Monday, 29 August 2016

Solar eclipse September 2016 astrology

The purification aggression already highlighted for July-August 2016 is perpetuated within the 6 month time frame of influence for the September solar eclipse

breaking news on day of solar eclipse

total solar eclipse paths exploratorium eclipse archive

September 1st sees exactitude reached for the Sun-Moon conjunction in Virgo aligned closely with the Virgo-Pisces lunar nodal axis, forming not a total, but an annular eclipse
September 1 2016 annular eclipse source: timeanddate

Eclipse fans who worship only totality and are underwhelmed by anything less are overlooking the reality of the mechanics of a solar system - the Solar force permeates everything and amplifies the energies that align most closely with its position.
September 1st 2016 is a classic example of multiple clustered energies, identifiable by their mathematical resonance - this harmonic reverberation comes as a result of several factors being sensitised in a chain reaction effect. When this accumulation of forces arises, significant outcomes arise.

September 1st sees Sun-Moon-lunar nodes-Neptune-Saturn-Uranus all forming the equivalent of a volatile chemical reaction - and in the everyday world, chemical or gas explosions with fire are on the list of potentials.*see news update

Here are other globally significant indicators from late August 2016 -February 2017:
  • more pronounced fundamentalist purification aggression which is not restricted to one faith or one context - this energy aggravates those minds that seek to pursue agendas based on their own sense of purity and superiority, seeking to maim, hurt or destroy those beings [any species] they see as inferior.*see news update
  • more seismic unrest in vulnerable zones - earthquake energy due to sudden shifts/changes in plate tectonics -a lot of this energy was pre-triggered in Italy & Myanmar in August 2016 - but other locations may still be vulnerable* see news update
  • health alerts: liver weakness implicated in inflammatory and hypersensitivity disorders of the digestive tract = toxic input from alcohol, over-use of prescribed or recreational drugs as well as any nutritional or supplemental excesses have to be curbed.
  • Emotionally the liver stores anger -need to resolve that.
  • General health and work makeovers [radical changes] are high on the agenda for many in this period - fuelled by the need to be true to who you really are, to assert your need for self-care and to start a new life chapter.
  • Water continues to poses threats - whether it is a large body of water or consumable and environmental water - toxic, too much, too little* see news update
  • Excessive communications and analysis are forecast for large numbers of people in the days surrounding and on the eclipse -suggesting many people having to be in intense contact with each other - a large amount of detailed communications. Work requirements will be the source of this excess activity for some. The unusually high degree of mental activity could cause information overload in affected people and network overload in targeted communications systems. 
Eclipses can be felt arising even before exactitude and this effect is noted with Uranus pre-triggering many of the forecasted issues - as advance warning signs - in July and August 2016. Further triggering by other planet activations can occur in the following 6 month period.

another astrologer's analysis for this period

Examples of manifested events encompassing the pre-eclipse period [August 2016, actual eclipse days surrounding Sept 1 2016 and in the further 6 month time frame of influence show how nature and human activity are equally affected. If humans made precautionary choices related to eclipse potentials they would not launch rockets, aggravate adversaries or take personal risks in threatening environments in the high-threat period.

update Aug 29 Mag 6.9 quake right on the eclipse path in the Atlantic off Africa

update Aug 30 suicide bombing at Chinese Embassy Kyrgyzstan

updates Aug 31 water contamination issues arising in August in a New Zealand region continue to raise concern
Heroin overdoses on Aug 30

update Sept 1 -M5.7 quake offshore NZ
updates Sept 2 M7.1 quake offshore NZ East Cape with tsunami warning

SpaceX rocket explodes on launch pad during test firing at Cape Canaveral US - reflecting the warning re explosions

Purification aggression in the form of an eradication program against mosquitos has caused the deaths of millions of bees in South Carolina US
further quake news:

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Earthquake Astrology Italy Norcia August 2016

At the onset of the M6.2 quake in Norcia, Uranus a primary earthquake indicator is in the most elevated position.
The Cancer ascendant reflects matters concerning families, homes. Pluto the transformational force is linked to Cancer's planet -the Moon. Chiron in Pisces opposes Venus and Jupiter - the multiple relationships wounded by this event, though some will also be healed, people drawn closer.
The energy of Uranus is aggravated by links to Mars and Saturn in conjunction. [Mars-Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius, semisquare Uranus in Aries]
The lunar nodal axis in Virgo-Pisces with Neptune attached - also all stressed by the Saturn-Mars conjunction indicates a deep thread of ancestral karmic disturbance involving beliefs, faith, religion.... This is collective karma being exposed - all those affected share a deep connection to past misuse of spiritual energy.
References made by survivors, to "apocalyptic" scenes and "Dante's Inferno" reinforce deeply religious themes involved.
The profound losses generated by a major earthquake can completely invert a person's reality. They are stripped bare, back to fundamentals, as close to their spiritual self as possible while in physical form: this is the opportunity for major personal transformation, redemption, atonement, within whatever faith or belief system they adhere to.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Quirky, Leo Aquarius Romantic Full Moon August 2016

