Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Outlook 2020 Astrology MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY

The coronavirus Covid-19 global crisis with economic responses really began to take hold in March 2020 as reflected in the March 10 full moon when Uranus exactly conjuncted Venus at 4 Taurus. This position activated 19 mutable - which was the Sun moon and Neptune at that full moon = weakened economy.
Markets dropped and the price of oil slumped soon after.
But an ordinary full moon is not a sustained indicator like an eclipse -unless it has a degree match to a prior or upcoming eclipse position - then that full moon pattern takes on themes of the connected eclipse as well as its own signature. This was not the case in the March event.
Global markets took a hit but have had some degree of recovery [Dow Jones was 26,121 on March 5 then 18,590 on March 23 then up to 23,949 on April 14.
Jupiter Pluto conjuncting in Capricorn  -closures and failures and lockdowns - have severely impacted economies from the last 2 weeks of March providing the second punch.

In April Saturn delivers the third punch with some influence in week one then primarily in the period 17-27 April -  pressing up close to the Capricorn South lunar node but then Mercury Sun and Venus [using  both the most basic & the most subtle of angles in the 24th harmonic]
Coinciding with Saturn's activity with Venus around April 25-26 the nodes reach 0'21 Cancer -which happens to be the June 21 Solar Eclipse in Cancer.
June 21 has Saturn aggravating the lunar energy of that New Moon eclipse and Jupiter and Pluto putting the brakes on Mars in Pisces.
My reading of this is:
Around April 25-26 a turning point globally re controlling covid-19 but economic fallout continues its carnage.
May 2020 reinforces this position:
Neptune and Saturn both weakening for Venus. Even if from late April there is some global economic revival it remains weak.
June 2020:
Indications of virus control at both the June 5 and June 21 eclipses with Mars in Pisces being restrained by Saturn then the Jupiter+ Pluto team
June 5 still signifies limits on movements and travel for an extended period
June 21 shows impacts on housing/housing market & families for an extended period

July 2020 has a further cardinal sign eclipse
This is a very testing month: much global turbulence -atmospheric and socio-economic - at the beginning of July surrounding the eclipse on July 5.
Jupiter and Pluto again very tight together in Capricorn. Venus will resonate with that very quickly: many levers pulled to resuscitate economies. Another extension of the "movements curtailed" theme. Eclipse indicators set another period of unresolved economic crisis till end of 2020. 
Reinforced again:
With Saturn strongly opposing the July 20 New Moon and connecting to the late Gemini-Sagittarius lunar nodes the tough times aren't over for families homes housing market especially. [atmospheric turbulence bringing severe weather is again an added adversity in various locations] Winter in the Southern Hemisphere aggravates issues.

By July there is likely to be an overall feeling of success globally in managing the coronavirus but the socio-economic fallout has long term dramas to play out not only this year - sustained during 2021.

To clarify even further:
  • The success level is not equivalent to eradication
  • The success level will be variable across the globe with style of management being the major determinant
  • strict measures of containment will still feature in many contexts from April till end of 2020
Astrology offers clear distinction between 3 approaches taken: the Capricorn/Saturn the Aquarian/Uranian & the Piscean/Neptunian

Buckle in as best you can to try and ride out 2020. Change will come but this period is a phenomenon with a lot still to unfold in its wake beyond this year

For a recently curated summary post on this site with lots of content and related links see Astrology of 2020 & Beyond

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Astrology of 2020 & Beyond

By April 2020 we now have some clear manifestations of what is unfolding in 2020
 under major planetary influences
 and set to have consequences
 for years ahead

Since this blog has been posting reports relevant to 2020 for more than a year it seems sensible to accumulate anything related to this era of crisis under one post to promote a wider sharing of knowledge of the astrological markers involved and to enhance forward projections. 
The past is always a reference point in our area of expertise and so the list of posts to view begins with the last era of Uranus in Taurus and so the period of 1934-1942 can serve as a very clear signifier of events unfolding during the 2018-2026 Uranus in Taurus period of global events.
Continual media references are being made to war, conditions in the war era of World War 2 due to so many echoes being observed. While no two cycles are duplicates because the energy mix at the origin of each cycle differs: the beginning or ingress chart reveals the full spread of factors that colour the themes of that particular version - with particular emphasis on what the outer planets starting with Jupiter were indicating at the start of the cycle.

While the Covid-19 coronavirus was not on this author's radar for 2020 (was it on anyone's in our astrological community?) its manifestation is explicable with a very strengthened Neptune in Pisces in action from the start of 2020 though January February and March due to energy from Uranus, Jupiter then the March full moon. Neptune at 19-21 degrees activates the highly significant Jan 10 2020 eclipse at 20 degrees. 19-21 degrees remains alive as a sensitive point evoking Neptune in Pisces during 2020 and 2021. This is unlikely to all be contagion/viral issues. Water/flood effects are also on the agenda as well as everything Neptunian - best and worst.

Saturn Jupiter Pluto in Capricorn
The best and worst of power and control have already been witnessed during the early months of 2020.
Unprecedented global lockdowns closures cancellations and increased regulations for the purposes of protection have been appropriate within the Covid-19 crisis and fully fit the energy of these planets in Capricorn.
Some nations states have been negligent or brutal in rejecting the protection imperative - trying to defy this mighty energy wave -and have demanded business must survive ahead of collective and community wellbeing. Nations that have tried to protect both are striking the right balance.

