Monday, 30 December 2019

2020 astrological calendar

A calendar view of 2020 will be posted month by month. Though not a typical day by day account of our solar system in transit, this view aims to highlight standout periods of significant energy giving a visual guide to the time frames when focus can be applied to the meaning and opportunity behind the event.
2020 is an important year in reinforcing Cardinal sign values: accountability responsibility care protection and how we relate to the world through Aries Libra Cancer & Capricorn.
In 2020 3 outer planets will be in the last degrees of Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn go the full 30°. Pluto just to 25°. When Jupiter Saturn and Pluto are in the 20-30° range in Capricorn the earth energy of the Virgo decanate influences Capricorn expression. Keywords and activities related to Virgo include the work ethic, health hygiene diet nutrition, sorting organising cleaning tidying categories and classifications, critiques and criticism, analysis and research, comparison and difference, separateness simplicity plainness modesty... the Amish way. Virgo energy needs management when hypercritical of self and others and when perfectionist or seeking extreme purification. Eugenics and racial superiority are expressions of this. The extreme side of sorting or cleansing is often seen in obsessive rituals and autism spectrum behaviours.
Moon declination is noted as an amplifying force when at extreme North South and over the equator.

Stations of outer planets are noted with an orb of expanded energy surrounding the date of exact station.
Solar-lunar events full new moons and eclipses are noted
Outer planet aspects and sign changes noted.
Periods of multiple outer planet retrogrades and when all 5 outers are direct are noted.

 Emphasis occurs in the period 7th-13th.
Multiple factors clustering around  eclipse date Jan 10 (Universal Time) show this is a period of highly activated forces. Landscape shifting - literally metaphorically politically. Major restructuring in hierarchies of power.  A critical and historic period in laying the groundwork and foundations for transformative approaches in politics business corporates and banking. - and in the expression of patriarchal power.

Click to enlarge

Month by month calendar pages will be posted on Twitter



Also adding here the April 2020 calendar page with notes from Twitter

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

2020 themes in the human collective

The flavour of Virgo the third earth decanate as an expression of Jupiter Saturn and Pluto within the final 10 degrees of Capricorn is considered in the 3 minute audio link sited in Google Drive Audio file

In some places a much greater shift towards authoritarian and dictatorial governments and corporate power but where possible there will be resistance and reformation demanded
Purification and perfectionist agendas have returned as in the 1930s across Europe but now in diverse nations East and West including within major world powers
Polarised politics reflect the ongoing intense struggle for humanitarian conditions of life across the planet.
The themes of 2020 have already been forewarned during the past 2 years.
2020 is where the buck stops and things get serious
The reining in proceeds with full intent

Monday, 16 December 2019

Venus Saturn Pluto Synergy 2019 2020

The Venus Saturn Pluto synergy - a virtual conjunction - occurred mid December 2019 in the period 11th-14th between 19-22 Capricorn. Events during these 4 days have powerful and enduring consequences in all of the corresponding aspects of life that relate to these 3 planets when operating through the energy of Capricorn. The energy imprint of the 3 planets was amplified due to being part of the signature of the prevailing full moon on Dec 12. Nothing modified or obstructed the Capricorn energy of this grouping - though Jupiter in Capricorn had its own role to play being in close separating range of a square to Chiron in Aries.
Multiple aspects between faster moving Venus and the slow deep Saturn and Pluto close together still in Capricorn will unfold during 2020 evoking so much of what took place during mid December 2019.
The best of Saturn Pluto and Venus in Capricorn is not the stuff of news headlines because it is the private personal successes and achievements on an inner rather than an outer level occurring unwitnessed but experienced by the receiver as a growing up a developmental shift a maturity phase. But something major and deeply affecting lies behind that achievement when Saturn and Pluto are involved and relating is the arena in which those battles have been fought and many defeats experienced. This is pinnacle energy for those ready to reach a summit in their relationship management and how they function as a human relating to other humans.
In the outer realm business politics governments all being very Capricornian are visited by Venus but Venus in Capricorn wears a sober face as seen in New Zealand mid December as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern once again had to deal with another mass fatality event in 2019. Jacinda Ardern has 6 factors in the range 19-23 degrees including Venus Saturn and Pluto placing her full front and centre of the personal transformational restructuring forces in her personal and public political world which have been evoked in March and December 2019 and will be sustained for her in election year 2020.
In the UK PM Boris Johnson got swept back into power aided by his high relatability factor - born with Venus almost bang on top of his Gemini Sun. People like what he says and Venus delivered for him in mid December 2019
But not all of us are so blessed personally or professionally by Capricornian achievements as a result of the December synergy: those at odds with Capricorn - endowed with Aries Libra & Cancer placements in range of the synergy midpoint of around 20 degrees - have some degree of challenge to face and at worst a very tough time. The family and friends of the New Zealand volcanic eruption victims  - many deceased instantly or within days many fighting for life or left with life and body transformed - the living face a demand to relate very differently to their loved one.
Other events in the week which define this synergy in Capricorn include the failed UN Climate Summit the Trump impeachment the naming of Greta Thunberg as Time magazine Person of the Year - and Trump's childish reaction - sustained Australian bushfires annihilating huge landscapes structures and lives and a M6.9 earthquake in the Philippines with similarly destructive consequences. The extreme drought in Zimbabwe is now life threatening and fatal for humans and other species.

Venus has two faces. In earth the Taurean association with money assets material things sensory pleasures and the products of the natural world. In Cardinal its territory is relating and relationships so Venus in Capricorn embraces both dimensions, a big basket of everyday experience where the full weight of Capricorn comes into the frame courtesy of the two taskmasters messaging in stereo - Saturn and Pluto putting people on the rack demanding at the very least a big challenge and heavy responsibility and at worst blood and pain, separation and loss, damage, the deepest of grief, the coldness of estrangement the finality of divorce - relationships broken down or destroyed lost changed irrevocably or on a new footing.
Those blessed by this synergy can benefit from a public declaration of commitment a structural societal bond called marriage for the purpose of childrearing.
The inner marriage is equally valid under this synergy: a restructured relationship with the self based on much greater self management self care and personal responsibility.
Environmentally the Venus energy related to soil and plant life and to the state of planet earth in general as a bountiful habitat is subjected to transformational restructuring involving dryness and restricted or slowed growth depletion deformity affecting production in critically important food sources. Sustained drought in vulnerable zones is alerted for 2020 (and beyond due to Saturn-Neptune).

In politics though Capricorn has worn a Venusian mask in the UK election the demands of Pluto and Saturn will soon overshadow that honeymoon face. The cold pragmatism of conservative politics will prevail.

Key dates in 2020 to observe for inner personal and outer event activations of the synergy energy that unfolded in mid December 2019 being evoked in some way cluster around the activation points noted:

January 7-8
February 2,3,28
March 1-3
August 30
Sept 1-2, 26-28
Oct 21-24
Nov 15-18
Dec 10-15

Profiler astrology content continues to mainly be provided in short doses via @astroprofiles on Twitter


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...