Sunday, 16 July 2023

Uncovering Secrets of The Gilgo Beach Graveyard

 Uncovering Secrets of The Gilgo Beach Graveyard

Beyond the realm of Long Island and greater New York City where the chilling unsolved Gilgo Beach homicide cases had posed an unsolved puzzle for more than a decade - the world was suddenly confronted on July 14 2023 with a promising breakthrough in at least some of the cases that were uncovered in that location in December 2010 while searching for missing 23 year old Shannan Gilbert from New Jersey

Local news for me re the bigger Long Island story came as “an architect arrested in New York” and charged with counts of murder - making this a serial offender situation and one of greater public interest when a person with professional credentials and likely well known is hauled into Police custody. 

The question arises: 

why would someone with so much to lose put themselves in such jeopardy?

The answer to that can be explored using astro-analysis of the cards dealt to the arrested suspect Rex Heuermann - promoted by a hunch that this arrest was truly relevant. The data agrees.

Everybody carries a timestamp.
It's called your date of birth - even more precise with a time of birth 
but the essence is in the day itself
due to the roles played by outer slow-moving planets
 that can play a major role in defining your path

Gaining birth data for Rex Heuermann took a considerable time frame - date of birth only was obtained and officially confirmed -enough to provide the essence of a personality when you know what to look for.


This report adds to a body of work on this site over years of posting on high profile criminal offenders. the linked site contains a list of relevant posts

Heuermann [RH] has been charged on the basis of various strands of evidence compiled by Police. Three young women are cited on the basis of that evidence although four were discovered during 3 days of investigation at the isolated swampy site near Gilgo Beach. Police remain confident of being able to solve the fourth case and there is potential to look at other homicide cases uncovered in the same location.

Where to start with no DOB for RH?

There is always some sort of match by numbers - a fatal entanglement - as I described in the case of journalist Kim Wall murdered by Peter Madsen.

Since I believe that many more cases can be attributed to the serial killer who features in this case I looked not just as the 3 cited in court documents: 

Barthemely  Waterman & Costello

But also Barnes and Taylor whose bodies were at the same location

All 5 young women disappeared in New York  - the last 2 in Manhattan

In total spanning a period from 2003-2010

Suffolk County release via Reuters

The victim profiles of the 5 names mentioned point to a pattern of the offender: none of them had a tall stature - in fact more accurately diminutive/short - as if they had been deliberately selected  [from online sites] primarily for that feature.

The arrested man is of large build standing 6’4’’ 

Taylor was 5’3”

Barnes 4’11”

Barthemely 4’10”

Waterman 5’5”

Costello 5’0”

6ft4inch Rex Heuermann seen in a video interview re his career

On beginning to analyse the birthdates issued by Suffolk County Police it was a clear one number seemed to jump out: 27 - being a 27 degree astrological position.

A recheck established a table of planetary factors between 26-29 degrees found on the birthdate of all 5 deceased


1.  TAYLOR             JUNE 17 1983       NEPTUNE 28 SAG    [RETRO]

2.  BARNES            JUNE 14 1982       NEPTUNE 26 SAG    [RETRO]


4.  WATERMAN          JAN 18 1988      SUN 27 CAP   SAT 27 SAG   URA 28 SAG

5.  COSTELLO           FEB 10 1983.     NEPTUNE 28 SAG 

This looked to be a significant indicator that could track back to the offender since he revealed clearly fixed patterns of behaviour both in his selection of victims and in the manner they were wrapped for burial.

I was expected that a link to the standout range 26-29 degrees would feature in significant birthdate factors for the offender.

Before an official birthdate for the charged man RH was located an analysis of the dates of disappearance for the 5 victims was carried out to detect factors in the 26-29 degree range


  1. TAYLOR               JULY 21 2003.   SUN 28 CAN    NODES 27 TAU-SCO
  2. BARNES.             JULY 9 2007.     VEN 27 LEO.  PLU 27 SAG
  3. BARTHEMELY     JULY 10 2009   JUP&NEP 26AQU  URA 26PIS  MARS 29TAU 
  4. WATERMAN        JUNE 6 2010.    MARS 29LEO JUP 29PIS SAT 27VIR NEP 28AQU 
  5. COSTELLO          SEPT 2 2010.   NEP 27AQU.  URA 29PIS                 

mostly a reference re discovery dates

In all five cases two or more significant factors on and around the date of disappearance were in close or extremely close range of factors related to the victim’s date of birth.

All of the victims were the recipient of the offender’s drive and initiative to make contact via their online profile.

On that basis it is clear that factors which propel an offender to contemplate plan and carry out violent homicidal acts are live factors in transit - planetary positions that by their location -degree position -  have direct relevance to the perpetrator’s own inherent birthdate profile - which is expressed as planetary degree positions.

For a person to be a violent offender it is clear that this is written as a potential in their birth data. Potential means one of several options. 

A potential is not a command or a necessity it is a choice to recognise embrace encourage and pursue that option - instead of seeking help to manage and overcome it.

The person who commits serial acts of abuse and murder has chosen to abandon restraint healing and redemption

How closely does the charged man RH fit the profile in terms of birthdate pattern/s that will resonate within the activation range 26-29 degrees?

The official birthdate located for RH is September 13 1963.

