Friday, 8 July 2022

Saturn Neptune and A New Look at Outer Planet Retrogrades

The interpretation of retrograde planets -

especially the outer planets

can pose issues in terms of getting to the essence

of what is happening

what it means and how to utilise the period

for further awareness

on both the personal and collective levels

What is it about retrogrades?

Considering the nature and purpose of the retrograde period - for all chart factors - is a suitable place to start - but the deep work involves an extra emphasis on the outer planets due to their promotion of longer processes of personal development.

It is proposed that when an outer planet factor [as well as asteroids commonly or increasingly used ] is retrograde it is critical to look for any significant angle especially to a personal natal factor  - Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars.

The loop we can visualise as the path of orbit during retrograde represents space-time and even though the perception of moving backwards is an optical effect derived from a moving planet passing our rotating Earth - the effect in consciousness is a time loop. 

If one of the personal factors is aspected during the transit planet's retrograde time loop - a subconscious shift engages with past imprints of the planet + personal factor.

This does not have to match like for like. 

e.g. Saturn transit retrograde opposing natal Moon does not need to specifically match with a natal Saturn-Moon challenging aspect. It may do. Other possibilities  like A natal Saturn-Venus challenge with either factor in the 4th house or in Cancer could create the same tone. 

Flexibility in working with resonant combinations will help see the connections.

Past imprints are needing to be reviewed during retrograde 

because it is likely that any problematic experiences need to be retriggered and raised into conscious awareness so that some developmental healing process can be achieved - the emotions behaviours or mental state evoked by the transit aspect are what serve the purpose of review. Is any or all of that appropriate now?

The intention is to not respond unconsciously or consciously in a way that does not improve the state of the natal factor. Working this through during the retrograde transit period is the task to be done so that when the transit factor goes Direct the natal factor is hopefully left in a new state.

The term state is of relevance

 to the energetic field 

or frequency wave 

of each unique pattern

Each singular planetary field or paired or complex field is alterable because each is a field of potentials. Within the field lies the potential that is healthiest for you - as well as the potential for the unhealthiest

Using Saturn as an example

2024 June 29 Saturn retrograde began at 19.6 Pisces

2024  Sept 8  Saturn 16 Pisces was retrograde opposite Sun and conjunct Earth 

2024 Nov 15  Saturn  12.7 Pisces stations Direct

These positions clarify the degree range from at least 12-20 degrees Pisces to consider and that all 3 noted positions are extra important if those degrees engage with a natal personal factor - though anywhere from 12-20 degrees Pisces is closely under consideration - using any main angles and not forgetting your favourite minors such as semi/sesqui-squares.

If Saturn does reach a degree relevant to a personal factor - know that it was meant to and that this meaning is trackable back in terms of life history/biography.

Saturn retrograde has come a-knocking - looking with deliberate gaze at your Sun or Moon or Venus etc - maybe by conjunction square opposition or by half-square  - especially if there is difficult past history with Saturn in close contact with our very vulnerable personal structures around identity emotion cognitive processing relating or assertion.


If natal Venus is 15 Virgo  - transit Saturn in Pisces while retrograde makes a big activation of any past separation imprints that remain unresolved - especially - in the 2024 example  - when Saturn 16 Pisces is opposite the Sun 16 Virgo and Earth is 16 Pisces. This engagement of Saturn with Venus would come into extra emphasis with a natal Saturn in the 7th House. 

This template can be used in particular with Jupiter to Pluto - adding in extra favourites like Chiron when they have a retrograde period in a sign that could clearly engage with a personal factor.

Work needs to be done to heal the past imprint: Jupiter is capable of problematic expressions - though less famous for that than Saturn. Pluto Neptune Uranus and Chiron also all leave their own distinctive marks upon our psyche when engaged with a personal factor. 

The retrograde period allows us to take time to let that inner impression reach the surface level of awareness - in order to see what is still inappropriate or needing to be healed.

The introduction above was added in October 2024

Next is the original post on

Saturn Neptune and retrograde

Saturn Neptune and A New Look at Outer Planet Retrogrades 

Saturn and Neptune together have an essential role in resolving how meaningful our life is on Earth.
Once the resolution of these two planets is understood the meaning and purpose of Uranus and Pluto falls into place.
The timing of when such contemplation and realisation is optimised is detailed in this text where a new look at retrogrades is proposed.

