The four mutable signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces are highlighted in June 2016 around the time of the 15 Gemini New Moon.
The mutable signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces are not only concerned with flow, movement, connection and communication in the physical environment:
The mutable signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces are not only concerned with flow, movement, connection and communication in the physical environment:
the most important mutable territory resides in the processes of the mind.
The qualities of our thinking, our way of connecting by means of communication, the way our mind functions – all these things can be described by an appraisal of the mutable signs in a personal astrology.
These issues become more global, more encompassing of the breadth of humanity when a period of time is inhabited by multiple energies in mutable signs.
When the lunar nodal axis is involved in addition to other planets and the monthly solunar cycle it is clear a standout emphasis is being made for collective betterment and growth.
In June 2016 the range of energies are focussed around 15 degrees in mutable signs and anyone with planets at or close to 15 Gemini, Sagittarius,Virgo, Pisces are subject to considerable challenges with the energies accumulating in early June.
Mutable Energies of the Mind
Energy itself is inherently a mutable or highly changeable universal force.
The mutable mind energies Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces have each a particular form of mental expression:
- Gemini energy enables the everyday processing of information and the involvement in communication –reading, writing, talking, education and learning during school years.
- Sagittarian energy enables the mind to find meaning through deeper questioning and enquiry. Information is converted into knowledge by means of advanced study or research. Philosophical ideas are converted into intellectual perspectives, faith, belief or religion.
- Virgo energy enables the mind to analyse information and to categorise it into groupings of related and unrelated ideas, concepts or objects. These skills are inherent in the fundamentals of teaching and the craft of writing.
- Pisces energy enables the mind to transcend all boundaries and to cease experiencing perceived reality as a jumble of separate components. This is the universal, spiritual mind-state that can experience total connectedness –that humans are the same as animals, the same as all natural phenomena, the same as stardust –that we are all just different morphologies of the one fundamental universal energy [a notion clearly expressed in Buddhist philosophy]
This mind state is the bedrock of empathy and compassion: the capacity to feel sameness, to transcend the notion of Other as foreign, different, threatening.
June 2016 Mutable Opportunity
When planets are transiting through a mutable phase, the energy is at its most flexible, changeable, morphable, transmutable –potentially an alchemist’s dream opportunity to change lead into gold.
Mutability means nothing is fixed and the range of multiple possible outcomes is greater than at any other time.
When energies inhabit all four signs in a connected group, they form a cross pattern and the closer they are to being at exact opposition or 90 degree angle the stronger the tension requiring resolution.
In early June the mutable energies cluster around 15 degrees but range from 12-17 degrees – so tension will still be experienced, demanding relief.
The challenge involves balancing the mind through addressing the ways of thinking that determine behaviour.
The mutable mind energies will bring to people’s conscious mind that certain behaviours are not working well –and that their conduct is causing problems in their various relationships.
Saturn in Sagittarius is an indicator that there is no freedom without accountability. “Freedom of Speech” is a fallacy because each of us is accountable for the impact our words has on others. This is a time to pull back from the illusion of unrestricted freedom in the expression of the Self.
This is a time for self restraint and a mature response in particular in spoken or written communications – or risk damaging or destroying relationships.
The lunar nodal axis combined with Jupiter and Neptune shows how to resolve the resistance and challenges aroused by self restraint.
People who are accustomed to being inconsiderate of others or who rarely think before they speak or who detest self censorship are most likely to need to rise to the challenge and opportunity given in early June.
The ideal resolution for these people is to undergo a maturing experience – which could be encountered in conversation or any form of correspondence with an older, wiser, mentor, a parent, an experienced adult.
So this is a young energy [Jupiter] needing a wise mature, nurturing energy for guidance [Saturn] and a compassionate life lesson with spiritually significant relevance for personal growth [Jupiter-Neptune]
Any life lesson conversation or correspondence [Gemini] that happens in the first week of June 2016 involving the mentoring of a younger energy by an older wiser energy is evoking the significance of the prevailing mutable mind energies to an extent that can be a turning point, a critical event in the lifetime of the individuals affected.
