Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Looking at Jupiter-Saturn from Several Angles

Several Angles on The JUPITER SATURN Cycle

The Jupiter-Saturn dynamic we refer to 
as a conjunction
 has an evolutionary purpose in general 
and this is reflected within society:
systems structures practices and knowledge bases
are prone to stasis or stagnation if not refreshed.
Jupiter and Saturn working to achieve balance 
provide the processes
 whereby a point of crisis arises 
out of the failure inadequacy ineffectiveness 
of the old ways

The past ways and past beliefs have to be reassessed
in order for more integrated structures to arise.
The essential approach to integration needs to contain
the qualities of wholism
Practices that are coherent with the balancing patterns 
shown in nature and in the larger cosmos
are able to build more functional structures into society

Update: this work has expanded into a book length study of multiple chapters in two parts. Since mid Dec 2022 completion is in a holding pattern at the finalising state with momentum stalled by multiple personal transits though 2023 into 2024. 
Part One was originally fully posted here but ongoing issues with the blog host's templates have been problematic. 

Hoping to proceed to publish/make accessible the full work in some other format in 2024.
Meanwhile the foundations of the work continue to be affirmed by relevant examples encountered.


Part One A Work in 9+ Parts:

Introduction: Societal impacts of the Jupiter-Saturn


Chapter 1      Jupiter-Saturn cycle basics and complexities

Chapter 2      Jupiter-Saturn and Weather

Chapter 3      Jupiter and Saturn contrasting qualities

Chapter 4      Two eras of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius compared

                       Plague and Pandemic Astrological Factors

Chapter 5      Echoes and Shades - a comparison in eras

Chapter 6      Solar Science and Embracing the Planets

Chapter 7      Looking at Jupiter-Saturn using Rudhyar

Chapter 8      Jupiter-Saturn and Chinese Divination

Extra Notes



Societal impacts of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction

The almost 20 year Jupiter-Saturn cycle plays a key role in urging the mindset and consciousness of humanity towards rectifying our ignorance. 

The conjunction of these planets triggers a reset according to the themes in place related to zodiac signs their elemental mode and any influential factors within range at the point of conjunction.

Slow progress which summarises Jupiter-Saturn means century upon century of humans succeeding only partially in the quest for stable functional existence.


Whatever is ripe for reconfiguring is likely to be at crisis level by the time the new cycle is underway. 

As societies are managed or controlled by the political will of their elected or dictatorial leaders - progress for humanity relies on the quality of leadership.

Politicians in democratic nations have for too long tended to be too Saturnian [conservative cautious austere stingy slow] in all the worst ways and too Jupiterian [wasteful hyperbolic loose] in all the worst ways to be able to assist us in our collective progress.

To achieve more successful effective outcomes [Jupiter] the structuring of new forms models or paradigms [Saturn] aims to build upon extend expand or broaden [Jupiter ] the fundamentals of the societal framework [Saturn]

This in turn can require the abandonment shedding or rejection of a number of old ways traditions habits and beliefs.

A continual mix of Jupiter and Saturn in dynamic acts of balancing is what is required through the new cycle to achieve a distinct level of refinement of the status quo as encountered at the onset of the cycle.

This refinement involves matching human endeavour to the underlying law of the cosmos which is total connectedness - a connection readily lost in human consciousness -our essential sameness and interdependency being denied by our multiplicity of forms both as a species and across the full realm of animal vegetable and mineral categorisations. 

The following chapters traverse various qualities and expressions of the Jupiter-Saturn dynamic -from basic human traits to the dynamics of solar-planetary activations. 

2020 Jupiter-Saturn cycle dates from conjunction to 2029 opposition

This graphic is a preview of Chapter 7 where Rudhyar’s solar-lunar cycle template is used to take a closer look at contemporary Jupiter-Saturn

in a graphic format from the “New Moon” equivalent start of the cycle December 2020 to “Full Moon” 9 years into the future - December 2029 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...