Sunday, 31 December 2023

Doppelgangers Mirror Worlds & Going Mad

 Mirror World & Millennial Panic

The 2020s have been extremely challenging so far & we're only just about to finish 2023 so it is timely to begin with Naomi Klein's Doppelganger -published in 2023 -where she attempts to wrestle with and comprehend what she describes as the mirror world.

While twinning [doppelganger] is a Gemini concept it is the overriding mutable energy field - dominated par excellence by Neptune that captures such expressions in the current Neptune in Pisces era

Any seasoned astrologer with a decent handle on Neptune [that may be a contradiction in terms] will both empathise with Naomi's angst and know at once that yes humanity in the 2020s has been functioning within a very potent mind-altering vibe we know as planet Neptune during the transit of Pisces - aka a double whammy disordering of our consciousness.

The current era Neptune began in Pisces in 2010 but the groundwork for the shift in Neptune's expression was laid by the transit of Uranus through Pisces 2003-2011. Uranus through Pisces points to a step change in the way Pisces expresses -and when we speak of the expression of a sign or planet we're heading into quantum level physics where everything is a wave and every wave has a particular frequency. And yes our brains produce and respond to wave patterns. Perhaps it was in Robert Temple's A New Science of Heaven that the notion of our brain as simply a receiver was referenced. Like a radio tuner our brain can be conceived as picking up frequencies -and for astrologers this clearly includes planetary wave frequencies - which in Temple's perspective are embedded in the plasma fields and plasma clouds that permeate everywhere..but enough of that for now... 

The timing of Uranus' entry into Pisces in 2003 points to a millennial shift begun at that critical era -a transition point likely to have had powerful psychological impacts at the first millennium though there is some dispute that there was a first millennium panic -the astrology can be read as confirmational that links exist between December 999 and December 1999 in terms of existential crisis. 

Both periods had Saturn retrograde in Taurus - our world of matter & form being compromised/threatened. 

Both periods had 25 Aries - in 999 it was Chiron 25 Aries conjunct the north Node range 29-27 Aries. In December 1999 it was Jupiter 25 Aries.

Wounded [Chiron] Aries = loss of Self esteem. 

Too much Aries [Jupiter] is an adrenalin surge = the Y2K panic

These factors alone - both mining the depths of our very sense of inadequacy and potential for panic when any sign arises that we are not in control and that we have angered the gods our God - and with these psychological frailties linking the two millennial transition eras it is important to look at planetary factors that reflect what has arisen for humanity psychologically in the early decades of the current millennium.

Uranian & Neptunian Psychology

Firstly then it is Uranus transiting Pisces -a shift in the way Piscean energy is expressed in society: candidate #1 is digital technology -the widespread use of mobile phones and their embedded & downloaded apps; the rise of social media and gaming. society has been markedly impacted by the addictive power resulting in huge numbers of people globally using phones and software to connect with others but not in person face to face and in real time. Even voice calls have disappeared for younger generations who are most comfortable with texts emojis filters and photos. A lot of this sounds like the millennial Saturn in Taurus  - where the full sensory experiences of sight sound touch smell -even taste that we might get in one package when we meet up in person with someone - is replaced by the diminished experience of a text in an app.

We were not designed for that level of sensory disconnection. Our full sensory capacities require feeding in order to feel at home in our world

This type of sensory deprivation poses a psychological challenge for anyone relying heavily on a life lived through machines and devices and under Uranus in Pisces I believe the shift into alternate realities began psychologically.

When Uranus was nearly finished in Pisces in 2010 Neptune took up the baton -promising to intensify what Uranus had laid the pathway for.  Jupiter and Neptune both channel Pisces very strongly and while both have very sublime and transcendent potentials they can both extend into too much to handle. Neptune -following on from Uranus has more potential regarding how Pisces expresses - Pisces the other-worldly oceanic or sea creature who is out of place on land and the fish is part of the iconography of the saviour sent to humanity to provide critical guidance -to follow or be damned - as the guidance is sourced from the wisdom of a conscious universe -that many happen to label and personify as God

The Spiritual Pisces

The early new millennium timing for the significant Pisces emphasis seems rather relevant: my recent post on the birth of Jesus looks at the first signifier being in 7BCE -a rare triple pairing of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces in that year serving as a paradigm shift declaration which resonated with significant Pisces signs 2 years later in 5BCE - thereby giving a proposed year and month and day September 20-ish when the messenger/teacher was born.

