Monday, 27 November 2017

Supermoon :Travel alert for December..

Multiple indicators of extreme environmental events and extreme weather have begun to accumulate since November 4th Full Moon and then continuing to show prominence at the November 18 New Moon, then the December 3 Full Moon

latest: landslides in Philippines; numerous road transport deaths; Bus crash India; Pedestrians mowed down in Melbourne; ferry sinks in Manila; Seattle train crash at New Moon
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November 4 set the scene for extreme weather and significant environmental events.
The signature was Saturn Uranus and Neptune all triggering the potency of the 27 Sagittarius current position of the Milky Way's Galactic Centre.
This observation is covered in detail in various Profiler posts including Extreme Weather from the Galactic Centre
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The November 18 New Moon has sustained this with Sun Moon Saturn Uranus Neptune all in activating positions

The December 3 Full Moon sees the build-up intensify:
Sun Moon Jupiter Neptune all synergised and collectively activating Saturn Mercury Mars Uranus

Each lunar phase signature carries forward til the next lunar phase of that type - new to new, full to full and lunar phases begin to kick in days before the exact mathematics of conjunction or opposition to the sun
The signature is the qualities of the stand-out energies present at that phase  - especially the dominant interconnected forces acting in synergy.
December 3 is a visible Supermoon - closer than normal & with stronger potentials.

The Meaning
Extreme forces have accumulated over a period of weeks in the energy field and atmosphere of earth, with high probability of significant outcomes in weather and environmental events.

As the days progress towards the end of November then come in effective range of the December 3 full moon, the potential for a significant eruption is definitely at high alert level - if the eruption has not already occurred by the 30th of November.

The December full moon carries themes of extreme water events [could be rain/flood/inundation, mass deaths, travel restrictions or any number of problematic issues around travelling.

The Mars and Aries energies are amplified = heat and fire

All forms of transport are vulnerable -land/sea/air but international travel is most vulnerable and when masses of people are collected together.
Boat people/refugees at higher than usual risk -masses on boats in water.

If ash cloud closes a number of airports we will again see a travel log-jam as witnessed when Iceland's volcano blew in 2010 [multiple planets and moon phases activated in the critical 25-29  degree range in March- April 2010]

This is a high-risk period for certain people in certain places
Local conditions will reveal whether the extreme effects are expected to manifest as weather; quake and volcano monitoring should show any uptick in energy.

The effects are restricted to certain locations, certain people - always depending on the physics of resonance. Energies are always attracted to certain places or people.
Your astrological chart is the only way of seeing if you are a match.
Use your instincts and take precautions if your circumstances potentially place you in the path of environmental extreme events or destructive weather in the period leading up to New Year.

A further post will cover the indicators for the Dec 18 New Moon which also occurs with some significant factors on board.

next post : the New Year vacation period brings extreme conditions

Historic precedent for Mt Agung
The March 17 1963 eruption saw over 1000 people killed

The Sun and Jupiter were conjunct at 25-26 degrees
The lunar nodes were at 28 degrees
Pluto and Chiron in opposition were at 10 degrees

Mt Agung in 1963 & 2017 
The Milky Way's centre is positioned at 27 Sagittarius in the current era [new millennium]
An effective range from 25-29 degrees can be considered relevant when determining whether a solar system luminary [sun or moon] or planet holding a position in that degree range is effectively acting as a step down transformer of potent forces from the heart of our galaxy. Earth is just one body in space where effects can be monitored and regular observation consistently confirms this process is occurring, with resultant severe environmental consequences -expressed both as weather extremes with associated atmospheric disturbance and terrestrial unrest expressed as seismic/volcanic activity outcomes.
Land sea and air are all collectively impacted and particular locations always show the most obvious outcomes. The complexities of where are left for others to specialise in. The issue of when is much more easily focussed into recurrent and perpetual periods when several planetary/luminary energies combine forces in the 25-29 degree range and as typically found when the angles* in the range sitting at 10-14 degrees are also occurring synchronistically. [semisquare - 45 degrees ]
The 1963 Mt Agung event has 25-26 degrees and 10 degrees - a total of four factors all in tight synergy. The lunar nodal axis at 28 degrees tags on to the Sun at 26.

The 2017 Mt Agung context:
The December 3 Full Moon  - which begins to strengthen from the last day of November - reveals:
  • Sun-Moon-Neptune-Jupiter ALL at 12 degrees
  • 12 degrees is the semisquare of 27 degrees
  • Uranus-Mars-Saturn-Mercury sit in the range 25-29 degrees -with a midpoint degree of 27
  • this tags on 4 potent forces to the four involving the full moon = total of 8 very tightly connected
  • this type of combination is high potency and high risk in any context where the fuse blows.
  • indicators regarding transport risks [Saturn-Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius] are high probability
  • indicators for volatile explosive activity [Uranus-Mars in opposition] are high risk in terms of volatile materials, weaponry, destructive damage including accidents/crashes
  • Jupiter in Scorpio: mass deaths due to large numbers of people in the target zone when the forces are unleashed
  • Neptune-Jupiter connection - water danger/death or transformational change due to contexts where rain flood inundation affect land areas or sea vessels. Large seas, big waves in some locations. Big waves of compassion re major tragedy.
Many of these themes have been sustained for several weeks but keep being activated by the same energies remaining significant. The December full moon looks to be the strongest indicator of major outcomes.

A full moon's signature themes can be expressed in days before, on full moon day or afterwards -depending on which of all the current factors acts as the trigger. Often it is the fastest one -the Moon - but not always. Each full moon can be triggered at multiple times and expressed by multiple events in the time until the next full moon.

