Tuesday, 31 January 2017

2017 Astrology - February Fire & Water

February 2017 will deliver some fiery energy in multiple forms -the natural fire element is very emphasised, along with high-combustibility which also signifies explosive energy
Latest: Feb 20 as forecast in this report...deluge aspect has also been evident many global locations especially those that have been or normally bone dry -including California

Feb 16

uncontrolled fires in Christchurch merge into one by day 4 
Even Trump is engulfed in smoke and a pending firestorm
"catastrophic" wildfire conditions have been reported in Australia 
extreme heat in eastern Australia and widespread flooding in Western Australia are examples of the 2 key elements fire and water being exaggerated under the complex pattern of this eclipse.
Feb 12 Seismic unrest has been elevated in New Zealand
as fire eclipse approaches Feb 9 gas explosion on cruise ship

All species respond to this energy climate so animals as well as humans are susceptible in Feb 2017 to higher levels of aggression. In humans this can range from more than usual irritability right through to outright rage. You will be somewhere on that spectrum but more so if you are unable to burn up the extra adrenal/hormonal flood: exercise, adventure and risk taking activities are more appealing now -but another prevailing effect is ready to deliver difficulties if the exuberance goes to excess.
This amount of adversarial, potentially argumentative energy is also best used in controlled competitive environments like sport -but again with self control.

The Saturday 11th eclipse in Leo adds more fire to the already present Aries and Sagittarius energies. Police, Fire Services and Ambulances will get a lot of activity in February: fights, accidents, car crashes, stabbings, shootings, fire/arson/explosions all more prevalent than usual.

Making things worse is a political climate veering rapidly across the globe towards repressive policies which are anti-humanitarian. The political brutality generated with Pluto's passage of Capricorn is amplified in February by connection to the nodal points that feed back to the Sun and Moon.
The end of January 2017 global protests against US President Donald Trump's policies look set to expand and endure even into March.

The best of February 2017
could be discovered in the context of the Pisces solar eclipse energies of the 26th.
After the Fire comes a lot of Deep Water.
An outpouring of compassion or a sense of one-ness and connectedness is possible in mass gatherings that address the fundamental relating issues facing humanity.
On a personal level the same opportunities are on offer:
How can we co-exist in a better, more harmonious, compassionate way?
How can I access my strength, bravery and confidence in order to enhance my enjoyment of others in social interactions?
A nation that feels inherently secure does not need to banish broad swathes of humanity but until the end of 2017 a pronounced fear of the foreign has more opportunity to take root where that fear is encouraged.

On an elemental level -torrents of water are the likely outcome in many global locations - eg in the US- the Lake Oroville dam posed a threat in mid February

Monday, 30 January 2017

Trump Travel Ban & What's to Come - Written in the Stars

August 2017
Trump promises "fire and fury like the world has never seen"
August eclipses empower Trumpinator to unleash:
[May to August -unprecedented number of staffers fired as Trump comes under state scrutiny]

May 2017
Trump tells Comey: "You're Fired"
Trump sends missiles into Syria
April 2017
Trump overturns Obama Climate Change policies March 2017
Trump Escalating attacks on the Resistance 
February 2017

America has erupted in a state of protest after recently inaugurated President Donald Trump wasted no time in delivering executive orders reflecting his campaign promises.

BBC report

Trump has focussed primarily on foreign nationals he believes are a threat to US security and wellbeing and foreign trade agreements that he thinks are detrimental to US economic interests.
The foreign aspect in astrology refers to the energy of Sagittarius.
Since late 2014 the restrictive energies of planet Saturn have blended with the normally expansive energies of Sagittarius* and all expressions that carry Sagittarian themes.
In total the Saturn in Sagittarius effect will endure for another year - making it a full 3 year experience before Saturn connects with its home base: in Capricorn.

While Saturn has been in Sagittarius the free flow of mass migration out of war-torn or economically deprived countries has been significantly curtailed. Many European nations experienced such significant numbers of new migrants/refugees that services failed to cope and public compassion flipped into distress, discomfort, fear. Policies of openness were reversed. Fences erected. Refugees detained.

Significant political crises erupted in Europe, Britain and Australia around the management of mass numbers of people wanting to escape their conditions of life and find prosperity, peace, safety in another land.

Since the US Presidential electoral campaign during 2016 America and the world has been put on notice that Donald Trump would carry through policies highly consistent with the restrictive energies of Saturn impacting on the Sagittarian aspects of life, specifically the foreign and the foreigner.
Trump has opted for the Wild West management style, the "shoot first, ask questions later" approach - by targeting people of a religious faith en masse - not just those posing the most significant threats.