Humanity clearly seems to need many reminders of our essence in the formless connected domain prior to and subsequent to our incarnation in form. The Messenger was shut down but not destroyed. Instead over the past 2000 years our legacy is to destroy ourselves and others.

Neptune -and the Role of Saturn

Neptune in Pisces beginning 2010 may have largely and typically gone under the radar until 2020 - not a globally announced alteration in consciousness but nonetheless beginning to exert the shift in frequency  upon people on a case by case as well as collective basis - the Neptunian patterns in behaviour not often referenced in news stories unless acting out in public caused alarm - but alterations that point to a flooding of the mind with the frequency of Neptune in Pisces. 

Pisces is an expression that each of us has to varying degrees 
as we all are imprinted with the full zodiac array of signs at birth
 as well as the full array of planets - 
each of us with some signs and planets 
given greater emphasis than others.
People strongly influenced by Neptune or through its related sign Pisces are prone to struggle with the expectations of everyday life in a largely godless amoral world and accordingly are known to seek various forms of either escape or transcendence. Escape typically being drugs alcohol or behavioural addictions. Transcendence typically is sought through faith religion philosophy mind training. Failure to manage Neptune/Pisces sees people lose touch with reality - reality being the antithesis energy frequency we call Saturn.

It is clear that this millennium is witness to a surge in Neptunian behaviours of many kinds not just the longstanding drug and alcohol kind. As noted Uranus unleashed enabled and encouraged phone app addictions related to social media porn narcissism to capture a large swathe of humanity.

Aside from external expressions it is our internal reality under Neptune in Pisces that is majorly impacted. We now hear about "gaslighting" - very relevant to Neptune - where someone convinces us that our reality isn't real in order to control our capacity to know our own truth. The perpetrator is a narcissist who is lying to you. The era of narcissism is running at full steam thanks to apps that promote exaggerated perceptions of self  [imprinted under Jupiter in Aries at the onset of this millennium]

Mental health has degraded under the Piscean era due to factors already covered -and often involving behavioural addiction converging with substance addiction - a true double whammy outcome of Neptune in Pisces.

Saturn is the grounding counterforce to Neptune
A Neptunian life without Saturn
is a ship cut loose from its anchor

 What is the way through? Saturn is the anchor for Neptune tossed about in the great ocean. Earth energy is the counterbalance to the cosmic-collective energy field. Our evolutionary level is still dependent upon the natural world and Saturn is the structural framework of our planet in all its forms including our own. Through Saturn the Venusian fruits based in Taurus -are there for our sensory nourishment -not as a treat alone -but more for our balance - the Cardinal energies are all about balance and correcting imbalance.

And Saturn is the skill of self management self control the placing of limits and restrictions. When we are not raised with the skills of Saturn we can struggle to manage Neptune. Neptune is endless  -the upgraded Jupiter with many similarities.


To add another layer: the current paradigm-shifting era since the start of 2021 points to disclosure regarding our shared space on this planet - that in every respect we as a species are not top of the pyramid. That we live with intelligent species that are not human but may share some similarities and are not a new form of biological animal. That they are largely unseen but are likely to have been resident here for far longer than us. That have been known by many names in various cultural folklore [fairies pixies elves goblins to name a few] For this issue to be peaking at a time of double-whammy Neptune makes it all the more difficult to have clarity around what we are dealing with -and so the hypotheses are manifold and tap into -you guessed it - existential crisis and panic.


While understanding the wave frequency aspect of how planets are able to impact what our brain is receiving and responding to and therefore manifesting as thoughts feelings and behaviours -the intention of us being subjected to waves of different frequencies as we move through life as part of the evolutionary process is not always clear especially when Neptune is so dominant - Neptune is fog confusion tricksters fakes frauds cheats liars magicians shapeshifters illusions delusions dreams and nightmares the godly the divine the compassionate  the sacrificial lamb the loving kindness. We can meet many of these versions during a Neptune transit - both on the inner and outer level.