The outer planets - Uranus Neptune and Pluto - cannot be fully understood solely within the context of this worldly dimension.
They are our passport to awakened consciousness.
Understandably that attainment is highly conditional upon a deep attunement to the subtle layers of energy that enable awakening.

The barrier to pass through is Saturn. Saturnian energy on Earth is fundamental to all levels of manifested life - incarnation physical forms the world of things structures & the nature of surface level reality here on Earth. This very primary energy that corresponds to our experience of life on Earth provides the orientation we have to life - for many that perspective simply means an abundance of things to engage with or possess - due to the mental conditioning that accumulates once we take form on Earth

The more we are conditioned by Saturn

and attached absorbed and psychologically-bound

to the physicality of life including the addictions

to ever increasing production and consumerism

the harder it is to access the meaning and function

of Saturn's complementary opposite: Neptune.

The same unconscious resistance arises through Saturn when trying to incorporate the universal meaning of Uranus and of Pluto.

                                     Saturn is form Neptune is formless. 
Saturn is manifest. Neptune is unmanifest.
Saturn is structure. Neptune is void.
Saturn is particle. Neptune is wave.

Whether at the surface or subatomic level these two energies are in dynamic interplay just like Yin and Yang. Inseparable. Each containing a portion and potential of the other.
Each requiring the other to attain their own higher vibrational potential.

By resisting the Neptunian dimension of awareness our dominantly Saturn-based life on Earth inherently features multiple signs of Neptunian distress: addiction delusion deceit corruption escapism in multiple forms. What is being overlooked and denied is our ongoing need and capacity for the oceanic experience from which we emerged - our state of being prior to incarnation: a non-visible non-physical dimension where there is no separation and there is no body. We are embedded in the universe's field of potentiality prior to conception. This is a domain that is pure consciousness. And this is both from where we emerge and where we return to.
This is the oceanic Neptune on an incomprehensible scale.

Humans need considerable transition time between the formless state and readiness for life on Earth and many challenges can arise in the transformation period we call gestation. The energy of Saturn is involved whenever form is being constructed.
Miscarriage abortion defects due to genetic or chromosomal abnormalities premature delivery as well as traumatic imprints from the mother’s experiences during pregnancy are examples that either terminate the new life or leave residual challenges ranging from mild to extreme. This reflects that the transition process from formless to form is not only extremely complex but also very vulnerable to any other significantly challenging energy during gestation or birth - such as Uranus or Pluto - that might be an aggravating factor interfering with the naturally developing energies.

The impact of the Saturnian imprint on worldly life evokes the worship of form structure organisation ambition and climbing the ladder. High achievement success status reputation and social authority as typically valued by the professional sector are embraced by the goal-oriented person who is in resonance with Saturn - but attaining those experiences in life is clearly no guarantee of happiness. And what happens to those with the will but no means no support no network no family funds to get onto and climb the ladder? Saturn like any planetary energy delivers a range of satisfaction levels but even those at the peak can ask “What else?” Those down off the ladder are more prone to the difficulties and challenges relating to not fitting into society’s success model. When experienced as a negative influence Saturn manifests as being surrounded by problems: tough people harsh conditions poverty or hardship limitations obstructions restrictions delays difficulties feeling excluded low self esteem frustration - a whole lot of suffering wearing many forms many faces.

Those who cannot conform or succeed in the Saturnian model of good citizenship (which dominates much of the world irrespective of political ideologies) not only fall prey to the negative manifestations of Saturn - in this paired relationship the negative faces of Neptunian energy are also quick to arise.
Immense suffering is also evoked due to alienation from the essential awakened Neptunian experience that is out of reach when living a life mentally conditioned [by family community society] which values highly the ambitions of Saturn but leaves little space for the deeply peaceful .

That vacuum - where the orientation towards Neptune as a supportive structure in mind and consciousness does not exist or is undeveloped - typically drives the pursuit of proxies...the drink and drugs and behavioural addictions especially which have some capacity to numb to provide escape and to evoke a temporary altered reality. The alteration of mind associated with addiction eventually expresses as various types of mental disorder but addiction both arises from and gives rise to disorders of mind.
On top of what already permeates our world the Covid pandemic has exposed the mind altering effects of fear and panic related to Thoughts. History has recorded various mass hysteria events afflicting humans - the common denominator being that very nonsensical ideas can infiltrate and be reinforced by groups or communities despite there being no rational evidence to support those beliefs.
Negative or deeply unconscious states of Neptune are involved in mass and individual cases of delusion, in lies deceit and fraud - these being some of the lower vibratory expressions where the vessel (person) has come loose from the anchor (the origin state of consciousness)
The clarity of awareness and compassionate orientation of the highly developed Neptunian have a global role model in the widely appealing Tibetan Living Buddha - the Dalai Lama - whose title references oceanic consciousness.

