20
Aggressive, militaristic energy in broader contexts arises around the Libra-Aries Supermoon, from 25 Sept and extending into October Libran New Moon opposite Uranus in Aries bring the war and peace dynamics strongly to the fore.
update: Japan beat South Africa on Sept 20 in the first shock outcome of the RWC
update: Wales beat England in RWC shock #2
update: Australia beat England -hosts leave = RWC shock #3
update: Killer instinct was also in effect when a tiger fatally mauled its keeper at a NZ zoo on Sept 20
Aggressive, militaristic energy in broader contexts arises around the Libra-Aries Supermoon, from 25 Sept and extending into October Libran New Moon opposite Uranus in Aries bring the war and peace dynamics strongly to the fore.
Survivalist intense battles in war zones and in the sports arenas.
update Sept 25 - days ago the human stampede in Mina, Saudi Arabia resulting in huge fatalities and injuries, is relevant to the forces of self-survival versus care of others.
update Sept 30
Russia has commenced air attacks in Syria claiming to target ISIS controlled areas. This is disputed by the US claiming the opposite. The two superpowers are also at odds over whether to support Syria's President Assad
update Sept 25 - days ago the human stampede in Mina, Saudi Arabia resulting in huge fatalities and injuries, is relevant to the forces of self-survival versus care of others.
update Sept 30
Russia has commenced air attacks in Syria claiming to target ISIS controlled areas. This is disputed by the US claiming the opposite. The two superpowers are also at odds over whether to support Syria's President Assad
For individuals in general,
issues of relating arise under the Supermoon conditions –determining partnership needs
versus personal needs and what sort of balance is needed.
Venus and Mars are the peace
and war planets involved in the Supermoon event which is a total lunar eclipse.
Relationships destroyed, harmony disrupted
these aspects also accompany the globally relevant impacts already described.
The positioning of both these
planets at the eclipse show adverse influences upon socio-economic issues –
Venus is also an indicator of finance and banking but it is not the only
obvious sign .
update Sept 13
Further confirmation of economic slowdown in China
update October 1
The issue of male violence and homicide against women again receives high media attention in New ZealandRelationships destroyed, harmony disrupted
these aspects also accompany the globally relevant impacts already described.
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source: thisismoney |
Growth and production entered a
significant three year period of slowdown from late December 2014, along with oversupply problems in some commodities, leading to less supply - heralded by the passage of Saturn
through Sagittarius, underway fully as the late September 2015 eclipse unfolds and coinciding with
negative employment indicators likely to arise around Sept 25th - but this is only the beginning -with 2015 shaping up to replicate multiple patterns and cycles evident in 2007 with obvious economic consequences in coming years.
Feeble growth indicators apply as much on the level of crops and horticulture as well as in human-created sources of production.Environmental factors related to El Nino are predictable using analysis of planetary cycles and the drought-deluge extremes are already evident in keeping with cycles analysis.
What happens on the land is mirrored in economic outcomes.
More planetary analysis re El Nino is in this recent post
update: Sept 21 - USGS releases updated analysis of El Nino/La Nina effects as well as the Southern Annular Mode
update Oct 1 -NZ El Nino conditions show both islands are divided east-west in terms of the effects expected from El Nino: wet in the west and dry in the east
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Radio NZ headline Sept 14 -full report |
A rise in late 2015 is seen by observers as the start of a sequence of increases. Baltimore Sun report
Expectation of slow growth has kept the rate so low -so if the Fed understands the cycles of the planets and particularly when Saturn is in a very restraining mode re growth = read NOW - there will be no change.
update: NO CHANGE in interest rates determined by US Fed on Sept 17. Many global markets lost ground with this announcement.
Intensity builds in the period September 22-28 with the destructive, annihilating energies of the Pluto-Saturn-Mars combo that are strongly positioned to manifest economic wipeouts.
It is likely that the market
volatility of in the
June-September 2015 will endure a major downswing in the 4th week of
Commodities again are the
black hole stocks
update Sept 29 - IMF releases world economic outlook report with focus on commodities slump. Growth forecasts across the globe have failed to meet forecasts for the 2012-2015 period.
& a sample of Google search headlines for commodities:
These factors arising in this significant month increase the perception of a developing global recession adding to trends identified in blog posts here since June 2015.
update Sept 29 - IMF releases world economic outlook report with focus on commodities slump. Growth forecasts across the globe have failed to meet forecasts for the 2012-2015 period.
& a sample of Google search headlines for commodities:
These factors arising in this significant month increase the perception of a developing global recession adding to trends identified in blog posts here since June 2015.
Eclipses and Supermoons have a marked affect on weather and will aggravate prevailing patterns related to extreme conditions.
It is important to note that the eclipse energy does not necessarily produce a coincident outcome around the period of eclipse occurrence: the precursor conditions for an outcome can be seeded at that time for a later birthing within the usually 6 month window of influence.
This applies equally to environmental affects as well as the energies affecting human activity
It is important to note that the eclipse energy does not necessarily produce a coincident outcome around the period of eclipse occurrence: the precursor conditions for an outcome can be seeded at that time for a later birthing within the usually 6 month window of influence.
This applies equally to environmental affects as well as the energies affecting human activity
update Sept 24 - September is especially vulnerable to extreme water events since Jupiter is in opposition to Neptune effective through the month
Various flood locations in the lower North Island of New Zealand are a clear example in the middle and fourth week of Sept.
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read full report on |
Not all eclipses produce such high magnitude events
Further analysis shows the September 28 Supermoon eclipse has elevated environmental risks identified due to the disturbances in natural forces unleashed at the September 13 eclipse and earthquake potentials should be considered to be at the significant alert level in the build-up 3 day period especially Friday September 25.