On Twitter: Profiler Astrology & Fortune Cookie

News items & updates of relevance

Dec 23
Philippines fatal landslides after flooding
Philippines ferry sinks
The high road fatality toll in NZ has continued to climb alarmingly in December as a result of a succession of transport crashes
Bus crash India
Melbourne vehicle rampage
Dec 18
A high speed Amtrak train has derailed while crossing a bridge en route from Seattle to Portland in Washington State USA.
This was on a newly opened freshly constructed line.
First reports indicate fatalities reported, multiple injuries expected.
The derailed carriage hit the Interstate 5 road under the bridge.
This event occurred right at New Moon with complicated bands of interconnected planets reflecting the themes related to travel warnings.
Venus,Sun Moon and Saturn all synergised at 25 Sagittarius. All in direct connection to Uranus at 24 Aries.
Mercury Jupiter and Nodes all entangled.
In summary: High risk travel energies with serious outcomes.
This energy is particularly emphasised in the 3rd week of December so still has days of viability.

Environmental stresses also exist and are covered separately in December 2017 -High Drama

Dec 8

Airline cancels flights due to fault with Rolls Royce engines and further report  further report

December 8 train strike set to cause commuter issues in Auckland

Storm Caroline cancels trains in Scottish highlands

Dec 8 -days of renewed wildfire carnage in California with mass evacuation and the road network affected by slowdowns and closures
Like driving through hell - interstate 405 near Los Angeles

December 5

after deluges in some locations....wild fires take centre stage in California as anticipated environmental events cluster around this Supermoon
New Year and first week of January 2018 looks extreme in locations facing high heat

December 1
  • extreme fire risk is on the table in Summer locations with elevated temperatures

Cyclone Ockhi - India

Superstorm in Australia
Storms flood parts of New Zealand
Storm warnings for US

29 November
Denpasar airport opened due to a change of wind direction pushing Mt Agung's ash cloud away. The situation is changeable.

A scheduling glitch affecting huge numbers of airline pilots needed for the US pre-Xmas holiday week Dec 17-24 meant that thousands of pilots had been allotted vacation time -when they were needed -potentially affecting the airline network and customer travel plans in a major way.
That week does in fact still feature very problematic energies with delays, cancellations difficulties all possible especially 18-21 Dec.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Jupiter and Abundant Sex Energy

Every 12 years Jupiter passes through a different zodiac sign. Right now in 2017 it's in Scorpio for 13 months and it brings challenges for those who don't know when to stop

Actor Kevin Spacey was born during a period when Jupiter was in Scorpio.
It's no simple coincidence that the past has been reactivated now that Jupiter is again in the astrological sign that resonates with sex and power.

This extract is from a larger post written in 2013 regarding astrological profiling sex offenders
In 2017 two high profile men in the entertainment industry have been outed with allegations of sexual misconduct. Their energy blueprint has been considered in respect of commonly found patterns of energy seen in those who are convicted of power abuse of a sexual nature.

But people will continue to be born with exactly these same power abuse patterns - and worse - because there is a spectrum running from pushy and inappropriate to downright cruel and sadistic. Astrological cycles can identify when Jupiter in Scorpio arises [every 12 years] but as revealed in the sex offender analysis this not the only indicator of uncontrolled or abusive energy.
Jupiter in Scorpio creates a big sexual confidence, lack of sexual boundaries, and a big appetite for sexual experience. Jupiter is the explorer and adventurer energy -which is fine if the other party is fully compliant, conscious and not subjected to force.
It seems very common that the Jupiter in Scorpio type of person is also born with other risk factors: planets -as identified by analysis -is particular combinations and zodiac signs which push the tendencies into overboard and out of control - at worst into extreme forms of violation.

If this story continues to grow then Spacey has a real problem.
  • His birthdate confirms he has Jupiter in Scorpio - one of the prime indicators of issues around sexual behaviour due to having an abundance or excessive display of sexual energy due to feeling very empowered
  • his Neptune is in Scorpio meaning boundaries are loosened around sex when alcohol and drugs are involved. Fantasy life involves sexual activity.
  • Pluto and Mars were conjoined on his birthdate. Pluto is the psychological drive for power and is often expressed through sexual activity and Mars is the physical and hormonal aspect of sex.
Spacey's birthdate reveals the type of person who is very sexually compulsive or obsessive and acts very inappropriately, not restraining his drives.
There is no indication of cruel or sadistic abuse.

Why is this arising now in 2017?
  • Jupiter has returned to cycle once again [12 year cycle] though 30 degrees of Scorpio. 
  • From October 10 2017-Nov 8 2018 all people born will have Jupiter in Scorpio.
  • Not all born in this period will have the same tendencies to the same degree. It depends if other factors [other planetary indicators outlined in main text] add to the issues indicated [excessive sexual energy] and predispose inappropriate or even criminal behaviour involving power abuse.
  • During this time frame sex/power issues will continue to be high profile so that the sunlight can be shed on this widespread societal problem.
  • The Sun is in Scorpio from Oct 23 to Nov 22 making this period extra likely for the Jupiter in Scorpio issues to be in the public domain.
  • There will be further extra strong trigger points in the year ahead including late November-early December 2017, in 2018 most of January first half of February, most of April, early May, late June, early August - these periods meaning times when Sun, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto - any of these - is connected to Jupiter.
  • For parents this means being aware of the importance to instil the boundaries needed for children born with this high-risk challenge.

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