April 2018 begins under the influence of the March 31 Full Moon which has lots of baggage on board - and will flavour the whole month up to the April 30 Full Moon
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Aries is associated with the head-butting forceful Ram |
Aries energy rises up from March 20/21 and is in effect until April 20
When the Sun is in Aries the often too pushy, too raw and immature Mars energy is on display in the realm of interacting with others.
Volatile energy noted as arising in March persists through April - this encompasses keywords like fiery, explosive, aggressive, combustible, destructive
- complicating matters is the collection of planets all contributing to the theme of relating
- [Mercury, Saturn, Uranus Pluto all in Cardinal signs Aries and Capricorn, Full Moon in Libra]
- The War and Peace aspects have to be handled skillfully
- Saturn is strongly modifying the March 31st full moon and will arise as either lessons in restraint -realised after the fact [eg after the argument] or the opportunity to avert conflict by slowing down the high speed energy that otherwise risks an outright showdown
- This amount of emphasis and complexity is set to deliver a lot of showdowns, confrontations between the hot headed sometimes ruthless Aries energy and the need to modify, pull back and show greater Capricorn-style mature self discipline. This can occur within a person's own contradictory warring nature or between 2 opposing people eg in a work or domestic environment - or as in a Police [authority figure] versus angry armed man [Aries].
- whatever the context it is a battle between two energies that need to be resolved and the way forward is the calm, mature resolution otherwise fatalities are very likely in worst case scenarios.
- all this intensity is imbedded in the linked planets at the end of March full moon but the themes are sustained on particular days in April. Dates are Universal Time or GMT so need adjustment in some time zones.
- April 2 has the Aries energy magnified, along with Leo adding to the natural forces of fire and heat in the environment and people. Best to avoid high risk encounters or situations where arguments, accidents assault or injury could occur
- April 5 Heated relating dynamics high risk. Need to restrain anger, cool down heat, put out fire, soothe burns if on the receiving end of a volcanic outburst.
- April 9-10 risks due to speed, accidents
- April 11-26 especially April 18 a two week period beginning with angry assertions changing the quality of relationships and during which power-seekers [political and private-life] will really feel like rattling their swords - displays of power or threat in order to seek control. The 18th is consistent with angry minds, survivalist drives seeking power/control, sudden aggression/violence/accidents.
- [news update: high profile event on April 18 involving a woman partially sucked out of a plane after a window exploded ]
- The 26th is difficult with a sharemarket/assets/financial impact..a mood of confusion..sober reality challenges naivety/confidence
scroll down for more related news reports & updates
- April 11 Love versus possession is a theme in relationships dealing with power issues, control, anger, jealousy. Issues of delayed or deficient emotional development lay beneath and need resolving. Energy of mass death activated
- April 16 New Moon - from the 14th issues begin arising re appropriate/inappropriate behaviour, immaturity versus acting like an adult, being selfish versus being in a guiding supportive role. Anger /aggression could arise in encounters where such issues arise for discussion/argument. Stay off the alcohol if things are about to blow.
- April 26 two sets of planets are adding to the stress and frustration levels. Best to aim for the high ground and not sink to the level of your adversary. Violence is elevated in certain people with the Pluto-Mars killer theme in effect
- Take a deep breath before the next full moon on April 30 sustains the challenging themes related to love, possession and the pressure to function as an adult.
- Environmental effects bringing ongoing intensities in natural forces are sustained in relevant locations during this forecast period especially during the first 10 days of April eg tropical cyclone developing near Fiji March 31st
- A full or new moon has typically a full lunar month of influence, effects being emphasised on days when other planets align. Often events with very relevant energy will happen exactly at full/new moon but equally common are events in the few days of build-up [waxing phase] or the days after [waning phase]
- Unless otherwise stated forecasts are globally relevant. Environmental and seasonal variability across the globe means that normal local patterns need to be the context when extreme weather is indicated eg cyclone if in a cyclone zone, snow in a snow zone.
