Wednesday, 3 November 2021

PLANETS ACROSS TIME - graphic views of transits


As there are a variety of ways of tracking and visualizing planetary movement it is useful to access the least common method which is a linear graphical format.

Data sets as in pages of numbers in an ephemeris can obscure by virtue of complexity.

This post begins a breakdown of outer planet movements into individual graphic representations -  which are not focused on minutiae- but on giving a broad view of the planet’s activity over time so that:


4 November added Neptune graphic

6 November added another PLUTO graphic 

6 November added a combo graphic for URA NEP PLU

7 November added 2025 as a key year to consider

7 November Edited clarified updated some content

Starting with the transit of URANUS:

From January 2021 Uranus 7 Taurus

The pattern of movement is clear

Key transitional points [stations, new sign ingresses] are noted

Points in time that are linked [same energy point] are horizontal and underlined.

Between any 2 linked points on a horizontal is also a midway linked point: if 19 August 2021 has relevance for you then the midpoint between 2021 peak and 2023 trough on that line is 5 May 2022 - when Uranus conjuncts the Sun in Taurus at 14'47. 

The same middle energy point can be easily sourced for the other 2 shown.


[i]   The peak and lowest trough red dots represent STATIONS of Uranus - either retro or direct and therefore strong energy points with a wide time frame of activation - eg at least one week on both sides of exact. 

For this reason- the linked time frames of stations can be found to have connected outcomes/energies/manifestations.

In the observed time frame Uranus Stations Direct occur in January in the years 2021-2025. In 2026 it was early February.

The Stations Retrograde occur in August 2021-2023.

Then early September in 2024-2026.

Different eras will have a different emphasis on the months when stations occur.

[ii]  The 3 horizontal points at the 30 degree-0 degree boundary - 7 July 8 Nov 2025 and 26 April 2026 all share the potency of the end of Taurus meeting the ingress of Gemini energy for Uranus. 

The disorder associated with transition is reflected in the break in order the graphic pattern.

[iii]  The graphic can be viewed from an even horizontal perspective as in any data graphic  representing time - or viewed from a direct or oblique overhead/aerial perspective - as if floating above Uranus and observing as the planet undulates through space along the degrees of zodiac longitude assigned to the transit in the selected time frame. [ the undulation will of course be much more curvaceous than the rough guide version presented here! ]

Transit of Pluto

This simplified graphic was created for personal reasons to capture a focussed range of degrees [as shown in shaded boxes ]

The general use of the upper graphic reveals

Peaks and troughs also represent here the Stations - peaks being when retrograde begins and troughs when Direct begins

Each Ascent or climb reveals the trajectory of potential unfoldment of energy [various options for expression  ]through particular zodiac degrees.

Each Descent is a clear revisiting or review of the expressions that manifested at energy points [degrees] already experienced.

Look across in a direct horizontal line forward or backwards from any Station to see when same or similar degree points were active.

These can be marked on the graphic as shown in other examples above and below this one.

 For example an ephemeris reveals:

 25 April 2020 retrograde station 24'59 CAP links to 25 January 2021 24'59 CAP -which is not a station but the January 2021 point also has energetically linked relevance back to the April 2020 point. 

The same linking repeats 11 August 2021 and 29 November 2021 - all connected to 25 April 2020. 

Even though the data is there to track in an ephemeris the graphic method shows the connected points easily and immediately.

An orb of days surrounding any Station can be regarded as included within the field of energy so it is not essential to find the clue simply within one 24 hour period.

Beyond the little window shown from Jan 2020 up to September 2022 Pluto finishes 2022 while still direct and at 27 degrees Capricorn -following the 8 October Station Direct at 26 CAP.

The next graphic extends the view:

The Pluto 2022-2023-2024 graphic


[i]  Shows the stations circled in Red [a peak = Retro begins; a trough means Direct begins]

[ii]  Horizontal dashed lines show a quick view of dates where connected energy points occur - the most important are already done...a few left for anyone interested for personal reasons in a particular degree.

Where there is a red-circled Station the dates before or after on the same horizontal line may be able to carry the themes of the strong energy activated by the Station -so are worth observing.

[iii]  Early entry into Aquarius is shown. From start of 2025 Pluto has finished in Capricorn and proceeds in Aquarius.

Transit of Neptune 2021-2026

Six years are shown 2021-2026

The transit range is from 18 Pisces to 4 Aries and so captures the critical transition period from one zodiac sign [energy shift from Water to Fire] to another.

[i]  As shown in the Uranus graphic - the horizontal red lines capture time periods when the same energy point/zodiac position is especially active - as all except one [21 Pisces] feature a resonant time that occurs in advance of or at a point beyond a Station - Direct or Retrograde.

[ii] The Stations themselves being points when the planetary energy is intensified for a week or more either side of exact station [orb of intensity depending on speed of the planet] means the energy has a strong resonant field able to be vibrated in advance as well as afterwards.

for example the December 3 2022 station Direct of Neptune at 22'38 Pisces is pre-activated at May 10 2021 and August 12 2021

And the June 2021retrograde Station at 23'12 Pisces resonates forward to March 22 and October 19 2022 plus 17 January 2023.

[iii] This clear quick connectivity between energies across time is made instantly clear in a graphic form

[iv] The consistency of pattern is clear in the time frame presented: it involves June/July Stations Retrograde and December-January being stations Direct.

