Thursday, 25 August 2016

Earthquake Astrology Italy Norcia August 2016

At the onset of the M6.2 quake in Norcia, Uranus a primary earthquake indicator is in the most elevated position.
The Cancer ascendant reflects matters concerning families, homes. Pluto the transformational force is linked to Cancer's planet -the Moon. Chiron in Pisces opposes Venus and Jupiter - the multiple relationships wounded by this event, though some will also be healed, people drawn closer.
The energy of Uranus is aggravated by links to Mars and Saturn in conjunction. [Mars-Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius, semisquare Uranus in Aries]
The lunar nodal axis in Virgo-Pisces with Neptune attached - also all stressed by the Saturn-Mars conjunction indicates a deep thread of ancestral karmic disturbance involving beliefs, faith, religion.... This is collective karma being exposed - all those affected share a deep connection to past misuse of spiritual energy.
References made by survivors, to "apocalyptic" scenes and "Dante's Inferno" reinforce deeply religious themes involved.
The profound losses generated by a major earthquake can completely invert a person's reality. They are stripped bare, back to fundamentals, as close to their spiritual self as possible while in physical form: this is the opportunity for major personal transformation, redemption, atonement, within whatever faith or belief system they adhere to.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...