news updates reflecting content forecast
April 18-19 was definitely accident energy for some, [see update in text] intense energy activations for others
April 13 update re Fiji extreme weather:
2 tropical cyclones hit Fiji in the alert period of the first 10 days of April -TC Josie and TC Keni. multiple fatalities, strong winds and severe flooding after torrential downpours - video Fiji Met Service report on Keni
These 2 events confirm the significance of the extreme weather forecasting method used by this website
April 12
April 11
Mass death activated by Sun-Jupiter-Pluto in synergy -Algerian plane crashes with 257 deaths
April 13 update re Fiji extreme weather:
2 tropical cyclones hit Fiji in the alert period of the first 10 days of April -TC Josie and TC Keni. multiple fatalities, strong winds and severe flooding after torrential downpours - video Fiji Met Service report on Keni
These 2 events confirm the significance of the extreme weather forecasting method used by this website
April 12
April 11
Mass death activated by Sun-Jupiter-Pluto in synergy -Algerian plane crashes with 257 deaths
Tweets from the US President reflect the energies of war and peace typical under Aries-Libra influence and with the extra pressure of the influences noted for April 11
April 10
As noted in the main report for April: severe weather effects were anticipated due to related energies building during the first 10 days - and April 10 saw significant events across New Zealand and tornadoes in Fort Lauderdale Florida US
As noted in the main report for April: severe weather effects were anticipated due to related energies building during the first 10 days - and April 10 saw significant events across New Zealand and tornadoes in Fort Lauderdale Florida US
New Zealand suffers storm effects including high winds the occasional tornado, snow, hail and thunderstorms - with lots of tree damage report
Astrological aspects of severe weather
As reported repeatedly on this site the methodology for identifying severe weather -called 27-12 - was used in this prediction. Uranus at 27-28 degrees, lunar nodes at 12-13 degrees prevailed from the start of April and were effective at the prior full moon of March 31 -meaning that the building forces were in process for over a week before Venus reached 12 degrees on April 10. The Moon also would have reached 12 degrees on that day - demonstrably providing all the necessary triggers for the existing forces. Note: the mathematics rule - ahead of qualities relevant to zodiac signs
As reported repeatedly on this site the methodology for identifying severe weather -called 27-12 - was used in this prediction. Uranus at 27-28 degrees, lunar nodes at 12-13 degrees prevailed from the start of April and were effective at the prior full moon of March 31 -meaning that the building forces were in process for over a week before Venus reached 12 degrees on April 10. The Moon also would have reached 12 degrees on that day - demonstrably providing all the necessary triggers for the existing forces. Note: the mathematics rule - ahead of qualities relevant to zodiac signs
March 31
Perfectly timed for the Aries-Libra full moon of March 31 was the Joshua-Parker heavyweight boxing title match in the UK. Both fighters had strong activations but Joshua born with Saturn in Capricorn was having his Saturn Return - a time when all the hard work can pay off -or not. But going by Anthony Joshua's highly successful boxing career it was more than likely this match would be his.
Perfectly timed for the Aries-Libra full moon of March 31 was the Joshua-Parker heavyweight boxing title match in the UK. Both fighters had strong activations but Joshua born with Saturn in Capricorn was having his Saturn Return - a time when all the hard work can pay off -or not. But going by Anthony Joshua's highly successful boxing career it was more than likely this match would be his.
Many expressed frustration the referee [Saturn] controlled [Saturn] the fight too much, slowing [Saturn] it down. No surprise that the eenrgy of Saturn in Capricorn angled at 90 degrees was strongly impacting the Aries-Libra full moon when the fight occurred.
Aries is signified by the warrior, the battler, the aggressor, the soldier and so any adversarial encounters especially where weaponry is used are typically more prominent in periods of Aries energy as well as when it's related planet Mars is in a strongly activated position.
In people who are not Aries [Sun] or lacking any planet in Aries, the typical combative energy can also be expressed by the opposing zodiac sign Libra or in anyone who has planet Mars emphasised.
March 31 Full Moon -Fatal shooting of armed man [NZ]
GAZA Israel-Palestine conflict -16 dead, hundreds injured:
Tropical cyclone hits Fiji 4 fatalities, severe flooding
GAZA Israel-Palestine conflict -16 dead, hundreds injured:
Tropical cyclone hits Fiji 4 fatalities, severe flooding