Thursday, 15 December 2016

December 2016 & Christmas Astrology

December 2016 sees a complex clustering of planets which will have significant effects on significant numbers of people
The Full moon on December 14 starts to gather in the clustering energies, though they will grow in their synergistic force towards December 25th

  • The most beneficial shift for some people will be a growing spiritual awareness about their relationship to others - whether that is identified formally within a belief system, or simply as an attitudinal change. 
  • An opening up of social consciousness and responsibility towards others is fundamental to the spirit of this significant energy cluster
  • A feeling of wanting to support, assist, be generous - but with moderation, restraint or conditions.
At its best this is an opportunity for some people to recognise their position of comfort and good fortune and to see that they can reach out to others not receiving such benefits in this life

For those not feeling the positives of this energy -as giver or receiver - there is still significant change on offer - but more as a result of making shifts under duress - the pressure of some stressful situation demanding that personal changes are made in attitude or behaviour.
In essence this is Maturing energy - feeling able to be a nurturer or supporter of others requires this level of personal growth. The Wounded Child within is pacified enough to allow the emergence of a parental, guiding energy within the personality.

Some people will achieve this growth in non-traumatic increments - others will be very strongly confronted with their need to change -effectively grow up - and chronological age is no indicator of when this process will occur - for some it happens in their final decades of life. 
Those who cannot at this point rise to the maturing challenge will experience significant consequences.

December 25th and the days surrounding it intensifies the maturing energies, offering the ideal outcome of healed relationships, new perspectives born of understanding the bigger picture of relating, family, society and ultimately our humanity, our spiritual essence.   

This growth opportunity, no matter what aspect of life is involved, will be primarily offered to people born on or in days surrounding
January 7th, April 7th, July 9th, October 10th - and
February 22, May 24, August 26, November 25

Within the context of global events these energies also take on a significant meaning. Politics that affect humanity are needing to be re-assessed. 
The Earth itself bears these energies directly, being subject to all cosmic forces and the weather and crust of the earth are strongly affected by strong clusters of energy. Any intensity of forces is capable of expressing as extreme weather events and shifts in the tectonic balance - as balance/imbalance is fundamental to the themes of the cluster. Seismic unrest and large scale geophysical events must also be considered to be elevated potentials under these influences.
[update Dec 29 - significant spots around the Pacific Ring of Fire are seismically active in the past 24 hours]
The Astrology Explained
The Full Moon in Sagittarius-Gemini is enhanced by Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus all in close mathematical connectivity. The individual geometries are less relevant than the close mathematical matching.
Venus links in by an exact semi-square to the Sun.
Pluto stays in range due to its activation - from 16 Capricorn - of the others in Cardinal signs -Jupiter at 19 Libra and Uranus at 19 Aries

As Xmas approaches Venus begins to join Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus = all at 20 degrees - and with Pluto at 17 degrees it is definitely close enough to be effective in its transformational role - all together creating a synergistic effect involving relationship growth/change/development. The best outcomes are very positive for those wanting to commit to or formalise, deepen or strengthen bonds.
This is not just about the quality of our relating, but also the spiritual meaning of our connections to particular people as well as humanity in general -a multi-layered shift in consciousness is on offer for those ready for it.

In the simplest of terms the essences of these energies are: 
Saturn = maturing
Uranus = changing
Jupiter = growth
Venus = relating
Pluto = transformational shift

All lunar events begin their influence in the days before exactitude and extend effects until the next lunar event of the same type - eg Full Moon to Full Moon
Eclipses last at least 6 months ahead and are also pre-activated by any outer planet trigger at the eclipse degree


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...