Knowing that Neptune is a match for the unified whole -the universe in totality and the oceanic field that unites all other fields of wave patterns that underlie all form manifestation - it is clear that we are all essentially Neptunian - but while on Earth our origin state can so easily be smothered lost forgotten - so that a mistaken sense of disconnection is acquired -and this factor alone causes us immense suffering through unwise behaviours. 

A lengthy exposure to Neptune's frequency may indeed be an essential saving grace for humanity - but the price being sustained suffering before we wake up to who we truly are and how primal our connection is to everyone everything and the unified whole

A process of breaking down and being broken down being dissolved then reconstituted is an understandable necessity in order to move forward. Evolution does not come fast or easily. As a species we have invited a process of a magnitude that matches the intensity of our aberration from natural law and natural balance -the earthly equivalents of the maintenance of coherence in the broader cosmos 

Neptune is very implicated in the evolutionary processes within the Universe -along with two other key players Pluto and Uranus -the pairing of any of of these three contributes to what we as a species know of evolutionary development as well as all the things we still don't know regarding the meaning and purpose of a conscious universe.

Jupiter paired with Saturn constitutes major regulatory and timing factors regarding processes that unfold within the evolutionary trajectory

In the 20th century it was after World War II that Neptune came into its first exact and tight sextiles with Pluto [most of the 1950's-1980s] following their conjunction in Gemini 1891-92 . 

The next period 2026-2033 should strongly resonate with those imprinted by the sextile in the periods earlier noted.

People born with the 20th century Neptune-Pluto sextile during the 1950s-1980s have the potential to be great guides or teachers for those born in the late 2020s early 2030s who also have the sextile.

What is obvious as a starting point is that we are collectively functioning at a degenerate dysfunctional disordered frequency of Neptune in comparison to the coherent healthy sublime potential that we need to evolve into if our species expects to thrive

Neptune remains in variable close to very close relationship with Pluto as we navigate the 2020s and into the 2030s pointing to the evolutionary significance of this era regarding uplifting the expressions of Neptunian energy expressed through humanity

Don't Expect Anything to Be As It Seems

Levels of Attunement re Accessing & Utilising Information





Yes! Words! the Gemini channel we use for clear communications and information sharing has been sabotaged by Neptune in the early 2020s -very critical specific terms well known in the past like holocaust genocide Nazi Hitler - noting that these examples are all WW2 era - have been misused on a wide scale in the catastrophising of contemporary events as well as the demonisation of individuals who have no true alignment with the figures of that era. 
But it hasn't stopped there -a generalised assault on the English language -dominant globally and therefore collectively of high significance in communication -means that we are veering significantly off course - compass needles magnetically pulled away from original coordinates that signify a stabilised world with shared comprehension.

How did Virgo get manipulated by Neptune's transit in Pisces - during the pandemic especially? Naomi Klein witnessed how adherents to purity fitness optimum health and "natural living" were repulsed by the hordes of sick elderly weak - linking them to 'slothfulness contamination (and yes) damnation' Shockingly the attitude that certain people should be sacrificed so the wheels of the economy could continue to turn became a survivalist theme. The system must be protected at all cost!
Easily then Klein is able to reference back to Nazi era eugenics superior breeding which linked fitness to fascism.
All making immense sense within the astrological framework: Neptune was in Virgo all through the 1930s and until nearly the end of WW2

Clearly the Mirror referenced by Klein has deep roots in our collective past - signposted by the standout connection to the numerous currently recognisable factors that transpired in Europe in the last century.

