Thursday, 15 September 2016

September 2016 Full Moon Eclipse

1. A week of tense, nit-picky, hair-splitting, impatient activity precedes the Sept 16/17 full moon lunar eclipse.

2.The eclipse itself is no less complicated - with high-energy activations amplifying eclipse potentials beyond the focal polarity of the Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon. These signs when strongly emphasised are often implicated in extreme weather events. The added forces tagging along also place strain on the earth's crust = more potential for seismic activity in vulnerable locations.

3. This eclipse perpetuates the purification aggression theme identified as being a persistent theme in recent months....
All people intent on promoting separatist beliefs and claiming greater purity than others [human or any species] are aggravated further by this eclipse to feel an entitlement to eliminate those they see as inferior, impure or pest species or people – and so an aggressive drive is activated to kill or attack physically or symbolically –with weapons or words, those believed to pose an impurity threat.
This manifests clearly in fundamentalist faith-based acts of murderous aggression but the compulsion is not limited to the most high profile sectors in this era. Inter-racial discord is another manifestation as well as faith vs faith, men vs women, humans vs animals – any sector where belief inspires a hatred of another category of life form.
In one-to-one conflicts, this theme of superior purity of ideas is easily channelled into   
a tendency to be too direct, too blunt, be too assertive or aggressive in pursuing an idealistic or overly correct/purist personal agenda, a risk of appearing too selfish, impatient – but of course there are consequences – being too driven by your own agenda could result in the other person being emotionally wounded and suffer significant loss of self esteem.
Purification aggression is clearly not limited to human interactions: our species is populated by many with a domination gene, a mindset of totally superiority over all beings. The desire to eradicate certain biological species or variants and create a perfect natural ecology is also part of this disease of imbalanced perspective. The domestic cat species is on the eradication list globally, especially feral variants on account of the purification agenda. The sense of human entitlement to order natural balances is a deeply flawed position.

People affected strongly by this eclipse will have planets positioned in the range 22-25 degrees –especially if in water or fire signs

Eclipses have wide ranging periods of influence - can be triggered in advance -[eg August 2016 for this eclipse] and during at least 6 months ahead by activating planets.

Sept 15

Questions continue to arise in NZ about an apparent racial bias both in charging and sentencing criminal offenders. This echoes claims by other indigenous cultures in Western democracies -the US, Australia, Canada - who say they experience the harder hand of justice compared to whites, especially when privileged white males seem so often to escape significant penalties for serious offending.
This issue is highlighted in current times as a purification issue

update Sept 16 -eclipse day was marked in Pakistan by a suicide bomber
updates Sept 17 - a bomb blast in Manhattan, New York injures many, but labelled unspecified terrorism
A separate blast in New Jersey was eventually linked to the Manhattan bomb and a suspect arrested
IS claims a soldier of their faith committed multiple stabbings in a Minnesota mall
update Sept 19 - a humanitarian convoy in Aleppo Syria is bombed, destroying 32 vehicles and with multiple deaths and injuries
updates Sept 30 recent events show activation of eclipse potentials. The extreme storm hitting eastern Australia beginning Sept 28 featured twin tornadoes in an"unprecedented event" resulting in damage and widespread power outages. People used "end of world" and "apocalyptic" references regarding the forces of nature -severe winds, torrential rain, sea surges and no electricity.
New York train crash with multiple injuries see note 4 for analysis 
A significant geomagnetic disturbance affecting earth since Sept 27 is a relevant triggering device for extreme events/behaviour
update Oct 1
big quakes in Pacific Ring of Fire show triggering effect of the geomagnetic disturbance:
and Matthew Cat 5  Caribbean Atlantic hurricane

Notes re analysis
1. [Sun conjuncted by Mercury both squared by Mars trined by Uranus] 

2. The eclipse itself is no less complicated - with high energy activations
[from Mars and Uranus] applying to the Sun-Moon-Chiron mix.

3. Most of the energy is mutable – meaning all energy expressions related to Virgo-Pisces and Sagittarius-Gemini are made prominent.

The mutables are, on one level, Mind signs –Virgo is the picky, analytical, critical, upholder of the faith of purity – but taken too far = purification-aggression - identified as a persistent theme in recent months
Pisces is the most tolerant, inclusive, compassionate mental perspective but is prone to blind faith
Sagittarius is the philosophical and belief-focussed mind – Mars in Sagittarius further energised by impatient, aggressive Uranus in Aries creates a force at odds with Pisces and Virgo – producing more negative outcomes
Gemini becomes activated automatically through being part of the dominant energy pattern of the eclipse

4. A reminder that all forms of transport -road, sea, air, rail are vulnerable under a mutable energy eclipse of potent moon event - mutable events feature any of the signs of that group - Pisces-Virgo-Gemini-Sagittarius  due to all having a correspondence to the flow or movement of forces. Our transport systems are simply an outer world re-creation of the flows of the four elements in the body 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...