August 2017
Trump promises "fire and fury like the world has never seen"
August eclipses empower Trumpinator to unleash:
[May to August -unprecedented number of staffers fired as Trump comes under state scrutiny]
May 2017
Trump tells Comey: "You're Fired"
Trump sends missiles into Syria
April 2017
Trump overturns Obama Climate Change policies March 2017
Trump Escalating attacks on the Resistance
February 2017
America has erupted in a state of protest after recently inaugurated President Donald Trump wasted no time in delivering executive orders reflecting his campaign promises.
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BBC report
Trump has focussed primarily on foreign nationals he believes are a threat to US security and wellbeing and foreign trade agreements that he thinks are detrimental to US economic interests.
The foreign aspect in astrology refers to the energy of Sagittarius.
Since late 2014 the restrictive energies of planet Saturn have blended with the normally expansive energies of Sagittarius* and all expressions that carry Sagittarian themes.
In total the Saturn in Sagittarius effect will endure for another year - making it a full 3 year experience before Saturn connects with its home base: in Capricorn.
While Saturn has been in Sagittarius the free flow of mass migration out of war-torn or economically deprived countries has been significantly curtailed. Many European nations experienced such significant numbers of new migrants/refugees that services failed to cope and public compassion flipped into distress, discomfort, fear. Policies of openness were reversed. Fences erected. Refugees detained.
Significant political crises erupted in Europe, Britain and Australia around the management of mass numbers of people wanting to escape their conditions of life and find prosperity, peace, safety in another land.
Since the US Presidential electoral campaign during 2016 America and the world has been put on notice that Donald Trump would carry through policies highly consistent with the restrictive energies of Saturn impacting on the Sagittarian aspects of life, specifically the foreign and the foreigner.
Trump has opted for the Wild West management style, the "shoot first, ask questions later" approach - by targeting people of a religious faith en masse - not just those posing the most significant threats.
When Trump issued his executive order in January 2017 on the 27th of the month, just hours before the New Moon that evening in Washington, Saturn was at 24 degrees Sagittarius. This energy linked strongly to the transiting position of Venus at 24 degrees in Pisces - reflecting the detrimental impact on relationships based on love, compassion, spiritual connection.
The travel ban has separated and will continue to separate people from their loved ones.
The intensity of this enforced restriction is emphasised by the New Moon = Sun and Moon combined at 8 Aquarius being in tight connection to Saturn [45 degree semisquare]
Chiron-Venus-Mars all in Pisces cover a range from 22-30 degrees, with their energies converging at 26 Pisces - so many soft, loving and sensitive energies [Pisces] placed under the harsh duress of restriction and separation [Saturn] created by officialdom's law [Saturn in Sagittarius] and channeled through a man now drunk with power:
Below are the midpoints of energy in Trump's chart. When Pluto in Sept-Oct 2017 retrogrades over the last minutes of 16 Capricorn many over-the-top personality traits [birth energies at or synergising in the range 15-17 in Cancer and Libra will most likely be in full abusive outburst [a lot will occur in the context of family members and home environment ] and the alternate outcome of a profoundly transformational atonement is extremely remote. The chances of Trump attracting a resonant extreme and destructive energy also remain high in this period
A New moon is effective during the lunar month until the next one and begins its effects up to three days before exactitude.
NEW MOON Washington January 27 2017 click to enlarge
January 2017 Violation of Court Orders by Trump administration February 2017 Leaked Copy of Religious Freedom executive order could overturn progress in social justice and equality - in many respects "a licence to discriminate" against gays, transgender....
Timeline of a Kleptocrat
Trump's Presidency is already being described as kleptocratic -corrupt
April 6 2017 -without Congressional approval, Trump ordered missile attacks against Syrian military
Points to note:
2017 eclipses [Universal Time UT]
Feb 11 lunar eclipse 22 Leo - activates multiple Trump energies at 20-23 degrees..all his power points Feb 26 solar eclipse 8 Pisces - targets 22 and 23 degrees in Trump energies -more desire for power August 7 lunar eclipse 15 Aquarius activates Chiron, Jupiter & Uranus for Trump - confidence to be as loose and uncontrolled as he wants august 21 solar eclipse 29 Leo = right on Trump's 29 Leo Ascendant - another power enhancer
*Sagittarius is expansive energy
- whether expressed through an