Author's note:

My personal Year of Neptune 2023 has left me somewhat of an expert!
Repeat transiting my 10th House Sun I can see it has a Capricorn-Saturn
resonance - dissolving not only the outer but also the inner - while activating the Cardinal Cross of Matter. This seems to be the link to effects primarily experienced in the body - trickster symptoms here there and everywhere coming and going in true mutable style. Is it Long Covid? Or something else? No one knows. All tests passed. The responsibility rests with me to find peace with what Neptune is trying to resolve

What gave me some hope when I wrote the article referenced earlier is that the mid-lifers and seniors born between 1950-1988 have a birth pattern imprinted psychologically that ought to enable a very strong connection with the newborns and youngsters who arrive on Earth in the period 2026-2033 - and that these children may offer to us examples of different ways of being in the world - transforming society and dissolving our need for egoic competitiveness

Friday, 29 December 2023

The Relevance of Jupiter-Saturn in the Birth of Christ

 The Relevance of Jupiter-Saturn in the Birth of Christ

and in consideration of events in the 2020s

painting by Velazquez

The co-presence of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces 2023-2025 seems like the right timing to look again as many have done already for pointers to the initial manifestation of Jesus in our world. When did his birth occur?

For millennia astrology has been a method of choice selected for its intriguing manner of revealing what is hidden to most and astrology is a great starting point in puzzle-solving

The Jupiter-Saturn cycle has been top of mind for me while I face the need to complete my second collection of studies of this critical cultural and societal influence.

At near year’s end 2023 I jumped at the chance to contextualise the birth of Jesus within the paradigm-shifting framework of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle -hoping that this would lead to greater clarity around the timing of the birth of Jesus.

It is clear that Jupiter-Saturn signifiers -the sign of ingress and the larger astrological environment in which the conjunction occurs - are very informative and the conjunction degree holds enduring power -especially regarding activation within the two decades of that conjunction’s reign

Pisces is the sign that relates to Jupiter-Saturn events in 7BCE -events plural because in that year -significantly not only was there a rare 3 conjunctions of these planets - but even rarer -the conjunctions occurred in Pisces:

May 29      at 20’56

October 1     17’25 rx

December 5 15’34

The activation of a cycle requires a significant transiting event

Two years after the first conjunction in 5BCE significance arose

The lunar eclipse September 15 5BCE at full moon approx 21 Pisces

The transiting true lunar north node matched 20’56 Pisces and conjuncted the lunar eclipse

The solar eclipse October 1 5BCE at New Moon approx 6 Libra still having the transit lunar north node at 21.5 Pisces

Unfortunately I cannot at the time of writing get ephemeris for those dates in 5BCE to match their chart calculations

Espenak eclipse data for detail nerds:

In September 5BCE around the 20th Mars in Sagittarius came to square Pluto in Virgo -the persecution and violent death of God’s messenger seem written into that pattern

The teacher preacher messenger archetypes are there too - Jupiter was 5.5 Gemini

The May 29 7BCE Jupiter-Saturn conjunction fell on the date of the New Moon at approx 4 Gemini

The accumulation of factors in September 5BCE within the period of two eclipses may make a worthy case for this period corresponding to the birth of Jesus. 

Why is all this of interest and relevant now as we approach the mid 2020s? 

Connections between then and the current modern era of the 2020s are worth reflecting on

Firstly the Neptune in Pisces era has been very impactful -not only regarding water element issues and societal impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic -which was preceded in 2019 by squares from Jupiter to Neptune and sextiles from Saturn to Neptune -showing the roles played by the tag team JUP-SAT very engaged pre-Covid onset by building relevant spreading and structuring conditions into the genesis of the virus at its most fundamental level. 

In 2020 Jupiter managed several sextiles to Neptune as well as a new cycle conjunction with Saturn near year’s end. A new paradigm era thus began for 2 decades to follow: not only involving viral contagion of the body but also of the mind while also pointing to afflictions pointed out in Biblical prophesy.


Soon after the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 2020 Neptune reached the sensitive 21 Pisces degree in March 2021 and staying in close range September October November December -then January February 2022. After a year passed Saturn entered Pisces in March 2023 - even managing to evade retrograde into Aquarius.

Saturn takes another 2 years to be in close range of 21 Pisces - February flowing into March 2025 sees the exact passage over 21 Pisces.

Within another year of that both Saturn and Neptune finish their very impactful Pisces stint - but they do conjunct at 0’44 Aries in February 2026 - which will bring further climate and water issues.