A noticeable chronological age difference can be evident between two people in this dynamic but is not essential –it is an energy difference that can exist even if the 2 people are close in age.
Also read: Finding Liberation -Saturn Neptune 2015-2016
The effects for Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini
Summary of June 2016 New Moon experiences
The period June 3-7 surrounding the Gemini New Moon has a significant and very complex array of connected energies, together giving motivation for any of the following activities: thinking, reading, writing, conversing, communicating, studying, analysing, exercising -especially walking or cycling, short trips, longer travel.
Some of these activities will require serious application such as planning, preparation, discipline or commitment.[Saturn]
Compassionate,spiritual or imaginative/creative perspectives are activated regarding the focus the mind engages in.[Neptune]
Fear [Saturn] and confusion [Neptune] can inhibit the free flow [Jupiter] of communicating [Gemini what is being felt [Moon] during this period of time.
The involvement of Venus conjoining the Sun during this period means that any of the focal activities can be connected to a particular relationship.
Being a New Moon - the events during this period signify new seeds being sown, a new beginning, something starting or starting afresh,
Also read: Finding Liberation -Saturn Neptune 2015-2016
The effects for Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini
Summary of June 2016 New Moon experiences
The period June 3-7 surrounding the Gemini New Moon has a significant and very complex array of connected energies, together giving motivation for any of the following activities: thinking, reading, writing, conversing, communicating, studying, analysing, exercising -especially walking or cycling, short trips, longer travel.
Some of these activities will require serious application such as planning, preparation, discipline or commitment.[Saturn]
Compassionate,spiritual or imaginative/creative perspectives are activated regarding the focus the mind engages in.[Neptune]
Fear [Saturn] and confusion [Neptune] can inhibit the free flow [Jupiter] of communicating [Gemini what is being felt [Moon] during this period of time.
The involvement of Venus conjoining the Sun during this period means that any of the focal activities can be connected to a particular relationship.
Being a New Moon - the events during this period signify new seeds being sown, a new beginning, something starting or starting afresh,
relevant news updates at end of blog
On the larger collective level
The issue of verbal self expression impacting on relationships is likely to be publicly demonstrated by high profile individuals who will serve as examples of what not to do –and what ought to be done or said.
One obvious potential candidate for this is US Presidential aspirant Donald Trump who typifies the unrestrained verbosity of an undisciplined mind, frequently recorded in offensive attacking outbursts against individuals or groups. A person in his position of extreme power is likely to respect little counsel or moderating guidance. For this reason Trump is at risk of going too far and being served a significant lesson in a hard way by the collective -but for him this is more likely to occur in 2017.
Interestingly, Trump is a Gemini, born just before full moon in Sagittarius with Uranus in Gemini and the lunar nodal axis also in conjunction in Gemini-Sagittarius. LOL. Has anyone noticed the verbosity and blowhard exaggerations typical of The Don?
With these signifiers clustering within an 18-23 degree range in the two signs, we can watch December 2016-November 2017 to see what is delivered when Saturn in Sagittarius triggers accountability factors for Mr Trump.
relevant news updates at end of blog
On a mundane level of everyday activity involving flow, movement, communicationsthe June 5 Gemini New Moon associated with Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Virgo and the lunar nodal axis in Virgo-Pisces is likely to be activated as early as June 2 -although at this point energies can be subterranean – or in this case as if sub-marine – out of sight, covert, as if under water because firstly Neptune will be activated by the Sun.
[note that lunar phases can be activated up to 3 days before exact New or Full and stay live as potentials for a lunar month, awaiting triggering by other planets in transit]
The role of Neptune in early June 2016 as a secret or disguised or hidden energy and when in connection to the amplifying force, Jupiter, the Pisces-Virgo combination can also morph into a mission driven by religious extremism – an ideology of faith [Neptune] taken to an excessive level [Jupiter]
So if there is a prevailing force in early June accentuating behaviour motivated by the dogma of fundamentalist faith [Neptune in Pisces opposed by Jupiter in Virgo] the remaining mutable signs Gemini and Sagittarius are implicated by being significantly tenanted at the same time by the building energies of the New Moon – Sun and Moon in Gemini, along with a conjunction to Venus in Gemini, and with Saturn in Sagittarius in opposition.
