Wednesday, 28 December 2016

A Kardashian Jenner astrological tree

Astrological family trees
 are more likely than not
 to show patterns of energy
When full birth data is known a much more confirmational array of repeat energies or energy themes is clearly visible.
Kim Kardashian 
The Kardashian and Jenner extended families have achieved a globally high profile on account of their extended reality TV self-exposure.
When such a successful dynasty exists, astrological analysis, even at it's most basic, gives an insight into the family themes.
Looking at key family members -as well as their significant others - interesting themes are evident

Scorpio is "survival at all costs" energy, making Scorpios tough, determined battlers and sometimes lethal in pursuing their instincts -whether that is through money, power, people, possessions
Courtesy of family matriarch Kris, her "out-in-the-world" energy did not surface in her Kardashian children's Sun signs, but in 1991 she chose to match up with fellow Scorpio Bruce* [original name of Caitlyn] Jenner.
From this union of 2 Scorpios came 2 daughters -and one - Kendall - is also a Scorpio
Scorpio also emerged in the entrance of Lamar Odom into the family - as husband of Khloe Kardashian

Pisces is the least "out-in-the-world' is the energy of seclusion and retreat -privacy is the preferred style of life
Robert Kardashian Senior brought the soft, sensitive Pisces energy into the family.
It expressed directly through his son Rob's Sun sign.
Pisces is one of the most difficult energies for men to needs to be expressed through faith or spirituality, through sensitivity and compassion - but usually it is too hard for men to be this soft, so it is channeled into drug or alcohol abuse.
Robert's daughter Kourtney got Pisces as her Ascendant or sign that was rising at her birth time [modifying factors though make her tougher than Kim]
From Robert, daughter Kim got a Pisces Moon - for a woman, Pisces is much more traditionally acceptable. Kim has very sensitive emotional disposition.
Khloe was born with no astrological factors in Pisces but her potential to become more sensitive has been triggered since 2010 and even more so since 2011 with Pisces planet - Neptune - softening her in a very personal way.

The group of 4 signs Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn are described as Cardinal - they actively express energy through ways of relating.
Aries energy demands a strong relationship with the Self, more independence
Libra energy is primed for partnership but has to guard against to much dependence = the scales can become unbalanced
Cancer energy is the homely family style of relating, including nurturing and parenting others in a female style
Capricorn is the way of relating to society in roles as a senior manager, mentor = in loco parentis - in the style of a supportive or guiding fatherly figure
Cardinal Signs feature strongly in the Kardashian energy through the union of Robert and Kris.
Robert had Capricorn rising at his birth and Libra in the highest position of the sky overhead = midheaven
Kris has her emotions [Moon] expressed through Cancer -extending her role as mother into a management business. She also has 3 planets in Libra
Kim is Sun Sign Libra
Khloe has Sun sign Cancer plus Mercury and Venus in that sign.
Kourtney has 3 planets in Aries including Mercury, Mars and Sun. Moon is in Capricorn. Pluto in Libra
Rob's most relevant cardinal sign element is Moon in Libra
Kendall -has multiple significant factors in cardinal signs
Kylie - has multiple significant factors in cardinal signs
Caitlyn - has a significant life path indicator axis in Aries-Libra - with the direction in this life pointing to self-development, not partnership

All this relating energy signifies that as a result of parental energies and shared lessons in this life, the original Kardashian family - and the offspring of the Jenner union - will all spend a huge amount of their learning time on this planet trying to get to grips with who they are as an individual, and how to operate in all types of relating. This is a strong and undeniable family theme -genetically carried, astrologically visible and karmically entangled.

Fixed Signs
The fixed signs have a significant role for these conjoined families.
Taurus Scorpio Leo and Aquarius are in this group of survivalist signs - each choosing their own distinctive style of survival.
3 signs stand out as relevant in this extended family tree:
Scorpio Leo Aquarius
Scorpio has been dealt with earlier.
The Leo style of survival is through receiving love, attention, adoration and by acts of creation = a symbolic immortality - through offspring - or creative works - which also gain attention or fame
Aquarius style survival is by creating networks -like-minded people all connected - whether remotely or anonymously is not important - but the focus usually begins with everyday world friendships, group involvements - building a sense of humanity and social structure through shared interests, common goals
Robert had Moon in Aquarius
Kris - multiple planets in Scorpio and Leo
Rob -  Aquarius as rising sign
Bruce/Caitlyn - Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo as the midheaven sign
Kim -Mercury [type of thoughts] in Scorpio
Khloe - Mars and Saturn in Scorpio [affects attractions to men]
Kourtney - no significant factors in fixed signs
Kendall - Scorpio Sun
Kylie - Sun Leo, Moon Scorpio.

Energy Shifts
The bloodlines, energies karma all undergo change with children born from partners outside of the original Robert-Kris union
Through Kim:
Kim's love, partner and attraction energies run from Taurus through Gemini and Cancer - so men with those signs will appeal to her. She has Mars in Sagittarius = making sportsmen and people of other cultures/ethnicities also attractive.
[Kanye West is a Gemini Sun sign]

Through Kourtney:
Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio are her love, partner and attraction indicators. She has Mars in Aries - which more accurately reflects the man in her life Scott Disick  a Gemini Sun sign who is known mostly for his anger-management issues = classic Mars in Aries

Through Khloe:
Khloe has Mars and Saturn in Scorpio = older males with this energy will appeal. Cancer, Virgo and Libra are her love, partner and attraction indicators.
Lamar Odom is a Scorpio [an energy linking Khloe more to her early association with Bruce [Scorpio], than with her biological father Robert [Pisces].

Headed by Kris Jenner, the Kardashian-Jenner clans are clearly a matriarchal dynasty - her husband Robert died and her subsequent husband Bruce crossed over to the female side.  The 3 Kardashian sisters find their path towards stable partnership is studded with issues.

Excellent astrological data in the form of birth charts is available for the Kardashian-Jenner family through
Here are 3 examples referred to in the text:


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...