A few years ago I compiled a lengthy detailed astrological analysis of extreme weather indicators.

In a section devoted to the 2020s I likened the patterns to come as the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse - the disordered elements bearing the Horsemen or challenges predicted to unfold in a godless world

Planetary transits as outlined that resonate with the proposed initiating Jupiter-Saturn cycle that commenced in Year 7BCE  - and the suggested timing in September Year 5BCE for the birth of Jesus - have arisen within a disordered and diseased world where consequences for human failings seem all too apparent.

The natural world and its powerful elements can have many punishing impacts on our built and created lives and lifestyles and we now face having to find a way through severe challenges as we navigate the 2020s under the momentum of powerful outcomes under Neptune and Saturn as well as Jupiter and Uranus - two more teams featuring the very significant processes managed by Jupiter and Saturn

Embracing Christ consciousness - or any compatible faith - in this era is an acknowledgement that we humans are best aligned with the goodwill to all beings that is sourced in the the divine wisdom of the cosmos - the intelligence embedded in the unified Whole

This work will be included in my Jupiter-Saturn Part 2 release in 2024

 which extends Part 1 found on this site

Source materials 29 Dec 2023 ephemeris re Jupiter-Saturn conjunction

Sunday, 19 November 2023

Recent Volcanic Sequences Iceland & Planetary Patterns

In the context of the Reykjanes Peninsula Iceland and the Fagradalsfjall volcano 

the region is very sensitive to outer planetary placements

 in the zodiac sector we assign to Capricorn 

This includes Jupiter Saturn and Pluto in recent years

 as well as any eclipses in that sign 

Uranus while in Taurus may be providing critical on/off energy

 regarding lava flow

update 18 March 2024

A change of pace in the outflow of lava is reflective of the nature of the transit of Uranus - known to express energy in variable unpredictable ways.

This factor contains potential for sudden upsurges and in the approach to April 8 solar eclipse more vigorous events are expected. 

BBC update

update 17 March 2024

A further eruption has occurred on the Rekyjanes peninsula 

at 20.23 UT on 16 March

This is the fourth and largest eruption since events active in October 2023

Uranus in Taurus transit carries an earth changes signature for resonant locations. This location in Iceland was predicted in this post to be relevant to increased lava flow once Uranus turned direct [January 27 2024 ] Processes relevant to eruption have been in ongoing further development since late January - resulting in this far more significant event which may be within the potential activation field of the coming solar eclipse 8 April 2024.


17 March Uranus at 20 Taurus is very much in range of eclipse Uranus 21 Taurus on 8 April.

Eclipse Jupiter is 19 Taurus so eclipse  Jupiter-Uranus is 20 Taurus The Jupiter-Uranus signature is very energised and altered terrestrial energy

These indicators point to the force behind the 17 March event and may deliver further sustained activity in approach of the April 8 eclipse.

update 15 Feb 2024

Processes remain active 

without further recent eruptive activity - 

consistent with a sporadic phase [Uranus]

For ongoing updates see the Icelandic Meteorological Office website

update 8 February 2024

Eruptive activity began local time during the 1pm-2pm time frame on 8 January

Iceland issues State of Emergency after lava flow threatens hot water supply pipes

Streams of lava sprayed from a 3km long fissure but the intensity calmed within 4 hours of onset.

This official eruptive event is consistent with the analysis in this post pointing to the expected role of planetary signifier Uranus changing to Direct intensity in the last week of January.

Uranus has both releasing and erratic energy and while this planet continues through the Taurus sector within the timeframe 2018-2026 any location resonating with the transited degree position in Taurus is capable of manifesting sudden significant "earth changes"

BBC still frame

update 5 February 2024

consistent with expectations of increased magma due to the direct movement of Uranus since late January - as posted in the main section

