Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Heat, Flood, Drought & Fire - written in the stars

Heatwave conditions and associated fire hazards are surfacing in early October 2015 news
but extremes in the natural forces are also delivering flood and drought
Parts of New Zealand, Australia and South Africa all in early Spring 2015 in the Southern Hemisphere are experiencing unusual high temperatures in some regions.
In the US:
Right now in South Carolina, floodwaters from an epic and unprecedented deluge over the weekend [October3-4] are coursing their way southeastward, propelled by gravity, through complex networks of creeks, rivers, lakes and streams. Along the way, the bulge of water has breached at least 18 dams, while threatening many more, and the flood woes of the Palmetto State show no sign of abating for the next few weeks. -full report
Southern Hemisphere extreme conditions well before summer are presenting significant fire risk in already dry rural areas -with homes lost due to multiple fires across the Canterbury and Otago regions of NZ's South Island.
Bush fires are threatening homes in Victoria, Australia.
In South Africa deaths from a heatwave
High to extreme composite fire danger down the eastern flank of the South Island NZ Oct 7 2015
The vulnerability of eastern parts of NZ is consistent with anticipated strong El Nino conditions:
Source page
 Prior to the modern era, El Nino events occurred in the periods 1925-1926, 1930-31, 1932-1933, 1939-1940, 1940-1941, 1941-1942.
The strongest event in recent decades was the 1997-98 El Nino.
Weak El Ninos occurred 2004-2007, Moderate in 2009-10.
The return of El Nino for 2015-2016 is potentially strong to very strong & if a run of El Nino years occurs as in 1930-1933 or 1939-1942 then the flow on economic effect will also be sustained.

What's written in the Stars.
Planetary indicators have been observed for millennia in order to understand the natural elements -fire, earth, air and water.
Everything in existence is subject to the balance or imbalance of these environmental factors
Eclipses and very strong solar-lunar events can aggravate heat conditions.
A precedent event
September 28 2015 full moon total solar eclipse -at closest perigee for 2015 = Supermoon - in the fire indicator Aries.
This will aggravate prevailing conditions.
Eclipses set in place conditions for at least 6 months -until the next full moon or new moon eclipse
Not surprising that a lot of heat is in the atmosphere, hot winds, dry conditions
some drought headlines Oct 7 2015
So drought is already being felt as reported in Papua New Guinea
But the full eclipse pattern included the flood indicators as well, strongly in effect from mid Sept 2015 and flowing into October.
Consistent with a scenario of sustained El Nino conditions, the outlook is concerning:
September 2015-December 2016 a year of very noticeable extreme conditions involving too much or too little water.
These are globally relevant patterns and likely to affect many locations but not all.
Regional vulnerability is likely to already to be evident.
Flood and drought are strong to extreme in the period.
Some locations may experience both conditions. 
September-October 2015 the flood energies are prominent 
November into December 2015 - drought and destructive floods both likely - locations have their signature pattern of vulnerability. The past can be a good indicator of returning patterns.
January into February 2016  big flood events
March 2016 - extremes in drought and flood events
June-July-August-September 2016 - flood and drought
November into December 2016 flood

 The Indicators considered in the noted timeframe
 Saturn-Neptune is the drought pattern when Saturn limits water or retains heat
 Saturn is the dryness and restriction indicator.
 Neptune is the water indicator.
Jupiter is the opposing force to Saturn, bringing abundance or excess.
Jupiter is also the growth indicator.
Saturn is the indicator of failure, loss, damage.
When Jupiter amplifies Neptune, floods, deluges occur 
When Saturn is restraining Neptune dryness and droughts occur
When Saturn restrains Jupiter, growth and production decline.
Saturn-Neptune can also indicate destruction through water. 
Moons nodal axis when activated by Neptune, Jupiter or Saturn.
Mutable signs Pisces, Sagittarius and Virgo especially relevant if in effect for Neptune, Jupiter or Saturn.
This is not the limit of possible indicators.
For example Jupiter or Uranus in Aries will bring extreme or unusual heat.
Both were in Aries in 2011 but being slow moving, Uranus remains in Aries 2011-2019.
Jupiter in Leo will amplify solar irradiation.

Further reading on this site includes an indepth look at drought in the US tracked over several years.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

EL FARO victim of Supermoon Hurricane Joaquin

The ill-fated cargo ship El Faro left Jacksonville Florida on Tuesday September 29, in the wake of the strongest Supermoon of 2015 -the full moon total lunar eclipse that was still in effect. 
Latest: October 14 2015 Jordan family seek $100M compensation
El Faro was declared on October 5 2015 to have sunk in 15,000 feet of water, after passage into Hurricane Joaquin in the Bahamas, the last transmission from the ship sent on October 1st

Joaquin was termed a tropical depression on Sept 28 and a tropical storm on Sept 29, hurricane strength on Sept 30 and major hurricane on October 1