But such attunement is rarely encountered in this world. We are far more exposed to the fear panic anxiety at the core of Neptunian mental distress - the alienation profile where we are estranged from we know not what.
The same symptoms are at the core of the burnout experienced by the overworked Saturn type.
In both situations - whether dysfunctional Neptunian or dysfunctional Saturnian - the antidote is to build a well developed Neptunian consciousness.

Saturn’s developmental qualities are needed to pass through to the higher consciousness on offer when Uranus Neptune and Pluto are to be integrated at their most subtle and aware levels.
Saturn’s key role is reflected in the way in which challenges and sources of suffering are managed. Failure after failure at meeting life’s standardised milestones is understandably perceived as a difficulty and a source of deep distress when experienced within the worldly mental framework - but the sheer amount of pressure delivered by such repeated experiences is what compresses carbon into a diamond: pushing a person from despair through to higher consciousness due to a breaking down of the barriers and resistance that constrain such development.
The Saturnian energy has to submit to a higher vibratory version of itself.

The payoff is being able to live harmoniously in the Saturn based world while functioning from the bigger picture Neptunian perspective.

Neptunian development requires the best traits that can be acquired through a Saturnian orientation: time hard work dedication commitment endurance in order to structure into consciousness the primacy of our fundamental orientation: that our purpose is collective not individual and this process proceeds and evolves through attuned awareness not thought.

Cosmic-level consciousness of a Neptunian type opens up capacities for transcending the limitations of the Saturnian physical domain laws of physics.

Harnessing optimal Neptunian energy is not simply expressing wise compassion and strong humanitarian values while briefly in the world of form. It is a level of consciousness that allows the knowing that we all derive from a unified source and that our origin is embedded in a vast field of energy that is literally the fabric of the universe and sustained by its creator - consciousness itself. (which many personifications and names have been applied)
It is where we come from and where we go to. It is where we have some access to when we sleep and when in the womb. It means we are all capable of consciously functioning in this world as vessels that contribute to the purpose of consciousness: meaningful evolution.

Though the interplay of Saturn and Neptune qualities is the deal when following this course of development the energies of Uranus and Pluto through their processes of disruption change and transformation play undeniably powerful roles in breaking down our resistance to the wholeness and integration offered by Neptune and then delivering a new way of being on this Earth.

Clearly it is very important to have a means of tracking or tracing the processes that are on offer. Astrology is the only system that offers the tools timing and insights needed. Multiple approaches exist. An array of techniques. But there is much to be gained from the simplicity of fundamentals. The holographic capacity of astrology means that the same information is replicated in multiple need to visit all of them.
Being lost in mind in information is not the pathway to the awakened spacious consciousness. Go deeply not widely.

We each have a relationship with the transcendent planets Uranus Neptune Pluto. The everyday worldly contexts and typical personal expressions of each of them are revealed astrologically and provide some clues as to the potential in this life to get closer to the subtle levels of experience. If any of these three are positioned in the 3rd 9th or 12th houses then there is capacity of mind to integrate the concepts of that planet. In the 2nd house there is capacity to transcend the physical in favour of the metaphysical. If the Sun is ruled by one of the three look also to the house where Leo sits. If one of the three sits in its own house - Neptune in 12 Uranus in 11 Pluto in 8 then that is a strong potential for activation of the essential principles:
Neptune has been adequately detailed.
Uranian collective consciousness developed in this world is reflective of shared origins and embedded connections on the level of pure energy. The non-physical Uranian method is through transfer of information mind to mind or consciousness to consciousness through the energy fields

The Plutonian drive is to continually evolve all expressions of energy whether physical or metaphysical and this includes consciousness.

Tracking the processes offered personally and collectively involves not only transits through the chart.
It is also important to focus down on time periods
of optimum attunement.