Iceland Met Office reports

"Ongoing magma accumulation beneath the Svartsengi-Þorbjörn area continues, even though the rate of inflation has decreased slightly in recent days. Similar processes were observed before the previous dyke intrusions and eruptions north of Grindavík in January 2024 and December 2023"
"...there is an increased likelihood of a new magmatic dyke intrusion and ensuing volcanic eruption in the coming days to weeks"

update 27 Jan 2024

Met Office Iceland notes on 25 Jan that uplift to a greater degree than 

prior to Jan 14 eruption is being observed in recent days

This adds some confirmation to the initial forecast in this post that late January with the Direct stationing of Uranus holds significance for release of magma

update 15 Jan 2024

Iceland Met Ofice has issued an eruption confirmation re events

 from 7.57 UT on 14 January preceded by intensity of minor earthquakes to a level of M3.5

this clickable image timed for the eruption onset

As found in this post my investigation pointed to Jupiter at 5.5 Taurus being a sensitive-reactive factor - Jupiter held 5.5 Taurus since the last week of December and through week one January 2024 and was expected by me to have an impact. 
The known traits of Jupiter expression have expressed as uplift expansion and spread. These processes clearly signalled the known pathway towards eruption but do not necessarily time the actual eruptive expression. The sequence requires a multifactorial engagement of energy sources. In this event Mars was angled to provide support to Jupiter's flow and Uranus -also in Taurus -an "earth change" indicator at 19º is angled to the north lunar node 19 Aries - which is expressed through Mars.

It remains likely that there is more significant eruptive expression to unfold -not only as consistent with past profiles but also consistent with the second factor emphasised in this report: that Uranus is heading towards a direct station at late January - [Jupiter late December was also a direct station]

The Uranus factor - changing an energy phase - also seems to be a prior pattern in this volcanic field

Images via Iceland Met

update 30 December 2023

Fresh cracks raise alert

This now may point to the role of Jupiter stationing at a degree considered sensitive for this volcanic field

update 19 December 

Eruption has occurred 

Many residents evacuated

Late on 18 December - North of Grindavik at 22.17 hrs

by midnight 19 Dec seismicity had decreased

When this eruption began 18 Dec 2023 Jupiter was at approx 5.50 Taurus and slowing while near terminal retrograde is only days from the stationing direct position close to Xmas and extending into January 2024 Jupiter is considered relevant to the eruptive sequence


This is consistent with the forecast in this original post pointing to both late December 2023 and late January 2024:

October lunar eclipse 5’09 Taurus to be future activated by Jupiter stationing direct at 5 Taurus in the final days of December 2023 into January 2024 -this likely to be an important period of development but perhaps not the main eruptive period.
Reuters report

Update issued Nov 20 points to a quietening period. 

It will be of interest to track any signs of change at the approach to late December 2023 and late January 2024
 as detailed in the main post 
when potential for eruptive energy is more heightened

Main Post

Multiple factors are always in the mix not simply specific sign or angle emphases. The solar system follows its own timing and schedules to a degree of complexity we struggle to comprehend…but every event leaves clues regarding the resonance that the Reykjanes region and Fagradalsfjall volcano respond to - even if we cannot access the factors prevailing in the Pleistocene era when this volcano came into being.

We know that there has been in everyone and in every context a very significant emphasis on planets expressing through Capricorn archetypes and traits in the period starting 2016 -due to Saturn in Sagittarius reaching Capricorn midpoints with Pluto in Capricorn - and extending to full conjunction of this pair January 2020 - followed by a year of further midpoints to early February 2021. 

source: Wikipedia

It comes as no surprise then that the highly volcanic nation of Iceland occupies the rift zone of the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates -the spreading of those plates allows what lies beneath to emerge.

When Capricorn expresses in the natural environment it is experienced as mountain rocks stone crystals minerals the tectonic plates and crust of planet Earth.

Saturn in Capricorn is a constructing forming building signifier

Pluto in Capricorn is transformation of rock crust tectonic plate

Together  = destruction of old infrastructure and building of transformed infrastructure

It is proposed that the period 2016-2021 under those influences that Earth is general underwent a significant structural change -with particular locations -as is normal - having a stronger specific resonance with the prevailing factors.

Evidence suggests that Iceland - in particular Fagradalsfjall volcano on the Reykjanes peninsula has a resonant match.

The following observations point to relevant planetary factors in the recent time frame including relevant solar-lunar eclipse events which are of necessity checked for relevance.

