Tuesday, 29 November 2016

From Me to We: Nov-Dec 2016 New Moon

New Moon November 29/30 2016 carries a complex array of extra energies
Being a Sagittarian sun-moon conjunction means Jupiter is very important - but this time the Jupiter energy is not able to escape from reality checks

  • Saturn -the great confronter is in tight connection.
  • Saturn energy will arise in the form of checks and balances needing to be in place to ensure that the expansive, optimistic, carefree, indulgent urges associated with Jupiter are held up to scrutiny to see where they need to be modified.
  • Saturn will express in the body -aches pains, blockages, failures - with the back, neck, knees, skin, teeth all particularly typical of Saturn restrictions or problems
  • In Sagittarius Saturn also reduces functions of the liver
  • Saturn restrains free-ranging [Jupiter] energy while in Sagittarius - enforces a focus -usually involving demanding work, hard work, difficult work
  • The benefit of the current Saturn in SAG-Jupiter in Libra pairing is happy unions
  • Jupiter attracts positive connections/relationships/partnerships while in Libra
  • Saturn assists Jupiter's good omens by saying focus on this opportunity, grow it, nurture it - rein in your free ranging style and make a commitment to this
  • Uranus in Aries opposite Jupiter says time to make significant personal changes and go from me to we
  • Pluto in Capricorn linking to Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus says this is serious, this is a major turning point in your life: you will be forever changed by this if you open to what is offered
  • All combined this power-package of personal growth is saying: time to grow up, accept the discipline, commitment and growth that you need -through the dynamic of partnership

A significant number of people will be on this personal growth wavelength in December 2016
In fact many will make the full commitment by late November and deepen it further even to the point of legalising it in December.
This is primarily but not exclusively private relationship energy -it also can involve any partnership related to a focus - business, therapeutic - anywhere a team approach is beneficial and commitment is essential.

Neptune also cannot be ignored in the effective time period of this New Moon. [26 November-29 Dec]
The effects of Neptune strengthened from its direct movement in the third week of November and then this 8 degree New moon captures Neptune at 9 degrees and the lunar nodes at 8 degrees.
  • Any energy expressions of Neptune increase their potency - e.g.
  • All forms of water gain in their elemental force
  • risks associated with water increase -eg capsize
  • drugs, alcohol, addictive chemicals or substances all create higher risk factors
  • problems involving poisons, gases, chemicals
  • sensitive people more sensitive
  • sleep more of an issue and dreams more significant; too sleepy or sleepless, foggy mind
  • potential for faith/religion or deluded beliefs, extreme views, causing destructive behaviour

Negative outcomes arise when particular people's personal energy is aggravated by prevailing energies
The same planets that offer positive potentials for many will be aggravating to others.
With four powerful planets combining the potential for destructive outcomes fuelled by unhealthy beliefs remains high.
This means that with strong forces in effect, December must also be considered, within a global context, to be a time frame requiring vigilance and self care regarding not only environmental threats - forces of nature - but also risks arising from volatile people.

Whenever here are multiple planets in the mutable signs - Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces - because mutables are about flow and movement  - there are likely to be transport accidents, breakdowns, general travel issues. This period late Nov 2016 coincides with Saturn, Neptune, Sun, Moon, lunar nodes all in mutables.

More to follow in the Full Moon report in mid December

updates: news items reflective of a range of outcomes from a complex mix of energies associated with this New Moon
Nov 29 gas explosion Sydney reflects Neptune's expression as a gas. Pluto and Uranus are associated with explosions
Nov 29 Plane Crash Colombia - Saturn in Sagittarius is a generally difficult, demanding energy for Sagittarians in general. Saturn in SAG also causes problems for many during travel or in risk-taking adventurous activities. Sagittarius is also the energy most connected to sports. The bundle of planets Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus creates a potent energy mix capable of either very positive or very negative outcomes in terms of transformational experiences..the most extreme of which is death. [Saturn leave Sagittarius at the end of 2017]
Nov 28 geothermal eruption -reflecting the combination of potent natural forces generated by Pluto-Uranus-Neptune
Nov 26 boat capsize with multiple fatalities -reflective of Neptune energy in strong expression
The aftermath of the major earthquake sequence in New Zealand's South Island beginning Nov 14 continues to restrict and burden those affected [Saturn effect] Roads blocked and closed, damaged infrastructure, hard work to restore, clean up, repair personal property, loss of lifestyles and businesses are all part of this picture.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...