Friday, 29 December 2023

The Relevance of Jupiter-Saturn in the Birth of Christ

 The Relevance of Jupiter-Saturn in the Birth of Christ

and in consideration of events in the 2020s

painting by Velazquez

The co-presence of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces 2023-2025 seems like the right timing to look again as many have done already for pointers to the initial manifestation of Jesus in our world. When did his birth occur?

For millennia astrology has been a method of choice selected for its intriguing manner of revealing what is hidden to most and astrology is a great starting point in puzzle-solving

The Jupiter-Saturn cycle has been top of mind for me while I face the need to complete my second collection of studies of this critical cultural and societal influence.

At near year’s end 2023 I jumped at the chance to contextualise the birth of Jesus within the paradigm-shifting framework of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle -hoping that this would lead to greater clarity around the timing of the birth of Jesus.

It is clear that Jupiter-Saturn signifiers -the sign of ingress and the larger astrological environment in which the conjunction occurs - are very informative and the conjunction degree holds enduring power -especially regarding activation within the two decades of that conjunction’s reign

Pisces is the sign that relates to Jupiter-Saturn events in 7BCE -events plural because in that year -significantly not only was there a rare 3 conjunctions of these planets - but even rarer -the conjunctions occurred in Pisces:

May 29      at 20’56

October 1     17’25 rx

December 5 15’34

The activation of a cycle requires a significant transiting event

Two years after the first conjunction in 5BCE significance arose

The lunar eclipse September 15 5BCE at full moon approx 21 Pisces

The transiting true lunar north node matched 20’56 Pisces and conjuncted the lunar eclipse

The solar eclipse October 1 5BCE at New Moon approx 6 Libra still having the transit lunar north node at 21.5 Pisces

Unfortunately I cannot at the time of writing get ephemeris for those dates in 5BCE to match their chart calculations

Espenak eclipse data for detail nerds:

In September 5BCE around the 20th Mars in Sagittarius came to square Pluto in Virgo -the persecution and violent death of God’s messenger seem written into that pattern

The teacher preacher messenger archetypes are there too - Jupiter was 5.5 Gemini

The May 29 7BCE Jupiter-Saturn conjunction fell on the date of the New Moon at approx 4 Gemini

The accumulation of factors in September 5BCE within the period of two eclipses may make a worthy case for this period corresponding to the birth of Jesus. 

Why is all this of interest and relevant now as we approach the mid 2020s? 

Connections between then and the current modern era of the 2020s are worth reflecting on

Firstly the Neptune in Pisces era has been very impactful -not only regarding water element issues and societal impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic -which was preceded in 2019 by squares from Jupiter to Neptune and sextiles from Saturn to Neptune -showing the roles played by the tag team JUP-SAT very engaged pre-Covid onset by building relevant spreading and structuring conditions into the genesis of the virus at its most fundamental level. 

In 2020 Jupiter managed several sextiles to Neptune as well as a new cycle conjunction with Saturn near year’s end. A new paradigm era thus began for 2 decades to follow: not only involving viral contagion of the body but also of the mind while also pointing to afflictions pointed out in Biblical prophesy.


Soon after the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 2020 Neptune reached the sensitive 21 Pisces degree in March 2021 and staying in close range September October November December -then January February 2022. After a year passed Saturn entered Pisces in March 2023 - even managing to evade retrograde into Aquarius.

Saturn takes another 2 years to be in close range of 21 Pisces - February flowing into March 2025 sees the exact passage over 21 Pisces.

Within another year of that both Saturn and Neptune finish their very impactful Pisces stint - but they do conjunct at 0’44 Aries in February 2026 - which will bring further climate and water issues.

A few years ago I compiled a lengthy detailed astrological analysis of extreme weather indicators.

In a section devoted to the 2020s I likened the patterns to come as the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse - the disordered elements bearing the Horsemen or challenges predicted to unfold in a godless world

Planetary transits as outlined that resonate with the proposed initiating Jupiter-Saturn cycle that commenced in Year 7BCE  - and the suggested timing in September Year 5BCE for the birth of Jesus - have arisen within a disordered and diseased world where consequences for human failings seem all too apparent.

The natural world and its powerful elements can have many punishing impacts on our built and created lives and lifestyles and we now face having to find a way through severe challenges as we navigate the 2020s under the momentum of powerful outcomes under Neptune and Saturn as well as Jupiter and Uranus - two more teams featuring the very significant processes managed by Jupiter and Saturn

Embracing Christ consciousness - or any compatible faith - in this era is an acknowledgement that we humans are best aligned with the goodwill to all beings that is sourced in the the divine wisdom of the cosmos - the intelligence embedded in the unified Whole

This work will be included in my Jupiter-Saturn Part 2 release in 2024

 which extends Part 1 found on this site

Source materials 29 Dec 2023 ephemeris re Jupiter-Saturn conjunction


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...