When Trump issued his executive order in January 2017 on the 27th of the month, just hours before the New Moon that evening in Washington, Saturn was at 24 degrees Sagittarius. This energy linked strongly to the transiting position of Venus at 24 degrees in Pisces - reflecting the detrimental impact on relationships based on love, compassion, spiritual connection.
The travel ban has separated and will continue to separate people from their loved ones.
The intensity of this enforced restriction is emphasised by the New Moon = Sun and Moon combined at 8 Aquarius being in tight connection to Saturn [45 degree semisquare]
Chiron-Venus-Mars all in Pisces cover a range from 22-30 degrees, with their energies converging at 26 Pisces - so many soft, loving and sensitive energies [Pisces] placed under the harsh duress of restriction and separation [Saturn] created by officialdom's law [Saturn in Sagittarius] and channeled through a man now drunk with power:

  • Trump's birth chart has exactly the same main axis points -AC-DC at 29 Leo-Aquarius and MC-IC at 24 Taurus-Scorpio as the January New Moon. 
  • In addition his birth time time featured a Gemini-Sagittarius Full Moon and a Saturn-Venus conjunction  -all comprising ingredients that are reflected in the January New Moon energies. Trump definitely sees himself as Big Daddy [Saturn in Cancer] -not only in his family but also now to a whole nation. But his protective/protectionist psychology has a dark side, an "us and them" with Saturn working against the Moon [by quincunx] placing significant limitations on his openness and capacity to care for those who feel "foreign " to him. 
  • This places great limitations on his role as leader of the most powerful Western nation because fundamentally, even aside from the outright loose cannon tendencies, eccentricities and bloodymindedness [courtesy of Uranus] and the pronounced narcissistic traits delivered by Mars in Leo on the Ascendant, Trump is psychologically deficient on the level of moral and compassionate humanity to fulfil the essentially balanced leadership role required at the Presidential level in America.
  • The consequences of having Trump in power in America are horrendous on a global scale given that the two eclipses of February 2017 will embolden his drive for power -[Mars in Leo activated by Feb 11 lunar eclipse and Pluto in Leo activated by Feb 26 Solar Eclipse.] But the planets keep delivering: even the 2017 August eclipses are set to amplify Trump's megalomania.
  • With eclipses delivering a minimum 6 month period of effect, it is likely that Trump will experience an extended period of intoxication with his extreme capacity to get exactly what he wants, how he wants.  This is truly a global warning. 
  • There is though a significant spanner in the works which has the capacity to somewhat frustrate the Trumpinator. 
  • Born in the late building phase of an exact Full Moon eclipse his Moon is 21 Sagittarius and Sun 23 Gemini. Planet Saturn which was in close connection to Trump's birth eclipse [giving him a Tough Daddy persona - is currently in range of both his Sun and Moon again, and now in Sagittarius is a signifier of political and executive authority and in SAG, political legal authority the administration of which has been emotionally comforting for Trump even before his inauguration. Saturn opposed his Sun at his inauguration where he was stamped with the requisite Saturnian hallmarks of authority and status. But the Saturn effect opposite his birth Sun position creates less vitality, more opposition [first seen as inauguration protests] and the next time to watch will be late June-mid July and middle weeks of October when more opposing forces seek to counter the wilful President and his Divine Right of Kings mindset. With his inherent killer instinct aroused when crossed and the numbers of citizens holding him in contempt, drama on a medieval scale is waiting offstage.

Below are the midpoints of energy in Trump's chart. When Pluto in Sept-Oct 2017 retrogrades over the last minutes of 16 Capricorn many over-the-top personality traits [birth energies at or synergising in the range 15-17 in Cancer and Libra will most likely be in full abusive outburst [a lot will occur in the context of family members and home environment ] and the alternate outcome of a profoundly transformational atonement is extremely remote. The chances of Trump attracting a resonant extreme and destructive energy also remain high in this period

A New moon is effective during the lunar month until the next one and begins its effects up to three days before exactitude.

    NEW MOON Washington January 27 2017  click to enlarge

January 2017 Violation of Court Orders by Trump administration

February 2017 Leaked Copy of Religious Freedom executive order could overturn progress in social justice and equality - in many respects "a licence to discriminate" against gays, transgender....

Timeline of a Kleptocrat

Points to note:
2017 eclipses [Universal Time UT]
Feb 11 lunar eclipse 22 Leo - activates multiple Trump energies at 20-23 degrees..all his power points
Feb 26 solar eclipse 8 Pisces - targets 22 and 23 degrees in Trump energies -more desire for power
August 7 lunar eclipse  15 Aquarius activates Chiron, Jupiter & Uranus for Trump - confidence to be as loose and uncontrolled as he wants
august 21 solar eclipse 29 Leo = right on Trump's 29 Leo Ascendant - another power enhancer

*Sagittarius is expansive energy 
- whether expressed through an 
  • expanded physical state [excess weight, big growth, physical development, physical expertise as in sport]
  • expanded experiential states [self development through exploration, travel, experiences beyond the familiar
  • expanded mental state - [specialist fields of study, philosophical enquiry]
  • expanded spiritual search -the search for meaning, explorations of religious belief 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...