Saturday, 17 March 2018

Who's Who ? Zodiac Roulette at the White House

Gemini Trump is the House
All the rest are merely players
And many there are
Too many to fully know
But a cast of characters is required to let the opera be staged
Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury inside the Trump White House delivered a dazzling ensemble 
of Who's Who at a certain point in time
 in this swiftly moving feast. 
Updated notes will be compulsory 
in order to keep abreast of the dizzying pace
 of cast alterations due to those who have jumped ship or been turfed overboard - 
but more importantly to those readers 
outside the Beltway
 a Gallery is of use to show at least most of those
 who got most mentions in FFITWH 
[which untangles as WTF!? ] 
plus a few recent cast members who have arisen 
after the book's publication.
March 17 2018

In the photo panels below
  • A Large Red X indicates either resigned fired [ or dead in the case of Roger Ailes] 
  • Possibly of no use at all is that where known, the zodiac sign of the character is used as their forename
  • [in 3 instances forename Secret applied where birth date not freely available] 
As A Serious Astrologer, mere Sun signs are not the usual diet of The Profiler - but they can identify basic compatibilities or the reverse - as seen when Aries Tillerson [clashing with Trump's Cancer planets ] was fired and replaced by a more compatible Capricorn Pompeo.]
In fact this cast of characters does not feature one Cancer -but all other signs have come or gone.

Going by the cast of prominent characters the most politically oriented sign Capricorn still has the edge in this fraught environment - and Gemini is of course looked upon with some degree of grace.

Of course author Virgo Wolff has to be brought to task for stating in Chapter 13 that :
"So when they did win, by the fluke alignment of the stars for Donald Trump..."
as there are no fluke alignments. 
An accurately timed birth chart is all that is needed to trace the rises and falls over a lifetime.
Confusion over Hillary Clinton's birth time and mixed indicators for both her and Trump made it impossible to make a strong prediction in 2016. As it turned out both had "wins" but January 2017 having transit Saturn capturing a lot of Trump's energy was consistent with the new level of responsibility -which manifested and was set in stone at the Inauguration.
Without top quality data, politics is too complex for an astrologer to call consistently well.

As there's no likelihood of getting a full set of data for the transient cast only the chart for the boss himself is included for reference.

 Gemini Trump
Born 14 June 1946 at a total lunar eclipse full Moon with strongly eccentric, unpredictable Uranus and Big Confident Hyperbolic Jupiter attached.
Mars rising at dawn provides the Fire Fury and Theatre
Saturn shows the Family Boss persona
Gemini is the Messenger of all those synergised forces.
Born to Tweet often, angrily and with a very individualistic perspective.

Noted Players in Fire & Fury and Subsequential Characters
Large Red X indicates either resigned  fired
 [ or dead in the case of Roger Ailes]

Surnames below each panel provide a background link

Rosenstein   Kissinger   B Mercer   R Mercer

Manafort    Barrack     Scaramucci   McCabe

updated extra resignations in 2018 include Capricorn Sessions, Capricorn Haley, Taurus Kelly and Virgo Mattis

UN Ambassador Haley
Now that the Capricorns are joining the ranks of the leaving it seems all bets are off in the who might endure the longest ? category
Perhaps even a new flag is appropriate for the White House under Trump
One Star & Lots of Crosses

Casualties specific to the Trump Administration

Business Insider keeps a running tally of those fired or those who resigned. At the March 13 2018 update there were 4 Fired -starting from Preet Bharara and 16 resignations starting from Katie Walsh

McMaster's fate has been declared by some but reports are contradictory.

Speculations of further heads on the block -Vanity Fair

content will necessarily be updated

related reading:
Who's Who in the Russia Trump Enquiry led by Special Prosecutor Mueller


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...