With no birth time positions are approximated. This has no impact on outer planets  and so they are given primary emphasis.

Data for noon on this day of birth has moon and Mars both freshly in fixed signs Leo & Scorpio which may be relevant but on first glance nothing in the 26-29 degree range.

This is a case where the information is more hidden but no less significant.

A crime researcher will always look at Pluto when violent abuse and murder are involved especially if a pattern of obsession - serial behaviour is a pattern and where power imbalance meets their need to dominate

Chart data for RH is referenced to noon positions on Sept 13 1963 as an actual birth time is not known. This does not alter in any significant way the positions other than the Moon and while angular relationships remain valid the chart layout in main axes and house placements cannot be considered

Pluto here at 12 Virgo is opposite Chiron at 12.7 Pisces.

Both Pluto and Chiron are trauma indicators.

With these in tight opposition the trauma imprint is magnified and promotes highly reactive behaviour.

The hidden quality comes from being a less-observed angular position.

It is always important to look at the 45 degree activation point of a high risk factor especially.

12-13 Mutable [Virgo-Pisces] intensely activate at 27-28 Cardinal

For a Pluto in Virgo that is 27-28 Cancer and 27-28 Libra

For a Chiron in Pisces that is 27-28 Capricorn and 27-28 Aries

This means for RH his trauma reactions are highly responsive to all 4 Cardinal sign positions which arise every year with the Sun in days around January 18 April 18 July 21 October 21 - but there is little escape as the Moon will cover in 28 days all four of those positions  and any factor from Mercury to Pluto can be an activator - more destructively if an outer slow-moving planet or a volatile one like Mars Jupiter Uranus or Pluto.

RH is definitely intensely responsive to the expanded range 11-14 in any mutable sign as well as 26-29 in Cardinal signs.

The relevance of Pluto and Chiron in their mid degrees [12-13] of mutable positions gains prominent relevance for this researcher due to a larger study in progress and serves as a useful case study to include. 

What can be said at this point is the natal factors Pluto and Chiron were profoundly triggered repeatedly for RH in the year 2000 by the conjunction of Pluto and Chiron in Sagittarius being at a stressful 90 degrees to his Pluto and Chiron.

This gives rise to the likelihood that RH experienced significant trauma activation during 2000 leading to patterns of deviant and criminal behaviour that he struggled to contain.

With all 5 women who have been considered in this report having 2 or more factors within the range 26-28 degrees - which was very also activating for RH -and who was also very responsive to any daily activations within the larger range of factors at 26-29 degrees - it is proposed that this crime story strongly points to a clear conclusion - the 3 necessary ingredients converged: victim day and perpetrator - which is the expected pattern of matching indicators we can easily demonstrate in planetary positions.

He was arrested on July 14 2023 with transit Pluto at 29.8 Capricorn - and transit Pluto having been in range of 26-29 Capricorn for more than a year indicates that the pressure was mounting towards a conclusion.

RH is known through the Court Record to have done extensive online searching re the Gilgo Beach homicides and developments in the case.

Pluto in late Capricorn is truly bringing abusers to account in a variety of ways.

Apart from the baseline key number match 12-13 in mutable signs to activating degrees 27-28 the birthdate September 13 1963  has Pluto at the Sun-Uranus midpoint  and opposite Chiron - allowing an aberrant volatile transgressive quality to emerge from the trauma imprint.

Saturn in Aquarius is in tight square to Neptune in Scorpio. Not a nice mix if fuelled by trauma. Neptune is tightly link to Pluto and Chiron and therefore likely to express in problematic ways. Saturn will repress Neptunian compassion and sensitivity in this mixture. Detached cruelty is instead to the fore.

RH is known to have an addiction to violent pornography especially involving children aged 10-13

 His preference for causing suffering in vulnerable females is now on record as found in non-redacted court records 

Jupiter in Aries is also noteworthy as is commonly a trait found with violent offenders that are on record. Jupiter is in a risky position being square the lunar nodes in Cancer-Capricorn and closely quincunx the Sun.

Jupiter in Aries is modified by Saturn in Aquarius - taking the edge off somewhat  though the Aries ‘swagger” side and anger have been observed and reported on since his arrest.

 RH was able to maintain a Jekyll and Hyde personality - believed to be harmless and “average” “friendly” by some - but his name Rex is Latin for king ruler dominator and therefore has both Leo and potentially Pluto qualities - whereas the more relatable RH comes from the outer mask given by Venus conjunct the Sun.

A Leo moon if correct would contribute to an acting ability.

Jupiter in Aries not only increases adrenal hormones including testosterone but also signifies height and large build. In those respects Saturn was complicit in providing the structures needed to serve such outcomes.

RH turns 60 in September 2023

His second Saturn return at 17.5 Aquarius was in February 2022

Investigators had set up a task force in January 2022 to comprehensively review all the case evidence related to Gilgo Beach discoveries.

By March 2022 the net was closing in on RH as a suspect.

In 2023 Pluto in transit is also in review - the retrograde period in late Capricorn reactivates 29 28 degrees backwards then forwards before exiting Capricorn [not fully and finally] once again for Aquarius in late January 2024.

I suspect 2023 will be a major turning point in the life of RH - one where outer forces are called upon to manage what is for him the unmanageable



  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...