Update 29 Sept: powerful typhoon Dujuan has made landfall on the 28th in Taiwan with 150kph winds and 2 feet of rain. Thousands evacuated
update Oct 5: Cargo ship El Faro declared lost in Hurricane Joaquin on October 1. El Faro left port in the wake of the biggest supermoon of 2015- also read Astroblog post on El Faro
In addition the aggressive energies unleashed in the Supermoon lineup have human impact: a significant Jihadist strike using missile technology is within the range of potentials in the end of September timeframe.
Updates Sept 28: BBC report of Taliban taking control of the Afghan city of Kunduz: hundreds of militants stormed the city before dawn -"Kunduz has a huge strategic significance as it is considered a gateway to Afghanistan's northern provinces and shares a border with Tajikistan, Afghanistan's Central Asian neighbour"
Saudi regime accused of bombing civilian wedding party in Yemen
Update Sept 21
Astrological indicators If New Zealand has a noticeable response to the prevailing energy of the Sept 28 Supermoon, the prior period, September 25 around 6 am is worth looking at
Overnight on Mon14-Tues 15 Sept I had a vision during sleep of an oblique aerial view of New Zealand's North Island - an angled perspective like seen when travelling over at great height. The whole island was convulsing. This was just an imprint lasting one or two seconds.
Within days, the M8.3 quake in Chile occurred and NZ did get tidal surges from the tsunami generated.
The 15 quakes over M2 recorded in NZ since Tues Sept15 morning have not had anything beyond a moderate seismic reading - so the vision of a whole island convulsing did not come to pass in the time frame of the Chile quake, but with the strength of the Supermoon in the imminent outlook, the possibility of major seismic activity in any vulnerable global location cannot be outrightly dismissed.
[update Sept 24
A M5.1 quake in central North Island volcanic zone, south of Rotorua at 6.47 am on this day, was widely felt to the east and south, despite being at significant depth -167kms. ![]() |
Felt reports mostly far south of the Rotorua region event |
Potentials remain for further strong seismic activity in this central zone coincident with the September the Supermoon
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click to enlarge or read full report |
Felt reports were widespread -source
This event also occurred within 4 weeks of the Sept 16 Chile quake, as foreseen by alternative forecaster Ken Ring of Predict Weather
Plate boundary agitation can be regarded as connected to the forces set in motion by the M8.3 Chile event, all triggered by the amplified solar-lunar cycle still in effect [6 month strength].
In other words, it's not all over.
For astrologers I note various indicators on Sept 25th able to trigger eclipse potentials:
Pluto stationary direct square Mercury
Jupiter opposite Neptune
Uranus semisextile Chiron
Sun on nodal axis, both on AC-DC axis
Venus 20 LEO activates 5 Cardinal eclipse
Uranus-Chiron at 4 Cardinal
Saturn on Pluto-Mercury midpoint
Saturn square Mars
Pluto-MC= 7 Cardinal
Moon-Saturn =7 Cardinal
Pluto= Venus-Mars-Saturn
Pluto-Uranus =Saturn
Jupiter-Pluto = Neptune-Pluto= Saturn-Uranus
Moon= AC-MC
...and there will be more... but enough here to evoke strong destructive restructuring forces, again involving water and imbalance in vulnerable regions.
update Sept 26
On Friday Sept 25 a damaging and fatal undersea M6.6 quake off Papua, Indonesia![]() |
full report |
[ Jupiter-Neptune causing excess water effect. Saturn in Sagittarius raises the risk factor in adventure activities -plus the multiple dangerous energies in effect, listed earlier.]
The Chile M8.3 quake chart from Sept 16
also had:
Nodal axis on AC-DC axis as in the Sept 25 chart above.
AC ruler Neptune is opposed by MC ruler Jupiter = big water
Cardinal degrees 4-9 important too as shown in midpoints:
Sun-Uranus, Moon-Neptune, Uranus-Chiron, Uranus-AC, Pluto-MC
AC and MC triggered by Uranus-Neptune, Uranus-Jupiter
The supermoon eclipse full moon exact point on the 28th has:
exact opposite Chiron-Uranus=Moon
Jupiter-Uranus, Uranus-Neptune still all linked
But approx an hour after exact full moon opposition - with extra hour for daylight saving = 5pm on Sept 28 will have:
Saturn at the MC
Neptune-Mars-Jupiter aligned with the AC-DC axis
looking something like this:
This chart was located for Auckland, the largest city and population base in NZ so let's see what Jupiter-Neptune-Mars-Saturn energy unfolds [not an All Blacks RWC match day!]
Extreme and destructive water weather or flood event is a big potential -though Neptune also generates the energies of gases, chemicals, drugs, alcohol and poisons so while water has the capacity to affect the greatest number of people en masse simultaneously, mass Jupiter-Neptune events can also involve gas explosions, chemical and biological toxins.
Eclipses put conditions in place for a 6 month period and can be triggered repeatedly in that period - flow on affects beyond that time frame are also unleashed by the energies generated
Underlying premises
Energy patterns do not affect all people and all places to the same degree at the same time.
We are all connected to the experiences of humanity en masse, but are impacted by varying degrees of separation.
The principle of resonance applies.
People and places most
affected have planetary positions in their personal template which resonate by
matching degree positions or angular connections to the prevailing patterns.
Your personal template is calculated based on the time, date and place of your birth.
Ongoing influences and developments affect you throughout your life -with the timing indicated by planetary positions which serve to trigger birth potentials.
Planets are tracked in the present, past and future using an Ephemeris of their daily movements.
read more: Tamzin Kay's Astrology 101