Wednesday, 26 October 2016

This is a Death Chart - astrological indicators of a violent event

This is a Death Chart - astrological indicators of a violent event
Planetary positions at Universal Time 04.15 on 25 October 2016.
One high profile event [details withheld out of respect for the tragedy] is known to have occurred on this day at the indicated time, involving multiple fatalities.
An energy is earthed at a particular place and time
due to a synergy of the locational, prevailing and individual/personal energies being in resonance.
What is found commonly with events of significant impact is that planetary positions are very clearly potentized at the time of the event.
  • An astrological chart has two power axes - the vertical axis labelled MC-IC and the horizontal axis labelled AC-DC. 
  • One or both of theses axes are commonly found to be strongly activated - more accurately the planetary factors especially in close conjunction to either axis - are strengthened, made more significant -when high profile events occur.
  • Depending of the signatures of the planets involved -this can work positively or negatively in terms of outcomes.
  • This chart has Saturn and Venus in the most powerful position of all possible points around the chart circle -the most elevated point in the circle.
  • Saturn is a bond, Venus is a relationship
  • Next look to the left of the horizontal axis: 
  • Neptune in Pisces and the South Lunar node in Pisces are in close range of the ascendant energies in Pisces
  • Pisces is water
  • Saturn and Venus are the apex of energies radiating left and right -as shown by the red lines. The north and South lunar nodes are shown completing the triangle by their exact opposition. Multiple stress energies generated by this arrangement.
water surrounds an event involving loss of relationship, separation, confusion, anxiety, grief 

  • A tightly grouped collection of energies -all within the range 8-13 degrees intensifies the conflicting forces
  • The Sun and Mercury closely connected in early Scorpio  [0-2 degrees] link to the suspected trigger -the Moon at 0 degrees. 
  • Scorpio and the 8th house where they were positioned at the event time concern issues of transformation and death.
  • The Moon not only activated the Scorpio forces but also the Mercury energy of transport  - death in motion
  • The Moon also triggered the 15 degree position of Pluto [Scorpio's representative planet] [sesquiquadrate angle]

Pluto forces are commonly present in violent events.
Here Pluto sits in range of Mars [15 & 19 degrees].
  • Mars then responds to the sudden violent force coming from Uranus in Aries [22 degrees] 
  • Uranus is the usual suspect in accidents and it is part of the picture here but most significantly is the role of karmic interpersonal dynamics - signified by the outright prominence of Saturn-Venus at the time of the event and the very karmically* relevant lunar nodes sitting so noticeably across the horizontal axis -the energy point that is all about Self and Other -close relationships and relationship with the Self -and how forces related to past and future lives all came to fruition in a very sudden life-changing event.
No single cause is evident in disastrous events. There is always a trigger [usually the Moon, being the fastest moving factor] then like a series of co-ordinated explosions, the energies merge in a domino effect, cascading into chaotic outcomes.

*Karma is a complex Buddhist term that encompasses multiple inter-related factors that stem from past actions and that over time involve rebalancing


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...