Gemini and Sagittarius in this context are capable of expression through all forms of transport.
- Gemini expresses through movement within an everyday scale: individual movement through time and space generated by the body alone – walking, jogging, cycling, individual and collective movement by means of powered transport – car, bus, train.
- Gemini movement tends to be limited to trips or short distance travel in the local area or within national borders.
- Sagittarian movement involves collective forms of transport that cross national borders. In most cases this involves travel by air into foreign territories.
Euro 2016 Football event June 10-July 10 being a sporting event also comes under the potentials of expression for Sagittarius.
BBC reports on a recognised threat for France with multiple locations programmed as venues.
[Cruise ship travel involves collective transport by water into foreign territories and is activated in addition by Neptune or Pisces energies]
Given that transport energies in diverse domains are triggered by mutable sign energies and that the hallmark of globally significant events [the lunar nodal axis] is in Virgo-Pisces, it is noted that a high potential risk is in effect particularly in the period June 3-5 2016 for a collectively significant destructive [Saturn] event driven by fundamentalist ideology to impact on a group of people during the course of their travel.
A recent trend to target airplanes is highly consistent with Saturn in Sagittarius and is further emphasised by the prevailing energies in early June.
Problematical events involving maritime transport cannot be ruled out due to the involvement of Neptune and Pisces.
When Neptune and Jupiter are in opposition (like May-June 2016) there is always likely to be events involving big volumes of water -excess rainfall, flooding, capsize and sinking of boats. Difficulties and tragedies are even more likely to arise with the May-June 2016 position of Saturn stressfully positioned at 90 degrees to both those opposed planets.
This coincides with various rain-related deluges reported May 29 2016 eg - US Plains states
update June 2 2016
The river Seine is at the highest level in 15 years. Heavy rainfall events in France and other European states
In Paris a 34 year high was reached on Friday June 3 for the Seine
update June 6: huge tides and flooding hit Australia's east coast and Tasmania
update June 7 -Istanbul fatal bomb attack on Police bus
update June 14
Problematical events involving maritime transport cannot be ruled out due to the involvement of Neptune and Pisces.
When Neptune and Jupiter are in opposition (like May-June 2016) there is always likely to be events involving big volumes of water -excess rainfall, flooding, capsize and sinking of boats. Difficulties and tragedies are even more likely to arise with the May-June 2016 position of Saturn stressfully positioned at 90 degrees to both those opposed planets.
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BBC May 29 2016 report |
update June 2 2016
The river Seine is at the highest level in 15 years. Heavy rainfall events in France and other European states
In Paris a 34 year high was reached on Friday June 3 for the Seine
update June 6: huge tides and flooding hit Australia's east coast and Tasmania
update June 7 -Istanbul fatal bomb attack on Police bus
update June 13 Mass killing in Orlando Florida reflects potential noted in the June forecast for actions based on extreme ideology - read special report
update June 14
Blood flows at the Euro 2016 Football tournament as Russian fans are identified as carrying out orchestratd violent attacks against mainly British fans in Marseille France. This reflects the potentials for conflict noted in the forecast in respect of sporting events - an extreme ideology of nationalism and racism has been identified as the basis for the violence
June 13 Extreme ideology fuels another violent outcome A French jihadist killed a French policeman and his partner in their home - acting on the urging of ISIS to "kill infidels"
June 13 Extreme ideology fuels another violent outcome A French jihadist killed a French policeman and his partner in their home - acting on the urging of ISIS to "kill infidels"
Further Reading on sign energies and introductory astrology
Sinead O'Connor -Sagittarius profile
Sinead O'Connor -Sagittarius profile