  • Hurricane warnings were issued for the Bahamas on Sept 30.
  • The southern Bahamas islands were battered for two days suffering extensive damage
  • The distress call from El Faro was received at 7.30 am on Thursday October 1.
  • Joaquin was already a Cat. 3 Hurricane and worsening.
  • The ship had lost propulsion, was listing at 15 degrees and had taken on water.
  • Searchers located a large debris field that included life rings, life jackets, as well as discoveries deemed related to El Faro: one cargo container, one unidentifiable body in a survival suit.
Liability issues now hinge upon arguments that include negligence and perils of the sea 
The legal dimensions of a case such as this are ripe for the inclusion of:
  • a very significant indicator of extreme conditions was in existence - namely the strongest eclipse of 2015
  • evidenced by the known potential hazard Joaquin 
  • being in the location relevant to the El Faro's route, heading for San Juan Puerto Rico 
 If the forecasting of extreme weather conditions was given its due significance, integrating the highly relevant indicators given by eclipses, lunar perigees and the planetary signs and positions, then El Faro would never have sailed.
The knowledge of the ancient mariners has been dismissed and devalued in favor of economic imperatives and vastly inferior knowledge bases that lack human insight. 
Believed sank 35 nautical miles N/E of Crooked Island southern Bahamas

Marine Traffic info

 Read also - extremely detailed timeline account from October 2011 onwards regarding the Rena cargo ship which sank fully loaded in New Zealand waters and remains partly unsalvaged, stuck on the Astrolabe Reef

For Astrologers
Uranus and Pluto ominously on the 2 main axes of the chart at 7.30 am Oct 1
Jupiter opposite Neptune bringing big seas, big swells, flooding.
Uranus activating the Aries-Libra axis speaks of unbalancing and capsize
Pluto is known for catastrophic destruction.
Sun, Mercury-Node all in the Pisces domain, all responding to the pull of Neptune in Pisces

Isaac's Storm: the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 -the wikipedia page, and detailed in depth by Erik Larson in his bestseller book.
Read my special report on the Galveston Hurricane with detailed coverage of the planetary patterns involved.
As seen above this event occurred exact on the full moon.
The chart for El Faro was timed re the time of the last transmission and so captures conditions close to the final demise of the ship.

Monday, 5 October 2015

World Economy Shakes October 2015

October 2015: what’s written in the stars
People and places most resonant with prevailing energies can expect to encounter adversity from events of socio-economic, political or environmental significance
Ongoing Themes Persist:

  • Economic growth indicators continue path of decline

  • Financial restructuring

  • Assets, financial position, markets, face further downturn

  • Drought fundamentals embedded & worsening

  • Extreme weather in vulnerable locations

NEW and FULL MOON in October
The solar-lunar events of the month emphasise ongoing and emerging themes.
The key lunar phases build in strength from 3 days before exact and have viability within the full lunar month until next month's new or full moon, due to other planetary triggers potentially activating the locational position of the new or full moon and/or the nodal axis of the moon.

NEW MOON exact on October12th/13th
Jobs dissolve or positions restructured
Serious economic news
Restricted finances
Restricted growth
Sudden shock in global markets is possible
update Oct 12
Oil down 5% on Wall St forecast demand in 2016 suggests further weakening; commodities accounted for most of the losses on the S&P500
update Oct 13
China import-export data continues downward, with imports a striking 20.4% down in September 2015 vs Sept 2014
update October 14
US and Chinese weakening data have downward effect on global markets

FULL MOON October 27
An unusually pervasive web of closely interconnected energy involving all planets.
Issues of material and physical survival raised by adverse conditions
Material/financial wellbeing dissolved or diminished
Suffering due to a sense of disempowerment, loss of control
Supply issues unbalanced: too much or too little
Social inequalities highlighted regarding the dysfunctional degree of focus on self versus awareness of others.

If the worst-case scenario arises and there is a noticeable globally significant economic shake in October - rather than just further volatility - this month will be of considerable importance as a marker of the long overdue and widely predicted - even by conservative financial forecasters - onset of another global financial meltdown.

The IMF considers the estimated US$3trillion in over-borrowing in emerging markets to pose the greatest risk to the global economy, the unprecedented spree of lending/borrowing being no longer viable.
Commodities like oil, minerals, metals are in a slump phase: the period 2005-2008 was marked by high prices, big investment and concerns about scarcity generated the oversupply problems causing problems in 2015.
If October is not a wipeout, then it is likely to be indicative of further contagion re declines in global markets and economies, evidenced as well in the employment data.
The bust itself could be slightly deferred.
Picking which straw breaks the camel's back is not an easy task.

update November 4 2015 - the Uranian effect [being opposite the October New Moon in Libra] bringing change in conditions, resulted in a bounce upwards, supporting global sharemarkets with Jupiter amplifying Venus and Mars bolstering Jupiter - all in mid degrees of Virgo. These are transient effects which will be not be sustained in the face of the passage of Saturn through Sagittarius -an indicator of inhibited, restrained growth -affecting everything from crops, to business.

click on graphics for full view
New York location selected for both key lunar events of October since any world market shocks will be registered significantly on Wall St as per prior historical events of last century.
Planetary cycles are the only methodology that explains recurrent patterns

1929 Black Tuesday
The US stockmarket crash occurred on October 24 1929.
Multiple energies of that time are repeating in October 2015
1987 Black Monday
The US stockmarket crash occurred on October 19 1987

Other Reading
A few years back I discovered Merriman Market Analyst -a highly successful American forecaster using planetary cycles. 
Somehow I forgot about this useful link, but recent indicators of significant factors impacting global economies reminded me of Raymond Merriman's site.
We both look at planetary cycles but don't use exactly the same emphasis and our analysis methodology is different.
Merriman is way more experienced in this specialist area and uses "advanced research techniques" whereas I am a generalist using just my brain.
However it is interesting to compare his October report and read his articles -from my perspective, in order to anticipate upcoming trends - not for investment purposes, which is his emphasis.


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