What? Finally some Love?
The August 2016 full moon in Leo -Aquarius has an entourage which sets a pleasant range of scenarios in the relating arenas

Leo is the time of year when the Sun is very strongly expressed - the solar essence - the unseen force of the sun. Anyone resonating positively with this Leo warmth is likely to be extra entertaining, romantic and enjoying being the center of someone's universe.
Leo is the sign related to -sun, lions & all in the cat family, the heart...
When a full moon emphasises Leo and its opposite polarity, Aquarius there are two kinds of relating being contemplated: the romantic and the friendship - so some people will be weighing up this comparison, asking should we just be friends? is this person now my love interest? Can we be friendly lovers? These questions highlight the differences: is this a dynamic that is intense and exclusive? or do we want more space, a more casual, random thing that has sex as an option? Leo wants the former, Aquarius wants the latter.

August 2016 sees other factors involved 
and these are likely to arise as the Moon enlarges, in the waxing phase, before full moon on the 18th.
Venus the love goddess is exact on the lunar nodal axis on August 16. Virgo is the sign emphasis.
Virgo is a shy position for Venus
The workplace is the Virgo territory.
Neptune is in Pisces opposite Venus and also on the lunar nodal axis.
With Neptune softening Virgo there is a highly romantic, sensitive and spiritual connection on offer for many [drink & drugs as lubricants for some too]
Saturn is at odds with Venus & Neptune on the weekend 13-14 Aug -looking like separations, endings, disappointment, frustration, disillusionment [Saturn] will be the final release for some to begin something new on the relationship front [Venus]
The nodal axis being involved with Venus intensifies the significance of any encounters unfolding in mid August 2016: people strongly triggered now have a strong connection.
Helping things along, the assertive Mars energy is in Sagittarius in August creating the keyword phrase sexually adventurous.
Jupiter is also in Virgo - Jupiter increases, enlarges, magnifies, takes to the extreme whatever it blends with -so Virgo is work, workplace, lots of details, but also euphoria at work [love can do that]
Jupiter is connected to Uranus strongly in the middle weeks of August:
Uranus is the quirky energy related to Aquarius - but it is moving through Mars' sign Aries in 2016. 
Aquarius is more of a group-oriented sign, an energy preferring collective activities. But when Uranus is in Aries the focus has to come back to the personal needs, personal identity - how about me? instead of always going with what the group wants, or selflessly working for causes and leaving no energy for a personal life.
Asserting your individuality [Aries] is still important no matter what kind of relationship you are involved in.
The August full moon highlights this need to look at your love life so that it meets your personal needs.
With Jupiter triggering Uranus two energies of liberation are emphasised.
Finding a new kind of love - that could be a totally different sort of  heart-to-heart than ever before, one that is a lot freer, more unconventional  - but with Jupiter in Virgo bringing extra heavy workloads for a lot of people - adjustments have to be made to make room for love in your life as well. How important is that heavy workload? How important is your personal emotional well-being? Can you change the structure of your life to accomodate a different balance.
If you have felt compelled to make such changes already, before August 18, be assured this is the time to enact them and enable for yourself a liberation of your heart

addendum Aug 10
Though a significantly healing energy arises at the 10th of August  [Jupiter-Chiron opposition] as a prelude to the unfolding changes, the use of that energy can have either positive or negative outcomes: feeling spiritually cleansed can flow into emotional positivity - or be utilised as the sense of mission or destiny to commit violent acts of purification against others.
[this theme explored in July is still alive]
And the more aggravated potentials of the full moon of August 2016 are likely to unfold after the fullness - around the 23rd-24th with the connectivity of Mars, Saturn, Uranus [Mars-Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius, semisquare Uranus in Aries] following the Aries Moon -emotionally fuelling destructive violence that has its basis in fundamentalist faith or beliefs. This upsurge can occur in many contexts and locations -it's all about a belief that others who do not follow your ideas need to be destroyed.
Best to avoid environments where potentials are high for this type of encounter.
update Suicide bombing in Turkey August 20

update destructive earthquakes hit Italy and Myanmar [both locations beginning Aug 24] This violent and damaging energy stems from the same forces as the human behaviour generated by the Mars-Saturn-Uranus combination indicated for this period -Italy quake astrology here
Italy quake images
Myanmar report

update August 25 multiple deaths and injuries at the American University of Afghanistan in Kabul after explosives were used in a terror attack

For more love analysis also read:
The Love Revolution that's about to be unleashed in 2016 - is it happening for you?


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...