The key awakening indicator arose in March 2021 but background clues were evident

Timeline of key modern era periods

Mid December 2019 was a significant starting point in the current eruptive cycle

15 December -hundreds of earthquakes in 24hrs

[In New Zealand 9 December resonance also occurred: an offshore volcanic island erupted  with fatal consequences]

Jupiter Saturn and Pluto were all in Capricorn -along with Ceres and the south lunar node

Jupiter 3 Capricorn responded to the solar eclipse degree

[ 26/12 4 Capricorn]

Saturn was approaching conjunction with Pluto 

Saturn closely matched the approaching lunar eclipse degree 20 Capricorn-Cancer 10 January 2020 

Pluto very close to lunar eclipse too

 = Saturn-Pluto midpoint in December 2019 responded very strongly to to coming lunar eclipse

This phenomenon of planetary activation in advance of a trigger eclipse is a feature of non-linear time - essentially quantum level reality seen in action.


The accumulation of Capricorn energy - JUP SAT PLU and any midpoints involved and connection of  JUP SAT PLU to approaching eclipses

March 2021

Saturn and Pluto are long game players

Background processes for the Fagradalsfjall events discussed have Pleistocene era origins [beyond the reach of planetary analysis] and Pluto was fully in Capricorn from 2009 the addition of Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn was likely essential to the mega-processes involved. 

In the current cycle we can see Saturn was engaging by semisquare with Pluto mid 2015 and was forming Capricorn midpoints with Pluto as early as 2016. The synergy tightened towards exact conjunction in the years from 2016-2020 -January 2020 being their conjunction at around 22.7 Capricorn but midpoints were resumed into early 2021 while Saturn moved ahead of Pluto into Aquarius [a role now focussed not on rock but on snow ] 

By Feb 2021 Saturn and Pluto completed their synergy in Capricorn - with Pluto remaining in Capricorn during 2021-2022 then beginning transition into Aquarius in 2023 and 2024 -completing by November 19 2024

19 March 2021 Fagradalsfjall volcano Reykjanes peninsula

The volcano erupted in a lengthy 6 month period of emission.

The lava flow stopped 18 September

This event fell under the recent new long cycle of expansion-contraction and structural balancing growth and building indicated by the pairing of Jupiter and Saturn  [ a 2 decade period ] which began on 21 December 2020 at 0º35 Aquarius which in element terms can express as big snowfalls/a lot of snow - and a quick search as I type shows this pattern is evident in Iceland.

Jupiter and Saturn due to their complementary regulating processes are essential to the growth and development of all creative-destructive processes -whether that is biological life weather and storm systems land formation or plate tectonics.

  • At the start of the March 2021 eruption Jupiter in Aquarius was tightly semisextile Neptune in Pisces = an abundant water-snow combination = snow plus melt
  • Jupiter-Saturn midpoint was semisquare the 0º planetary axis point Aries. 

This mixture of fixed sign Aquarius with fire sign Aries points to a resonance 

with solar energy [Leo] which is fixed fire. 

Volcanism is arguably tripped into release by solar dynamics

 within its own cycles of enhanced activity: 

2019 15 December

 -hundreds of earthquakes in 24hrs in the Reykjanes peninsula

 just as Solar cycle 25 began -proving to beat official predictions of weakness

in solar dynamics

Pluto in Capricorn was closely semisquare the lunar nodes 

No outer planet retrogrades since 13 Jan [ before Uranus direct station]

Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus [mutual reception] tightly square in the approach to exact square June 2021 says a lot about physical/earth changes

The March 2021 eruptive period looks to have been responsive to the eclipses that followed -in particular the June solar eclipse at 19’47 Gemini being in connection with Neptune  in February March in the development phase of the eruptive process 


Again multiple planetary factors converging - 

with Uranus [earth changes] and Neptune [water] playing their roles both often covert and subterranean for the most part.