URA NEP PLU - the 3 major outer collective planets viewed in one graphic

This graphic also ignores individual zodiac longitudes and just layers each transit in terms of degree locations - as ultimately there is a resonance for any collection of planets sitting at the same mathematical position -irrespective of the zodiac sign.

The most interesting thing about this compressed view is the clear highlighting of the months August September October when the 3 planets are at their closest connectivity in this 3 year time frame BUT...

the gap is soon to close tightly for all 3 and things will get very interesting especially in the period 2025-2028 when such powerful forces have a triple synergy.

I have already covered the extreme weather aspect I see unfolding as one major manifestation of this combination -and that analysis can be accessed onsite

The Intensity of 2025

To start with the last half of the 2020s - beginning 2025 - I have created a 5 planet graphic -again overlaid - based solely on degree positions.

[i]  The 4 outer planets are the main story but JUPITER joins the party from late May 2025 - with energy building from the middle of that month.

[ii]  Planetary stations are circled in red approximating a range of time when the turning point to Direct ascending Station is extra strong - and likewise for the turning point to Retrograde descending Station. 

Zoom in to see the Uranus station early September -intensifying the synergy with Pluto and Neptune in that timeframe.

[iii] In the approach to a Cardinal square with Saturn then Neptune in June- Jupiter aspects Uranus [-exact semisextile on June 1st ]. 

With the potent planets ANY angle has big potential.

In elemental terms the JUP-URA connection serves as a feeder energy - the energy conflict that developed in the building phase during May is then ready to really get some outcomes in June.

Background energies:

23-25 Mutable is relevant in May due to the March total lunar eclipse 23'57 Pisces-Virgo

26-28 Mutable -  due to the Nodal axis 27'33 Pisces-Virgo at that lunar eclipse

28-30 Pisces - due to Neptune at 29'22 at the lunar eclipse.

In terms of elemental potential : 23-30 Pisces being aggravated by:

A big emphasis on the Saturn conjunction to the North Node week 3 of April 2025. Plus Saturn 23-30 Pisces beginning just after the March eclipse -likely by 19 March -  and in that range till 25 May. 

Saturn will sextile Uranus in Taurus just as April begins.

The expectation is that WATER is a big issue globally. 

Drought and Deluge -  dependent on local potentials -though big surprises of the "never before" are in the mix 

Changes in the soil [URA TAU] due to restricted water [SAT PIS]

Damaging/deconstruction effects of water [SAT PIS] causes landscape changes [slips/landslides]

These events of March-April 2025 occur as Neptune transitions out of Pisces into a new temperature mode: warm seas and oceans -a known factor in storm genesis.

Jupiter 23-30 Gemini - May 9-June 9 will strongly respond to the eclipse sensitive degrees 23-25 and to the 27degree nodes Venus Saturn conjunction - exact around 24 April -but sensitive at 26-28 mutable. 

Jupiter is there in Gemini May 22-June 1st.

When Jupiter in Gemini is associated by tight angle with significant Pisces this tends to signify mass evacuations - therefore deluge/flood/sea incursion landslide events are all much higher risk potentials in April and May 2025.

Energy building in May flows into June.

The graphic shows the June transit of Jupiter in Gemini traversing first to a connection with Uranus then in Cancer in stress with Neptune, then Pluto.

Jupiter in any sign at any angle is an amplifier of energy.

Mid to late June 2025 sees not only 4 major planets tightly connected but also  on the 15th an exact Mars-Uranus square which adds a big energy of sudden/violent volatility to any natural force -especially wind fire earth. 

The keywords there are obvious -and again depend upon known local conditions and potentials -as well as the chance of the unexpected.

Cardinal signs at the zero ingress point are extra potent being the fundamental season markers that align Earth with the movements of the luminaries. 

Neptune began at zero Cardinal on 30 March. Saturn on 25 May. Jupiter on 9 June - each of these -especially Neptune due to its longer stay in Aries - signifies a new starting point across a range of contexts but the most existential one is our weather/climate and local conditions involving the land we inhabit.

All aspects of life will have a response in varying degrees to such a strong energy accumulation -and clarified individually of course in personal charts. 

June energy extends through the second half of 2025 with several very intense points seen where the black dot points converge and where Stations occur.

Only August has no Station -but August has another 4 Horsemen pattern.

[iv]  Only 2 parts of Jupiter's 2025 transit in Cancer are shown due to it moving out of range during July. Then as it begins to trine Saturn the energy during November is shown with the connection to Saturn emphasised as well as both stationing that month.

Compared to an Aries/New Moon type of energy [energy seeded in a developmental environment] Cancer is a 1st Quarter phase for a planet [when the structuring or forming of an energy occurs -this reveals the underlying polarity energy of Saturn/Capricorn which constructs and deconstructs] 

For a plant this means shoots and leaves are constructed forms.

For a weather pattern this will be atmospheric processes that structure an evolving system.

On an existential level the energy patterns accumulating over time through the 2020s show that advance preparation is needed by many people in many locations -especially where known and expected threats from natural forces are already signalled.

Retreat evacuation abandonment are some of the obvious preparatory steps that only some will take.

The necessity to act under immediate urgency is the least sensible option.

My detailed post on extreme weather  [ that analysis can be accessed onsite ]

aligns the accumulations of 4 major planetary factors with the 4 Horses/4 Horsemen - being a contemporary reading of the state of the world reflected through very disturbed natural forces. 

The Covid-19 pandemic - evocative of 'plague' may well be an early alarm point.

Other key transits will be added in to this post 

as soon as some more graphics have been compiled


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...