Retrogrades and Optimising Attunement

Conceptualising outer space and even our tiny galaxy can be challenging but the mathematical elegance of planetary movements provides us with the patterns that point to periods of immense importance.

The diagram identifies 6 locations
within the outer planet orbit of the Sun.
These positions create an identifiable focal location
which serves to unify the meaning and effects
of the planetary cycle in question

In this section the orbits of the three outer planets are taken as the key sources of development: we know that they will continually make aspects to the Sun - in effect mirroring the solar-lunar cycle starting with the "New Moon" planet conjunct Sun.

In 2022 these cycles begin:

Pluto conjunct Sun Jan 16

Neptune conjunct Sun March 13

Uranus conjunct Sun 5 May

Though many angles/aspects arise after this position the next significant angle of planet to Sun in the context of this enquiry is at 90°

This square angle is significant being the beginning of the outer planet slowdown before aligning with Earth.
Within 13 days ( Uranus) 12 days ( Neptune) 11 days (Pluto) will reach exact stationary retrograde an even slower passage is underway.

Retrograde proceeds to a key juncture:

77 days later (Uranus)

81 days later(Neptune)

90 days later (Pluto)

After this period the Planet has reached astronomical opposition to the Sun from the Earth-based perspective.

The planet is under full solar illumination. This issue of illumination has much significance as detailed by Rudhyar in reference to the phases of the Moon - with the opposition Full Moon being full illumination from the Earth perspective.

The planet is perigee Earth because Earth has orbited in perfect timing to align with the direct energy field pulsating between the Sun and the outer planet.

Earth is passing through that field over a number of days - perhaps in range for a week with 3.5 days either side of exact alignment just as the Moon has a waxing & waning window of effect.

At this "Full Moon" type position involving Sun Earth Planet the convergence of midpoints occurs:

The midpoint between the planet's 2 stations - retrograde and direct - and the midpoint between the two planet square Sun locations - one before retrograde slowdown and one after direct motion.

In astronomy these squares are called the Eastern and Western Quadrature positions.

At opposition the Planet in transit also inherently evokes the signatures in effect at the prior conjunction so the date of that occurrence and events of that period have resonance with the squares stations as well as the opposition in that particular cycle.

In referencing the principles of connection and wholeness the resonances between different periods in time can be revealed.

The period from first square of planet to Sun to last square which includes the stations and opposition is proposed here to be the focal period of transit - within which the planetary energies during retrograde and while opposite the Sun are most strongly transmitted to our consciousness -integrating as well the initial event in the cycle - the planet-Sun conjunction.

The significance of the Earth passing through such an intensified energy field during the outer planet opposition to the Sun must warrant recognition that us Earth dwellers are exposed with arguably greater intensity of energy to significant incoming energies from the planet in question which can be accessed on various levels - with the most subtle being on offer for those ready to respond.

For even further clues whether related to the everyday worldly or more awakened consciousness there are even more resonant positions that can be reflected on or anticipated:

For example 2022 Neptune opposition Sun 24 Pisces Sept 17 resonates with same degree April 14 2022 and Feb 14 2023.

Likewise any of the key positions - squares and opposition to Sun and stations can be used in this way to locate prior and upcoming resonant activation points that have meaning for the cycle underway

The Neptune example for 2022 is illustrated:

Quick sketch View: Neptune 2022

An overhead and highly compressed view with the central Sun around which the orbital planes of the planets radiate. The key section section illustrated can be seen to directly align from the opposition position to the conjunction position on the far side of the Sun

The Neptune-Sun conjunction March 13 2022

is located at the far side region of the orbit


Outer planet locations in the focal range 2022:

        TABLE 1

Resonant Effects:

Dates re planet locations [see Table 1] listed under Resonant may reveal meaningfully connected activation at the proposed dates. Both matched

dates share the same astrological degree.


Expanded Detail: Repeat Timing of Long Duration

The outer planets Jupiter to Pluto despite their widely ranging orbital durations conform to a cyclic pattern lasting 6 months during their orbit of the Sun.

It is clear that long duration emphases arise linking particular months with particular planets.

The time within the calendar year when the pattern begins depends on the sector of the zodiac passed through when the planet forms a conjunction to the Sun.

The next important position is the month when the planet forms a square to the Sun

The midpoint of the pattern [which ranges from square to square] is the opposition. 

