Sunday, 26 February 2017

The Shifting Sands of Identity, Gender & Sexuality

The Shifting Sands of Identity, Gender & Sexuality

We are constantly embedded in a complex mix of energies and how those energies impact us or motivate our thoughts, feelings and expressions is dependent too on a complex mix of energies -where we are located, the context or environment in which we find ourselves, the time that the energies are in effect, who we inherently are - what aspects of us can be aroused....
So the available energy at any time - existent and embedded in us - is capable of wearing many different -but related - faces or morphing into variant forms - depending upon the type of and degree of resonance with each individual

Selecting universal themes from the signature of any significant energy event -like an eclipse - involves selecting from a range of related possibilities/probabilities which are consistent with contemporary themes impacting humanity.
In 2017 there is again in the world a widening divide at the same time as a merging together -conflicting and contradictory forces which are creating deep divisions in communities, within nations and in global politics.
Many can detect elements of prior extreme historical periods when brutal and repressive forces led in the worst cases to the outright slaughter of great numbers of people who were depicted as deficient, defective, threatening, impure, unholy - attitudes that are based not in a rational mind but stem from a far more instinctual panic residing in the ancient part of the human brain.
2017 is occurring at a time of expanded social awareness where one sector of humanity is predisposed towards inclusion and so this is some protection against a potential outright contagion of instinctual panic and a return to widespread repression of our species' progression towards greater expression of true humanity.
Sometimes it feels like there is not just one human species but two - at war - with completely different consciousness - and in truth this consciousness difference is real because without love, compassion and inclusion and without embracing an expanded view of human potentials and variations our humanness remains very primitive.
The Pisces solar eclipse of late February 2017 sees compassionate energies from the sun and moon merging in conjunction = a new beginning, elevating for many their capacity to feel empathy and support for others, wanting to help and understand those who are suffering, mistreated, excluded.
Mercury and Neptune also in Pisces at the time of the eclipse add further emphasis to this refining influence..enabling many to resolve to "become a better person".
Along with this surge comes a big dose of "confidence to be different" - from the Mars and Uranus combination in Aries - and with Jupiter in Libra linked in - social confidence, joy and pleasure have certainly been delivered to many by this eclipse.
Many will feel predisposed to assert who they truly are
With a 6 month effective process an eclipse is usually a life-changing influence
A very appropriate example of the eclipse effect was on display in Auckland on Feb 25 - the pride parade celebrating gender diversity.

A colourful and high energy community event supported by thousands of observers, this LGBTI event typifies the spirit of inclusion, diversity, fun, - essentially with the message that being different is actually the underlying human condition - we are all essentially "different" -though for many that difference has been repressed in so many contexts.
ln fact the age of labels must surely be close to ending within this context of the fluidity of identity and of gender and sexual preference being so much spoken of -and when young children are independently self asserting their preferences we truly are living in a new age of expanded social dynamics.

The essential message of this eclipse was earlier posted as follows:
The best of February 2017
could be discovered in the context of the Pisces solar eclipse energies of the 26th.
After the Fire comes a lot of Deep Water.
An outpouring of compassion or a sense of one-ness and connectedness is possible in mass gatherings that address the fundamental relating issues facing humanity.
On a personal level the same opportunities are on offer:
How can we co-exist in a better, more harmonious, compassionate way?
How can I access my strength, bravery and confidence in order to enhance my enjoyment of others in social interactions?
A nation that feels inherently secure does not need to banish broad swathes of humanity but until the end of 2017 a pronounced fear of the foreign has more opportunity to take root where that fear is encouraged.

On an elemental level -torrents of water are the likely outcome in many global locations


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...