Whatever structures are laid down or destroyed in 2020 will have long-term effects or consequences.

Jupiter & Pluto in Cardinal.
In the content of the 1918 influenza pandemic the Dec 28 1917 lunar eclipse was 6 degrees Capricorn Cancer with Pluto close at 4 Cancer. [Neptune also involved at 6 Leo. Uranus at 21 Aquarius was sesqui the eclipse].
August 10 1918 Jupiter caught up with Pluto -conjuncting exactly at 6 Cancer.

In 2020 Jupiter and Pluto conjunct again in cardinal: on April 5 at 24'53 Capricorn and June 30 [24'06] and Nov 12 [22'52] which gives a range from 23-25 Capricorn activating at least 22-26 degrees in all the cardinal signs. Activations of this degree range by Sun in April, Mars in August, late Sept-early Oct, Sun in October, Mars in December.

With Jupiter signifying expansion and exponential states of growth, when aided by Pluto the extreme quality is clearly emphasised. Midpoints of these two powerful forces are also of much significance not just the conjunctions in 2020.

The 1918 pandemic is estimated to have caused 500 million worldwide infections with deaths estimated in the range from 50-100 million. The current status in 2020 is far from that but given the structural capacity of Capricorn, Jupiter and Pluto in that sign are mega-scale builders. The energy shifts in December 2020 when Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius but the reign of the virus is not likely to be completed in 2020 and nor will the collateral damage to society be over.

Uranus in Taurus
It was fully clear ahead of 2018 that Big Change was coming in terms of our material and financial circumstances. It may have been pre-visioned as another global financial crisis due to excess debt and bad practices - another inherent self created collapse - not one imposed by a covert agent operating at the everyday level of existence. Predictions as at start of April 2020 look to damage beyond the recently declared "global recession".

The Virgo Factor
Now that Corvid-19 is fully on the radar the energy of Virgo is worth referencing. This zodiac link to matters of health hygiene and work/employment is strongly in the frame when considering outer planets in the final 10 degrees of Capricorn - using the decanate system of analysis.  Saturn entered 20 Capricorn Virgo decanate as the coronavirus was spreading undetected in China, December 2019. With retrograding, Saturn will leave Capricorn for 3 months from March 22 but the energy does not disappear, being strong from July until the week before Christmas 2020. Jupiter is in the Virgo decanate of Capricorn from early March 2020-August 2 then Oct 24 - Dec 19 2020. Pluto began its Virgo mode in Capricorn in 2018 and sustains it until early 2025. 
From this it is clear that the long slow passage of Pluto through a cleansing cycle is underway -whether that is expressed related to disease contagion or bodily phobias extra/excessive hygiene sense of contamination or intensified ethnic/cultural oppression (Uyghur turkic minority in northwest China, oppressions in Myanmar Kashmir etc) is yet to fully unfold over several more years.

The Aquarian Factor
With Saturn and Jupiter entering Aquarius in late December 2020 a new 200 year cycle becomes fully underway which was first signposted by the July 1981 conjunction of these planets at 4'55 Libra. [Air] The next conjunction in May 2000 - [Taurus] was the end of the Earth conjunctions for these planets for a very very long time so the past 20 years have been ultra materialistic and food-obsessed. Knowing the unfoldment of this cycle also prepares us for what is ahead: we can no longer attach ourselves to the same degree of identification with things and with physicality and excessive sensory indulgence in general. Aquarius is very astral and very much about subtle energy fields. Our collective identification is set to shift very strongly over the 200 years ahead away from the gross physical plane to the etheric and to the mental conceptual digital and virtual -signs of which have of course already emerged. This is the bigger picture. In the short term Saturn does not always work too well for the Aquarian spirit but if conditions demand Saturn can fulfil the role of restraining social activity [freedoms] for the greater good -as became very clear from late March 2020 when Saturn first entered Aquarius. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius can work together to create structures at a grand scale in the digital realm and this development also clearly shows a shift away from physical contexts.
The dark side of digital life has to be pre-warned further during Saturn in Aquarius - as a prelude to intensification during Pluto in Aquarius within this decade. Greater digital connectivity with more of our lives and systems online also includes greater surveillance more hacking more cyber-crime and dysfunctionality of systems - strongly activated when another outer planet colludes disrupts or aggravates the Saturnian energy.

 More on Saturn in Aquarius will unfold in subsequent posts.

The standout players in this globally inclusive drama are referenced within the posts listed below. Further brief but significant commentary is archived on @astroprofiles (Twitter)

Outlook 2020 with specific reference to Covid-19 & the economic fallout

Relevant Archived posts

Uranus in Taurus -this extensive post ranks 10th out of nearly 400 posts on this site since 2010

March report on 2020 crisis - once Covid-19 was identified the factors involved were clear.

2020 Astrological Calendar a month by month approach which transitioned onto Twitter for quick reference

The Cardinal Sign Crucible the Capricorn Cancer Libra Aries archetypes are all activated strongly though 2020 and beyond. Knowing what you can develop within yourself is the best way through this.

Saturn & Pluto Wreck & Rebuild these two heavy hitters are transforming our world now & with long term effects. Much restructuring is demanded.



  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...