This location holds a lot of power - being also the midpoint of the two stations and activating the reflex position the Planet-Sun conjunction. 


To visualise this return again to the diagrammatic layout:


All 5 outer planets follow the same pattern emphasising the midpoint opposition which occurs 3 months after the first square in the sequence.

The three most outer planets emphasise a particular annual period continually over a very extended time frame compared to that established by Saturn and is much less relevant for faster-moving Jupiter.

Looking at the proposed location for high level activation - the planet-Sun opposition the indicated month features annually as a significant activation period for the Planet noted in the given time frame. Being part of a cycle a shift in time eventually occurs. 

The key point is that there is a particular month each year that stands out for each of the 3 outer planets

and that emphasis lasts for a long duration

Uranus (Taurus-Gemini) November 2020-2027 8 years 

Neptune (Pisces-Aries) September  2015-2028 14 years

Pluto (Capricorn-Aquarius) July 2013-2028 16 years

This signalling points to opportunity: right timing to deal with any challenges that reflect Uranus Neptune or Pluto in their highly activated months - or hopefully utilise best principles of the planet in question to evolve its expression personally as well as dispersed  by your efforts within the collective.

The key month then Planet-Sun opposition occurs deserves significant observation but does not function independently of the timing of the 3 other locations [ 2 stations and planet-sun conjunction]

The energy not only focusses and expresses at the midpoint (planet-Sun opposition) It is manifested strongly too at the planet square Sun which in the example of Neptune links June and December to expressions when Neptune opposes the Sun in September. The Planet-Sun conjunction which began the cycle [March in the example] is also inherently active through all key positions.

The stations also converge and form a midpoint at the planet-Sun opposition.

Therefore a window [totalling at least a week & generally longer for the slowest planets] surrounding an exact retrograde or direct planetary station of the 3 outers can contain qualities of the planet in a magnified internal or external expression.

In summary for Neptune 2022:  March June September December expect to be very connected in experiences and very activating of various Neptunian experiences. 

[Sun will be mutable]

In 2022 Jupiter features in the same months as Neptune which is likely to create a double whammy amplification: spread and intensity ( not good news re viral contagion)

Pluto in 2022 involves January April July October [Sun will be Cardinal]

Uranus in 2022-23 involves May August November February [Sun will be Fixed]

Period of Retrograde

The period of retrograde from station to station is highlighted at the midpoint which is the Planet-Sun opposition. 

As shown above a particular point in time is emphasised for each planet at that location.

As detailed above the midpoint also captures the points in time when the squares and the conjunction occur. 

All of the 6 time periods are meaningfully connected and are involved in an inward-outward cyclic flow of energy related to the transit of those 6 locations -not simply a singular activation of one point at a time. At any one point all others are enlivened in a dynamic flow pattern.

The benefits of the literal retrograde period 

e.g. Neptune 2022 28 June to December 3 

accrue from the slowing down of the planet 

during retrograde.

This slow passage in the near Earth alignment

allows for the deeper level  and stronger transmission of the planetary energy as Earth passes through this energy field 

with the planet-Sun opposition point signifying that Earth is at the closest alignment with Planet to Sun and the Planet is perigee Earth 

In the context of time when dissociated from our Earth-based [Saturn] construct - the linear aspect is removed. 

Non-linear time is the nature of time at the deeper levels of reality - the quantum domain [and the workings of astrology can be viewed as consistent with the qualities associated with quantum level behaviour ] 

In this way events are not fixed to a singular time and what we term future events can mirror what we term past events and there is influence in what we regard as both directions. The same language re time and location is non-applicable in quantum reality and so in this example activations at the key locations during the retrograde period are likely to be observable at any other of the past or future locations in the 6 point pattern diagram above.

In summary the retrograde period offers high availability of incoming energy transfer from Planet in transit to human consciousness. Though reflections of this period are transmitted in advance as well as afterwards in linear time the opportunity to utilise the retrograde period is not to be underestimated in value.

The involvement of the Cardinal Fixed and Mutable modes

 in the outer transits of this era means the full complement of ways of using energy is in the mix.

Managing Outer Planet Transits in the Focal Zone

Following the planet cycles as detailed above is not primarily a personalised exercise. It is not necessarily relevant that the planet makes personal aspects when at the locations of interest. This is an exercise related the the collective level of planetary influence but of course the planets will position themselves in a potentially life-impacting location relevant to the personal natal chart and if strong aspects are also made to personal factors then a more personalised noticeable experience is offered.