The new cycle of Jupiter-Saturn is significant

2022 eruption 3 August

30 July -3 August much seismicity then lava eruption 3 August with flow continuing to 21 August

Background events before 2022 eruption

18 April 2022 Pluto in Capricorn stationing to retrograde while square to Aries Sun

This is a "hot rock" or magma combination undergoing creation

30 April solar eclipse10 Taurus resonant by semisquare with 25 Pisces transit of Neptune at eclipse

This reflects the role of water impacting earth element/physical matter or landscape. It is also likely to play a role in flow -such as when lava forms streams  and resembles a river

16 May 2022 total lunar eclipse Jupiter 0ºAries semisquare  Uranus 15 Taurus -giving much energy to processes underway

Sun 24 Taurus square Saturn 24 Aquarius 

[Jupiter angled to Uranus [May] first then to Saturn [August] by semiquare when eruptions happened]

20 July Events arose after Pluto 27 Capricorn was opposed by the Sun 27 Cancer

28 July Jupiter 8’43 Aries was stationed 

Jupiter semisquare Saturn 23 Aquarius

North Node 19 Taurus with Uranus 18 Taurus on North node

Eruption events 2022

3 August  Mars conjunct Uranus both on north node 18 Taurus

21 August  Eruption ceased when Uranus stationed and then went rx 24 August

Summary of factors involved

All 5 outer planets from Jupiter to Pluto


Conjunction Square Opposition and Semisquare  angles


Key factors can be tracked back months prior and months after due to quantum compression of time which removes linear sequencing of events


July 2023

4 July seismic intensity strong

10 July lava emission

Lava flow through July

8 Aug event ceases

Prior solar eclipse April 2023 activated Sun 0'20 Taurus square Pluto 0'20 Aquarius

This was a major signal of transformed earth/matter and would have set process in place with later consequences.

Aquarius is the electrical component in electromagnetism so with Pluto in this sign until January 2044 this will have major implications for our planet's magnetic field

In this brief event onset: Nodes 1 Taurus  Pluto 29 Capricorn Uranus 21’50-22.5 Taurus

At termination: URANUS slowing to station RX 29 Aug 2023 - 

this is a repeat or signature indicator -see August 2022

Visit Reykjanes

November 2023

10th November  in/around Grindavik beginning with high intensity seismicity leading to much ground deformation [Uranus in Taurus] 

Background to November 2023 activity

October 2023 Saturn-Neptune midpoint in Pisces reaches semisquare with Pluto in Capricorn -maintained through November and December 2023

October 2023 solar Eclipse at 21 Libra activates Uranus 22 Taurus and 6 mutable [ in range of November 27 full moon 4’51 Gemini ]

October 2023 lunar eclipse 5’09 Taurus [to be future activated by Jupiter stationing direct at 5 Taurus in the final days of December 2023 into January 2024 - this likely to be an important period of development but perhaps not the main eruptive period.

21 October 2023 Sun reaches square to Pluto soon after station direct period

17 December Sun comes to square Neptune while Neptune stations in early direct period

Previous events in this location show that Uranus in Taurus in retrograde has been shown to curtail eruptive and lava flow.

Uranus being retrograde since the end of August 2023 is likely to be lacking the externalised force to produce the full potential in the developmental mix before the end of 2023

Visit Reykjanes

This steam venting view indicates the involvement of Neptune


20th-21st January Sun conjuncts Pluto

0º Aquarius Sun and Pluto both activate the origin degree 0º Aquarius for the current Jupiter-Saturn cycle and likely responsive to the April 2023 Pluto 0 Aquarius square to the 0 Taurus Sun in the solar eclipse period

Uranus is semisextile the north Node 19 Aries and then stations from mid January being extra intense late January

The Saturn-Neptune midpoint is in range of semisquare Pluto in January

27 January Sun is square Jupiter at the same point as Uranus is exact stationed direct. 

Uranus may be connected to the generation of flow

and while retrograde may not have had the generative force

 to enable an eruption


The land deforming events of November 2023 involving Fagradalsfjall volcano in Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula look to be part of a complex but slow and eventually very impactful event which is a high potential expression of the factors clustering during the final 10 days of January 2024

Further reading on this site:

Whakaari Island eruption December 2019 New Zealand

local coverage with many pics:

Visit Iceland

source photo material

Visit Reykjanes

Wikipedia has lots of detail



  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...