To extend the template even further into finer observation: 

Note effects at the Planet-Sun conjunction and the Planet-Sun square. Through any themes detected anticipate the events that could repeat or extend at the Station retrograde.

Or look backwards: on or surrounding the exact Stations look also for noted events already associated with the initial Planet-Sun conjunction then the first square. 

All these observations can feed into understanding the important Planet-Sun opposition with Earth proximity.

Then that awareness can be applied in advance to the Direct Station and the final square of Planet-Sun. 

This approach - aided by good diary notes - enables a far more wholistic integration of a planetary cycle when repeat themes -productive or difficult can be understood and used as fuel for further conscious development.

Relevant Notes:

Illusion 1

A static graphic representation of retrograde cannot do justice to the moving parts involved: both the planet in transit and the Earth location viewpoint are moving. 

For this reason Neptune in Pisces can be conjunct the Sun in Pisces at roughly 23 Pisces in March 2022 but opposite the Sun 6 months later in September 2022 at 24 Pisces. 

This opposition is during retrograde. Neptune has already reached over 25 Pisces at the June 28 2022 station retrograde then by the point of reaching 24 Pisces again on Sept 17 [previously April 14] the September location of Earth is aligned with Neptune creating the viewpoint from Earth that Neptune in Pisces is exactly opposite the Sun -which is now in Virgo.

The key to understanding this more easily is that the Sun rotates but it does not transit the zodiac: it is Earth that transits the zodiac.

 The whole perception of a changing zodiac is all down to the moving viewpoint from Earth while orbiting the Sun. As observers on Earth the zodiac movement through the signs is just our changing view of the zodiac during our planet’s annual journey around the Sun. Our Earth-based human capacity enabled the consciousness of the zodiac but incomplete astronomical knowledge gave false attribution to the Sun as the locational guide to the changing zodiac - due to the observational illusion involved when viewing the zodiac from Earth. How Neptunian.

Illusion 2 and Graphic Representation

Positional graphics show a compressed view of an outer planet in a particular period of orbit which includes a conjunction to the Sun a square to the Sun a retrograde station an opposition to the Sun a direct station and a final square before heading for another planet Sun conjunction.

Earth is shown because aside from heliocentric astrology Earth is the basis for our human perspective of cosmic activity. 

Moving at a faster rate Earth comes to catch up with the location of an outer planet and easily moves past its orbital location. Distance is irrelevant

During the period of experiencing this passing view from Earth over a period of months the positioning of the outer planet is perceived as reversing backwards in zodiac degrees [like the illusion of a nearby car going backwards as you sail by] and is termed "apparent retrograde" for this reason.

When the key positions in this sector of transit activity are noted it is clear that a pattern exists: the central location of planet retrograde opposite Sun is the midpoint of the pair of squares and the pair of stations. A mathematically  elegant creation born of our Earth-based illusion!

Author's note:

Preparation and publication of this post took place under a sustained semisextile of Saturn [including when retrograde in Aquarius] and Neptune in 2022 [including when retrograde in Pisces ] along with exact and tight conjunctions of Neptune to the natal Sun in that same time frame.


Rudhyar, Dane The Lunation Cycle 2009 Aurora Press reprint. Chapter II p25-36 especially p26 re the illumination factor.

Overall a brilliant book from the perspective of conscious evolutionary development through the Solar-Lunar Cycle. 

The modern reader may prefer to cut through the now antiquated gendered and sexualised detail around Solar and Lunar qualities and behaviour.

Eckhart Tolle - any source written or in video format.

Concepts such as our true identity versus our worldly identity; mind and consciousness; suffering and delusion; the Universe as explained by Eckhart have served as the author's background belief system - to which an astrological overlay has been applied

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Strong Themes in the Collective July to November 2022

Strong themes apply in 2022
 in the focal period considered

The themes considered cannot be disconnected from the backdrop of the Covid pandemic and while that factor and other viral challenges remain sustained under the oceanic weight of Neptune in Pisces [amplified repeatedly by Jupiter's support in 2022] this post looks at other ingredients in the mix.

Act I July 2022

Saturn & Jupiter engage in their classic dynamic (expansion-contraction) late in July (week3) being an exact 8-23 semisquare coinciding with Pluto retro reaching the annual closest alignment [perigee] to Earth & opposite Sun = Capricorn-Cancer 27'22° July 20.

When Pluto [or any outer planet] reaches this location opposite Sun and most aligned with Earth its potency is signified by being the midpoint of the 2 stations and the 2 square locations that occur to the East and West of the opposition location.

In 2022 Pluto goes through the sequence:
  • square April 18
  • retro station April 29
  • opposition July 20
  • direct station Oct 8
  • square Oct 19
The focal period of Pluto 2022
Positional astronomy shows locations but does not track the retrograde [this being an illusion in perspective due to the Earth-based viewpoint.
Accordingly Pluto is shown in natural progression versus the degree positions assigned during retrograde

These big potent processes of Saturn Jupiter and Pluto under these positions point to manifest outcomes - not necessarily immediate - but in hindsight can be seen to be the hidden forces that accumulate towards expression often weeks later in weather or environmental events. Worldly events too can lag while waiting for the recipe to be mixed.

Act II August 2022

Chiron in Aries square Venus in Cancer with reference to Mars & Uranus in Taurus July 31-Aug 1 raises the profiles for money assets possessions homes attachments.
With Taurus involved any or all versions of Taurus from landforms to what we own or have as cash or capital can be expressed in a way consistent with the energy mix of Uranus Mars & the North Node.
This is a potent mix for very energised change upheaval with significant collective [North Node i.e. global implications]

Taurus by reflex to Scorpio is also about the power & security we associate with money & things.

On Aug 1st with Jupiter very close to exact station (locked in at July New Moon) & exact trining Sun the heat & fire energies are very involved.
This can mean hot heads in a big drama or maybe hot magma of spectacular potency.
Taken independently one signature doesn't have big consequences.
It is the confluence of factors in a limited time frame that draw attention.

The signatures laid down at the Aug 12 Full Moon at 19 Aquarius are awakened by the combination approaching 19 Taurus as July ends and August begins:

August Full Moon has Uranus square Sun & Moon.
Detailed analysis is signified (Mercury 12 Virgo) re whatever Pluto is doing to Capricorn at 27 Cap.
Is it political mayhem? A banking crisis? A major infrastructure failure?
Landform collapse from seismic upheaval?
Market meltdown?
Business failures?
At Full Moon the Mars-Neptune combination of earth & water tends to dissolve the earth therefore another weakening is signalled related to any earthy context
Any or all noted ( & relevant ones overlooked) could converge around the energies of the focal period with events both at the approach and entry into August and being sustained or reactivated around August Full Moon.

Saturn's role in August  while retrograde [since June 4]  a square to Mars in Taurus late in week one. Then Saturn is perigee Earth on August 14 and opposition Sun -and like Pluto has been described is then in the midpoint position of the 2 squares and 2 stations. The whole sequence beginning May 15 and running to Nov 11 2022. Mid August is therefore a period highly relevant for Earth and earth dwellers. The fixed signs get a lot of action in the months detailed and with Saturn in Aquarius linked to both Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus  the structure of society and societal responsibilities related to government powers is likely under the microscope and could reflect aid or support packages needed as a result of events unfolding.

The bigger picture points to forces building in July that unfold in August. Then with Uranus in the last 2 weeks of August in slowdown & exact station retro being set to sustain Uranian conditions around Taurean things. This added factor reinforces the potential that the start of August manifestations have extended consequences.

Act III October 2022
Pluto will take up the reins in September - entering slowdown after sesquiquadrate (26-11) the Sun. Then stationary direct & square Sun in October bringing characteristic Plutonic intensity of a Capricornian kind to that month. 
Remember whatever Pluto does in Capricorn currently feeds through to Saturn while in Aquarius - the structure of society able to be transformed for good or ill dependent upon the consciousness of the plutocrats and patriarchs who are able to restructure or annihilate social norms.

A very dynamic period of change & challenge following the Taurean and Capricornian themes looks likely from July in advance of the next eclipses (Scorpio Taurus Oct-Nov)

 I have reviewed in recent weeks work done last year regarding the periods when outer planets are considered perigee Earth. The midpoint positioning of the outer planet in transit suggests the potency of that period when the main aspect is an opposition to the Sun. A more detailed post incorporating this topic is due to be posted in a short period after this entry.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...